There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 623: 1 sword cutting edge method

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: [] The fastest update! No ads! Seeing the two figures disappearing into the rainbow, Aunt Xia, who had been somewhat impatient, regained her composure in an instant, and said leisurely, "Let's go, let's go to a good show..."

Immediately, the figures of several people flashed and fled to the Qingqiu land dozens of miles away.

On the cloud of sapphire smoke, Baiyunlou and Junior Sister Xia stood tall, looking indifferently at the holy tree of Qingqiu where the evil aura was churning, with several spiritual weapons and magic swords hanging around their bodies, but they were not in a hurry to make a move.

"Who are you, trespassing on my forbidden area of ​​Qingqiu!" An angry shout came from below, it was the third elder of Qingqiu who had seen the two of them face to face.

"Trespassing into the forbidden area of ​​Qingqiu. Since the third elder wants to tarnish his name, he has no choice but to cooperate. By the way, there is also stealing the holy wood..." While speaking, the golden magic sword in front of him flashed and cut A branch of a black sacred tree several feet long fell.

Jian Guang wrapped the branch back in an instant, and Baiyunlou used the magic power of dementia, raised his hand to grab it, and pulled out from the holy branch with a bit of spiritual black smoke.

The black smoke demonic aura was like a living thing, when it came out of the holy branch, it immediately rushed left and right, trying to escape, but it was just a futile struggle.

The sacred tree branch that had been drawn out of the black smoke evil spirit returned to its pale gray color, and on the contrary became more spiritual. Baiyunlou nodded in satisfaction, and moved it into the Sea of ​​Consciousness enchantment.

"You..., it's you..., you dare to take the sacred tree of the venerable..." The third elder stepped on the demon cloud and stood in front of the sacred tree. After careful observation, he recognized the other person's face.

Originally, he was still intimidated by the opponent's powerful cultivation, but after approaching the holy tree, he sensed the aura of the Great Elder, and his courage grew a bit.

At this time, the head of the mountain and the others also followed in a flash.

"The holy tree of the venerable? Where did the venerable come from? Third elder, you treat the thief as your father and harm the innocent old and young in the clan. You should be punished for your crime!"

With a soft drink, a phantom of a white jade hand condensed out of the sky, grabbing the third elder in an instant, and Luo Li, supporting his mother who had just woken up, also came in a flash.

"It turned out to be the remnants of the white fox..., my lord saint, let me go..." Halfway through the speech, the third elder suddenly realized his situation, and hurriedly struggled and begged for mercy.

"Remnants..." Luo Li muttered coldly, her eyebrows frowned, and the phantom of the jade hand in mid-air squeezed hard, instantly crushing the Third Elder.

It seems that Luo Li knew what the third elder did from her mother, so she acted angrily.

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly as he watched, and grasped with his right hand. The black smoke demonic aura above his palm was condensed into a ball the size of a fist. Suddenly, a ray of real fire flashed out, instantly igniting the black smoke demonic energy.

The black smoke and evil spirit crackled, and the spirituality on it was burned out bit by bit.

"Heihu, can you bear it? The guests have been here for a long time. Now that the sacred tree has been completely refined, don't you dare to come out to say hello?"

The sound of Baiyun Tower shook the surrounding fields and spread throughout Qingqiu, causing exclamations from below.

All the fox demons hanging from the sacred tree were rescued by Luo Li with magical powers. These fox demons recognized the saint, and they prostrated themselves on the ground and shouted the name of the saint.

"Ignorant junior, when did this deity have any fear? Knowing that this deity has refined the holy tree, he still dares to come here. I really don't know how to live or die..." Amidst the monster clouds, the figure of the **** fox appeared on the top of the holy tree. shape.

This **** fox monster seems to have gotten a lot of chance, its body shape has grown nearly twice as much as before, and its body seems to be more transparent.

