The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 326: into marriage


With a loud bang, the entire hideout was razed to the ground, and the fire exploded.

The shock wave lifted 102 out, and her body fell to the ground and slid on the dry sandy shore. Thanks to the shock absorption system that came with the armor, she could get up faster without falling too many somersaults.

When the man saw that he had forced his opponent out, he quickly backed away, hid behind an iron bucket on the beach, used it as a cover, and yelled, "Who sent you here!"

102 lay on the ground, patted his forehead quickly, and released Du Qianqian's voice.

"We're looking for Hosoda Yoshiyuki." Du Qianqian came over, "A 49-year-old man."

"He's not here," the man said. "Go away."

"He said he wasn't here." 102 whispered.

"We have obtained accurate information to prove that he is in this area," Du Qianqian did not give up. "Please cooperate with our work and provide effective clues, otherwise we will take coercive measures."

The man looked up at the sky.

"I said I don't know, let's go." He looked down at 102 and said indifferently, "I don't want to kill you."

"We also don't want to fight Hosoda Yoshiyuki," Du Qianqian said. "We just want to talk to him. If he changes his mind, then—er—I'm in trouble on my side."

Du Qianqian found that the iron shell number automatically alarmed, indicating that the body was locked.

She looked out the window, the mud obscuring her vision, but she could see several motorcycles approaching fast, with the deafening engine noise.

The Iron Hull, which was parked on the mountainside of the garbage, seemed to be found by one of them, who was locking the Iron Hull with a self-guided weapon.

Encountering such a dangerous situation, Du Qianqian was short of breath, his chest felt tight, and his physiological functions reached the limit.

The blood surged, and she fainted again.

As soon as 102 thought of the precious Iron Shell and the injured Du Qianqian, he immediately got up from the beach and rushed back the same way.

The man followed behind 102 step by step.

"Look at this!"

"Baby on the mountain of garbage."

"A 'bear shark'!" The mercenaries jumped off their motorcycles and ran to the Iron Shell with a smile. Two of them did not avoid the dirt, climbed the mountain of garbage, strode towards the Iron Shell, and quickly It is only one wall away from Du Qianqian.

From time to time, they knocked on the glass and smashed the hood, trying to figure out the security of the shuttle.

As soon as 102 got back to where the shuttle was parked, when he saw these thugs, he was instantly furious. The baby's Iron Shell looked like real garbage in front of them, and some people kicked its hatch and tried to kick it open. ! If they saw Du Qianqian inside, the situation would be even more unimaginable.

At this time, the mercenaries also saw that 102 turned back, and immediately prepared for it. They copied out a number of long and short guns of their own, and locked 102.

102 picked up the gun to fight back, and the mercenaries opened fire first, the gunshots burst, and bullets poured on 102, constantly weakening the protection of the witch's armor. Several armor-piercing bullets broke the armor, but bounced off 102's skin. The mosquito bite-like sting made her doubly angry, and she pulled the trigger on the gun.


The cannonball exploded on the road, and the flame wave swept across the two motorcycles in an instant, and the rest were also blown to the side.

A mercenary was affected by the explosion, and the scattered fragments and metal sharp objects pierced through his body. As if he was hit by a shotgun, a dense blood hole appeared on the front of his body, and he fell straight.


"That's-" The mercenaries were nervous, and immediately reorganized their formation, firing at 102, but she continued to push forward and fired with her gun. The two mercenaries who were next to the Iron Shell also rushed down the mountain, trying to return to the road to join the battle.


The gun shot, and another shell was fired! The aiming system was improved by Miyazaki Kazama so that the 102 could quickly lock onto the opponent. The high-explosive ammunition flying at high speed hit the flesh and blood of a mercenary, and immediately ripped him to pieces, smashing him to pieces.

"Use heavy firepower!"

"damn it……"

"Back up!" The mercenaries were in chaos, and one of them threw a grenade at 102. The grenade exploded at 102's feet, immediately blasting her witch armor to black and damaged, but it did nothing to damage her strengthened body.


