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The derivation of the magic circle went smoothly. In the Kunlun inheritance, there is a similar fairy circle.

With the help of Zi Yan, the refinement and layout of the formation went very smoothly. It was only for preliminary testing, and Baiyun Tower chose the Jinghu Cave in the Populus euphratica Oasis as the initial location of the formation.

The popularity here is not weak, and there is Jinghu Cave to provide fairy spirit, and the high-grade spirit stones in the formation can save a lot.

Everything was difficult at the beginning, but after many adjustments, Baiyun Tower used the eyes of the sky to see, and the power of the imperial envoy was distracted to push the formation, and finally sent a fairy spirit to the Nanzhou formation thousands of miles away.

Although the two places are thousands of miles apart, the Nanzhou formation is not small, with a radius of more than a thousand miles. After a preliminary exploration, I don't care about the timing and direction, and I can detect a fairy spirit that touches the Nanzhou University. This is not a small progress.

To the delight of the Baiyun Tower and the others, when this fairy air was sent out, it was accompanied by a very mysterious air mechanism.

When the formation was activated, Baiyunlou could see clearly that the mysterious energy was generated under the impetus of the formation.

When deriving, the four air mechanisms connected to the formation fluctuated slightly, and these four air mechanisms came from the four people in Baiyun Tower.

In order to verify the inference, Baiyun Tower called over several Qingyunmen disciples who were idle, including Li Xiaoshi.

After studying in the academy for half a year, it was a good idea to let him go home to meet his parents.

Knowing the reason why the big brother set up the formation to test, the auras of several Qingyunmen disciples successfully connected to the formation.

After it was activated again, it was much easier to send out the fairy aura, and the mysterious aura was also slightly increased.

To Baiyunlou's surprise, before the activation, the little red bird, who had been lying on his shoulders, woke up from a deep sleep and learned the purpose of the big formation, and an air machine was successfully connected to the big formation.

The timing of the fairy air sent out this time seems to be just right. Under Tianyantong's observation, the air mechanism circulating in the large formation fluctuated very slightly.

And it is not the spirit energy that triggers the fluctuations of the energy in the formation, but the mysterious energy attached to it.

A response is half the battle, and the next step is to carefully adjust the nuances of the formation so that the fairy energy sent out is in the most suitable position.

But there is no rush on this matter, because Baiyun Tower wants to verify another possible speculation first.

The little red bird's qi mechanism reminded Baiyunlou that since Ah Li's qi mechanism can be connected to the formation, it should also be able to help the monster race who want to exterminate demons to promote the operation of the formation.

So what about the uncultivated human race...

The Fat Rabbit, the Snow-patterned Tiger, and the Sika Deer were all taken to the Mirror Lake Cave by Master Bai.

As expected, the three monsters were connected to the air machine in an instant.

Not only that, under the guidance of Li Xiaoshi and the little fat man, many villagers in Populus euphratica Oasis realized how big the world was, and they didn't expect that the extremely distant fairy and demon were actually related to themselves.

Knowing part of the truth, the entire Populus euphratica oasis suddenly boiled.

However, the boiling was not because of knowing the existence of the demon, but because of the fairy lake in front of his turned out to be the lake of the fairy family.

In order to let these villagers feel the existence of the magic circle, Ziyan manifested the glow of the magic circle. At night, the entire Populus euphratica forest oasis seemed to be soaked in the cold moonlight.

Such a miracle was much more shocking than Li Xiaoshi's narration, and one after another qi machine connected to the magic circle by itself.

The magic circle was activated, and under a slight tremor, all the people who were connected to the Qi machine felt slightly. Watching the flashing glow of the magic circle, they all felt a sense of common hatred and hatred.

When there are few people, there is no feeling. When there are more creatures connected to the Qi machine, Baiyun Tower immediately feels the difference, and it really gathers sand into a tower.

As a large group of fairy energy was sent out by the magic circle, Baiyunlou's heart froze, and then he dodged into the air.

Dongfang Ziyan was connected with the big brother, and she also came out immediately.

"Senior brother, what happened?" Xia Zhaoyang also followed, and Xianguang asked the brothers and sisters with some doubts.

"It may attract the induction of the heavenly demon..." Baiyunlou said in a deep voice, Tianyantong had already used it with all his strength, watching the changes in the energy mechanism thousands of miles away.

While he was speaking, the ball of fairy air landed on the formation with a mysterious aura.

This time when the magic circle was activated, Baiyun Tower had considered the timing well. This group of fairy energy directly submerged into the big formation, and the mysterious aura instantly merged into the big formation.

The extremely well-fitting Qi mechanism immediately triggered the reaction of the Demon Slayer Formation, and the side of the Qing Qi fluctuated slightly, as if trying to cover up this blending Qi mechanism, but the Heavenly Demon still noticed the abnormality.

The magic cloud in the big formation rolled, and it actually aroused the hidden energy outside the big formation.

As the magic clouds in the formation condensed, the magic thoughts and souls scattered outside the formation transformed into a black light machine and came towards the Populus euphratica forest oasis thousands of miles away.

This black light was nearly half way away, and the sword intent formed by the two beams of light cut it in two sections, and then a burst of fire rose up, burning up the broken aura in one go.

Sensing the abnormality, the Heavenly Demon didn't seem to want to bear it anymore this time, and directly showed his true form in the big formation, and the phantom hundreds of feet high seemed to stretch the big formation.

The air mechanism in the formation turned into thunder and fire and fell on the body of the demon, but the demon ignored it and condensed a black giant blade to slash towards the boundary wall of the formation.

Across the large formation, the souls hundreds of miles away from the Baiyun Building felt the earth shaking and the mountains shaking. Shock waves shot up into the sky, directly shaking away the thunderclouds in the sky.

The transformed celestial demon derived from the small world in the tower cannot be compared with this real celestial demon at all. It seems that what Senior Sister Qingchi reminded her is by no means a lie.

However, it is man-made, the Heavenly Demon who was able to destroy the fairy court in the past is still trapped in this great formation in the lower waiting for the Heavenly Demon to grow stronger is definitely not what Baiyunlou wants to see.

This time to test the big formation, Baiyun Tower prepared three souls, waiting near the big formation.

Seeing the eruption of the demon, the three souls immediately concentrated on refining a pure Yang sword gang.

At the top of the formation, when the thunderclouds scattered all over the sky, the body of Baiyun Tower could clearly see the true appearance of part of the formation, and even sensed Qingyunzi's aura.

The Heavenly Demon slashed three times in a row, and the formation was slightly shaken to a standstill. Baiyunlou seized the opportunity and sent the newly condensed Pure Yang Sword Gang into the formation.

In order to condense this pure yang sword, the three sub-souls almost exhausted the background of the sub-souls. Not only did the soul body become vain, but even the soul core dimmed a bit.

Sensing that the sword gang was steadily delivered to Qing Yunzi in the big formation, Baiyunlou recalled the three souls back to the sea of ​​consciousness and cultivated them again.

That substantial pure Yang sword gang was not only integrated into the sword intent of Zhan Fannian by Baiyun Tower, but also concealed a large amount of innate true energy.

Qing Yunzi, who was concentrating his sword intent and preparing to slay the demon, sensed the sword gang that broke through the formation, raised his hand to grab it, and pinched it on top of the sword gang.

Sensing the sword intent coming out of the sword gang and the innate qi sealed within it, Qing Yunzi's eyes lit up.

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