Glancing at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, at 11:59:59 midnight, she manually clicked,

The perfume "Own You" that has already been prepared offline and has written an introduction copy has been put on sale.

Almost immediately online.

The stock '1' of the perfume becomes zero.

And the price tag is 50 million RMB.

In other words, someone paid for the only bottle of "Own You" at lightning speed.

[Is it really so pretty? I've been squatting for half a month, but I still haven't bought one? 】

[Is there a mistake? I found a professional computer engineer, but I didn't get one? 】

[Slow by 0.08 seconds? Very angry...]

[Strongly request Eve to produce another bottle! 】

[Which god will be the man, buy it, and go to commit crimes? 】

[You can buy it, not as if you want to commit a crime. 】

[I really don't want to commit crimes, I want to increase the price and resell them. 】

But all the comment areas of Eve's official perfume and baby are open to the public. Even customers who don't buy can comment at will.

Of course, buyers who have actually bought this item have the buyer's label, and the comments posted will be displayed at the top, which can be distinguished from ordinary tourists' comments.

Li Tinghe waited in the bedroom, holding a luxurious and domineering cigar between his slender fingers. The smoke curled up into the air, and before it could fully diffuse, it was taken away by the fresh air system in the room and converted into pure air.

He Qiang stood beside him, answered a phone call, and said, "Master, the technical department called and said that the perfume was photographed. It finally lived up to its mission."

"Have someone send it over immediately."


On Bai Jingxuan's side, I saw the buyer leaving a message in the background, 【I want perfume now, and I have left a delivery address. 】

She was just thinking about who would be so rich to spend 50 million on a bottle of perfume.

After all, no matter how famous 'Eve' is.

In fact, she was just lying about the price at will.

Of course, only this bottle is rare.

In the comment area, some buyers begged the people they photographed to resell the perfume, but they were ignored. In order to protect the privacy of buyers, they could not actively contact the real buyers.

Expensive has its own value and service.

This fragrance, contains anytime, anywhere, delivered to your door.

She was fully dressed and was about to go to 'delivery' herself.

Seeing the address left by the customer, it turned out to be the old house of the Li family!

Fuck! Li Tinghe actually bought it.

Because, Li Song's pocket money was also deducted by his previous recklessness.

Even if the old man Li Zhenshan bought it, he won't be able to use it after his wife dies.

What's more, the old man is a senior who has beaten Zhang, so it is impossible to be so extravagant.

The mother-in-law Tang Jingxian is a self-confident person and will not cuckold her father-in-law.

Then there is only one choice left.

"Arrange someone to go to the 'Eve' studio, pick up 'Have You', and deliver it according to the address." Bai Jingxuan made a phone call to her assistant Xie Yuan.

Xie Yuan was shocked over there, "Boss, did you sell the perfume you researched to yourself?"

"I didn't buy it."

"Oh..." Xie Yuan raised his voice at the end, "It's because you and Master Li are not in harmony, and special means are needed..."

"Fuck off! If you talk nonsense, cut off your tongue."

Bai Jingxuan hung up the phone with a dark face.

Frankly speaking, she and Li Tinghe are very harmonious.

The main reason is that he is too strong.

She can't stand it.

She also didn't understand, why did he still buy Reminder and Qing perfume?

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