There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning

Chapter 481: I Can't Play Anymore

In fact, it's not surprising that Mark was so excited.

Although Sibulon has calmed down, he is still playing the next level.

And as a person who has personally experienced it, he is very clear about how players feel when they see the sudden nuclear explosion...

It's not that other games don't have nuclear explosions.

But the sudden nuclear explosion in this game is completely different from other games!

It really gave him a strong sense of shock.

As for the difference, he couldn't think of it.

It wasn't until he played the next level that he had some ideas.

Simply put, it is the temperament that this game has always given people.

Let's not talk about the previous level, just talk about the nuclear explosion level. The front is actually a very standard Hollywood plot.

It really couldn't be more standard.

A friendly helicopter was shot down.

The commander of the helicopter on which the player plays the role chooses to rescue people. During this period, the command center reminds the commander that they are still within the range of the nuclear bomb explosion.

And a solemn reminder, I hope he knows what he is doing.

The commander's reply was only one sentence: We know what we are doing.

And hearing this sentence, what is the player's first feeling?



This is the feeling that many games of the same type, including the follow-up works of Call of Duty in Lin Yao's previous life, have always given players.

The role played by the player! It is the strongest armed force!

Players can solve any battle and deal with any trouble.

Whether it's mobile troops or battlefield smoke, their previous works also give people such a feeling.

In other words, all modern-themed FPSs on the market here give players such a feeling.

And "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", in the first half of this level, also gave players a similar illusion.

It also creates an illusion for players that they are full of power.

Because the task of the player to rescue the downed helicopter pilot is a time-limited task.

The time in the upper right corner keeps going backwards.

The enemies on the ground kept coming up.

But finally.

Through the cooperation of the gun in hand and teammates, the player successfully broke through the enemy's encirclement and rescued the pilot.

And that pilot was a female soldier.

The soldier played by the player lifted her out of the cockpit and carried her all the way back to the evacuated plane.

At this time, the countdown is still left.

With the efforts of the players and the heroic fighting of the players, the task was successful.

Successfully rushed to save a comrade before the time limit.

The plane starts to take off.

The player breathed a sigh of relief.

And of course, feeling like the main character in the movie.

A sudden sum!

In fact, the game does give players this feeling.

At this time, some players may still think.

After returning to the base, the soldier I played would have some sparks with the female pilot, and embrace the beauty...

But all of the above came to an end not long after the plane took off.


The nuke went off.

The sense of strength that emerged from saving people in front of him, the feeling that he felt that he had done something, disappeared in an instant.

The game uses the simplest and most direct images to convey a message, even if it is a game, personal heroic behavior does not necessarily lead to a good result.

And this scene, compared with the first half of the level, the strong impact is really shocking to the player who has just become a 'hero' for a while.

It's too cruel...

In fact, there is another level before the game, which also forms a strong contrast with this level, and that is the level of AC130.

The level that leaves the battlefield and jokingly presents the gift of death to all enemies.

The player is on the side of the friendly army, and the player can't imagine how the enemy on the ground feels when facing the AC130, which has almost no way to do anything.

Players can't even hear enemies shouting.

This sense of detachment from the battlefield makes players feel refreshed.

And the nuclear explosion.

Although the perspective is also friendly.

But the player has fully realized how powerless an individual will be in the face of huge power...

The nuclear explosion scene in "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" has been rated as the most shocking and sadistic scene in the history of the game many times. It is not unreasonable.

In fact, even if it is a reset version, Lin Yao has seen many videos, and seen many players who are exposed to this series for the first time, and after seeing the nuclear explosion, they showed expressions of astonishment.

You must know that the reset version was bundled for sale in 2016.

Call of Duty is out to 13.

The new Call of Duty work of that year was called Infinity War. The background of the story was that the resources of the earth were exhausted, and the space for human development was extended beyond the atmosphere.

Players haven't seen any big scenes.

But players who have never been in contact with this series are still shocked by the scene of the nuclear explosion.

And this is the plot experience brought by the ultimate script performance and excellent level design.

