Although Noah had a laundry list of questions he wanted to ask Snape, now was not a good time to ask for the truth.

So he chose to follow the Slytherin team, followed the crowd out of the auditorium, and turned into an underground corridor from a door behind the marble stairs in the foyer.

After twisting and turning in the maze-like underground corridors of the castle, everyone finally stopped in front of a thick, wet stone wall.

Beautiful prefect Gemma Farley turned around and looked at the new students who were confused.

“Welcome to Slytherin House. You should have remembered the way you came, right? This is the entrance to our common room.”

She knocked on the thick stone wall

“As long as you say the correct password, you can open the door. The password will be changed every two weeks. The password for these two weeks is——”

After pausing for a few seconds, Farley opened his red lips and said,”Honor.”

The next second, the stone wall rumbled open, revealing the lounge behind the wall.

This is a long, narrow basement with walls and���The ceilings were made of rough stone, but not the kind of dampness that Noah had imagined would cause rheumatic bone disease.

A fire crackled in an intricately carved fireplace, the heat from the flames dissipating the coldness of the basement.

The lounge hidden under the castle goes all the way to the bottom of the Black Lake. Through the huge glass windows, you can see the schools of fish and giant squid wandering at the bottom of the lake.

The sparkling water light reflected on the wall gives people a mysterious feeling of the lost country Atlantis sunk in the ocean.

Noah is very satisfied with the links here, but there are still some shortcomings.

The chandelier on the ceiling exudes a green light, giving the entire basement a green tone, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

After experiencing the initial novelty, the first-grade freshmen couldn’t wait to find their own dormitories.

Due to the sparse number of people, although the dormitories in Slytherin College are all four-person rooms, during the actual check-in process, you do not have to live in a specific room according to the initial arrangements of the school.

Because there are too many empty rooms.

Freshmen can freely combine the number of people and choose rooms according to their own preferences.

Freshmen can even live with seventh graders as long as those upperclassmen are willing to accommodate you.

Noah, who liked to be alone and alone, naturally chose the empty room at the end of the corridor.

But he didn’t expect that as soon as he stepped in, Draco shamelessly squeezed in with him, followed by two particularly ugly-looking pudgy guys.

The two stood behind Draco, one on the left and one on the right, like a pair of Draco’s bodyguards

“go out.”

The smile on Draco’s face suddenly froze. He didn’t know why Noah, who looked so gentle, now looked so repulsive.

“That, Noah……”

“I didn’t say anything about you,” Noah stared coldly at the two bodyguards behind Draco who looked very stupid,”Get out, don’t let me say it a third time.”

Draco’s excitement about starting campus life was like a bucket of cold water being poured on him.

He scratched his blond hair with some distress, not knowing why things turned out like this. The two fat guys behind him But they are not happy about it.

Even though they always follow Draco around like a dog-legger, the Gower family and the Crabbe family can be regarded as old pure-blood families in the wizarding world.

It’s just that in recent centuries It has declined since then, but there is still some background.

Who is not a young master at home?

Want to drive them away?

So what if you are Snape’s adopted son!?

Can an adopted son do whatever he wants?

The two fat men held tightly They pressed their fists, and their knuckles squeaked from the exertion.

Before Draco could react, the two of them took a big step back and ran out of the room, closing the door behind them.

Go away. Just get out! 1Sorry

, the adopted son can really do whatever he wants.

“Do you want to live here?”Noah asked without looking back as he packed the luggage he had brought from the previous room.

Draco nodded vigorously, then remembered what had just happened, and couldn’t help but ask weakly in a low voice. One sentence:”Is it okay?”

“You can live here if you want. By the way, if you snore at night, move out consciously and don’t force me to throw you out.

Draco was quite surprised when he got the affirmative answer,”I never snore!””

The two quickly packed their luggage, washed up, and put on their pajamas.

Sitting on the four-poster bed with green and silver striped curtains, Noah listened to the sound of the lake water tapping against the window, but he did not feel sleepy at all.

Similarly, Draco in the next bed was not very sleepy. After hesitating for a long time, he finally made up his mind to speak.



“Why do you hate Goyle and Crabbe so much? Noah tilted his head,”

Do you even need to think about it?” If you stay with fools all day long, your IQ will be lowered by them invisibly. Draco looked confused,”

You mean……”

He was a little confused by this unexpected answer, but he quickly reacted. He remembered the scene on the Hogwarts Express today, and then asked another question.

“Noah, what do you think of pure blood theory?”

“Pure blood theory……”2

This is already 1991, and these poor guys in the wizarding world who are trying to encroach on their own territory are still putting up the theory of playing with the Draco, right?

Noah’s tone was full of disdain, disgust and even disgust,”That’s just a self-deceptive theory created by a group of poor guys.”

Draco’s face froze.

How could the quick-thinking Noah fail to guess what Draco, whose thoughts were written entirely on his face, was thinking in his mind, which was no smarter than a troll?

