There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 484: suddenly see through

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General Luo also used a long spear. Seeing that his son was quite magnanimous, he couldn't help showing some joy in his eyes. He raised his hand, and the long spear on the weapon rack beside him was rolled up by the strength, and flew into the hands of General Luo in the air. .

There is no spiritual energy fluctuation, only powerful true energy, which seems to be real, and it really deserves to be General Luo who has broken into the realm of martial arts a long time ago.

"Look at the gun..."

With a clear shout, General Luo directly shot out to fight with Luo Xiaoyu in the field.

The old father pointed out to his son what is good about practicing guns. Baiyunlou looked at it twice, couldn't help curling his lips, then turned and walked to Wang Xing's side.

"Fangcai's swordsmanship is very good, but the quality of this sword is a little lower... Besides, that kid is the son of General Luo..." Baiyunlou said to Wang Xingchuan.

Taking advantage of Wang Xing's stunned time, Baiyunlou took the magic sword from his hand, stroked the sword finger, and began to refine it.

The mid-level magic sword of the treasure weapon and the long spear of the spiritual weapon really suffered a lot. Luo Xiaoyu's last spear even damaged the magic sword a little bit.

However, in the hands of Master Bai, this little damage is not a problem at all. In a moment of thought, several kinds of fairy materials and earth treasures floated out of the air, and under the tempering of the power of Yang God, they were slowly melted into the magic sword .

Under the induction of divine sense, Baiyunlou gradually found the most suitable vibration for this dharma sword, and then slightly adjusted the speed of tempering.

In just a short while, the dharma sword has been tempered countless times, gradually a kind of spirituality emerges from the sword body, and the whole body of the sword seems to be completely natural.

Baiyunlou withdrew his hand at the right time, condensed a stream of original true water, wrapped the tempered somewhat fiery dharma sword, and with a squeak, the dharma sword settled down in an instant.

The re-tempered Dharma sword looked brand new, floating in mid-air, with a faint light shining on it, flickering slowly like breathing.

After refining it casually, he actually refined this dharma sword into a spiritual weapon in one fell swoop, and Baiyunlou also felt that he had gained a lot.

The spiritual treasures of the Sun Golden Wheel were refined before because of the peerless immortal materials as the foundation, supplemented by various immortal materials and earth treasures.

If only relying on low-level treasure materials, Baiyun Tower has tried to refine many magic swords and magic weapons, but at most it can only directly refine them into top-level treasures.

Today, on a whim, I used several low-level spiritual materials to forge a spiritual weapon.

After a little thought, Baiyun Tower probably knew the reason.

There is no difference in this method. The method of tempering the soul has been explored in Baiyun Tower for some time. The main difference lies in the state of mind. Today's refining of this magic sword is done at will. When refining, there is almost no thought or thought. It is very similar to Taoism.

This should have something to do with Baiyunlou's insistence on cultivating to the fullest during this period of time. Baiyunlou has gradually developed a habit. When doing it to the fullest, there are much fewer distracting thoughts.

Truly do what you can't ask for it.

Just as he was thinking, the father-son sparring in the martial arts field turned into a crushing situation. It seemed that General Luo had finished his instruction to his son, and began to strike ruthlessly.

I saw a series of transformed spear lights piercing through the protective qi, knocking Luo Xiaoyu upside down and flying out, before he landed, General Luo dodged to follow, and lifted Luo Xiaoyu into the air with one shot.

Luo Xiaoyu, who was in mid-air, also reacted, gritted her teeth to endure the pain, raised her gun to block the falling spear, and used her strength to get out of the way.

General Luo showed his true skills, and immediately tortured Luo Xiaoyu until he was only struggling to support her.

Sure enough, it was this routine again, Baiyunlou silently blessed Luo Xiaoyu, ignoring the situation in the arena, raised his hand to take down the magic sword hanging in mid-air, and handed it to Wang Xing who was a little dazed.

"Is this a spiritual weapon? It's all glowing, is it for me?" Wang Xing was still a little dazed, his magic sword was refined into a spiritual weapon after only a short while in the hands of this academy student.

"This is Brother Wang's magic sword, of course it is returned to Brother Wang, we are all on our own..." Bai Yunlou stuffed the spirit weapon magic sword into Wang Xing's hand, and pointed to Mr. Luo who was struggling in the field.

Wang Xing was holding a brand-new spirit tool, the magic sword, and felt that it was incomparable. Suddenly he remembered something, and asked in a low voice: "The general only said to pick up a few students from the academy, fellow daoist, wouldn't it be the big brother of the academy who moved the world of cultivation?" , Master Bai, right?"

Baiyunlou clasped his hands and said: "It's all a false name, and I haven't finished my classes at the academy yet, otherwise I would have come to northern Xinjiang to fight side by side with fellow Taoists."

"It turned out to be Sect Master Bai, thank you so much..." Wang Xing couldn't hide his excitement while speaking.

Unexpectedly, the head of the Qingyun sect, who is famous in the cultivation world, is in front of him, and he also helped him refine a spiritual weapon and magic sword.

"It's too far-fetched to be called the master, just call my little brother Yunlou. After a while, there will be a few young disciples from the academy who will come to the northern border. When the time comes, I will ask brother Wang to help me take care of them if I have time." .” Bai Yunlou said casually.

"Those who are masters in the realm of cultivation come first, so let's call the young master Senior Brother Bai. Don't worry, Senior Brother, the academy disciples feel like they are at home when they arrive at the Black Tower Barracks."

While the two were talking, a figure flashed out beside them. It turned out that Caiwei saw that Ailang was tortured so badly that she couldn't help but join the battle group.

Caiwei's strength is not weak. Although she was trapped by love during this, she has never stopped practicing whipping.

The joint efforts of the two finally made the scene not so ugly, and General Luo was a little happy about it. The spear in his hand was even more magical, and he was able to move his true energy into perfection.

Xia Chaoyang saw that the three of them were quite organized, but Luo Xiaoyu seemed to be seriously injured, and his marksmanship was affected a lot, so he raised his hand and cast an evergreen spell, pouring it into Luo Xiaoyu's body.

Luo Xiaoyu couldn't help but tremble, and General Luo seized the opportunity to shoot Luo Xiaoyu away.

With the Evergreen Technique of Dzogchen on her body, the injury disappeared in an instant. It was the tingling feeling that made Luo Xiaoyu even a little unsteady in holding the spear.

But today's Luo Xiaoyu is no longer what it used to be, and after she has cultivated to a small degree, the numbness is not so unbearable in comparison.

Concentrating fully, Luo Xiaoyu focused on the long spear in his hand, and rejoined the sparring. This time, the more he fought, the more courageous he became, and the marksmanship showed signs of change.

It's just that every time a move is hit, there will be an evergreen spell, forcing Luo Xiaoyu to concentrate more and minimize mistakes.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, the reaction of the spiritual consciousness seemed to be in perfect harmony with the spear technique, a feeling of sudden penetration filled Luo Xiaoyu's mind, and the consciousness of the body and the spear technique transformed at the same time.

Although he was still suppressed by his father because of insufficient cultivation, he was able to compete with one or two in terms of moves.

Realizing that his son had made a breakthrough, General Luo was overjoyed, a spear shot out with vigor, and after driving the two of them back a few feet, he dodged out of the martial arts arena, which was the end of the sparring.

"Senior Sister... that's enough..." After the sparring, Luo Xiaoyu was lucky that she didn't come, and hurriedly shouted to Senior Sister Xia.

"Oh, it's easy, hehe, senior sister's evergreen technique is not bad..." Xia Chaoyang smiled, and then withdrew his hand holding the formula.

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