After resting in Virginia Beach for two days and visiting the Maritime Museum in Norfolk on Jason's recommendation, Jack drove the Firebird leisurely back to New York City.

The National Maritime Museum in Norfolk is the USS Wisconsin, the last of the Iowa-class battleships, with the hull number BB-64. The model is the same as the USS Missouri in the movie "Battleship."

Of course, the Wisconsin is definitely not as famous as the latter. After all, the Missouri is much more famous as the location of the Neon Unconditional Surrender Signing Ceremony. The ship is currently mothballed in Hawaii and has also become a maritime museum.

It is said that big ships and huge guns are the romance of men. Although battleships have long withdrawn from the stage of history, the three 406 mm/50 times diameter triple main gun turrets still make people excited.

This is the glory of the old imperialism in its heyday. The sad modern history has caused the Chinese people to miss a glorious century. Although various large surface ships have begun to be launched like dumplings in recent years, no matter how large the tonnage of the mediocre aircraft carrier is, It can't stand the eyes of the many turret gods.

I'm afraid that when the next era of big ships and big guns comes, humans will have truly broken out of the atmosphere by then.

This also reminded him that right in New York, on the banks of the Hudson River, there was an Essex-class aircraft carrier - the USS Intrepid.

This aircraft carrier has also been converted into a museum, and Jack has wanted to go to the Natural History Museum for a long time. He plans to go back and give himself a good vacation this time.


"Five days of vacation for two people, no more." The female boss Dana Moger stretched out her palm with a rather unkind look on her face. This guy kidnapped Hannah and took her on vacation when he came back for more than three months. It's really It makes it difficult for her to feel beautiful.

"Thank you very much." Jack said with a flattering face as he presented a souvenir, a large box of oysters and blue crabs preserved in ice packs.

Virginia Beach is adjacent to the Chesapeake Bay, which is the largest oyster producer on the East Coast. Because the water temperature is low enough, the oysters produced here are relatively firmer.

Jack is not too fond of oysters. Except for keeping some for steaming garlic vermicelli, most of the more than ten pounds of Linhaven thick oysters he brought back this time were given to the Reagan family for weekend dinners, and the remaining part was divided among Got the female boss and Jubal.

The danger level of this operation in Mexico is not too high for Jack. After all, he has followed the SEALs throughout the entire process, and is backed by the famous US military, which is still undisputedly the number one military force in the world.

Whether it is the top-notch equipment logistics or the Mexican Marine Corps on standby, they have always maintained a crushing situation even if they are facing a drug lord who can be called a local separatist force.

In fact, Doza was proud enough to be able to force the seals to give it a go. This was something that none of his "predecessors" could do.

But from another perspective, this operation also made Jack feel some real pressure. This was the first time he participated in such a large-scale operation at the national level, and he also played a very important role in it, tending to command. level role.

If we talk about the past cases, when Jack was on the front line, he only had to pay attention to his own safety and at most take care of his partners.

Then in this operation, what he has to consider is not the matter of one or two people.

The accuracy of intelligence analysis and even every statement made when participating in operational decision-making need to be carefully considered, because it is not only related to the success or failure of an operation, but also related to the lives of every operational team member.

Therefore, this joint operation is equivalent to a very meaningful practical lesson for Jack. Captain Jason's sudden decision-making on the battlefield, and deputy team member Ray Perry are constantly monitoring every member of Team B from the physiological to the physical. The control of psychological state, as well as Colonel Martinez's daily management of his army.

These are the best words and deeds, which gave Jack a lot of inspiration. They cannot be learned by reading a few so-called management books.

He had a feeling that if he could use these things that would not be included in the system's skills to his own use, he might one day be able to lead a special operations team, just like Rossi and Hotchner, with A group of elites solve various challenging cases across the country.

Of course, the most important thing is that if you become a leader one day, you won’t need to face the pile of documents and reports after every action. You can hire a secretary for yourself. The secretary will do whatever you need. Nothing to do. Cough.

Even Jack has already thought about the candidate for secretary. He will recruit Jiejie when the time comes. From now on, Hannah will take charge of the outside and Jiejie will take charge of the house. Behind him stands someone who has almost become an upper-class figure in the political circle. Aren't these two royal sisters beautiful?

Speaking of Jiejie, regarding Jack’s harvest this time, the red-necked girl was not interested in the huge starlight emerald. She generously said that he could use it to please Jiejie, but she was interested in the two golden Colts. The 1911A1 gold pistol cannot be put down.

So Jack inquired with Henry Regan, the old man of the Regan family, and entrusted this high-quality emerald, which weighed up to 16 carats and had flaws almost undetectable to the naked eye, to an old Irish jeweler. He is set on a platinum necklace.

The upper classes in Europe and the United States also highly admire emeralds. Many famous crowns and jewelry are inlaid with such large emeralds. I think it will bring a great surprise to Jie Jie.

It was another five-day vacation. Last time Jack and Hannah went to Niagara Falls to enjoy the natural scenery. This time because someone had just traveled far away, the two of them were separated for a long time rather than newlyweds, so they simply arranged a one-day trip. .

In the morning, we visited the USS Intrepid Aircraft Museum. Compared with the battleships filled with turrets, this aircraft carrier has many interesting things displayed on its 270-meter-long deck, such as the Roxy, the predecessor of the SR-71 "Blackbird" high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft. German A-12, one of the only supersonic passenger aircraft in commercial operation in the world, Concorde.

In addition, there were a lot of fighter jets, helicopters and early warning aircraft that Jack could or could not name. What surprised him most was that the United States actually put the world's first space shuttle, the Enterprise, into the space below the deck. In the hangar.

Although he preferred Lao Su's Snowstorm, in fact the latter was indeed more advanced, but why did Lao Su fail to live up to his expectations later on?

After visiting the Museum of Natural History in the afternoon, the two of them put on formal attire and went to be fooled for a while and taste the three-star Michelin restaurant. The reservation fee for this French restaurant called "PER SE" cost 400 knives.

The total cost of the dinner was about 1,500 dollars. The two of them tried various so-called high-end ingredients, including caviar with oysters, black truffle pasta, Maine lobster, foie gras, American Wagyu and three desserts.

To be honest, the taste was just that. It was mainly about experiencing the life of New Yorkers. It was the first time for Jack and Hannah to have dinner together in such a luxurious restaurant for so long.

Compared with the stimulation of the taste buds by those high-end ingredients, the Givenchy blue velvet short skirt that Hannah wore after taking off her coat made Jack feel that the beauty was more delicious and made people want to eat.

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