In fact, it is difficult to experience the game experience of the first generation, even the latter two Modern Warfare.

The most powerful scene of Modern Warfare 2 is Sheffield's betrayal, the ghost's killing, and the controversial and infamous don't speak Russian.

But as soon as the second sun in Modern Warfare 2 is closed, players don't have much feeling.

The most shocking scene of Modern Warfare 3 is the death of Thorpe, who played the role of three parts.

But at the end of Modern Warfare 3, it has actually come to the routine that makes players full of strength.

Price, whose teammates were all dead, directly called the final boss, and said, "My war ends with you", then put on heavy armor and held a heavy machine gun.

Without making a plan, without thinking about the consequences, he went straight to the hotel where the BOSS was located.

Players are filled with power directly!

Not that it's bad.

The player has experienced three games, and also experienced the death of his comrades-in-arms. Even Thorpe, who the player played for the longest time, died.

At this time, the boss is still alive, who can bear it.

Players need a burst.

The last level of Modern Warfare 3, ashes return to ashes, it just gives players a channel to break out, which is really cool.

And this kind of transformation is also normal for a series with such a high commercial value.

But I have to admit that after the third Modern Warfare came out... the overall reputation of Call of Duty has been declining.

It is also difficult for players to feel like playing the first "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" after Modern Warfare.

Just like now, the game experience Sibron gained from "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" cannot be given by other games.

Perhaps this is the reason why the two of them were so shocked...

It's really... a completely different modern warfare.

"...Don't get excited, it will be even more exciting later!"

While thinking about the game, Sibron looked at Mark who was more excited than himself, and changed the subject a little funny: "Aren't you curious about what will happen next?"

As soon as the words came out.

Mark stopped immediately.

He suddenly came back to his senses, shook off Sibulon's hand, immediately switched to the game, put on the headset again, and continued his game.

And Sibulon smiled, put on the earphones, and continued his stand-alone battle.

Mark looked back at the screen.

After the nuclear explosion, the U.S. military was wiped out, and all the burdens fell on Price's SAS. Players must follow Captain Price and find Asa, who detonated the nuclear bomb and is now hiding in the safe house, according to the intelligence of the informant. Germany.

This pass feels good.

In the end, the team successfully found Assad, and during the interrogation, Price received a call and learned that the real man behind the nuclear explosion, Zakayev.

Then Mark has not recovered from a slightly dull level.

Then we came to the most classic two levels-disguise! One hit kill!

In this level, the player has to control Price and follow Captain McMillan to carry out an assassination operation, which is exactly a short plot that appeared in the promotional film.

Originally, Mark thought that he would not be too surprised after seeing this level.

But the actual playing experience greatly exceeded his expectations... It can even be said to be astonishing.

Mysterious and desolate Pripyat.

He had to follow Captain McMillan closely, use the environment to cover himself, and sneak all the way to his destination.

When Mark crawled on the grass and watched a large number of enemies pass by, and the nearest enemy even walked past him, the tension was so strong that it exploded!

And when he was about to crawl under the car under the eyes of the enemy, his palms were even more sweaty.

In fact, in this level, the player does not have many choices, it is very monotonous stealth.

But the wonderful performance directly let the players into it, not to mention boring, the psychological pressure is directly full!

The next level is assassination and a test of the player's skills.

After the player shoots the sniper shot, he must hold on under the Ferris wheel against the countless enemy troops surrounding him, waiting for reinforcements.

This level is very difficult, even if the player chooses a low level of difficulty, there are too many enemies.

Mark died twice.

But in the end, I successfully persisted until the arrival of reinforcements, which was really satisfying.

And after finishing this level, at this moment, Mark no longer wants to open any "Mobile Unit 6".

He wants to know now, the plot behind this game!

Don't tell him that Modern Warfare isn't fun...he thinks it's fun now!


The rest of the game is exactly the same as the movie.

Zakayev, who was sniped, did not die. He survived the assassination, but was interrupted by an arm.

And the game is also at the end, through Zakayev's monologue, let the player know what kind of person he is.