“Are you talking about classmate Hermione Granger?”

When they were on the Hogwarts Express today, even though they were chatting happily, Draco actually looked down on the little beaver who was born as a Muggle.

It was just because of Shirley’s favor that he He didn’t break out the pure-blood family’s hereditary disease in front of Hermione.

Now that the bloodline issue was brought up again, how could Noah not guess that he was talking about Hermione’s parentage?


Noah sneered, ignoring Draco’s increasingly pale face.

“True nobility does not lie in a person’s bloodline, but in his talents and character.”1

“Ron Weasley is also a member of the Holy Twenty-Eight Clan,” Noah shrugged,”But compared to him and classmate Hermione Granger, who do you think is better?”

“No need to think about it, it must be……”

Draco’s words reached his mouth and he suddenly paused.

“Isn’t this right?”

Noah lay down on his bed and looked sideways at the bed next door.

“Stop looking at others through those ridiculous theories and colored glasses.”

“If you want to truly understand a person, you should fully understand all aspects of the other person, such as personality, moral character, talents, and talents.……”

“How about betting twenty galleons that Granger will get the first overall score in this year’s final exam?”1Draco said without hesitation,”I bet! I bet my ranking will definitely be higher than hers!”

Hearing Draco’s confident words, Noah smiled.

He is such an innocent child.

“Go to sleep,” Noah covered himself with a quilt,”It’s very late, see you tomorrow.”

Draco originally wanted to say something, but seeing that Noah was already lying down, he didn’t say anything more. He also lay down and pulled up the quilt.

Noah lay on the bed with his eyes open, looking at the looming ceiling in the darkness. , until the breathing from the bed next door gradually became even, and he climbed out of bed.

After changing his clothes again, a figure quietly disappeared into the darkness


A few minutes later, Noah’s figure appeared in a cold corridor not far from the Slytherin common room.

He knocked on a door in the corridor, and within a moment, a gloomy and familiar face appeared behind the opened door.

“Give me a reason not to hang you upside down with a golden clock.”

Noah completely ignored Snape’s threat. He raised his head and looked at Snape without fear,”Tell me, how much do you know about my life experience?”

“I do not know anything.”

After saying that, Snape slammed the door shut.

Noah reached out and blocked the door, preventing it from closing.”When I was in the sorting house, I heard the Sorting Hat mentioning that I should go to Nurmengard.”

Snape, who was still trying to close the door, suddenly paused.

The next moment, he dragged Noah into the office, and the door of the office slammed shut behind them.

The corridor once again returned to its previous calm.

Sitting in the dim office, Noah looked at the decoration of this room with great interest.

It was a dim room with hundreds of glass bottles and various slimy animals and plants placed on the shelves along the wall. The specimen floated in the colorful potion and looked quite disgusting.

The fireplace was empty and dark, and it did not play its role at all in this cold basement. A typical bat cave

“Did the Sorting Hat really say that?”Snape’s face was extremely serious, and there was an ominous light in his narrowed cold black eyes.

“So, who is Gellert Grindelwald to me?”

“I don’t know,” Snape replied impatiently,”Only Dumbledore knows your life experience, you should ask him”

“Come on,” Noah waved his hand,”He can’t possibly tell me. You should have heard some news from Dumbledore. Tell him what you know.���Ministry told me.”

Glancing at Noah deeply, Snape turned around and walked to the bookshelf, took down a book with a black cover and threw it to Noah.

It was written in gilded letters on the cover.——《pureblood directory》

“You don’t mean to say that I am a descendant of the twenty-eight sacred tribes, do you?”

Noah had an expression of complete disbelief on his face, but his hand movements still opened the book honestly.

“Although I don’t know where you learned about Gellert Grindelwald, Dumbledore told me before that Grindelwald is very likely to be yours.……”

At this point, Snape stopped talking.

This sudden appetite almost made Noah gasp for breath.

What do you think Grindelwald is to me?

Could he still be my biological father?


Noah suddenly remembered something that was terrifying to think about.

Collecting cells to grow into embryos and then growing them into adults is something that is impossible in the current Muggle world, but it is not particularly difficult in the wizarding world. 1

Although Snape never mentioned it, how did Shirley, the goddaughter, appear inexplicably.

But her very existence speaks volumes.

Noah didn’t believe that Shirley wasn’t the crazy Snape who collected cells from Lily and cloned them on the night the Potters died more than ten years ago.

Since Snape can clone a little Lily. 3

Then, Grindelwald, who had gone further than Snape in the field of magic, secretly collected some of Dumbledore’s cells and added some of his own genes to clone a descendant of him and Dumbledore. Come on… this doesn’t seem to be impossible.

Damn it, do everyone in the wizarding world have such a good time?

Just when Noah was already thinking about whether he should call Dumbledore mom, Snape, who was panting, finally said the second half of what he had not finished.

“maternal great-grandfather.

Noah:? ? ? 5

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