There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 736: The way of derivation

You can search for "Bai Yun Sheng Chu You Xian Lou Sou Novel ( in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Hearing this, Xing Suanzi's face became even more ugly.

"It's okay to ask for a marriage. The fate will come naturally, and I will give it all... Forget it, let's pick up the job after three months."

"What about the palace test in the imperial city of Kyoto?"

Hearing this, Xing Suanzi seemed to get angry: "What else can I do, I can figure it out..."

While talking, Xing Suanzi stood up and said to the little disciple: "From tomorrow, we will retreat for three months, so don't disturb anything."

"Yunlou, are you interested in going to the observatory together?"

"So you wish..., Taoist priest, please..." Bai Yunlou immediately stood up and followed.

Walking to the door of the bamboo house, Xing Suanzi looked back at the bamboo basket thrown in the corner of the wall, nodded slightly and said: "The few bamboo shoots I found today are not bad, I will make some dishes and bring them to the star observatory , give you Brother Yunlou a try."

"Okay..." This time Liu Chen responded readily, then turned around and picked up the bamboo basket to get busy.

"I can't stay in this valley anymore, go to the cave to avoid it..." Muttering, Xing Suanzi turned around and walked along the valley trail, walking slowly towards the star observation platform halfway up the cliff.

After walking for a long time, the two finally came to a cliff.

A stone platform protruded from the cliff, protruding out of the cliff like a flying eaves for more than two zhang. The entrance of Tianxing Gate and Xingchen Cave is just in front of this stone platform.

Ordinary people cannot see the entrance of this cave, but it is very clear to Baiyun Tower.

Different from other caves, there is no enchantment at the entrance of this star cave, and the fairy spirit derived from the cave continuously overflows from the entrance and falls into the valley below.

Therefore, this quiet valley is full of aura, cool and pleasant, and the flowers, plants and trees are also growing very vigorously.

Xing Suanzi walked up the stone platform protruding from the cliff, stepped into the cave sky, and entered the Baiyun Tower with him.

In one step, time and space changed, just now it was the scene of the scorching sun in the afternoon, but the sky in this cave was full of stars.

The scenery is still the same, the stone platforms, cliffs, valleys, and even the scorching sun above the head are still there, but it seems that everything in the world is covered with a night light curtain.

The blazing sun manifested a dark red color, extremely dark, but the blazing flames churning on the blazing sun manifested.

The stars that were originally covered by the scorching sun during the day also showed their starlight, which was a bit clearer than the human world.

What a star cave.

While Baiyunlou was feeling emotional, the star operator waved his sleeves, and the starlight shifted, and the stars in the sky seemed to return to a certain moment.

From the changes of the sun and the moon, it can be seen that this is a few days ago, and then the sun, moon and stars wandered away. It only took a cup of tea, and the sun rose and set three times, and it was synchronized with the stars in the human world again.

When the stars wandered across the sky, they drew beautiful arcs in the sky. Looking at such a starry sky, my heart trembled inexplicably.

Just as he was about to sigh, he saw Xing Operator waved his sleeves again, and the stars all over the sky began to swim again in the direction of rotation just now.

This is the supernatural power of the stars of the Tianxingmen, the way to observe the changes of the stars, and gain insight into the past and the future.

After careful deduction and observation for a while, the star operator finally received the supernatural power.

"Okay, I finally got rid of it for the time being..." At this moment, Xingshengzi really relaxed.

After playing around like this for a while, the stars in the cave sky were separated from the human world in Baiyunlou's eyes.

With just such a short breath, chaotic energy emerged from the wall of the star cave, and the entire cave seemed to be separated from the human world.

"Senior, this supernatural power is really mysterious." Bai Yunlou couldn't help sighing.

"With the help of the shadow of my master, I can make a living in this world."

Xing Suanzi's words were too down-to-earth, and Baiyun Tower couldn't connect for a while.

"Don't believe it in Yunlou. In fact, the more the old Taoist practices, the more he feels that the Taoism is vast, and what he observes and understands is just superficial."

"For example, the way of derivation changes tens of thousands in an instant. How can it be calculated accurately? Most people in the world only want peace of mind and a glimmer of hope."

"But sometimes this glimmer of hope, a single thought can lead to variables, turning the impossible into the possible. It's so mysterious that it's really hard to tell."

Xu Shicai had a very speculative conversation with Baiyunlou just now, perhaps because he had seen Baiyunlou's temperament, Xing Suanzi couldn't help but say a few more words, revealing his family background.

However, Baiyunlou heard such words very strangely, and could not help but have a new understanding of the way of fate, law, and cause and effect.

Immediately, Baiyunlou continued to talk about Yuanfa and chatted freely with Xing Suanzi.

The aura here is concealed, and the two speak freely without any scruples, and Baiyunlou asked some doubts during cultivation by the way.

Xing Suanzi answered some questions casually, and immediately solved the confusion in Baiyunlou's heart.

There are some doubts, and the explanation given by Xing Shuanzi is ambiguous, so Baiyun Tower just listens to it.

Unknowingly, the two talked casually for half a day.

Suddenly, Baiyunlou's thoughts moved, and the sky eyes looked towards the entrance. He couldn't help but flashed, and a split soul flashed, and with the power of the soul core, he escaped from the star cave.

When he returned, he had already used the power of his soul to drag Junior Brother Liu Chen into the cave.

The aura in this cave was blocked by the star operator, and it was a breath of time away from the human world, thus breaking away from the induction of heaven.

The scenes manifested from the inner wall of the cave are all derived by themselves, so when Liu Chen from the human world comes to the observatory, it cannot be manifested in the cave.

But today I met Junior Brother Liu Chen, his aura is very clear in Baiyunlou's mind.

Shenjue suddenly sensed the shock of Junior Brother Liu's spirit, and Baiyun Tower immediately came to his senses, then escaped from his spirit, and carried Liu Chen, who was almost lost, into the cave.

Seeing the figure of his beloved disciple, Xing Suanzi came to his senses. Today, his supernatural powers were scattered by an unknown and he was almost locked by the Dao of Heaven, so he made some miscalculations and almost put Liu Chen in danger.

But the matter has come to this, and we can only be thankful that the great disciple of the academy has extraordinary supernatural powers. Not only can he sense abnormalities in time, but he can also forcibly escape the cave-heaven barrier that can conceal the secrets of heaven.

Just now when he stepped on the ground, Liu Chen was startled.

But after getting out of doom, he didn't panic this time, but quickly calmed down, took out a plate of exquisite dishes from the food box in his hand, and carefully placed them on the table beside him.

"Yunlou, come and taste Xiaochen's cooking skills. I haven't learned much about the way of derivation. This cooking skill can be regarded as a master."

When mentioning this matter, Xing Suanzi spoke with a lot of complacency, as if the skill of cooking is more important than the way of derivation.

It was the time when the bright moon was rising in the east, and the moon was shining brightly. Baiyunlou took Liu Chen to sit down and share delicious food.

It's no wonder that Xing Suanzi is proud of his disciple's craftsmanship, those summer bamboo shoots were made into seven or eight kinds of tricks by Liu Chen's junior brother, and the color and fragrance are excellent.

Even the well-informed Master Bai can only admire such dishes.

I can only lament that food is never tired of fine food, food is profound and ever-changing, as long as you concentrate on research, you can also walk out a way to reach the sky.

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