The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 44: dark alley

Xu Yang sat in the seat where he had eaten with Mateo in Jingquanwu, and he still remembered everything that day.

People often say don't get carried away with a little profit, but what about 100 million? Who can refuse this 100 million?

Xu Yang took out his cash card, held it up in the air, and stared at the number in the upper right corner. It's too hard to spend, and there are more than 96 million left, which is too much money for a person to spend.

We tried our best, but in the end, this is not what we did.

As long as I find a way to get rid of my wanted in Gaoge Kyushu, I will be truly free.

How can I get rid of wanted?

They must be confirmed dead, otherwise the giant corporation will never let it go.

I am a level 2 neural network engineer. Those guys who are stronger than me in the world, the so-called level 1 engineers, are very few in number, and there are only 2 or 3 people in Gaoge Kyushu who are better than me in this aspect. I can be regarded as a talent of the company. A talent who has been carefully cultivated by them, but has an extremely meager salary, which means that the value I create is very low.

After all, what I do every day is to check the networking status of each device and resist external hacking. Such things can be left to AI to handle.

The torrent of the times has arrived. There is no doubt that neural network engineers will become a historical term within a few years, and this industry will completely die out. Like hairdressers, shopping guides, and assembly line employees, they will forever stay in textbooks and movies. When artificial intelligence is not yet developed, humans can still rely on digital minds to perform complex tasks, but once artificial intelligence technology matures, the skills we have acquired are not worth mentioning.

That's it, capital.

It erases the feelings, beliefs, and enthusiasms between people, suppresses tender families and reliable friendships, and suppresses human values ​​and individuality. Making people an artifact, a screw, not only makes people doubt their worth, it also drains their daily energy and squeezes their time for independent thinking.

People are too small for a company.

But should smallness be trampled on? As human beings, should we obey our fate like this? Either keep your head down and be a dog raised by the company, and live on your own until you die of exhaustion, or you will be abandoned and abandoned by them...

Thinking of this, Xu Yang's thoughts gradually became clear.

Is it more than 100 million yuan?

A lot for most people, but not enough for a man who wants to end corporate domination, where the assets of giant corporations are almost astronomical in the tens of trillions.

How to do it?

If you want to start resistance with poor and weak individuals, it is meaningless, and you must connect with a stronger force.

A force with combat effectiveness and influence, a force capable of developing productivity, a force capable of breaking through technological constraints, a force dissatisfied with the company...


Go out of this underground and try to contact more witches.

Even fragile and perishable human beings have the heart to resist, and those witches with natural strength must have a stronger fighting spirit.

When you have power, you will seek power. This is the nature of intelligent creatures. In the last era, witches secretly manipulated the world, which shows that they are by no means good.

All I need is patience and direction.

Find the right direction and act.

Xu Yang walked through the restaurant. The geisha robot was still lying on the sofa with pale makeup on. Mosaic projection fish were swimming in the fish tank. He walked to the back kitchen and found the automatic noodle-cooking robot and let it make noodles.

"The first customer of the day!" said the noodle-cooking robot. "Customers are really scarce. Could it be that our service is not good enough?"

"It's because of the escape." Xu Yang talked to the robot. If the other party is a first-generation AI, they will only reply according to the established procedures, but it seems that the other party is at least the second-generation AI, and there is still the possibility of communication.

"Our store's inventory has been greatly overflowed, so I'll give you a big gift!"

After it finished making the noodles, it gave Xu Yang a lot of snacks, including yokan, chocolate and dried pork.

Xu Yang didn't expect such a good thing, he put these things in his pockets and stuffed them full.

While eating noodles, Xu Yang's reverie was interrupted by a message from Lila. Xu Yang has always turned off his network communication module to avoid tracking. Only the built-in mailbox has been opened to Lila, and only Lila can send him messages remotely in the world.

"Please go to this location." She transmitted a map coordinate.

Xu Yang glanced at it. It was not far from the neighborhood. It was just a block away. It was not far from Highland No. 26, but it was relatively remote.

"What's wrong?"

"Please look for the leaves; I'm fighting someone." Lila cut off the communication.

Who can Lila fight? Xu Yang felt a little nervous, could it be the Rat Man approaching? But Lila didn't ask for help, but told herself to go to the leaves, indicating that she was sure of winning.

Xu Yang left the noodles behind and set off in a hurry, leaving Jingquanwu Ramen Shop, walking through the nearby blocks, looking for traces of leaves.

Walking here, the air is very turbid.

The road was dim, the buildings were low, and the sky-imitation screen on the dome had not yet worked, casting a suffocating blackness that was overwhelming.

It's like walking through a prison, except that each area has a dazzling array of advertisements promoting cigarettes, alcohol, diamond rings, technological prosthetic eyes and hands, and brain-enhancing chips, which are eye-catching.

Companies are like hungry wolves, but they are not fighting for flesh and blood, but for the concentration of human beings. People's daily attention is limited. Once their time is occupied by a company's products, they have no time to consume another company's products. This is a **** competition called "stock competition", especially in this era when productivity is gradually becoming a bottleneck. cruel.

Tatata... A sound of footsteps sounded.

Not knowing whether it was an enemy or a friend, Xu Yang hid in the alley with his back and saw a vicious female rat man.

