There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 411: Dao Heart Seed Demon

"There is a fairy tower in Baiyun's birth place (

"The Eastern family..., Junior Sister Ziyan..." Bai Yunlou muttered, while thinking about exploring the boundaries of tens of miles around.

Just now he was wandering casually, but he didn't know where he was going, so he had to search carefully to find out the direction, but when he was thinking about Junior Sister Ziyan, a warning sign suddenly appeared in Baiyun Tower.

Junior Sister Ziyan had an accident!

In an instant, Baiyunlou sat cross-legged on top of the cloud of smoke, concentrating with all his strength, thinking for hundreds of miles, and found the quite familiar Xuanbing River in a moment. Compared with the topography map, he already knew the exact direction.

Immediately, Baiyun Tower poured most of the spiritual consciousness and the power of the Yang God into the sapphire cloud, and the cloud immediately turned into a blue light and fled in a hurry.

While meditating and meditating, the divine consciousness also spread out, and under the concentration, wisps of wind traces gradually emerged in the divine consciousness.

Relying on the perception of the Dao of Wind during this period, Yanyun gradually matched with the flying Dao marks of wind, and when sliding over these Dao marks of wind, the speed of Yan Yun's escaping increased by nearly double.

Xia Zhaoyang suddenly saw that his senior brother was rushing forward with all his strength, and his expression was very heavy, he also sensed something bad, so he called Huo Ling'er over softly, and sat cross-legged behind his senior brother together.

Inspired by the little master's nervousness, Xiao Hua's figure flashed, and she returned to the Sea of ​​Consciousness Flower Palace, covering the little master's fairy clothes with a layer of fairy light.

The spiritual sense left on the main body to see the direction, sensed that the junior sister was coming behind, Baiyun Tower immediately moved the thought to turn the smoke cloud into a flowing cloud shape, and the speed of escape immediately increased a bit.

Nearly a thousand miles away, it took only a cup of tea, and this cloud of smoke had already escaped to the sky above Jiangling City.

Seeing the tall courtyard of the Dongfang family, Baiyunlou put away the spiritual consciousness and Yangshen power from the smoke, and while sensing the breath of the junior sister, went to the small courtyard of Zi Yanniang's mother.

Devil! Demon soul!

Baiyunlou actually sensed the aura of a demon soul around Junior Sister Ziyan, and it exuded an extremely powerful aura.

It should have happened suddenly when he was trying his best to control Yanyun just now, otherwise he and Junior Sister Ziyan would have noticed it based on their telepathy.

Sensing the familiar aura of the demon soul, Baiyun Tower understood that it was the backhand left by the demon soul with powerful soul-dividing power in front of Xuanyin Mountain.

In a blink of an eye, Baiyun Tower immediately cast a series of Yangshen barriers to completely seal the courtyard.

Now the body of the Yang God in Baiyun Tower has undergone some refining of immortal energy, and the pure Yang enchantment it has set up is several times stronger than when it was in Xuanyin Temple last time.

A figure flickered outside the courtyard, several well-cultivated courtyard guards had just arrived here, and that Dongfang Yu was standing outside the courtyard gate holding a sword.

Hey, this kid seems to have made a breakthrough in his consciousness and soul, and his breath is still a little unstable, it seems that he just broke through.

But this is not the time to explore, Baiyun Tower thought about investigating the spread of demonic energy.

After a moment of thought, it was found that the demonic energy and demonic soul had not spread outside the courtyard, and Baiyunlou felt a little relieved.

Xia Shimei's body was flashing with fairy light, and she had fairy clothes to protect her body, so don't worry, Huo Ling'er's god, fire, and spirit have strengthened a lot these days, so she should be worry-free for a while. Ri Jinlun, holding the dragon scale sword tightly in his right hand, walked towards the room.

There were only two people in the room, Junior Sister Ziyan and her mother, Ziyan was leaning on the bamboo chair beside the couch, with devilish energy surging around her.

Zi Yanniang was lying on the bed, her soul aura was weak, and even the devil soul didn't bother to approach, Baiyunlou raised her hand and cast a small sweet rain technique full of innate energy, first to stabilize her soul before making any plans.

After careful sensing, Baiyunlou realized that these devil energy and devil souls were only overflowing, and the real devil soul breath was still in the sea of ​​consciousness between Junior Sister Ziyan's brows.

