The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 313: invincible

In order to be on the safe side, Michael pulled a distance, the witch returned first, and then brought more witches to appear in front of Michael.

Michael nodded, applauding their resilience, while preparing a powerful miracle to destroy them, no matter how many witches come, it is the same for it.

"The old lady is here to cut you!" Pan Ruiyin brought steel wings this time, fully armed, with light wings unfolding behind his back, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Micah, mobilized all his magic power, kicked a kick, penetrated layers of protection, kicked He cracked Mike's chest and kicked it directly to the wall. It let out a grunt and fell down.

"Why so slow—" Farosa sulked.

"I asked them to leave a strand of hair and 50ml of blood before they left." Xu Yang communicated.

Mike's figure changed again, and the part that was kicked by Pan Ruiyin recovered at a high speed. In order to improve his fighting ability, his whole body turned into a larger white-haired old cat, with thick limbs and a strong tail. Dark brown pus and blood.

It raised its head and let out a roar, and the piercing scream spread, but every witch present had already connected to the perception platform provided by Lila and gave up the original perception mode, instead of being distracted by this breathtaking scream destroy.

Only Sally on the tree in the distance was dyed by the scream. She twitched all over, fell from the tree, hit the shrunken root of the golden tree, rolled several times, and completely passed out. She kept shaking during the earthquake. There is always the threat of falling into a magma fissure.

"This is the final form of that guy." Farosa used the built-in channel to communicate with the witches, "It's time to kill it."

"Yes!" Pan Ruiyin sang aloud and rushed in, pounced on Micah again, "Eat my trick!"

Driven by the powerful light wing behind him, Pan Ruiyin's kick reached an astonishing level in both speed and quality, and instantly kicked Mikha to the wall again! Heavy boots pierced through its fur, and the power surged in its body at a high speed, kicking several bones, it let out a scream, grabbed Pan Ruiyin with its claws, and threw it violently to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Michael's wound recovered quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye, almost as if he had not been hurt. He glanced at the battlefield, and as the teleportation continued to bring people into the field, 5 witches and 1 angel had already joined. The fight, plus Farosa, is 7 vs 1.

Micah pulled back and used his fur to withstand the bullets of the witches, while preparing for a powerful miracle.

"Put the distance!" Farosa noticed the miracle of Mecca, which was called "Killing the Weak" and passed through various mysterious people. As a standing weapon of the army level, it can cause terrifying damage in a very large range. One was spared.


"Be careful!" Qianmeng turned around and wanted to run, stumbled, but there was lava everywhere, otherwise it would be cracks in the rock, leaving her with nowhere to hide.

Immediately afterwards, a strong light flashed from its whole body, covering most of the battlefield in an instant, and the violent torrent of destruction instantly smashed all the weaker opponents, causing amazing damage. Except for the Chainsaw Angel, Pan Ruiyin, and 102, who had strong defenses and were able to withstand this brilliance, the rest of the witches were severely injured and fell to the ground after losing their combat effectiveness.

"Ugh-" Qianmeng was also heavily affected, and was blasted out, fell to the end of the rock pit, his head hit the stone, and he passed out.

However, when Farosa appeared with a god-killing weapon, Micah felt uneasy again.

"Huhu..." At this point, Michael felt an unprecedented cringe. If Farosa didn't have a god-killing weapon, then it would be able to fight endlessly.

"Fairy Wood" can't stand against the god-killing weapon.

Farosa glanced down at the god-killing weapon. If it hits Micah successfully, it will cut off Micah's divinity, destroy its essence of existence, and even prevent its divine power from recovering.

For a demigod of the caster type, once the divine power cannot be quickly recovered, the combat effectiveness will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Both sides also knew that as long as the god-killing weapon hit Mecha, everything would be over.

Seeing that Micah was shaken, Farosa knew that it was about to escape, and ordered the surviving witches to pay attention to intercepting it. Behind her, the phantom of the forest lord arched towards Farosa.

"I didn't lie to you!" Farosa whispered to the forest lord, "Why can't I understand people's words!"

Faroza's swordsmanship is naturally not superb. The phantom of the forest lord changed the attack trajectory and avoided the slash in an instant. It spewed green flames, forcing back and restricting Farosha.

"Give the God-killing weapon to Pan Ruiyin." Lila initiated a communication.

