Things from Another World

Chapter 746: Down's Simple Capitalism

Human beings are social creatures, but they are also selfish creatures. If you say to a person, please dedicate your strength to a great goal-it must be considered a fool.

But if you say I give you money and you give me a job, you take it for granted.

When productivity is increasing and wealth is privatized, classes are created.

The gap between the rich and the poor will widen the distance between classes, increase a lot of irreconcilable contradictions, and eventually lead to the outbreak of war ...

What we want to discuss is certainly not the issue of social formation and contradictions. What we need to discuss is the role of wealth in society.

In the eyes of many people, wealth is wealth, a symbol of one's status and power, and possession of wealth has everything.

This idea is right and wrong.

Wealth is a symbol of status, but the idea is too narrow.

Wealth can be used to buy labor.

For a person who only looks at the front and has a narrow field of vision, occupying wealth is only to occupy more social resources, so that he can obtain the life of a superior and enjoy his life better.

For rulers, wealth is a catalyst and lubricant for society. The ruling country is constantly developing because of the circulation of wealth. Everyone contributes his own labor and creativity in order to make more wealth.

However, for a truly ambitious person, wealth is actually a power to redistribute social resources.

With wealth in hand, you have the qualifications for allocating social resources.

When a person has enough wealth, then he has a certain right to speak about the development direction of the entire society.

Through the adjustment of the direction of wealth circulation, the structural transformation of the entire social industry is indirectly guided, so that this society can develop in the direction he wants.

In fact, in the process of human development, this influence has always existed, but many people have not discovered this.

For example, the arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War made the Soviet society completely inclined to the development of heavy industry. The complete disconnection between light industry and agriculture led to the final tragic end.

Do n’t think it ’s unbelievable. After all, most humans are short-sighted. They will only instinctively chase the immediate interests, give them vision, and take into account the overall situation.

And that's exactly what Tang En is doing in Prendall.

Through inspiration and technology to create an industrial monopoly, through industry monopoly to generate a lot of wealth, and then through the redistribution of wealth to guide this society to develop in his ideal direction ...

In this process, accumulating money is important, but it is not the most important. The most important thing is how to spend that money and where it should be.

Ellington's industrial foundation is becoming more and more solid, the quantity of things produced is getting larger and the quality is getting better and better, from the beginning mint sugar mint peppermint oil soap to the various magic furniture and unique furniture Harley-Davidson motorcycles, etc., Datang Chamber of Commerce's product line has spanned all areas from low-end to high-end.

However, although high-end products can greatly promote the development of society, it is embarrassing if the per capita income is too low to afford the price of such products at all.

So what Tang En needs to do is to build factories in various cities, and then hire a large number of employees to work for him, at the same time increase the overall salary level, so that people's income is further increased rapidly.

The higher their income, the stronger their recognition of Tang En, the broader the sales of those products, and the better their development.

"If you want to expand the factory, you can consider transferring some of the less technical products to other places for production."

Dunn reminded Fiona: "It's like our glass factory, it's much better to build it in Preston, Stone City than in Ellington."

Fiona proudly said: "The residents of Preston are very grateful to the Datang Chamber of Commerce. We provide jobs to feed nearly a third of the poor there. Now glass has become a specialty of Preston. First, Count Haydn has proposed more than once to further expand the production capacity of quartz mines and glass plants. "

Tang En smirked abruptly: "Does he want all the unemployed in Preston to work in the glass factory?"

"After all, no chamber of commerce can provide so many jobs except us."

Fiona is telling the truth. In the current social environment of Prandall, except for the large-scale industrial production that will use so many people, only mines and farmland will need so many people.

But go to mine? The death rate of unprotected miners entering the pit is as high as 30%!

Those people would rather go to farm.

Preston's quartz mine situation is much better, because Ellington provides a full set of magic mining equipment, from rails, mining carts, lighting miners' helmets to magic drilling rigs, etc. With these equipment, quartz mining The speed has more than doubled, and the security level has also been improved a lot.

Lord Lord Haydn was certainly happy.

"Since it works well, keep doing it."

