Entering the corridor, the team of 8 people automatically divided into two teams and lined up side by side. Each of them was a tall and thick man. Their footsteps in military boots fell on the ground without making any sound.

But the covert operation ended here. A guard walked out of the room with his head lowered and was caught off guard and bumped into everyone.

Although Jack repeatedly pulled the trigger to kill him before he sounded a warning, even if the assault rifle was equipped with a silencer indoors, the gunfire still echoed in the corridor and blocked the sound of music coming from upstairs.

Knowing that the enemy had been alerted, everyone speeded up their pace in unison. After passing through a flower hall, there was a corridor ahead, and at the end of the corridor was the stairs leading to the second floor.

With today's technological level, drone sensors are still unable to fully see through the interior of a building, but it is not difficult to infer the internal structure of a villa based on its appearance. As long as the windows are not deliberately disguised, an ordinary building design The designers of the institute can do this.

However, the second corridor was not lined with windows but with rooms on both sides. The team was inevitably slowed down because the rooms needed to be cleaned one by one.

"Puff, puff, puff!" As soon as Jack stepped into the first room on the right, the muzzle of his gun was pointed at the far corner of the room. Behind him, Clay, who was in charge of the near corner, fired several times, knocking down a guard hiding behind the bar on the side. land.

"Clear!" After confirming that there were no remaining enemies hiding in the room, Clay roared, and the two of them exited the room together.

To be honest, it is quite difficult for Jack to cooperate with this group of elite special forces, because he often needs to restrain his instincts. For example, in this situation, even if his senses tell him that there is someone hiding behind the bar, he can't put his gun as soon as he enters the door. The mouth faces directly in that direction.

Because CQB tactics have strict regulations on the position of everyone in the team, the movement when entering, and the pointing of the gun.

Disrupting the rhythm at will is not allowed, because it will make your teammates confused. This is not Jack's Superman show. You can bully others with your super sense of cheating. Now he is just a war machine. a widget.

The most basic aspect of teamwork is absolute trust in teammates. This trust is established through thousands of drills and is also generated through the continuous elimination of teammates who do not follow the rules.

To use a more old-fashioned metaphor, a Jack can crush anyone in Team B with his personal strength, but six little supermen like Jack who form a temporary team to fight against Team B may not necessarily win.

Because no matter how strong his senses are, he can't compare to the drones that can monitor the battlefield situation in the sky 24 hours a day. He doesn't have the space to take out various weapons at any time to deal with the ever-changing battlefield situation, and he doesn't have a powerful combat center that can instantly provide him with Provide various information support.

The most important thing is that it is impossible for a human being to cover everything, especially in a complex battlefield environment. At this time, the combat power of a well-trained team that performs its duties is far more powerful than a group of individuals with extremely strong combat capabilities. A rabble without any cooperation.

Since World War II, a strange slogan has circulated among the U.S. Marine Corps, called "Gung Ho." This strange word comes from the anti-Japanese base area and is the abbreviation of workers' cooperative, which means working together.

At that time, a U.S. naval officer named Evans Carlson was the first foreign soldier to go deep into the anti-Japanese base areas behind enemy lines in North China for a long-term inspection.

He was attracted by the advanced military management methods such as equality of officers and soldiers and military democracy of the Eighth Route Army at that time, and used them in the Second Commando Group of the Marine Corps that he subsequently formed.

As the general and his men achieved repeated military exploits, the slogan "Gung Ho" still circulates among the U.S. Marine Corps to this day.

Jack only heard such an interesting anecdote when he was training with the SEALs. It was very helpful to wash away the stereotype that was deliberately created by Hollywood that American soldiers only advocate individual heroism.

It was said that there was a slight delay in cleaning the room, but in fact it only took three or four minutes in total. With the "clear" report, the two parallel teams quickly reorganized, and this time Jason was at the front.

After turning the corner and coming to the stairwell, Jason stopped. Ray Perry behind him quickly took over, squatted down beside him, and pointed his gun at the corridor on the other side.

At the same time, Jason opened fire. A guard who came downstairs to check the situation had just stepped down the first step and exposed half of his body. He was shot several times by him and rolled down the stairs.

"Clear!" Jason yelled and stepped over the body, followed by the rest of his teammates to the second floor.

There is only one large room on the second floor. The heavy double wooden doors are ajar, and the music is coming from inside. Clay and Sonny stand on the left and right against the wall next to the door. After waiting for a few seconds, the other teammates leave. Standing behind them, he patted the shoulders of his teammates in front one by one to signal that he was ready.

The two of them pushed the door open at the same time, without looking at the middle-aged man standing in the center of the room with his hands behind his back. His body turned along with the door axis, and the muzzle of the gun turned with the body. The muzzles of the gun were pointed at the corners in their respective directions to eliminate possible possibilities first. danger.

"Kneel down, put your knees on the ground, hurry up!" Jason, who entered next, pointed his gun at the calm man in the center of the room. This man was exactly the target they had been looking for these days - Andres Doza. .

"I didn't even hear the doorbell." Just as Doza pretended to say this, Jack had already come around behind him and kicked him directly in the crook of the leg, "Hands up!"

Doza knelt down on his knees with a thud and gave a solid salute to Lieutenant Lopez, who was the last to enter and who happened to be facing him at the moment.

"Jackpot! Repeat, jackpot!" Jason ignored the guy and reported directly to the command center.

"Alive?" Mandy Ellis' surprised voice came from the communication channel.

"He's still alive," Jason replied.

Jack took out the plastic handcuffs and cuffed Doza, his eyes fell sharply on a mobile phone on the table, and he couldn't help but stare, the screen of the mobile phone was not turned off.

"He just called."

Lieutenant Lopez, who could no longer hold himself back, took out his pistol, pointed it at Doza's head and tried to pull the trigger, but Jason held him tightly, "Get ready to evacuate, the combat center, plan a safe route for us."

Seeing the astonished expression on Lieutenant Lopez's face, Doza showed a proud smile and said, "You are just going to die after all the hard work to break in. This is not America."

"Bang!" Jack hit him on the back of the head with the butt of his gun, causing him to fall to the ground. He then cuffed his feet with plastic handcuffs and searched them up and down carefully.

After doing all this, he grinned at Lieutenant Lopez, his big white teeth smeared with camouflage ointment, and said, "Do you mind working hard with me? Find a long pole and we can get him away." "

The latter pursed his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but ultimately did not speak. Jack knew what he was thinking, but now was not the time to explain, time was running out.

Major Blackburn's voice sounded again, "Team B, all attention, there is a group of unidentified vehicles, uh, it should be Chiapas police approaching your position, Mandy is negotiating through official channels."

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