He was a radical patriot who became a terrorist.

In order to hunt down the man behind the scenes that killed tens of thousands of people in nuclear explosions, SAS began to look for him.

In the end, he chose to start with his son.

But the SAS cornered Zakayev's son, who committed suicide.

And to avenge his son.

Zakayev launched two nuclear bombs on the east coast of the United States.

The next goal of the player is to break into the missile base, enter the self-destruct command, and terminate the nuclear bomb.

This level... has a strong sense of urgency.

Soon, nukes are headed to the East Coast.

The countdown at the top of the screen kept beating.

Various enemies emerge in endlessly at the missile base, hindering the player from advancing.

Because Mark was delayed by the enemy for a while, he finally thought that he would not be able to catch up... Although it was a fake game, but because of the sudden nuclear explosion before, at that moment, his heart was really in his throat.

But fortunately, he finally entered the self-destruct command.

The nuke was terminated.

But it's not over yet.

Even when the player aborts the nuke, no one says a job well done.

Because it's not over yet...

Zakayev has not been caught yet.

When Mark saw this, he really admired the script performance of this game!

But before he could react.

The game has come to the most exciting battle in the later stage...

Like the last scene of a movie.

Filled with all kinds of big pictures that make the player's adrenaline soar.

At this time, it is estimated that the emperor is coming, and Mark is unwilling to let go of the handle.

The climax of the road chase at the end of the special level.

No supplies, limited bullets.

And the enemy is chasing after him crazily, and occasionally there are enemies with RPGs, who will be buried here if they are not careful.

It's really tm exciting!

And when Mark finally dealt with the enemies behind him, he saw the armed helicopter again.

Price told him to shoot down the helicopter.

But on a speeding and shaking car, without precise guidance, it is not easy to hit a helicopter.

at last.

in front of a bridge.

a missile.

Let everything stop abruptly.

In fact, Mark felt that he could still get out at this time, because the support would arrive in three minutes, but a sudden missile directly and mercilessly shattered his fantasy.

The character he played was thrown to the ground, unable to move...


Mark watched his character unable to move, suddenly realized something, and frantically pressed the A button.

And beside him. Teammate Griggs came over, dragged him to the cover, and shot forward with a pistol.

He wants to cover his teammates.

But the next second.

A bullet struck and hit him in the head...

The teammates who had acted together from the first level fell to the ground.


the other side.

Price was also hit by the aftermath of the missile and fell to the ground.

In the distance, Zakayev and two of his men were coming towards this side. On the way, he even solved his teammate Gass who was also struggling.

Mark just watched his teammates who had fought side by side with him from the first level fall down one by one, powerless.

That sense of despair infected Mark instantly, and his eyes were red under the excellent performance of the game.

And at this moment.

Just as Zakayev walked slowly.

When the support arrived, a missile flew in and hit Zakayev's plane, while Price, who was next to him, took advantage of Zakayev's turning back and struggled to slide an M1911 from the ground.

Mark sat up immediately.


The character he played in the game picked up the gun on the ground and raised his hand accordingly.


Mark's emotions exploded instantly, he slammed the trigger button, and poured all the bullets on Zakayev and his two men.

Watching the two fall to the ground.

Mark let go of the handle trigger and shrugged feebly.

And in the game.

Support is finally here...

A Russian soldier comes up to Mark's Thorpe and says, "Everything will be all right, my friend."

And the story came to an end when the support arrived and the news was reported.

[The Russian government issued a statement today confirming a series of nuclear tests in central Russia. Although the action was condemned, Russia said that the nuclear bomb tests fully complied with the signed United Nations agreement. 】

The story seems to be unfinished...

But the stand-alone campaign of this work is over.

With the end of the final news broadcast.

The credits list starts rolling.

In fact, the whole process of the game is not too long.

The fight was fast, and the fight was over in three or four hours.

Because the story is quite compact.

But even if it is only a three or four hour process.

The shock it brings is no less than the FPS of those tens of hours of process.

Mark couldn't recover for a long time.

Because the stamina is too great.