The mercenaries did not expect to encounter such a formidable opponent, and cannot be determined by common sense.

"Run!" Seeing that they couldn't stop the opponent from advancing anyway, the mercenaries fled one after another.

The speed of 102 was slow, and he had acquiesced in the result of not being able to catch up, but he heard the sound of jets taking off, and when he turned back, he saw the man using the propulsion system with both hands and feet to rise into the air. He made a fist with his right hand and aimed at the fleeing mercenary. Stop firing small-caliber special bullets at them. The mercenaries were shot and screamed and fell forward, but they did not die. Instead, the special ammunition induced muscle spasms. They were unable to move due to severe pain, and fell on the road.

Immediately afterwards, the man flew towards them quickly, trying to ask for information from them. 102 ran back to the side of the Iron Shell, opened the hatch, and went in. Seeing that Du Qianqian had fainted in Mimihuhu, he seemed to be frightened by the sudden attack and had to be transported back to the Shijin Building.

She couldn't let the man go, she gritted her teeth, locked the Iron Shell again, and then rushed down the mountain in three and two steps, running to the side of the road.

"You, you...are you Yoshiyuki Hosoda?" 102 aimed his gun at the back of the man.

"Oh," Yoshiyuki Hosoda killed the seriously injured mercenaries one by one, "These people are here to find me."

Du Qianqian was in a coma, took a deep breath, and could only rely on himself.

By mobilizing her magic power, she allowed herself to enter a state of brainstorming.

"Where are you going next?" 102 said.

"Not going anywhere."

"Be willing to stay here and be chased by more mercenaries, it shows that you have unfulfilled wishes here. If your goal is to kill a big man, you can't do it alone."

"You know?" Hosoda Yoshiyuki sneered, "You know shit."

"Wrong, we have a lot of information that you didn't expect. We are an entire organization. We know all the information from your birth to the present. Now I will confess to you a fact: the safety of Shen Lin Jirou has been guaranteed by us. If you're in a hurry to finish the kill, then you've got yourself a formidable opponent. But we're not killing you now, do you see why?"

"...Because you don't like Kamibayashi either." Hosoda Yoshiyuki frowned, " want to cooperate with me."

"We didn't say that."

"It's really cunning," Hosoda Yoshiyuki let out a weird laugh, "Okay, okay."

He quickly rushed towards 102, activated the invisible position belt, and disappeared without a trace, avoiding finding enemies to the greatest extent possible. The previous mercenary's shooting and explosive bombs had caused some damage to the witch's armor, and Hosoda Yoshiyuki was confident that he could penetrate the armor and kill the enemy in front of him.

102 Smelling the smell of blood in the air, he swung the gun and fired a precise gun-blade slash, directly hitting Hosoda Yoshiyuki, slashing his body from the air, cutting the invisible belt with the blade, and Hosida Yoshiyuki's body. Reappearing in a flash of strong light, he automatically injected himself with a therapeutic needle, then rolled over and got up from the ground, almost as quickly as if he wasn't injured.

"The boss didn't authorize me to kill you," 102 pointed at Yoshiyuki Hosoda with the gun blade, "that's the only reason you live."

Yoshiyuki Hosoda took a deep breath.

With such a powerful force, and with strategy and wisdom to analyze the benefits and harms, he pretended to be stupid before trying to lower his guard.

He was really being targeted by a group of mysterious and powerful guys.

"That owes your boss a life." Hosoda Yoshiyuki sneered, "Okay, I'll move the name of Kami Lin Kuro down one place from the list, and let him live in the world for a while."

"There may be places to use you in the future." 102 retracted the gun.

"I will go to the self-helper's association." Hosoda Yoshiyuki turned his back to 102 to show that he was harmless.

He recovered ammunition and supplies from the mercenaries, and then, like an animal, he nimbly left the road, flew over the mountain of garbage, and disappeared into the mountains of white plastic.

It has been remodeled to be very powerful. 102 watched Yoshiyuki Hosoda go away. But it's still not as good as the strengthening effect of magic.

