"Lu Muqing!" Li Tinghe's face turned livid, and he gave a signal with his eyes, and a bodyguard standing beside him stepped forward and slapped Lu Muqing.


The slap was loud, and clear five finger prints appeared on Lu Muqing's face.

"Brother Li..." Lu Muqing stared at him incredulously, "You never hit me..."

"You are only worthy of my subordinates." Li Tinghe's eyes didn't have a trace of human anger, and it was extremely dangerous, but Mu Qing was deeply fascinated by it, even if a moth flew into the flame, she was willing.

If I were to be an ordinary woman, I would have been crying a long time ago. Lu Muqing knew that he didn't like weak women, so he raised his face and smiled smartly, "Since it was rewarded by Brother Li, a slap is also fragrant."

"Dad, did you see clearly?" Tang Jingxian rarely expressed her opinion to her father-in-law, Li Zhenshan, "A bitch's daughter is just like this, she gets slapped and licks her face and drives her up."

Li Zhenshan would not be so stupid as to offend his daughter-in-law, and it was inconvenient to speak, so he remained silent, "..."

"Aunt Li..." Lu Muqing was extremely aggrieved, "My mother and Uncle Li were innocent before she was alive."

"Whether it's clear or not, it's not up to you."

"My mother is dead, so you can't wrong her." Mu Qing argued, "Besides, the elder's affairs should not affect me, an innocent junior."

Tang Jingxian smashed her chopsticks on the table angrily, "You have bullied my daughter-in-law, are you innocent?"

Lu Muqing also knew that Bai Jingxuan, an incompetent woman, might have never even touched a gun, and it was indeed no match for her to compete with her. However, "Your daughter-in-law agreed to the competition. As Mrs. Li, I am willing to be a The villain who pokes the spine and promises to go back on his word, then she can go back on her word."

In short, Bai Jingxuan must be suppressed!

Just as Tang Jingxian got excited, Bai Jingxuan reached out and patted her hand lightly, "Mom, don't worry."

There was a look of contempt in Lu Muqing's eyes, let Bai Jingxuan speak hard, and embarrass her tomorrow!

When Mu Qing returned to the room, Li Song called, "I heard that Ting He hit you?"

"Uncle Li..." The sobs could be heard through the phone, "You are really well informed."

"After all, I am from the Li family. Even if I don't live in the old house, I still have some eyeliners." Li Song comforted her, "Hitting is kissing, scolding is love. Tinghe is kissing you, don't you Take it easy."

"Of course not." She was still waiting to be Mrs. Li.

"Are you sure about tomorrow's competition with Bai Jingxuan?" Li Song finally got to the point.

"Yes." Lu Muqing said, "I'm not afraid of your jokes. I sent someone to check on Bai Jingxuan, and she never learned how to shoot. The last time I was able to beat me in fists and kicks, it was just because I was tired from the competition and she got caught by her." It's a cheap loophole. According to the marksmanship, I'll kill her instantly!"

"That's good." Li Song still had confidence in her, "Don't let me down."

"Just wait and see Bai Jingxuan's fiasco." After hanging up the phone, Lu Muqing ordered his personal bodyguard Ji Yun, "Go and make arrangements so that all the media know that Bai Jingxuan took the initiative to provoke me and wanted to compete with me in marksmanship."

For losing, everyone would only blame Bai Jingxuan for taking the humiliation, not Lu Muqing for being a bully.

"But in this way, things will get bigger..."

"The more people know, the better." Lu Muqing said viciously, "I am the daughter of the Lu family after all, how can I let Bai Jingxuan ride on my head all the time."

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