It has gray hair all over its body, holds a meat chopper, and wears a dirty pocket on its chest, looking like it is searching everywhere.

"Squeak--" The Rat Man made a sound to call for his partner, but there was no response. It looked around angrily and kept sniffing, as if it was an outlier Rat Man.

Perhaps the rat people have already been dispatched. After such a long time, the rat people must have prepared all the preparations for the attack. They only need to break through the barrier at the No. 1 connection and turn Huicheng into a sea of ​​blood.

That's why they gathered a lot of troops, and they didn't even care about the important stragglers.

The female ratman swung the meat chopper and continued to search for the target.

"Wow—" An exclamation sounded, followed by the sound of someone falling heavily on the ground.

It's a leaf!

"Kill you!" The Rat Man immediately followed the sound and rushed over.

Xu Yang rushed out with a stride, pulled out the gun he was carrying, and followed closely behind.

The leaf fell from several large cardboard boxes, and his hands were full of mud. He seemed to try to climb the wall but slipped. She didn't care about screaming in pain, and immediately hugged her large satchel, even ignoring the female rat who rushed in front of her, and subconsciously opened the zipper to check whether the game data card inside was broken.

Xu Yang immediately fired.


He shot hastily, the bullet strayed from the target and hit the wall, but the Rat Man shook as quickly as if he was shot. It couldn't care about Xu Yang and Ye Ye, so to avoid the bullet, it turned around and ran.

"Xu...Xu Yang!" Ye Zi turned his head to see Xu Yang and was shocked, "Why are you here?"

"I'll save you." Xu Yang said.

"I... I don't need your help!" Ye Zi stood up and put the bag on his back, "I'll be at the connection right away."

"Nonsense, obviously you were cornered by the Rat Man, do you want to climb on that thing?" Xu Yang saw that there was a water pipe on the big cardboard box, which could lead to the window of another house, but the leaf slipped and fell off.

"It's a matter of luck." Ye Zi lowered his head and wrapped his fingers around his hair, "How do you know I'm here?"

"Lila sent me here by remote control," Xu Yang explained, "Why did you walk into such a dangerous alley by yourself, even if this place is usually infested with rats."

"I want to take a shortcut and go directly to the No. 1 connection. Okay, don't ask any more." Ye Zi waved his hand.

"Who told you to do this?" Xu Yang noticed something was wrong.

"No, no, no... No, oops... Please don't ask any more questions." She pursed her lips tightly.

"I've saved you several times, why are you so indifferent."

"That's, it's because..." Ye Zi sighed, "It's because I feel so tired of you, that's why I feel particularly uneasy."

"No need, I don't know what to say. I can do whatever I want, help you or bully you, do whatever you want."

"What if I want to leave?" Ye Ye was anxious, "If I want to leave, what would you think?"


"But I haven't repaid my kindness yet? How can I leave without repaying my kindness! Don't think that I act so strangely, and treat me as someone without a tutor!"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, yes, that's it," Ye Zi said happily, "it's true... It's better to come to you in person than to slap on the side. I thought that level of casualness and laziness was just a kind of disguise... But You are indeed an easy-going person."

"Speak quickly if you have something to say."

Ye Ye solemnly knelt on the ground and bowed in front of Xu Yang.

Why does she have to make such a big gift? This was the first time Xu Yang saw Ye Ye act so solemnly.

"I'm really bothering you for many incidents before!" She pressed her forehead to the ground, "I, Kojima Leaf, it is indeed through your help that I can survive in so many dangers, further discover my potential, and know More people, please don't worry, I will send you a big gift soon!"

"Big gift..." Before Xu Yang could think of how to respond, Ye Ye had already stood up, carried his bag, and left the alley happily.

Can Ye Zi give me a great Xu Yang put his hands in his pockets and followed slowly.

He heard the rustling sound behind him, turned his head, and saw the female rat man sitting on a few cardboard boxes, calling out the cubs that were hiding before. It carried three mouse people in its arms, and a mouse person climbed onto its back.

Mice people have no hair, they are pink and tender, and they keep sucking greedily. The Ratwoman was very quiet, not as violent as she used to be, and her body seemed to be shriveled and skinny from being sucked in.

After the three mouse people finished drinking the milk, the little mouse people on their backs screamed and begged for milk.

There was no milk for feeding, so the female rat man grabbed the mouse man on his back and pinched its neck, his hands getting harder and harder, and the pinched little mouse struggled in pain.

The female rat-man is skilled, and it seems not the first time to do so.

"Hello." Xu Yang walked over.

The mother rat man stopped immediately, looked at Xu Yang vigilantly, and protected the mouse people behind him. The pinched mouse man was also released. It fell to the ground and hugged his mother's feet. , did not run away from his mother because of the pinch.

"Who is threatening you, who is ordering you?"

"Sally." The Rat Man unconsciously uttered a name that was very important to her.

"Who is that?"

"Saint, leader."

"You can't win a fight with the company. It was like this 50 years ago, and it is the same now." Xu Yang took out the pork jerky, yokan and chocolate in his pocket, "These are all for you, you bring the children back to the pothole. go in."

The Rat Man gave a very contemptuous expression.

"...Why do we have to use potholes as our home?" said the Rat Man.

She strangled the wailing mouse man at her feet, crawled away with her three children on her back, and disappeared into the darkness.

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