102 quickly ran back to the Iron Shell, took it up, and returned to the Shijin Building.

She pulled the magic power out of her mind and felt an unprecedented sense of exhaustion in her heart.

"Qianqian, Qianqian..." 102 looked at the unconscious Du Qianqian, feeling depressed, what should I do.

The dirty Iron Hull was back in the hangar of the Solid Gold Building, and several synth maids were tasked with cleaning it with water guns and rags.

102 Take Du Qianqian to Farosa.

"What a beautiful wound," Farosa said with a smile. "It's like an executioner was about to chop off her neck, but he missed it and hit her in the head."

"I did something wrong." 102 wiped away tears, "I let the Iron Shell rammed around like a mad cow."

Farosa released the law of recovery, and Du Qianqian regained her health. She slammed her eyes open, her head was dizzy, and it took a while to synchronize the state of her body and memory.

Xu Yang heard that they came back, and found that they had a very short time. I wonder if they really found out about Hosoda Yoshiyuki.

"I don't know," Du Qianqian needed a rest, looking weak, "I suddenly fainted, and everything that followed was done by 102."

"Yoshiyuki Hosoda went to the Self-Rescue Association." 102 gestured, "He, he has given up on chasing and killing God Lin Jiuro for the time being."

"You beat him half to death?" Xu Yang doubted, "Let him kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"I don't know..." 102 didn't understand why he said those words before, "...It seems to be coercion or something."

"You've become smarter." Xu Yang squatted down and observed 102 carefully, "The magic has worked."

"Can't I continue to be stupid?" 102 was sad, "The world of smart people is so hard to understand."

"It's up to you," Xu Yang comforted her. "It's your magic power, your talent."

"Ah..." 102 walked away in distress.

Now that Yoshiyuki Hosoda decided to temporarily give up revenge, Nisto Company promised Kamibayashi Kuro to take over this security agreement to ensure that the entire wedding would be held normally, which greatly eased the anxiety of Shinbayashi Kuro.

Before Shen Lin Jiulang paid the money, Xu Yang and the others still had to look at him as the gold owner. When they get the money, the safety of Shen Lin Jiuro will not be in their control.

The wedding kicked off.

Relevant publicity has been launched one after another, and various media have begun to build momentum for the wedding, introducing this unique marriage to curious people.

Later, in order to improve the security, Xu Yang plans to go with Lila to the wedding site of the Shenlin family to make a field trip to strengthen the retrieval and control of the environment, so as to minimize the risk of Hosoda Yoshiyuki's change of mind.

He got a call from A40.

"Boss!" A40 said, "I stole the anonymous number from the waste recycling bin, and I helped Kirino Reise to go to her hometown and turned her back into a living person."

"Anonymous has a strong concealment, take it back to Anjiu City." Xu Yang said.

"I heard that there was a big wedding recently!" A40 said, "I also want to go to the scene to see it! Learn the experience for my future big wedding!"

"You? Married?"

"What, look down on me!" A40 was dissatisfied, "I will marry her happily! Who says I can't."

"Then let you go to the wedding venue to see." Xu Yang pondered, "Taro Tanaka has produced a lot of A-series robots of the same model as you and looks very similar to It is convenient for you to mix in, if When someone asks who you are, you say you are an A100."

"Okay, I've been uncomfortable watching A100 for a long time." A40 nodded.

After finishing the communication, it turned around and saw Kirino Reishi staring at him.

"Why," it said, "I didn't mean to marry you."

Kirino Reishi shook his head.

She pointed to the news report of the wedding, and pointed out that the high-level executives of Kyoto Infinity would be there to attend the wedding.

"Seven lives will also appear at the scene." Kirino Reishi said, " the concubine kill the seven lives, and the concubine will perform the ancient ritual of Changying Shrine, giving you the power to become the first samurai of the island continent."

"What? There is such a good thing, just do it." A40 took Kirino Reshi on the anonymous number.

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