Immediately, Baiyunlou used the dementor power, raised his hand and grabbed all the demon souls in the room, and a pure Yang sword slashed out. Cut into a blue fluorescent point with the magic energy, and take advantage of the trend to collect it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Sensing that there was no more demonic energy left in the room, Baiyunlou raised his hand and released the Sunjinlun, covering Junior Sister Ziyan in it.

"Chaoyang, Huo Ling'er, you stay outside, senior brother wants to enter Ziyan Sea of ​​Consciousness to explore." Bai Yunlou turned his head and told the two junior sisters.

"Brother, be careful..." Xia Zhaoyang said softly.

Bai Yunlou nodded slightly, and stepped into the Rijin Wheel.

There was warmth inside the Rijin Wheel, and the true fire of Samadhi was scattered on the fragments of the Lingbao surrounding it. If there was any more devilish energy and souls overflowing, the meaning of these real fires would also be able to burn the seal in the Lingbao.

Standing still in front of Junior Sister Ziyan, Baiyunlou used the sword to protect the body of the main body, pointing at the point between Ziyan's eyebrows, a pure Yang sword with the powerful power of the Yang God wrapped Baiyunlou's consciousness, Escape into the sea of ​​consciousness of Junior Sister Ziyan.

After some investigation, the fairy lotus barrier was not in its original position. Relying on the telepathy with Zi Yan, Bai Yunlou finally found the greatly changed fairy lotus barrier in the depths of the chaotic sea of ​​consciousness.

Today's fairy lotus enchantment not only expands to a radius of ten feet, but also has a lot of demonic energy inside. Maybe these demonic energy and demonic souls are contaminated with the breath of human gods and souls, and they are not afraid of even the immeasurable light.

The fairy lotus in the lotus pond has grown to several feet in size, and has been severely eroded by the demon energy. Most of the lotus petals are black, and only the small half of the lotus is left to resist the erosion under the protection of the fairy light.

After some induction, Junior Sister Ziyan's soul was not in the fairy lotus, but was hiding in the ice crystal ball hanging in mid-air.

This ice crystal ball condenses the power of the most cold law in Kunlun Cave, and Junior Sister Zi Yan is relying on Kunlun's mysterious ice supernatural power and the power of this layer of to seal herself in the ice crystal ball among.

It should have happened suddenly, and Junior Sister Ziyan's consciousness went into the sea of ​​consciousness to investigate, and when she realized that something was wrong, she immediately ordered the body of the primordial spirit to escape into the ice crystal ball, not only guarding the body of the primordial spirit and the consciousness of the main body, but also controlling the immortal body. The lotus barrier fought against the true soul of the demonic thoughts, and temporarily sealed the demonic soul within the barrier.

Baiyunlou is protected by the pure Yang sword and the power of the Yang god, so he is not afraid of the erosion of these evil thoughts.

After thinking about it for a while, Baiyun Tower raised its sword light and approached the fairy lotus barrier.

Sure enough, as soon as Fang approached, there was a slight fluctuation in this enchantment. It seemed that Zi Yan had already sensed the location of her spiritual consciousness.

Without any hesitation, Baiyun Tower fled directly towards the ice crystal ball.

With the cooperation of Junior Sister Ziyan, Baiyunlou's consciousness smoothly escaped into the ice crystal ball with the power of the law of extreme cold.

The few traces of demon souls mixed in were easily shattered and dissipated by Baiyunlou with the power of the Yang God.

Passing through the cold air that quietly parted, Baiyunlou finally saw the body of Junior Sister Zi Yan, who was sitting cross-legged in the void and concentrating on controlling the fairy lotus barrier.

"Ziyan, how did this demon soul invade the sea of ​​consciousness, is there a way to kill it?" After a moment of pondering, Baiyunlou asked directly.

After a while, Zi Yan was finally distracted and sent back a thought.

"Borrowing the power of the fairy lotus barrier just now, Ziyan used the soul search technique to get some information from a few strands of demonic souls. When the demons were exterminated at Tianyin Temple that night, the true soul of the demonic thoughts used the supernatural powers of the demons, which cost half of the time. Demonic thoughts, displaying the method of cultivating demons in the Dao heart."

"This supernatural power is extremely secretive, it won't leave even a dao mark, and it can be used as far as the mind can reach."

"This supernatural power was originally hidden in a newborn fairy lotus seed. It has been absorbing various breaths in the fairy lotus. Now it has become a climate. Just now, it suddenly exploded when I was in a state of instability."

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