What Dong Yue said didn't save any face.

Both Wen Xuan and Shuang'er were stunned.

Never seen such a woman.

Even an ignorant child would not dare to be so rude to the young lady.

Wanting to use force, it happened that Dong Yue saw this scene, knew that the opportunity had come, and took another step forward.

"Miss Wen, I don't know how Lingyun Fort is. In the mansion of the prefect of Linshui County, I advise Miss Wen to take good care of your people, and it's best not to bring yourself a terrible disaster."

"You" threatened my lady?

Shuang'er wanted to speak, but stared at Dong Yue so hard that she was too scared to make a sound.

"The magistrate of Linshui County is not a big official. He is also an official appointed by the court. No matter how powerful Lingyun Fort is, it cannot oppose the court. I believe Miss Wen should know this truth."

Two flames sprang up in Wen Xuan's eyes, which were suppressed abruptly by her.

The woman in front of her can't be arrogant for a few days.

"What Miss Dong said is true." Wen Xuan pretended to be weak.

Dong Yue had seen through her trick early on, didn't expose her, and warned sharply, "It's good to know, if there is no notification in the future, don't rush in, otherwise, it's easy to come in, and it's hard to say if you can leave alive!"

Wen Xuan suddenly raised her head, faced Dong Yue, and quickly lowered her head, "Miss Dong said so!"

"Let's go!" Dong Yue rushed away without mercy.

Wen Xuan felt that Dong Yue was a bit strange today, she was so arrogant when she met this woman a few times, she thought she was overthinking, thinking, come back later, then her many days of hard work will be considered fruitful.

Thinking about it, his gaze fell on the child intentionally.

Dong Yue saw the poisoned eyes, and thought in her heart, since this person wants to die, don't blame herself.

"Miss?" Shuang'er couldn't stand it.

Wen Xuan smiled slightly, "It's because I didn't think well. I thought Mrs. Dong was a good person to get along with, but I didn't expect that I was thinking too much."


"Miss Dong doesn't welcome us, let's go!"

These words are very reluctant, it seems that Dong Yue is too ignorant to treat the guests who come to the door like this, and it seems to be saying that Mrs. Dong is a bully, she is a weak woman, she dare not confront the tough, she can only obey and leave.

Shuang'er was very angry, she didn't see a small county magistrate, and when she left, she deliberately helped the young lady, and gave up half a circle, and touched Dong Yue.

Dong Yue's body was unstable, and the hairpin on her head fell to the ground and shattered.

Qing Lan exclaimed, "Madam, your hairpin?"

Dong Yue seemed to realize it just now, she lowered her head and said, "Ah—" her face paled suddenly.

Wen Xuan glanced at Shuang'er appreciatively, and she knew it was right to bring this maid out.

I glanced at the hairpin on the ground, it was really a good thing, but unfortunately it was broken, someone should be heartbroken, right?

Deliberately pretending to be kind, "Miss Dong, is this hairpin very expensive?" People from small households probably only have such a good thing.

Dong Yue carefully picked up the hairpin that was broken into three pieces on the ground, she was about to cry, "I don't know if it's very expensive, but if the queen mother finds out, she will definitely blame her!"

"Ma'am, if the gift from the Queen Mother is broken, you will be beheaded?" Qing Lan exclaimed.

At this moment, the child didn't know whether he was frightened or what, his mouth was aggrieved, and tears were in his eyes, looking like they were about to fall at any time.

"Ma'am, what should I do?" Zuo Qing was also anxious.

The Empress Dowager has rewarded many things, and she knows about them, so it is not a good thing to ruin them like this.

After Dong Yue was shocked at the beginning, she suddenly raised her head to look at Shuang'er, stretched out her hand and slapped her hard, "You damn servant, if you hadn't bumped into me, how could the hairpin given by the Queen Mother be broken?"

Shuang'er heard about the reward from the Empress Dowager, knew that something was wrong, and was beaten a little, so she didn't know how to speak for a while.

Wen Xuan was happy in her heart, damaging the queen mother's things would be a death penalty, she forgot to show weakness, "Miss Dong, the hairpin is on your head, you broke it, what does it have to do with my maid?"

"She didn't hit me on purpose, can the hairpin bestowed by the queen mother be broken?"

"Madam Dong wants to shirk responsibility?"

Dong Yue mocked, "If you hadn't come, this would have happened?"

To shirk responsibility, who wouldn't.

Now that you're here, don't think about leaving unless you speak clearly.

She still has a jade hairpin, waiting for Wen Xuan to do it?

This is why Dong Yue has repeatedly provoked the other party.

"You" Shuang'er stepped forward, Wen Xuan wanted to stop her, but she bumped into Dong Yue again, and in the end, another jade hairpin on Dong Yue's head fell to the ground and shattered.


Dong Yue's plan came true, and she mourned for the two hairpins for a while.

Wen Xuan and Shuang'er looked at the hairpin on the ground at the same time.

The same texture, different shapes, obviously from the same piece of material.

Anyone with eyes can see.

At the critical moment, the child burst into tears.

Dong Yue didn't care about acting, picked up her son, and glanced at Qinglan, Qinglan took a step to the side.

"Miss Wen, this hairpin is also a gift from the queen mother. How dare you destroy the imperial gift twice in a row. I don't know where the courage of Lingyun Fort came from to challenge the queen mother with this matter?"

Once unintentionally, twice on purpose.

This matter can be big or small, if you talk about it vigorously, there is no need for you to stay in Lingyun Castle, if you talk about it small, someone must die!

"Miss Dong, don't fool us, thinking that we have never seen the world, even if it is a gift from the Queen Mother, how can we wear it on our heads at will?" Wen Xuan also knew that it was difficult to handle.

She thought she would take advantage of the opportunity to grab Dong Yue, but was bitten instead. Has she ever failed like this before?

"It's a gift from the Empress Dowager. Naturally, you have to wear it with you to be at ease. I didn't expect Miss Wen to be bold, thinking that the power of Lingyun Castle is already above the imperial power?"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Wen Xuan's expression changed.

"I don't know how much disaster Miss Wen will bring to Lingyun Castle this time?"

"Miss Dong, don't talk nonsense." Wen Xuan is not stupid, according to Dong Yue's statement, she will definitely die.

"Miss Wen wants to quibble?"

"Don't dare."

"The rewards from the queen mother are naturally recorded, but." Dong Yue stared at Wen Xuan, "the day the queen mother rewarded was the day when she returned to Linshui County. The third prince gave the reward on her behalf. Many people have seen it. Miss Wen You might as well inquire, but I think Miss Wen should worry about herself first!"

Wen Xuan was so angry that she couldn't say a word for a long time. The toy she was holding tightly in her hand suddenly fell to the ground.

There was a small cloth bag that fell next to it.

Shuang'er was annoyed by Dong Yue's eloquence. Seeing the young lady being bullied like this, she was about to pick it up when Wen Xuan grabbed her.

The corner of Dong Yue's mouth twitched, and she stared at Wen Xuan, "No wonder Miss Wen insisted on giving this thing to my son since she arrived. I didn't even want to see it. She didn't hesitate to damage the two items that the queen mother gave me. It turned out that she wanted to hurt my son. poison!"

Wen Xuan didn't know how to add this thing, she smelled the smell and felt bad, she subconsciously glanced at Shuang'er, who was worried about Miss, didn't notice this 'concerned' look, and missed the chance to live.

"Come on, Lord Webborg!"

"Miss Dong, what do you mean?"

Dong Yue snorted coldly, "I was kind enough to treat Master Wei Bao, but you dare to attack my son. It is really disgusting. I want to ask Master Wei Bao, what is his intention?"

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