It's just that as the black smoke and evil spirit in Baiyunlou's palm were burned out, the black fox's body trembled slightly, it seemed that the soul was burned, and the body also felt it personally.

A ray of thunder suddenly fell, and it was Aunt Xia who made the move.

After that, there were dozens of afterimages of golden bells and a soul-shocking sword.

The **** fox demon stood on the top of the holy tree, did not dodge at all, let the thunder light hit his body, and after a while his body trembled, he seemed to be safe and sound.

The afterimage of Jin Zhong and Jian Gang penetrated the body of the black fox demon, and when they landed on the holy tree, they only caused waves of fluctuations, not even knocking down a single branch.

"Haha, now the whole Qingqiu belongs to this deity. With the holy tree, this deity is immortal. What's more, I have obtained the holy crystal. Let you see it, haha..." While speaking, the **** fox raised his paw and walked out One thing was recruited from the holy tree, which was the crystallization of that holy tree.

Looking at this fetish that radiated green light, the black fox demon completely ignored the attacks of several masters of the human race, and began to refine it intoxicated.

Seeing the arrogant appearance of the big demon, Aunt Xia couldn't help turning her head to look at Baiyun Tower.

However, seeing that the senior disciple of the academy remained indifferent, after burning the demon soul in his palm to death, he turned around and looked towards the western sky.

In the demon clouds all over the sky, a seven-color rainbow light broke through the clouds and landed in front of the two of Baiyunlou in an instant.

"Brother, Ziyan is late..."

"Not too late, just right."

"Sister Ziyan, first fuse your sword intent with senior brother, and later we will destroy the demon together." Seeing Senior Sister Ziyan, Xia Zhaoyang was a little overjoyed, but knowing that this was not the time to reminisce about the old days, he hurriedly stepped aside.

Zi Yan smiled and nodded slightly, raised her hand to meet the right palm of the elder brother, and for a moment, bursts of sword sense resonated in the spiritual thoughts of the two.

Not only that, the two of them relaxed their spiritual thoughts at the same time, the breath around them surged and circled, and within one or two breaths, the true energy transformed at the same time.

Although this place is not the best place, the two of them did not hesitate to break through the big realm at the same time.

There is no need to think about the Yin-Yang Golden Elixir and the Five Elements Golden Elixir. Since you want to destroy the demon, let's break through.

The two broke through at the same time, and the surrounding aura swirled and surged like a tide. The aura and monster aura in a radius of tens of miles were absorbed by the cyclone like a sea of ​​rivers, and an extremely pure yin and yang were derived.

Jindan realm, enter with every thought.

The black fox demon who was refining the crystallization of the sacred tree sensed that something was wrong, and turned his head to look at the two human monks who were breaking through the realm. It was obvious that they had only broken through the golden core realm, but they had the momentum to break through the fairyland.

But so what if he broke through to the fairyland...

As soon as Fang thought about it, the **** fox saw two pairs of clear eyes looking at him, and those eyes seemed to freeze his thoughts instantly.

"One sword cuts Two swords cuts cause and effect, and the sword rides the wind to go between heaven and earth..." A strangely emphasized sword song sounded in the ears of the demon, and at the same time it seemed that there were other Two invisible sword lights.

In an instant, the black fox demon suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

Relaxed and at ease, I haven't felt such a feeling of no worries for a long time.

"Okay, revenge if you have revenge, revenge if you have grievances..." A casual word was like thunder, pulling the wandering consciousness of the black fox demon back to his body.

A strong sense of crisis welled up in the big demon's demon consciousness, and the powerful demon body was actually collapsing, and the spiritual energy of the holy tree that hadn't had time to be refined floated out from the hair of the demon body.

The bright crystals returned to the holy tree along with the spiritual energy.

The black fox subconsciously stretched out its front paws to grab the wandering aura, but saw the aura of the holy tree slipping through the sharp claws without a trace.

The connection with the holy tree is completely broken!

The biggest reliance is gone!

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