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Not only Baiyun Tower, but everyone present looked at King Dai.

But seeing that the embarrassment on the face of that generation of kings just disappeared, he asked with a bit of joy: "Elder Xiaojing, I don't know if this matter of paying tribute may be in the hands of the master?"

"Xiao Jing's words are certainly true." Aunt Xia who had been standing quietly watching suddenly said.

After a slight pause, Aunt Xia went on to say: "This envoy is the eldest princess of the Great Xia Kingdom, I don't know His Royal Highness, so don't worry."

Dai Wang was startled when he heard the words, and saluted respectfully in an instant: "I don't know if it's the eldest princess of Shang Kingdom who is here. The hospitality is not good, and I still look at Haihan."

The king of this generation is a wonderful person, and the rituals he performed are impressively the rituals of his subordinates.

Everyone was in amazement, but they heard Dai Wang Zhensheng say: "Xiao Wang has been taught by his father since he was a child. Although our Daxi Kingdom has been established for a long time, we also know that in ancient times, it was a territory of Zhongzhou."

"When the father was alive, he often talked about the matter of returning, but at that time Emperor Xia had no intention of it, and there were mountains and oceans apart, and the government orders were difficult to understand, so he gave up."

"Afterwards, there were evil demons making trouble in the royal court. Relying on magical powers, they forcibly devoured most of the father's energy. When the father was dying, he told a lot of secrets."

"Although the father's soul was swallowed up for most of it, he also took the opportunity to know some secrets about the evil monster. It turns out that the evil monster swallowed the father's soul and aura just to find out the whereabouts of a divine beast."

"Furthermore, the father knows the true strength of that evil monster. It is even comparable to a cultivator in the Golden Core Realm of the human race. He is almost invincible in Xizhou, but he is subject to certain restrictions and cannot take the initiative to hurt our human race."

"That's why my father called me and my two brothers back to the royal court, and told my three brothers not to avenge him, and just protect the people of Daxi."

After hearing this, Aunt Xia asked suspiciously: "Then why did you three brothers turn against each other and protect each other and attack each other?"

Dai Wang sighed helplessly, and continued with a look of reminiscence: "At that time, Brother Erwang and I actually wanted to support Brother Dawang as the new King of Daxi, but Brother Dawang was only thinking of revenge at that time, and had no intention of political affairs at all. "

"During the funeral of the father, the elder brother actually found the trace of the evil monster, and secretly recruited two Jindan monks and several foundation-building monks from Daxi Kingdom to kill the evil monster. As a result, those monks attacked If it doesn’t work, you will lose your life in vain.”

"Afterwards, Brother Wang still insisted on going his own way, using spirit stones as a lure, and recruited many monks again. This time, he secretly used poison and fire attacks. The demon counterattacked, and none of the monks who made the move in the end escaped the murderous hand."

"This time to kill the evil monster, in fact, the king and the second brother are at the side. It is clear that the evil monster just wants to lure the human monks to attack him, and then use the cultivation base of devouring the human monks by the way."

"It's a pity that the elder brother was blinded by hatred. No matter how Xiao Wang and the second brother tried to persuade him, it was of no avail. In the end, the second brother returned to the Northwest fiefdom and took away many familiar monks along the way, waiting for the opportunity of revenge. Xiao Wang So is it."

"Maybe Xiao Wang is very popular and has many monks with him. After the elder brother found out, he was furious and directly declared himself King of Daxi in the royal court, hoping to win over some Daxi monks."

"After Xiao Wang and Second Brother heard about it, they declared themselves kings one after another, just to keep one side safe."

Hearing up to this point, Baiyunlou was quite emotional, it turned out that what happened back then was like this, no wonder when I saw this generation of kings for the first time two days ago, I secretly wondered about the rumors that the three kingdoms conquered each other.

According to the temperament of this generation of kings, they should not do things like war.

While thinking about it, Dai Wang continued: "Actually, the Three Kingdoms of Daxi did conquest against each other. The rumors from the outside world are not false. At first, the elder brother was angry, but the younger brother and the second elder brother stood on their own. They took the lead in sending troops to suppress each other."

"Relying on the advantage of the location, the Second Brother Wang can deal with it quite freely. The monks under Xiao Wang are not weak, but they have resisted the deterrence of the Eldest Brother."

"However, Big Brother has become increasingly violent. In order to find and mine the Lingshi Mine, he has imposed several times the corvee. The Lingshi Mine is buried deep underground, and mine collapses occur from time to time, causing countless people in Daxi to lose their loved ones."

"In the end, a riot was triggered. Xiao Wang used the opportunity of conquest to quell the riot and recruited many people from the Western Kingdom."

"Brother Wang also took the opportunity to send troops to conquer, but in fact he also took advantage of the opportunity to recruit the people of Daxi Kingdom."

"The mutual conquests of the three kingdoms were really chaotic for a while, but the innocent were rarely hurt, until the elder brother saw the existence of the demon egg next to a spirit stone mine."

"At that time, alien monsters had already appeared in Xizhou. Brother Dawang would not let go of monster eggs when he saw them. After he developed the refining method, he called all the monks under his command to help him find alien monster eggs."

"Since then, the function of the demon egg has spread throughout Xizhou, and Xizhou has completely rioted."

"Even the second brother failed to keep the bottom line. Many monks under him went out to search for alien monster eggs. Therefore, Xiling Kingdom was also in chaos at the time, but since the end of last year, it has gradually stabilized."

Hearing this, a figure appeared in Baiyunlou's mind, the white wolf standing proudly on the top of the cliff, quite airy.

Counting the days, the stability of the Xiling country is mostly due to the appearance of the white wolf.

"Fortunately, most of the demon eggs are concentrated in the northern border of Xizhou, and there are almost no traces of demon eggs in Xihai Kingdom in the far southeast corner. In addition, the king will say some bluffing words to his monks from time to time, saying that there are some monsters in the demon eggs. For problems that cannot be seen clearly, too much refining will make people lose their minds."

"In addition, the elder brother is indeed becoming more and more insane now, and the monks in Xihai country are even more convinced. This has allowed Xihai country to enjoy peace for many years."

There were no other monks from the Xihai Kingdom in the square, so Dai Wang directly told the truth.

After pondering for a while, Baiyunlou sighed and said, "His Royal Highness is lucky, the demon egg issue just mentioned is actually not a bluff."

"If the demon race in the human world devours those demon it's actually fine, but if a human monk refines the aura in the demon eggs, it will inevitably be contaminated with the breath of alien demons. If it is refined for a long time, it will definitely Affect the mind and soul."

Dai Wang sighed: "It's really like this. No wonder when I saw Brother Wang some time ago, I found that his brows were black and he was talking nonsense. It seemed that he was about to fail to recognize me."

The appearance of this face..., Bai Yunlou muttered to himself.

While he was pondering, he heard Dai Wang Changran say: "Speaking these many words with the princes is also to let His Royal Highness see the sincerity of this king. I, Xihai Kingdom..., no, I, Daxi Kingdom, is willing to return and become Daxia Kingdom. A vassal state of the dynasty."

"Brother Er Wang is definitely not a problem. At worst, let him be the king of Daxi Kingdom. This king proclaimed himself acting king back then, in fact, he intended to be the king temporarily."

The acting king's character is not bad, and his courage is even more impressive. In a few words, he directly erased the title of his elder brother. Baiyunlou secretly praised his domineering temperament.

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