On the way back to the Slytherin common room, Noah met Shirley and Hermione.

“Hey, Noah, are you discharged from the hospital?”

Hermione just finished speaking and noticed Fox’s presence,”Wow! What a beautiful big bird!”

The little beaver’s eyes were sparkling. Girls always have little resistance when facing this beautiful animal. She struck first and then stretched out her sinful little hand towards Noah’s bird.

“Can I touch it?”

Sure enough, even if she is sorted into Ravenclaw, it cannot change the fact that Hermione is a Gryffindor at heart.

Noah spun around to avoid the salty hand stretched out by the little beaver.

Even though Fox was very docile in front of him But after all, this is a high-risk magical animal that is 50-50 equal to a fire dragon.

Even if Fox doesn’t take the initiative to harm the students of Hogwarts, even if he just lightly flaps the little beaver’s hand away with his wings, he can Give her a bruise on her hand

“This is Headmaster Dumbledore’s phoenix. You’d better not touch it.”

“If you accidentally make it angry, there’s nothing I can do about it.”

The little Beaver retracted his hand angrily.

Shirley on the side did not come forward. One of her hands unconsciously twisted a strand of hair hanging down to her shoulder, looking shy. There is no longer the liveliness of blood red peppers in the past

“That, uh, Noah……”

“What’s wrong, Shirley?”

Noah looked at Shirley with a strange look.

Facing Noah’s gaze, Shirley didn’t know what she was going to say for a moment. She lowered her head silently, with her long dark red hair hanging smoothly on her shoulders..The two white earlobes exposed from the waterfall of long hair turned red visibly to the naked eye.

“Nothing, nothing!”

The usually sharp-tongued girl suddenly became a little stuttering at this moment,”I, I just remembered that I have something else to do, so Hermione and I are leaving first!”

Shirley, who had been holding back for a long time without uttering a complete sentence, ran away.

Even Hermione, who was a little confused about the truth of the matter, was dragged away by her.

Watching Shirley and Hermione leave in a hurry From behind, Noah scratched the back of his head inexplicably, and the next second he felt a line of sight coming from his arms.

As soon as Noah lowered his head, he instantly met Fox’s bright eyes.

For some reason, Noah I felt like I saw a hint of teasing in Fox’s eyes.

“What are you looking at?”

Fox let out a loud cry, and then turned his head arrogantly, not bothering to look at Noah again.


Because it was the weekend, Noah, who had no classes, had nothing else to do except go back to the common room of his college.

While carrying Fox back to the dormitory, Noah frequently received attention gifts from other students. After all, the Scottish long-tailed turkey in his arms was too conspicuous.

In the entire British wizarding community, except for those Muggle-born students who had just entered school and didn’t know much about the wizarding world, who didn’t know that the magical animal Noah was holding was Dumbledore’s bird?

After setting up the perches and bird’s nests brought from Dumbledore’s office in his dormitory, Noah copied its nest in front of Fox without changing his expression.

Seeing Noah dig out his home so unceremoniously, Fox looked unhappy, raised his wings and transformed into Yun Zhongjun, an electric knife, and planned to give Noah a”Pudong cock”.

Before Fox’s wings flapped down, Noah took out another piece of bright red tuna meat from his pocket.

Mmm, it smells so good.

Fox, who was feasting, waved his wings quite proudly, as if to say: Take it, take it.

Watching Fox tearing apart the fish, a thoughtful look appeared on Noah’s face.

Phoenix’s intelligence is not low, and it can accurately understand even some more complex sentences.

If it is the chosen one who has a special connection with the Phoenix like Dumbledore, he can even achieve some kind of telepathy with the Phoenix and use this to communicate.

This is why many times Dumbledore doesn’t need to give orders verbally for Fawkes to understand what he means and act accordingly.

Noah was not a wizard chosen by the Phoenix, and he could not communicate with Fox through his mind like Dumbledore did.

But maybe he can use another way to achieve his goal of communicating with Fox without any barriers?

However, the priority of this matter should be put back a little later.

The magic circle opened, and Noah took out his Fangtian painted halberd that he was going to use to stab his adoptive father.

When he was in Diagon Alley, Noah spent a long time choosing a wand but couldn’t find a wand that suited him, so he had to make do with an eighty-inch long iron birch war spear.

That bad old man Ollivander said he would make him a new style of wand.

But so far, Noah has been waiting for a full four months. Let alone the new wand that has been made, he has not even seen the shadow of the new wand.

Every time I wrote to the old man who made the stick, the answer he got was”Definitely next time.”

Feeling the wilting feeling that the wand gave back to him, Noah sighed helplessly.

Although Ollivander’s bad old man’s staff-making skills were not very good, he was right about one thing, and that was the inherent destructiveness contained in Noah’s magic.

This talent will make Noah’s offensive spells particularly destructive, and will also allow Noah to cause irreversible damage to the wand when he uses it.

It would be fine if Noah’s total magic power was only about the same as other little wizards of the same age.

As long as you choose a stronger wand core such as a fire dragon spine or a heart tendon, it can withstand the wear and tear. As long as you replace it with a new wand after a few years, you will be fine.

The wizards in this world are more like blood warlocks than magicians.

Their magic power will increase with age. Other methods, such as frequently casting magic to consume magic power and then recovering it, have a very limited effect on improving their magic power.

I don’t know if it’s because he has lived three lifetimes, or because he also changed his profession to a mage in his previous life.

Even if he wasn’t wearing it, Noah’s magic level was far beyond that of his peers, and even adult wizards might not be able to match him in this aspect.

Ollivander had greatly underestimated Noah’s ability to tear down homes.

He originally thought that the combination of the iron birch staff body and a whole fire dragon spinal cord should be able to withstand Noah’s disaster.

But after the battle against Voldemort a week ago, and after the slaughter of the nine-headed giant monster last night, this Fangtian Painted Halberd was already on the verge of breaking.

Of course, this is also inseparable from the fact that Noah used the magic wand, an exquisite spell-casting prop, as a real melee weapon.

Looking at Fang Tian’s painted halberd with various fine cracks on the staff in front of him, Noah sighed helplessly.

With that bad old man Ollivander, he doesn’t know how long it will take to get his new wand ready.

Rather than asking for help from others, he might as well do it himself.

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