There is a Fairy Tower In Baiyun’s Birth Place

Chapter 147: Kill all demon souls

Just listening to the roar of the water monster, it used its natural supernatural powers to set off huge waves and roll towards the shore.

Suddenly getting rid of the shackles, and seeing countless **** food on the shore, the water monster immediately burst into ferociousness, opened its mouth directly, and rushed towards the shore by the waves.

"Evil demon Angan." Baiyunlou shouted loudly, with all his strength, several sword lights pierced through the water monster's forehead, and the sword light turned back after piercing through, cutting the water monster in two.

Although the water monster was killed, the huge wave rushed to the shore in an instant, and several people were swept up from the embankment of the river and fell into the torrential river. Suddenly, countless exclamations were heard from the shore.

Now the waves in the river are turbulent, and some ordinary people fall into the river. Baiyunlou pays no attention to the water monster that has been broken in two, and uses several sword lights to dive into the river, and firmly support those who fell into the water.

As soon as they came out of the water, the few people began to struggle in a hurry. Seeing that they were being held up steadily by the sword light of the fairy head, they immediately realized that they were saved by the fairy head, and hurriedly kowtowed on the sword light.

After seeing a few emerald green sword lights sending these people to the bank of the river, countless county residents on the bank shouted for the mercy of the immortal elder and kowtowed on the spot.

Baiyunlou nodded slightly, and came to the high platform on the bank in a flash.

The few people who were possessed by the evil thought had already disappeared from the high platform, but in the eyes of Baiyun Tower, they were as clear as candles.

Seeing that the situation wasn't right, these demonic thoughts had already squeezed out of the crowd and escaped a mile away, obviously heading towards the house of the cultivator in the Demon Core Realm.

Knowing the intentions of these demonic thoughts, how could Baiyunlou let them succeed? A few green vines flashed from their sleeves, turned into streams of light and rolled towards those people, and then flashed their figures, and with a flash of sword light, they also shot towards those people. Several people chased after them.

Just now all the county residents flocked to the riverside, but at this moment, the Dragon King Temple on the hillside by the riverside seemed extremely deserted.

When passing by the Dragon King Temple, Baiyunlou saw that there was a suitable place in front of the temple, so he stopped his sword light, and those green vines had already entangled the fleeing people possessed by evil thoughts.

Worried that the demonic thoughts would harm the innocent county residents, Baiyunlou secretly detonated the Soul Explosive Jade Talisman hidden on the green vine.

The fleeing figures froze for a moment, and were coerced by green vines to the front of the Dragon King Temple.

Without time to hesitate, Baiyunlou took advantage of the chaotic state of these magical thoughts and directly used the power of the primordial spirit to forcibly pull the **** of magical thoughts out of the sea of ​​consciousness of several people.

Now that Baiyunlou's form transformation technique is almost complete, several groups of demonic thoughts are easily visualized.

The county residents who rushed back from the river one after another could clearly see that the cloud of black energy was drawn out from the heads of those high-level people by the fairy elders, and they all understood that these so-called high-level people were actually possessed by demonic energy.

After the demonic energy was drawn out, the bodies of several people collapsed to the ground. Baiyunlou's spiritual sense swept over them, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, these people were able to recover from a deep sleep not long after being possessed.

So the method was cast, and several sword lights led several people to the Dragon King Temple on the side.

With no further worries, Baiyunlou made some arrangements in front of him, and then began to deal with the five demonic thoughts condensed in front of him.

If Baiyunlou is willing, he can crush these five **** of demonic thoughts into fluorescent lights in a flash, but Baiyunlou only traps them and slowly wears them away with the sword energy of the dragon scale sword.

Sure enough, after a while, Baiyun Tower sensed a shocking demonic energy flying towards him at a very high speed, it was the strong man in the Demon Core Realm in that house.

The demon cultivator seemed to be irritated, and the monstrous demonic flames burst out halfway, which was impressively the cultivation base of the late stage of the demon core realm.

Sensing that the demon cultivator was about to arrive in a few breaths, Baiyunlou no longer kept his hand, and the Dragon Scale Sword directly burst out the sword energy of broken thoughts, exploding the five **** of magical thoughts in front of him into pieces of green fluorescent spots, and then Instantly incorporated into the sea of ​​consciousness sapphire.

