Their Commission Pay is Not Right

Their entrusted rewards are wrong Chapter 253

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and anyone with some social experience should know that.

"Well, it's really amazing. But... that's a reward from the bar. Do you want something? Like money?" Estelle asked after hesitating.

"Estel, you have to understand that money is meaningless to a bar that doesn't open in the same world." Chen Luo reminded him friendly.

"If you really want to give a reward, then lend me your teaching materials for learning magic. You only need the most basic magic books." Chen Luo said.

"Only the basics?"

"After all, it's not too difficult for me to help, is it? I just use it to prevent accidents. If things go well, I may just go on a trip."

Chen Luo is not greedy.

In fact, the most basic knowledge of magic is the most versatile.

For example, no matter what type of fly swatter can be used to slap mosquitoes, but not all graphics cards can support the operation of the Elden Ring.

Sometimes things that are higher, deeper and more precise may not be applicable in other worlds.

To put it simply, it is unacceptable.

For example, if it's just an ordinary person who went from the collapsed world to Chen Luo's world, maybe nothing will happen, but if it's a Herrscher from the collapsed three worlds to Chen Luo's world, the phenomenon of acclimatization will be very serious up.

Just like Chen Luo, who was almost overwhelmed by his own world after returning from becoming a Herrscher.

So basic magic is good, basic magic is good.

Although basic magic is not necessarily very strong, it at least has a greater possibility of being usable in other worlds.

After all, there are only a few conceptual abilities that can be used in countless worlds, and most of them are ordinary magic or abilities that are not universal.

Because of this, although Chen Luo could refine some recovery potions through alchemy, he didn't dare to give these things to Estelle.

Because I am afraid that something will happen.

"If it's just basic magic, it's fine. Or, if you want to learn advanced magic, it's a little impossible. Maybe it's because of the difference in the world, so in our world, males generally don't achieve much in magic. Gao. I don't know if it will affect you in another world." Estelle nodded and said.

So in Estelle's world, the highest achievement in magic is a witch rather than a magician or something, because only women can reach the witch level.

"What kind of double-standard world is this? I already feel the deep malice this world has towards us men. Tsk tsk." Chen Luo shook his head.

Not only the world of this witch, but also the world of Honkai III, how patriarchal they are all.

But it’s okay, I’m not from these worlds.

At least Chen Luo's own world is still equal to men and women, which makes Chen Luo quite gratified.

"This is my commission card. When you find a witch who is willing to cooperate, call me out." Chen Luo handed a commission card to the other party.

"This card is very simple to use, as long as you tear it up, I can receive the news at that time. The way to enter the field is probably still through the gate of this bar." Chen Luo introduced the method of use .

"Got it." After receiving the card, Estelle looked at it curiously.

But after looking carefully for a long time, Estelle sent it out after she couldn't see anything strange at all.

"Okay, I should go too, I should go too, let's distribute some leaflets in the city at night. I hope some witches will see these leaflets tomorrow. Thank you for your hospitality." After drinking the black tea in the cup, Ai Si After Dale saluted very politely, she walked towards the outside of the bar.

"Well, the reward is very generous and the difficulty is very strange... This task feels a bit strange. But how will you know if you can succeed if you don't try it? I hope this commission will not collide with other things." Chen Luo was thinking in his heart .

But Chen Luo always felt like he had forgotten something.

Chapter 276 Siegfried and Raiden Ryoma's stickers???


Chen Luo, who was sleeping soundly, seemed to hear the voice of the little fox, and there was still a slight vibration around his head.

"Hmm..." Annoyed, Chen Luo directly took out the pillow under his head and covered his head.

"Whoosh!" But I don't know if it was Chen Luo's illusion, or because he was drowsy, Chen Luo always felt as if there was something on his pillow just now, and then he was thrown out by himself.

emmm, forget it, continue to sleep!

"Crack!" The little fox who was caught off guard and thrown against the wall was stunned.

"Goo!" The little fox gradually slid down from the wall, with angry eyes showing in his eyes.

Scholars can bear it, but foxes cannot bear it.

The little fox observed Chen Luo's room decoration, thought for a while, and jumped directly onto Chen Luo's bed, then jumped onto the desk through the bed, hooked the screen window with its claws from the desk, and finally jumped onto the wardrobe.

Seeing Chen Luo covering his head with a pillow, the little fox jumped up eagerly, and then kicked Chen Luo fiercely with his paw.

Eat Me Knight Kick!

"Huh? Murderous?" Chen Luo, who was still sleepy, suddenly woke up.

There is a big difference between simple noisy movements and murderous actions.

Moving away the pillow covering his head, Chen Luo saw the little fox flying towards him.

"..." Why is the little fox in his room?

Oh, I remembered, yesterday I was sleeping with the little fox in my arms.

Alas, for a fox like this, it would be meaningless if it is not raised for sleeping and cuddling.

However, foxes, like cats, don't sleep very long. After Chen Luo falls asleep while hugging the other party, the other party may wake up earlier than Chen Luo.

At least Chen Luo's two foxes are like this, they are as energetic as Erha, so terrifying.

Perhaps the vibration Chen Luo felt just now was the little fox dancing on Chen Luo's pillow.

And the heavy object that he threw out just now might be the little fox.


Chen Luo grabbed the pillow in his hand and ruthlessly threw it at the little fox that was rushing towards him.

The pillow and the little fox collide in the air...


This time, it was Chen Luo's victory.

"Hoo!" The little fox, who was hit on the forehead by the pillow, fell into Chen Luo's arms from the air.

"Okay, don't pretend to be dead, it's time to get up and have breakfast. You're a real guy, what time is it?" After looking up at his watch, Chen Luo pinched the little fox's face angrily.