"Linmu Studio really did what it said..."

Siblon cleared the game earlier, and has been watching Mark playing just now. I have to say that it is one thing to play by yourself, but another thing to watch.

From the perspective of a bystander, Sibron could clearly see Mark's emotional changes.

I also have a clearer understanding of the rhythm of the level design of this game.

It's really... amazing.

Step by step to mobilize the player's emotions.

The last level of the game.

From a slightly gentle assault on the launch base, to a road chase, to a missile strike.

During the whole process of playing, the player's heart is hanging, just like a roller coaster.

And after the fierce battle, the teammate who fought side by side died in front of his eyes. The feeling of aggrieved and angry is really indescribable.

In the end, the man behind the scene was killed, just to let the players shout out.

And the players did shout out.

It's really... amazing.

"What do you mean?"

Mark looked at the staff list slowly scrolling, heaved a long sigh of relief, and finally turned around, with astonishment remaining on his face, and asked.

"A different kind of modern warfare."

Siblon replied: "It's the first time I've seen a modern warfare game that can do a linear script performance so well..."

"...It's like participating in a movie in person." Mark added with a sigh of relief.

"Yes, it's like participating in a movie in person." Sibron nodded.

"I can't get enough of it... It's really amazing! It's so cool!!! I'm a fan of Linmu Studio now!"

Mark leaned back, let go of the handle, rubbed his face, and after yelling something awesome, he was silent for a moment and asked, "But, having said you think there will be a sequel?"


Sibulon was stunned when he heard the words, and then joked: "Their game has just been released, and you just finished playing it, and you want to continue it? And didn't you say that you are fed up with the theme of modern warfare..."


Mark glanced at the staff list and returned to the game on the initial page. After a moment of silence, he said: "I thought so at first, but after playing "Call of Duty", I found that what I hate is not modern FPS. It's the same modern theme, "Call of Duty" is no longer in this category..."

"I also want to play a sequel, but I won't think about it in the short term..."

Siblon also looked back at his screen, and shook his head: "You have played it yourself, and you can definitely appreciate Linmu Studio's intentions in level design. This kind of intentions, if you want to reach such a height in the next game, next year It may not come out by the end of the year.

If you want to continue playing, you can either play multiplayer, or play the latest works of "Mobile Force" and "Battlefield Smoke"... By the way, haven't you finished playing "Mobile Force 6" just now? Go ahead, they are all new works, you still need to evaluate..."

"...Okay." Mark heard the words, and looked at the two options of Call of Duty's multiplayer mode and single-player campaign, then closed the game and reopened the latest work of "Mobile Force".

"Is "Mobile Unit 6" fun?"

Siblon also turned off the game with some reluctance, and then said: "I am a little bit unfinished now, and I want to continue to have fun for a while. If it is fun, I will also play the battle of "Mobile Unit 6" for a while, and then we will continue to play." Let's go play Call of Duty multiplayer."

"……Hard to say."

Mark was silent for a moment, continued the unfinished "Mobile Force 6" campaign, and gave a difficult answer.

"It's hard to say? What's hard to say?"

Sibulon was a little surprised to hear this answer.


Mark didn't answer, but continued to manipulate his role in "Mobile Force 6" to complete a firefighting level again.

This time it was a church, he had to break out into the church, and then cooperate with friendly forces to defend.


Mark steered his character to chug and chug.

But don't know why.

The level that I thought was too intense and easy to make people tired suddenly became chewy...

There is no javelin, no AC130, no double-sniper past, and no sense of urgency on the battlefield.

Nothing but blast.



Mark pushed forward to the church with a constipated face, and then looked at the AI ​​in the church routinely and said that he hoped to help hold the position, he finally couldn't stand it...

He pressed pause, then looked back at Sibron, desperately said: "It's over, I can't seem to play "Mobile Force 6"... I don't think it's as interesting as "Call of Duty"! Price will let me choose, Let the enemy go or kill them directly, I am like a tool man here... and the plot is so boring, the performances of the two games are not at the same level!"