Sensing the disappearance of the magic thoughts of several avatars, Moxiu felt that the situation was a little strange in the later stage of the magic pill. He slowed down slightly, used the magic thoughts to protect his whole body, and finally appeared in the square in front of the Dragon King Temple.

I saw that there was no so-called ambush in the square, only a long-sleeved sword cultivator.

When the magic thought was detected, the other party was only at the foundation-building stage. Standing in the field and looking at him with a smile, he was suddenly furious.

However, there was a loud bang at his feet, and Moxiu suddenly felt that his thoughts were blank.

When he woke up again, he saw a golden flying sword stabbed in front of his chest, and his demonic thoughts were weakened a lot.

Moxiu roared and shook the flying sword out. Before the roar was over, he heard another explosion, and then there was no more.

Before the demon cultivator arrived just now, Baiyun Tower had arranged a lot of soul-exploding jade charms in front of him.

Taking advantage of the surprise of the demon cultivator, he succeeded in one fell swoop, but the demon cultivator was really good, and a jade talisman only made his demon thoughts chaotic for a while.

Seeing that Moxiu broke free from the dizziness and shook the Dragon Scale Sword away, Baiyunlou detonated another Soul Explosive Jade Talisman in a whim, but fortunately, he found the rhythm now.

Time is precious, every breath is a jade talisman, Baiyunlou felt pain in the flesh, the power of the primordial spirit was fully activated, all the more than ten Lingzhu swords that had been refined in Qingyun's scabbard flew out, and the sword energy of broken thoughts smashed in Rolling in the magic energy.

It was not easy for Baiyunlou to exert such full power of the broken thoughts supernatural power. Not only did he have to bear the pain of breaking his soul, but he also had to stay awake and detonate the jade talisman with his spiritual thoughts.

Fortunately, the divine mind has been calcined day and night by the fairy fire recently, but the primordial spirit is very tenacious.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a demon cultivator in the late stage of whose demon body is almost perfect, even with the sharpness of the dragon scale sword, it can't penetrate the demon body, and the destructive power of the Lingzhu sword is even more limited.

After ten breaths passed, the evil thoughts outside Moxiu's body had been completely shattered, and there were still many evil thoughts hidden in the devil's body, even with the power of the primordial spirit, it was difficult to absorb them.

Seeing the shattered jade talismans, Baiyunlou gritted his teeth, concentrating on a phantom of immortal fire, and threw it towards Moxiu's magic pill.

With a puff, the phantom of the fairy fire pierced through Moxiu's dantian without hindrance.

Feeling a desperate crisis now, even the shock of the broken thought jade talisman could not prevent Moxiu from waking up again.

However, after waking up, Moxiu was even more desperate. The magic pill was shattered, the body of the demon was being burned, and the magic energy was touched by the flame, and it melted like snow.

Seeing that the demon body was useless, the demon soul directly abandoned the demon body, turning into three black smoke and fleeing in three directions.

It has reached such a point, how could Baiyunlou let this demon soul go, throwing three blasting soul jade charms like meteors, and directly scattered the three black smoke.

Then, dozens of sword lights were raised by the Baiyun Tower, cutting off the black smoke demon souls one by one, turning them into countless green fluorescent spots, which were incorporated into the sea of ​​consciousness like the confluence of thousands of rivers.

Looking at the demon's body that had already been half burned by the phantom of the immortal fire, Bai Yunlou sighed slightly, both the divine fire and the immortal fire were very overbearing, and now half of the demon souls were burned by the immortal fire.

Walking up to the devil's body, he reached out and grabbed it, and caught a black air as thin as a gossamer between his brows.

"Sure enough, there is still a hint of luck." Baiyunlou grasped this evil thought in the palm of his hand, searched it carefully with the soul search technique, and found out that there were no other evil cultivators in the vicinity tens of miles away, so he raised his hand and shattered it. This magic thought.

Tianyantong checked around and confirmed that there was no trace of evil energy escaping, so Baiyunlou was completely relieved.


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