Afterwards, Baiyunlou bid farewell to the empress, and also took out the same Liuguang magic weapon, but there were hundreds of Liuguang jade plates.

"Empress, the lights and shadows left in this pile of jade plates are the same as those of Empress Dowager, you have to take a look to relieve boredom."

After tidying up the jade plates on the case table, Bai Yunlou went on to say, "The other half of the jade plates are photos taken by Junior Sister Chaoyang during her time in the academy and her travels over the past year..."

"Senior brother..." Xia Zhaoyang never thought that the senior brother had prepared so much, he was pleasantly surprised and moved, and his eyes were filled with love when he looked at the senior senior brother.

The queen, who was still smiling and nodding in response, immediately showed surprise on her face when she heard the words, she reached out and gently picked up a jade plate, and asked softly, " there Xiao Chaoyang?"

"Of course there is, mother, let Chaoyang demonstrate it to you, hehe..." Xia Chaoyang cheerfully jumped to the front of the case, ready to show his mother a thing or two.

At this moment, Xia Huang who was at the side said aloud: "Chaoyang, it's getting dark at this time, you can send Yunlou and Feiyang off personally."

"But these jade plates..." Xia Zhaoyang really wanted to watch the images on these flowing jade plates with his mother.

"Junior Sister Chaoyang, it's late tonight. The Emperor Xia still has important things to do with the empress. His lord Xia Huang will know how to use this little magic weapon at a glance. Let the younger sister go with the senior brother..."

Hearing the elder brother's words, Xia Zhaoyang took a look at the many jade plates on the cloud case, bowed lightly to his mother, and said crisply: "Mum, Chaoyang sent the elder brother off, and I will watch it with my mother when I have time." Look."

"Go." The queen looked at Xiao Chaoyang lovingly, and replied softly with a smile.

Immediately, the three people in Baiyun Tower saluted and retired at the same time.

"Senior Brother, come with Junior Sister..." As soon as he walked out of the hall, Xia Zhaoyang suddenly remembered something, turned his head and asked, "Senior Brother, did you also give Father a present?"

This little Chaoyang understands the temperament of the senior brother quite well, Bai Yunlou secretly praised, the corners of his mouth slightly curved, and said rather mysteriously: "Of course, the senior brother gave Father the emperor a big gift..."

Hearing this, the little fat man paused, as if he had heard the key.

"Xiao Feiyang, what are you doing in a daze, be careful that you are being caught by some concubines and aunts, and you will lose the truth of your interrogation." Xia Zhaoyang turned his head and joked.

"Oh..." The little fat man responded, hurriedly walked a few steps to keep up, and muttered, "Senior brother, you are still the best, and you have prepared the magic weapon Liu Guang in advance."

"Actually, there is also a set in the treasure bag of my junior brother. Although it is a bit crude, if I take it out just now, I won't be tossed so badly."

Hearing this, Baiyunlou laughed secretly, took a step slowly, put his arms around the fat man's thick shoulders and said seriously:

"Feiyang, it's your fault. Since entering the palace, the concubines and concubines have never stepped out of the palace gate. They are very curious about the worldly affairs outside the palace. Since they like to chat with you, you should be patient and deal with it." yes."

"Ah... after entering the palace, how many empresses have never left the palace gate? Second senior sister, you didn't mention this to your junior brother..." the little fat man muttered.

"This is a secret in the palace, Xiao Feiyang, you haven't even asked about it... Besides, if I tell you, it will be boring." Xia Zhaoyang replied plausibly.

The little fat man resentfully replied: "Oh..., then next time you come to the palace, junior brother will definitely be patient...bring more jade plates."

"Hahaha..." Baiyunlou and Junior Sister Xia laughed at the same time.

The three of them walked out of the Great Xia Palace, and Baiyun Tower turned around to look at it. They felt something in their senses. There seemed to be no defenses in the palace, but in fact, there were many strong monks hidden on the surrounding tall walls. These were probably Xia. The Five Elements Sect comrade mentioned in Huangkou.

Just as he was sighing, he heard the little fat man say, "Brother, where are you going to rest tonight, or go back to Luoshui County directly?"

Seeing the messenger talisman that the little fat man just took out, Bai Yunlou couldn't help but twitch his mouth, it seems that the little fat man is about to find out Luo Li's whereabouts.

After a short thought, Baiyunlou said casually: "At this time, the Bai family is noisy enough, and they should all rest. Let's find a place to rest in this imperial city tonight..."

At this time, the carriage driver who was waiting outside the palace gate came to the three of them and asked, "Excuse me, are these Young Master Bai and Young Master Nangong?"

"Exactly, you are the coachman of Mingyue Tower?" Seeing this person's attire, Baiyunlou recognized him somewhat.

"I don't dare to be a coachman. The younger one is just a man who drives the carriage for Mingyue Tower. I have to be ordered by the shopkeeper of Mingyue to wait for the two young masters here."

Hearing this, the little fat man was quite hesitant, he didn't know where Luo Li was going, so he felt very uneasy.

Xia Chaoyang, who was seeing him off from the palace, his eyes lit up, his face beamed with joy, and he said to the elder brother with a smile: "Senior brother, let's go to Mingyue Tower, the shopkeeper Mingyue is my aunt's best friend..."

"No wonder you are so enthusiastic..." Baiyunlou muttered and turned to the little fat man and said, "Feiyang, there is no need to waste time searching, Luo Li is in Mingyuelou."

"Ah..., then senior brother, let's go straight away?" The little fat man couldn't wait.

Bai Yunlou grabbed the little fat man and said, "What's the hurry, is it too far away, and I can't let the driver waiter Bai wait for a long time."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and greeted Junior Sister Xia: "Chaoyang, let's go to Mingyue Tower to enjoy the moon together?"

"But Father..." Xia Zhaoyang would really be a little bit guilty if he didn't return all night in the imperial capital of the capital.

"It's okay, your father is busy tonight, so I don't have time to take care of you..." the old **** of Baiyunlou said on the ground, and then called the coachman brother, and jumped into the carriage.

"Okay, hey, we can go to Aunt Mingyue's place to eat and drink again..."

While talking, Xia Chaoyang and the little fat man jumped into the carriage at the same time.

The two brothers and sisters in Baiyunlou chatted and laughed all the way, admiring the street scene on both sides.

It's almost lights are still brilliant, worthy of the Imperial City of Kyoto in Daxia.

The little fat man was not in the mood to appreciate the street view, he kept staring at the Mingyue Tower in the distance, always feeling that the car was going too slowly.

Finally arrived at Mingyue Tower, the building was full of seats and it was very lively, the storekeeper Mingyue immediately went out to greet him after hearing the news.

Hearing that it was the return of the students who were ranked in the palace examination, the drinkers in the building left the table to congratulate each other, wanting to be happy, and the restaurant immediately burst into joy.

Upon inquiry, it was learned that the Qingqiu saint was staying on the sixth floor of this building, and the three of them immediately took the suspended ladder to the luxurious upper room on the sixth floor.

The lower three floors of this Mingyue Building are for drinking and banquets, the middle three floors are for lodging, and the sixth floor has only two upper rooms, which can be regarded as an extremely top-level upper room layout.

The three of them were very familiar with Luo Li, so they would not be concerned about the identity of the Qingqiu Saintess. Before Baiyun Tower greeted them, the little fat man had already passed on the message to Luo Li.

As soon as the group of four reached the door, the door to the upper room suddenly opened from the inside.

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