Yijun Liu talked intermittently for a long time, and Mintai met an American doctor under the introduction of the kind-hearted Mr. Nicholas Zheng of the Bejie Charity Association.

In the end, she couldn't resist the American doctor's persuasion, and finally agreed to give birth to the child in her belly, and "handed it over" to an adoption agency for $5,000.

"Do you know that American doctor?" Danny asked.

Yijun Liu shook his head, "I have never seen him. I only know that he usually only shows up at the clinic on Thursdays."

"So Mintai regretted it later, right? In the end, the instinctive motherhood defeated everything. In the last days of her ten-month pregnancy, the mother just wanted to keep her child." Danny said, placing a box of napkins on the table. They were all handed to the girl.

"Yes, I advised her not to do stupid things. They are all in the same group. We can't fight those people. But Mintai wanted to hide. That day she came to me. I gave her the 1,500 US dollars I had saved over the years. I lent them all to her and asked her to give birth to the child first.

But Nelson Zhou found us, and they tried to take her away by force. You all know what happened next. Fortunately, the kind police officer passed by, but Tat Tai didn't have time to tell me where she lives now. I don’t know where to find her, her phone is always turned off. "

Yijun Liu's tears kept flowing, which made Danny, a big man, quite embarrassed. He was good at punishing evil and eradicating evil, but he was a little clumsy in dealing with a crying girl.

"Hey, listen to me." Jack took out all his cash from his wallet. Feeling that it was not enough, he reached out to Danny and plundered all the cash on him.

"This money is borrowed from you. Go to Queens and find a safer hotel to stay. After a while, send a message to Mintai, saying that Nelson Zhou is dead and the police can provide services for her and her children. Protection, if she replies, call me directly and don’t say anything else, do you understand?”

After speaking, Jack handed her his business card and copied Mintai's mobile phone number and sent it back to the operations center. Jubal would arrange for someone to track the phone number and notify him immediately if the other party turned on the phone.


"This case makes me feel sick." After walking out of the restaurant, Danny kicked a cardboard box on the side of the road, feeling quite upset.

Jack looked at the still bustling Bejie with people coming and going under the sun, and couldn't help but sigh.

"No matter what, at least we figured out what happened. The top priority now is to find the expectant mother who is about to give birth. Whether it is to silence her or for the child who is about to be born, those gang members will not let her go. .”

Danny glanced at the busy street of Be Street and felt a little worried, "They are all illegal immigrants. We don't even have a decent photo. Where should we find so many people in 'Chinatown'? We can't even identify her." Are you still in Manhattan?"

Jack also felt that this matter was difficult to handle, and began to try to put himself in Mintai's situation to reason, "She still has some money on hand, but for the sake of her children and future life, she should not spend it randomly. The most likely thing is that it should be from various places.' Gong xi fong'.

Why do I have a bad feeling that those gangsters who are familiar with the surrounding area will find her before we do. "

Jack walked to the parking space on the side of the road, but did not reach out to open the car door. Instead, he leaned against the car and quietly discussed with Danny whether to start with the doctor first.

"Why is my dad here?"

Seeing Danny looking behind him in surprise, Jack subconsciously turned around. Not far away, he saw Frank Regan saying goodbye to several Chinese elderly people wearing long gowns, and walking out of an inconspicuous yellow building.

There is a vague red plaque on the lintel of the small yellow building, with five words written in traditional Chinese, "X Gate XX Hall". There is a black background sign above the plaque. The sign is an open compass on the top and a compass on the bottom. The squares are crossed and there is a capital letter G in the middle.

"Can you please take me back to the police station?" Frank didn't seem surprised to see the two of them, and asked with a smile.


Jack was still driving, but now Frank was sitting in the passenger seat. Danny, a filial son, had no choice but to squeeze into the narrow back seat of the Hellcat.

"So Nelson Zhou's death is really what Jack said?" Danny looked at Jack in confusion.

"Clean the room." It was difficult for Jack to think for a long time before he came up with a similar statement to cleaning the house, but he still couldn't do it honestly.

"Of course they can't admit it directly. In fact, your grandfather's intervention may be more effective. He is very good at understanding the words hidden under the water. Those Chinese people like to talk in circles."

Frank looked at Jack beside him in surprise, "How did you guess that it might be those old guys who sent someone to do it?"

“It is not difficult to guess that the old ‘Chinatown’ area centered on M Street has gradually declined, and many emerging gangs are competing for territory in Flushing.

I checked the relevant information. After the new century, especially after the 'Operation Whitesuit' in 2010, almost all the traditional gang forces in the federal territory were washed away. Many of them were once considered to be under the 'Triads'. The entrance to the hall also disappeared.

The real 'Triad' forces have long since disappeared in New York. "

The "Operation White Coat" that Jack was talking about was an FBI undercover operation targeting a Chinese gang leader named "Shrimp Boy" who was active in California and a Chinese-American California senator named Yu.

The ending was that "Shrimp Boy" was sentenced to more than 2,900 years in prison, and the Chinese state senator also pleaded guilty and served his sentence. The once-famous Triads have almost disappeared from the federal government.

Of course, Jack couldn't tell the real reason. The real time point was actually three years earlier than 2000. Needless to say, what major events happened on the other side of the Pacific that year.

It was from that year that the Chinese gangs, collectively known as the "Triads" by Americans, collapsed overnight. Except for some remaining gang forces in Yijun Liu's hometown, the rest were all washed away under the intimidation of the iron fist. Ashore, a large number of young and Dangerous "uncles" sold their assets and fled overseas to live their lives overseas.

Even those who remained on the island have switched to electronic fraud, and they have lost their previous momentum. The various branches of the Triad Society in North America, whose foundations have been discovered, are also in a state of collapse. After losing the new blood supply, they have added Various other factors gradually fade away unknown.

Closer to home, the small Chinese gangs that are still active in the Flushing area may have had some inextricable relationships with those famous gangsters. They used the triad brand as a triad, but they just collected protection fees. Running a flesh and blood business and other unattractive things.

The small gang that Nelson Zhou belongs to still hangs out in the old "Chinatown" centered on Bejie, and it should be using similar signs to bluff people.

But the small gang caused big trouble. Yesterday's pile of newspaper headlines obviously alarmed some people. After all, the NYPD chief and his son's mugshots were on the newspaper headlines.

Jack doesn't know whether some Chinese underground forces have really been completely cleansed and have turned from gangsters into serious businessmen, or whether they have hidden deeper underground. In short, there should be some people who don't want to be implicated by a few bastards. , so he took action to kill Nelson Zhou and left clues to the police.

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