There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 556: Junior and younger brothers are wise

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"Senior brother, this turtle monster is quite obedient..." Xia Zhaoyang turned his head and said to the senior brother with a smile.

Baiyunlou naturally understood, nodded with a smile and said, "If that's the case, then give it a try."

After saying that, the five layers of sword domains fell layer by layer in the motion of Baiyun Tower, covering an area of ​​more than ten feet, and then raised his hand to capture a cloud of mist.

"My fellow disciples and fellow Taoists, if you are interested, after the cloud and mist illusion is set up, as long as you follow the meaning of the illusion and probe into the divine sense, you can talk to this turtle demon in the illusion."

Hearing this, everyone responded in unison, even the turtle demon nodded.

As the clouds and mist parted, covering a land of tens of feet, with the cooperation of Jian Yu, he successfully pulled the demon consciousness of the turtle demon into the illusion.

This tortoise demon soul also left the imprint of the unknown great monster, Baiyunlou used the sword domain to temporarily seal the tortoise demon's demon soul for the sake of caution.

There is no problem with the turtle demon, Baiyunlou looked at the disciples of Haoranzong with some doubts.

Although the illusion of cloud and mist was set up, several disciples of Hao Ranzong also tried to penetrate the spiritual consciousness, but they couldn't enter the illusion.

After thinking for a while, Baiyunlou raised his hand and photographed another cloud of mist, which is exactly the illusion of the group of Panasonic asking the boy.

With the fusion of the two illusions, the original illusion reveals a bit of poetry, and also reveals a bit of agility.

Sure enough, as Baiyunlou guessed, the disciples of the Haoran Sect finally successfully penetrated their spiritual consciousness into the illusion this time, and experienced the magic of the illusion.

The green mountains are cloudy and misty, like a fairyland, under the green pines, a boy is looking at the medicine scriptures in his hands at the stone table under the tree.

Seeing the people walking on the mountain road in the distance, the boy stepped forward to greet them, saluted and inquired.

Now this illusion is much more lively than before, and the scenery is much more plump.

Xia Chaoyang at the side seemed to regard this illusion as his own, and dragged Xiaotong to introduce it to everyone.

Seeing such a familiar scene, Chen Qingshuang murmured: "Matsushita asked the boy, Master Yan went to gather medicine..."

"That's right, Senior Sister Qingshuang, the elder brother condensed this by reciting this poem..." Junior Sister Xia didn't mention the word "illusion" as the little boy was beside him.

"It's very mysterious..." While speaking, Chen Qingshuang turned his head to look at the senior brother of the academy standing outside the crowd, with a hint of expression in his eyes.

Seemingly sensing something, Baiyunlou turned his head to look, and seeing the rather clear eyes of the little senior sister of Haoranzong, he couldn't help feeling a little proud in his heart.

This beautiful young lady has met several times before. Except for the usual greetings, she has never looked at herself several times. It can be seen that she has a high spirit and vision. To be praised by her, the satisfaction in her heart is still some.

Putting away a trace of complacent thoughts, Baiyunlou turned his head and looked towards the middle of the mountain. The turtle demon was standing outside the pavilion, and his figure changed after a while and finally stabilized.

"Let's go, go to the gazebo and chat with the turtle demon..." Baiyunlou waved his sleeves, and walked slowly along the mountain road towards the middle of the mountain.

"Little Yaotong, my sister has gone to the mountain, and I will come to see you when I have time..." Before leaving, Xia Chaoyang did not forget to greet Matsushita's boy.

"Okay, sister Chaoyang."

Seeing the spirituality of the little boy in this illusion, everyone stepped forward to leave one after another, but Li Xiaoshi said that he couldn't go to the middle of the mountain, and wanted to stay and discuss the medicine with the little boy.

Just now Xiaoshi took a special look at the medicine scriptures in Xiaoyaotong's hands, but he didn't expect that the pharmacological principles above were all true, and the idea was extremely unique and novel, so he immediately lost interest in the turtle demon.

Everyone bid farewell to the little drug boy one after another, and Wang Fugui, who followed him, couldn't help but turn his head, glanced at the two figures under Cangsong who were seriously discussing the principles of medicine, and couldn't help feeling more and more envious of the academy disciples.

These disciples in front of them are all very casual, and they live very transparently.

After pondering for a while, Wang Fugui hurried two steps, walked to the side of the little fat man and said, "Brother Feiyang, is the academy still recruiting students?"

"Oh? Brother Fugui wants to come to the academy to study, that's great. With the talent of the younger brother, you don't have to worry about enrolling. Brother, I can still talk to you at the head of the mountain." Appreciation, listen to what he asked, and hurriedly replied enthusiastically.

"I have free time in these two days to write a letter of recommendation. Then the younger brother can just come to the academy to study."

Wang Fugui couldn't help being startled, and said nah-na: "Ah, is it that simple..."

"The main reason is that the younger brother has a unique vision. If he can enter the academy to study, his achievements will be limitless in the future." The little fat man opened his mouth and came, without hesitation of praise.

Wang Fugui was a little embarrassed when he said this, and then asked: "Brother Feiyang, look at the qualifications of my junior, what subjects can I study if I go to the academy? I heard that there are many subjects in the academy..."

After pondering for a while, the little fat man replied quite seriously: "It seems that the younger brother also understands the subjects of the academy quite well. From the brother's point of view, there are several subjects that are quite suitable for the younger brother, such as business, poetry, martial arts..."

In the middle of the little fat man's speech, Caiwei couldn't help but turned around and interjected: "Not to mention other subjects, rich and noble juniors must choose poetry and prose. Poetry and prose are the foundation of all subjects."

"If you have learned poetry, you can have a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the cultivation method. If you learn poetry well, you can get twice the result with half the effort in other subjects. Look at this mysterious small world of fantasy, which is condensed by the elder brother following the artistic conception in the poetry. of."

Wang Fugui was a little stunned when he heard that, and said, "Ah, poetry is so important..."

"Of course it's important..." Almost all the academy disciples responded in unison.

"The younger brother also enrolls in... Poetry class." Wang Fugui followed the conversation of the crowd and couldn't help but answer.

"Junior brother is wise." The fat man nodded in affirmation.

Hearing that these academy disciples valued poems so much, several Haoranzong disciples couldn't help but secretly nodded, and they got closer to these academy disciples in their hearts.

Faintly hearing the conversation behind him, Chen Qingshuang nodded secretly, relaxed a little, turned to Xia Chaoyang who was at the side, and asked the doubts in his heart: "Chaoyang, I just saw you say goodbye to the little drug boy, and the little drug boy actually knew about your identity." Name, why is that?"

"Junior Sister has been here many little drug boy naturally recognizes me, hehe..." Xia Zhaoyang didn't find this strange.

"But... this is just an imaginary place, does a illusory little drug boy still have memories?" Miss Qingshuang was a little confused.

"This...hehe, actually my junior sister doesn't know too well. Senior brother should know about it. I told my junior sister last time...but I don't remember it. It seems to be about the power of rules or something..." Xia Zhaoyang was still talking. I thought about it carefully for a while, but still didn't remember it.

"The power of rules... what is that?" Miss Yue Qingshuang felt more and more ignorant.

"The power of rules, I understand this, such as the power of flowers blooming..., uh, the so-called power of rules..., it seems to be some kind of power that operates in a small world, ah..., I can't explain it indiscriminately, sister Qingshuang, you have time Let's ask Elder Brother..." Xia Zhaoyang tried to explain halfway, but finally gave up.

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