Tang En knocked on the table and groaned for a moment, and said, "Ellington's development in the future is mainly inclined to heavy industry. As for the production of light industries such as food, textile, leather, paper, daily use, cultural, educational, art, and sports related industries, production has gradually shifted to other cities, and each city has its own unique characteristic industries to enhance market response capabilities. "

"These industries are basically controlled by the big chambers of commerce, and they may not be willing to obey our arrangements."

Tang En smiled and pointed to the documents on the table: "Sometimes, the arms can't twist the thighs, and a paper policy can make them bow their heads obediently, believe it?"

A moment later, Fiona realized, "Do you want to control the transfer of industries by issuing urban support policies?"


Tang En said with a smile: "Don't forget, businessmen are profit-seeking. As long as there are sufficient preferential policies, without us talking, they will smell the wind."

Fiona nodded and raised another question: "But now that the owners of the city have great autonomy, the laws of the imperial capital may not make them enforceable."

"So," Tang En's smile became a little weird. "The technology we just broke through allows us to be in the Imperial Capital, and can also govern territories thousands of miles away ..."

What Tang En said is, of course, the magic energy communicator developed based on the mini magic array and the magic wave theory. Once this magically modified mobile phone really appeared on the market, its function is even more powerful than the phone. You can bring your own video call right from the start!

When Fiona heard this, she finally understood what the significance of what Tang En has been urging the Institute to study.

The backwardness of the means of communication has led to the low control of central government over local governments. Even if a paper order is passed between two cities, it usually takes several days. This delay is very fatal.

If the message can reach its destination instantly, it means that the central government has unprecedented control over the place.

"That is to say, because our technology has made a breakthrough, you don't have to worry about the city owners in each city becoming strong after independence, so plan to increase investment in other cities?"

"You can understand that."

With the pen in Fiona's forehead lightly struck her forehead, she kept thinking about gains and losses.

If you only rely on the place of Ellington, it is undoubtedly whimsical to reach the industrial age of Tang En's goals. It will take too long, too long, and Tang En can't wait.

Now that the mini-magic array reengraving technology has broken through, as long as the problem of the central server and the problem of laying signal towers are solved next, the magic cell phone can be launched to the market immediately.

Once the magic phone is popularized, the entire Prandall's information exchange will instantly rise to another level, and the frequency and number of exchanges will increase greatly. In this process, the process of countless collisions of thoughts will bring great benefits to this world. Push.

Whenever thinking of all this brought by himself, Tang En felt inexplicably excited.

"Okay, I wrote it down."

Fiona summed up these ideas proposed by Tang En. First, spend money to open a driving school in Ellington to train drivers and a group of teachers, and then spend money to open a driving school in other cities to prepare for the sales of magic cars. Then, then spend money to build buses, spend money on transport modification of Yalinks, and then spend money to support the light industry in other cities and revitalize the overall economic situation of the Illus Empire ...

To be honest, if it wasn't for the sale of Harley-Davidson motorcycles, there would be a lot of gold coins, Fiona would really like to reject all these ideas he put forward.

Because the stall is too large, the funds are tight!

Don't forget, Datang Chamber of Commerce is not just making money now, it is constantly burning money every day!

Although it is said that if you want to get rich first, you need to build trees first ... Ah, it is the road construction first, but how many people know the cost of road construction?

Although the cooperation with Star Diamond Bank saved a lot of capital investment, there is no shortage of places to spend money in the early stage.

Although the Magic Energy Engineering Research Institute has developed many products, it also burns a lot of gold coins every month. Those expensive magic materials are not only provided by Tang En, but also a large part are bought back from the market— No way, too low-end materials Tang En was not prepared there, or in other words, the gods did not arrange for him to buy those low-end materials.

And the construction of Ellington, it may cost a lot of money. Do n’t think that those workers do n’t have to spend money on worshipping Tang En ’s beliefs. If you dare to owe wages, they will let you know how vulnerable this belief is. .

In addition, there are a large number of workers' monthly salaries. Now the total salary paid by the Datang Chamber of Commerce has exceeded 10 million gold coins. The Datang Chamber of Commerce has completely become second only to Plantar The Big Mac chain of Star Diamond Bank.

No matter how reluctant Fiona was, the money was going to be spent.

Fortunately, Harley-Davidson motorcycles will be listed soon, and the Datang Chamber of Commerce will have a large income again.

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