Farosa rushed to the golden tree to avoid the burning of the green flames, released the law of recovery on Sally, who fainted on the ground, pulled her up, and helped herself share the pursuit of the forest master. The center threw it hard.

Pan Ruiyin made preparations in advance and drove Iron Wings to pick up the sword.

Mike reacted very quickly and jumped over at the same time, but the Chainsaw Angel had already flapped its wings and landed in front of it, a chainsaw slashed towards Mike's face, it caught the chain with its skin and tore it, knocking the Chainsaw Angel into the air. , her body was scratched by the bursting lava flow, and instantly the feathers began to burn, forcing her to descend downwards.

Thanks to the short moment won by the Chainsaw Angel, Pan Ruiyin took the lead in grabbing the God-killing weapon.

This is the best sword in the world! Pan Ruiyin only felt blood rush to his head. He had never used such a powerful divine weapon in his life!

She turned her head to stare at the liar Mike. The display panel in the helmet showed all the conditions of Mike. The defense and meat quality were marked by area, and the status of each part of Mike was clearly marked.

These witches, who wear fully enclosed armor and rely on third-party information systems to fight, have almost become "puppets" that can share information systems.

Lila is like arranging her soldiers to attack. With the help of Xu Yang's optimized network channels and the witch armor designed by Kazama Miyazaki, she prepares combat arrangements for each witch, such as arm commands, without any hindrance.

At this level, Lila can precisely set combat objectives for each witch and adjust the parameters of the information they receive. In the entire battlefield, she knows the physical energy, health level and equipment status of each unit, so she can achieve precise control at the single level.

The battle essentially revolves around absolute perception magic, improved witch armor, and smooth network control. Pan Ruiyin wielded a god-killing weapon to slash at Maicha's weakness. And the other witches are all combat units under Lila's meticulous micro-manipulation, striving towards the common goal of victory.

Pan Ruiyin's swordsmanship was not comparable to that of Farosa. The God-killing weapon chirped loudly, feeling that he had found a better master.

"Lingri Slash!" Pan Ruiyin danced the god-killing weapon, slashing with the blade, instantly slicing through Maikha's fur. She grabbed the cat's fur with her left hand, and slashed the god-killer weapon deep into Maikha's heart with her right hand. Threads of dark brown blood spurted out from its body, it screamed and fell to the ground, falling into the sea of ​​lava fire in the center of the battlefield, full of flames!

The deadly god-killing force shattered Mecha's body and soul, making him feel even more terrifying pressure.

It invokes the little remaining divine power to unleash miracles.


Pan Ruiyin noticed something was wrong and immediately bounced away. A dazzling electric light exploded from Micah's body, directly piercing Pan Ruiyin's witch armor. All the modules were overloaded and burned out. She went offline before and after, and her body fell to the ground. She quickly opened the helmet. After re-entering his true field of vision, he saw Micah slap his paw at him.

Let the massive data go away - face the battle! Pan Ruiyin opened his eyes wide and activated all his magic power.

As long as it is close combat, it is absolutely invincible!

The left claw that Michael used to pursue was cut off by Pan Ruiyin in an instant, and without the assistance of the witch armor, Pan Ruiyin used the tyrannical body to carry this armor to fight, and still went forward bravely.

The bombardment sounded!

Michael's body shrank back, and flames and sparks exploded on his body, and he was hit by the "Broken Army Spear". 102 held the gun and aimed desperately. Before, she hurriedly carried the injured 101 and other partners to a safe place, so that they would not fall into the magma crack, and then came back to fight.

For Micah, the rest doesn't matter. The most deadly weapon is this god-killing weapon. Once hit by it, the body begins to degenerate irreversibly.

The most crucial power of the god-killing weapon is "anti-divine nature". For ordinary people and witches, it is just a better blade, but for ancient mysteries like the liar Maicha, the god-killing weapon is digging them up. the foundation.

That is, the nature of being a "demi-god" is degraded.

With the recovery efficiency of divine power completely blocked by the god-killing weapon, Micah felt troubled. However, such abusive use of God-killing weapons will inevitably lead to the scrutiny of other mysterious people.

But he may not survive the moment when Farosa is completely destroyed.

It looked in the direction of the dying golden tree. Farosa was chased away by the phantom of the forest lord, but she seemed to know everything along the way, and her position was extremely delicate. Climb lest you be destroyed by the green fire.

time to go.

In an instant, Micah disappeared from the spot.

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