"Hey." After the little fox heard that he could have breakfast, he didn't bother to take revenge, and directly rubbed his face against Chen Luo's chest, bringing out the fox's coquettish ability to the extreme.

"Well, do you want to eat fried tofu?"

"Hey." After the name of this bag of fried tofu, the little fox became even happier.

"Okay, okay, I've convinced you, now you go out first, remember to close the door when you go out, I'll change clothes first." Chen Luo smiled and said after rubbing the little fox's head.

"Hey!" The little fox nodded. Bouncing away from Chen Luo's room.

Now the little fox has learned to open and close the door.

Looking at the little fox who closed the door smoothly, Chen Luo nodded in relief, and then lay down on the bed again, covered with a quilt.

Oh, silly fox.

It's noisy after 6 o'clock, it's against you.

Allow me to sleep for another hour.

While covering the quilt, Chen Luo sealed the door with the silk thread of the Herrscher of Corrosion power.

This is not to blame on Chen Luo, Chen Luo stayed up all night after opening the store at 12 o'clock yesterday, and stayed up until 2 o'clock to learn knowledge.

In fact, Chen Luo was quite tired. While entertaining guests from various bars, he also had to deal with all kinds of troubles.

Including but not limited to the handling of conflicts between the two Mebius and so on.

That's why Chen Luo wanted a bartender to work next to him, and fish by himself, so that Chen Luo could devote himself to research.

Chen Luo already felt that his current puppeteer skills were almost at the proficient level, and what Chen Luo meant here was the proficiency level without the blessing of furniture proficiency.

When Chen Luo improves his puppeteer skills to the master level, he can transform Yvette into a puppet with his own soul.

In this way, there is no need to endure the daily surveillance of those brain-dead churches.

Although Chen Luo was not a key surveillance target, it was always unpleasant to be watched.

Well, forget it, don't want to, go to sleep.

As for the little fox? Wouldn't it be good to buy it with a meal of fried tofu later?

Big deal two meals.


"Xiaoba, I'm sorry, this time it's all my fault, but you have to be considerate and considerate of me. I slept from 2 o'clock to 6 o'clock yesterday, and I was woken up by you, so I accidentally relaxed my mind and slept for a while. It's normal to feel back in the cage, right?"

At the dining table during breakfast, Chen Luo apologized to the little fox.

"Hey!" The little fox turned his head away from Chen Luo's apology, obviously not wanting to accept it.

"Oh, just accept my apology, I didn't mean it." When Chen Luo turned his head at the little fox, he quickly stuffed half a ham into his mouth.

Perhaps because of Ham, Chen Luo's voice was a little weird, and the little fox couldn't help turning his head back.

"..." Looking at Chen Luo and the little fox who were fighting each other's wits and courage, the Herrscher of Knowledge sighed.

How could these two behave like children?

It's really embarrassing to adults.

Can't you learn from me?



Anything can be done.

"By the way, Xiaoxuan, how is your online class doing?" asked the Herrscher of Knowledge who took a crab roe soup dumpling from the plate in front of the Cangxuan Book.

"...It's almost finished."

Although Cang Xiaoxuan was very angry when the crab roe soup bun was robbed, but Cang Xiaoxuan couldn't beat Zhibao, so he could only hold back.

The most important thing is that Cangxuan Zhishu knows that if he fights with the Herrscher of Knowledge, Chen Luo will definitely help the Herrscher of Knowledge.

A child with a father is like a treasure...

Old Antique, Old Antique, when will I see you...

Cangxuan Zhishu let out a mournful cry.

"Why haven't you finished brushing yet?" The Herrscher of Knowledge asked strangely.

"You don't even know how insane and anti-human that damn online class is." Speaking of this, Cangxuanzhishu became angry.

"You are not human." The Herrscher of Knowledge reminded him kindly.

"You don't need to remind me of this." Cangxuan Zhishu rolled his eyes at Zhibao.

I am not a human being and still need you to remind me, thank you so much.

"Damn online classes can't be accelerated, can't be played at double speed, can't drag the progress bar, and the mouse can't leave the video content..." Cangxuan Zhishu began to read brokenly beside him.

"Oh, what a poor child." Hearing this, Zhibao couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, and then took a crab roe soup dumpling from Cangxuan's book.

On the other side, Chen Luo finally won the forgiveness of the little fox, and the price was a meal of fried tofu, a meal of deluxe version of fried tofu, and a meal of ultra-luxury version of fried tofu.

As for the difference between these three kinds of fried tofu... it is probably equivalent to mixing noodles with sausage, adding eggs and adding a bottle of soda, right?

Anyway, everything Chen Luo eats is delicious, and he just looks like he's bluffing.

But the little fox is very happy.

"Let me think about what I'm going to do today, look for Alponia, it doesn't matter if I can find it or not. Help Kiyana solve the problem, it doesn't matter how you solve it. Then it's probably gone..."

"Hey, it's true that after a period of quest peak period, there are no more quests to clear. Is this the so-called long-term period?" Chen Luo fell into self-doubt.

The long grass period in the game is just boring, but the long grass period in reality is real [grass].

In fact, it's not that Chen Luo has other things to do. For example, Chen Luo can go to [recover] the core of the Herrscher of Wind and the core of the Herrscher of Death.

But Chen Luo thought about it carefully. Anyway, at this time, the granddaughter of Dr. Markey in the Herrscher of Death experiment is dead. Otto should not be interested in continuing to study the core of the Herrscher of Death now, and will not do it again. Human experiments have been done, so there is probably no need to worry so much.

But the core of the Wind Herrscher is indeed...

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