Sibron was also watching him play just now, but now he is completely silent.

He also thinks the "Call of Duty" campaign just now is's not on the same level at all!

It seems that it is not cool.

"Should we… let's play Call of Duty multiplayer?"

Seeing Sibulon's silence, Mark thought for a while and made an idea.

Sibulon looked at the game screen on his screen, and thought of the experience he had just given himself in "Call of Duty", nodded immediately: "Good idea!"

Then, one of the two closed the game, the other paused the download, and reopened "Call of Duty"...


The two of them didn't even eat dinner...


And at the same time.

community of players.

Call of Duty...has gone crazy.

The game's stand-alone campaign is not long, and as long as it is not as difficult as a veteran, everyone's progress is about the same.

So when Siblon and Marco complete the campaign.

Most of the players who entered the game as soon as it was unlocked also cleared the level.

And they...were equally excited.

After all, most human emotions are still interlinked, and the audience of FPS is indeed wide.


"I haven't been able to slow down for a long time after clearing the customs... Although the process is not long, it really completely subverted my view of FPS games! This is all right! Linmu Studio!!!"

"It's so shocking! It's really shocking! Let's not talk about it! Linmu Studio has lived up to my trust, and I'm still in a tm mood! I want to play it again!"

"The movie-style game plot, the entire game process is interlocking, even if you play it all at once, you won't feel tired at all... It's really awesome, and the line of Sergeant Paul Jackson, I can't spoil it , but I want to say, this game is really worth it! It is indeed shocking! My mind is full of that horrible scene now..."

"Indoor close-range combat, long-range sniping, no heroism, real modern warfare... Before the release, I always felt that Lin Yao was too full of words. What did you say to give players a different experience of modern warfare? Now I find that it is true. I'm so abrupt, I shouldn't question you, I'm sorry!"

"A first-person shooter game that can be called a movie! You can see the shots in the movie! The game is also available here! I really immerse myself in it... The most shocking thing is the line of Sergeant Paul Jackson just mentioned upstairs, The end was really too sudden, and I was really convinced! The later levels were basically played on knees.

And this is not the end, the following sniper level is even more magical, the desolation and chill of Chernobyl... Ah, it's really tm wonderful! "

"The atmosphere of the game is very strong!"

"I'm starting to worry now... what will happen if Linmu Studio doesn't make a sequel next year [crying]."

"After playing the game, I suddenly wanted to go to Chernobyl to observe the Ferris wheel... The desolate and mysterious atmosphere of the sniper level is really great."

"Actually, the multiplayer mode is also very fun! Kill streak rewards! Awesome!"

"Stop talking, I will always believe in Lin Yao!! After the end, I looked at the scrolling staff list, and it was her again! It was all her! Brothers, is it possible for me to want such a girlfriend who knows more about games than me? Do I have a chance of getting her? [crying]"

"real or fake!?"

"Really...she is really strong! The game is really great! Actually, the discussion in China is pretty good now, just look at the overseas communities, European and American players are going crazy..."


The last player who replied did not make a mistake.

European and American players who are culturally different from domestic players are even more excited after playing the game!

Players who have played "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" are indeed going crazy...

And "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" was directly slaughtered.

Not to mention "Mobile Force" and "Smoke of the Battlefield", all games were overwhelmed by "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" on the afternoon of the release!

Countless players are not stingy in their praises, Crazy Amway praised this game.

And at night, the sales of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" started to soar...

This is no exaggeration.

It really soared!

The unit of measurement for the increase is millions!

And at the same time.

Linmu Studio also received calls from the three mainframe manufacturers at the same time... Whether it was Peria, who had a grudge against Linmu Studio, or the partner Reflecta, they all began to probe into Linmu Studio's tone.

They want such a work, and they also log on to their own host platform.

Even if they knew that Linmu Studio was also a host manufacturer, they wanted to find out.

The influence of the game "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" can be seen.

And the other side.

Gibb Co.

That night, Frank, who wanted to see his own game reviews, opened the community and saw a screen full of posts related to "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", and he froze in place...

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