There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 541: Searching for the East China Sea

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Not only that, these teapots and cups are all engraved with special runes by Baiyun Tower, and within tens of meters, the brewed tea can be sent to each cup with the help of the wave power of the magic circle.

It is also because of Baiyun Tower's understanding of the power of the rules of the human world during this period of time.

With the in-depth comprehension of Zhenzi Jue, whether it is in the inscription of formation patterns or in the execution of spells, some more mysterious application of rules has been explored by Baiyunlou one after another.

These gadgets are casually refined by Master Bai, except for the one time when he had a dinner with his disciples, this is the first time he used them to entertain fellow disciples.

Seeing the empty teacup and the refreshing tea slowly pouring out, everyone present couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

I knew that the Artifact Refining Pavilion of the Academy was mysterious and extraordinary, but I didn't expect it to be so miraculous. Not only these little disciples, but even the two elders were amazed.

A little disciple couldn't help but took a sip from his teacup. The slightly bitter sweetness and fragrance made him feel at ease. He was about to sigh, but saw that the teacup in the cup was slowly filled to 80% full again.

"Senior Brother Bai, this cup is too amazing, you can refill your own tea..." The little disciple couldn't help being surprised.

Hearing this remark, all the elders and disciples present raised their glasses and drank together, all in amazement.

"These are just made by the boy at will. They are just small gadgets and are of no great use." Bai Yunlou laughed.

"If fellow daoists are interested, these cups will be given to fellow daoists. We can make tea and chat when we meet again in the future."

Now the atmosphere in the arena is more harmonious. I didn't expect this high-level Academy Senior Brother to be so casual.

After chatting for a while, Baiyun Tower learned a lot about the strange incident at Xuanhekou.

This sea monster only appeared suddenly in the last half month. Most of these sea monsters appeared in the deep sea or the depths of the sea before. During this period of time, they frequently appeared at the mouth of the Xuanhe River for unknown reasons.

Elder Han of Donghai Pavilion was rather pleased that the Sea-Monster, which usually requires a lot of effort to catch, was delivered to his door.

After getting the information a few days ago, I came to capture them. In the past few days, I have already captured several sea monsters, and I was a little overjoyed while talking and laughing.

Daoist Zhixing had no interest in the demon core or body of the sea monster, but heard that the sea monster appeared frequently in the estuary near the sea, and was worried that the sea monster would wreak havoc on the human world, so he brought his disciples to investigate.

If these sea monsters really have bad intentions, they can also help to eliminate the monsters by the way.

During the chat, one thing caught the attention of Baiyun Tower. Elder Han said that sea monsters are usually used to haunting the depths of the sea, and rarely come to the mouth of the river. It's unbearable, I don't know what happened in the current Sea Clan that forced these sea monsters to go to the mouth of the Xuanhe River to absorb spiritual energy.

The sea monsters who came during this period may have lived in the deep sea for a long time and were not humane. Most of the sea monsters acted recklessly and made waves in order to devour the spiritual energy, causing the nearby fishing boats to be unable to go to sea.

Fortunately, the sea-monsters who came to make troubles were at the Void Core Realm at most. Ever since the people from Donghai Pavilion came, the Great Elder of Japan and Han killed two arrogant sea-monsters on the spot, and the power shook the mouth of Xuanhe River.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the other sea monsters used their supernatural powers to escape one after another, but there were always unsightly sea monsters coming to disturb them one after another, which made it easier for the disciples of Donghai Pavilion.

In the past two days, the mouth of the Xuanhe River has been much quieter, but there are still sea monsters coming one after another. It seems that only by finding out the reason can the trouble of the sea monsters be completely eliminated.

During the chat, Baiyunlou asked Elder Han about Yan Qi, but he didn't expect to make Elder Han quite sad.

After a little thought, Elder Han still told everyone about Elder Yan Qi.

In the middle of the night half a month ago, Yan Qi finally returned to the East Sea Pavilion, but his body was thin and there were black lines between his brows, but his mind was still clear.

After returning to the pavilion, he just found the pavilion master and elders, and said that his soul was eroded by the devil energy day and night, but with this strong will, he still forcibly protected his consciousness.

But after his spirit was eroded, he was in excruciating pain every night, and some of his life was worse than death.

Back in the pavilion, Elder Yan Qi mainly wanted to resign as the elder of the Donghai Pavilion while his consciousness was clear, and then said that after being eroded by the devil's energy, he sensed the breath of a devil soul in the East China Sea and wanted to go to the East China Sea Check inside.

Seeing that his spiritual consciousness was clear, the pavilion master rejected Elder Yan Qi's resignation, just worried about his dharma body condition.

It can be seen that during this period of time, Yan Qi was wandering outside alone, and his life was not easy. In order to resist the erosion of demonic energy, his magic body was consumed too much. Only then did I persist.

However, Elder Yan Qi said that he was not worthy of the position of elder because he was greedy for the way of the demons for a while, so he insisted on resigning.

After saying that, Yan Qi fled away.

Knowing the news about Elder Yan Qi who had met once, Baiyunlou was delighted but also a little worried.

It is gratifying that fellow Taoists in the past were able to stick to their hearts and did not fall into the evil way.

All the elders and disciples sighed after hearing this. They had never heard of a monk who was able to hold on to his divine sense after being eroded by the demon soul before. They did not expect that the will of this elder Yan Qi was so tenacious.

Everyone chatted until late at night, Baiyun Tower was very happy, so they got up to say goodbye, thoughtfully put away the case and fruit plate, saluted the two elders, and fled to the depths of the East Sea with the junior sister.

Yujian reached the mid-air, and after fleeing for more than ten miles, Baiyunlou released a cloud of sapphire smoke and fled towards the southeast.

"Brother, do you want to find out the whereabouts of Elder Yan Qi?" Xia Zhaoyang asked suspiciously on the smoke cloud.

While using the power of the Yang God to detect the breath within hundreds of miles, Baiyunlou replied: "Yes, it's rare that Fellow Daoist Yan Qi didn't fall into the devil's way. With the means of my junior sister, maybe I can help him recast his soul."

"Yes, I have practiced proficiently in the small world in the tower before, and the monks who are not deeply enchanted can just whip a whip." Xia Zhaoyang was still worried about Elder Yan Qi being eroded by the devil's energy, and then he thought of his own With supernatural powers, he suddenly felt refreshed, and really wanted to find that Elder Yan Qi as soon as possible.

It’s just that the sea is so It’s so difficult to find a Golden Core cultivator, because a Golden Core cultivator can escape into the depths of the sea, and the efficiency of spiritual exploration in seawater is greatly reduced.

After searching for a long time, after traveling thousands of miles, the sea monster could sense a lot, but Yan Qi couldn't find a trace of it.

Suddenly, Baiyun Tower stopped and thought secretly.

"Brother, did you find it?" Xia Zhaoyang asked hurriedly with his eyes brightened.

"No, it just occurred to me that Taoist friend Yan Qi's soul has been eroded, and his soul's aura must have undergone major changes. This method of searching is somewhat inappropriate." Bai Yunlou pondered.

"But..." In the middle of speaking, Baiyun Real Estate sat on the head of the cloud, calmed down, mobilized his senses, and felt silently.

Seeing that the elder brother was going to use magical powers to investigate, Junior Sister Xia didn't ask, but stood still obediently, circulating the fairy light, and guarded by the side.

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