The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 308: computing scam

If you cannot overcome your emotions with reason, you will spend your life blindly.

Farosa sank into the depths of the hot water, and the high-temperature bath water gave her a refreshing feeling, as if it was going to melt her in it. The Jacuzzi's pump was so powerful that the jets of water washed her body from every angle, and she felt like she was being held high by a dozen or so ingenious maids.

She closed her eyes and felt the different levels of power taking their place within her.

Farosa devoured the power of the deep sea of ​​Orthian, and also digested part of the power of the sun. The two cannot be reconciled, and once they collide in her soul, it will cause quite bad consequences. In order to better channel them, Farosa needs to construct the concept of a witch **** to ensure that these two powers are tamed.

- so close.

A footstep sounded very light, but Farosa could hear it. She opened her eyes and saw Xu Yang standing beside the dark brown patterned wallpaper, trying not to interfere with her meditation.

"Don't tiptoe, I know what I'm doing." Farosa took the towel.

"How?" Xu Yang asked.


"According to Mond's suggestion, an overly strong godhead will erode your ego," Xu Yang sat down on a sheepskin seat, "so you need to create a more mixed image for yourself... so that the witches can't condense A strong common sense."

"Thanks to your help, I'm almost done," Farosa said.

"Do you mean……"

"—The 239 child witches I have brought so far are worthy of my mother. These gentle reflections create another phantom."

"These imaginations are very mysterious," Xu Yang said, "I found that the company alliance had previously made a movie, The Legend of Mond, the little monster in the universe, depicting Mond as a very weak guy, trying to use the imagination of people all over the world to suppress it. . Komond still looks strong."

"How could it be effective, Moonfire Monde is not its real name," Farosa sneered, "Only the secret script can correctly call its name, but this is also unreliable, because the language distorts our thoughts."


"What we observe is 'this'," Farosa said, "what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears comes into our mind and becomes 'that,' and we try to write it down or use what you say— - When you make a movie, what you create is 'non-other'. In short, it's completely different from the original, so it doesn't matter."

"So people can't understand each other," Xu Yang understands, "because language is an unreliable communication tool."

"There is something that can replace language," Farosa left the bathtub and put her wet hand on Xu Yang's mask, "that is the intersection of soul and emotion, thanks to the infinite love of the young witches, these sincere and emotional fantasy productions There's a new projection."

"The holster." Xu Yang said, "Suzukawa Jiyi is no longer broadcast."

"What kind of holster." Farosa flicked Xu Yang's mask with her finger, "Forget it, let's take it as a holster—four holsters, mother, seeker, madness, and the transcendent superior authority , these four images will emerge when I set foot on the starting point of my ascension, and they will attack each other."

"Which one is the real you?"

"Neither." Farosa opened her hand in front of Xu Yang, then clenched it, "I will not be covered by phantoms, I will use the real me to devour all illusions. I cannot be covered by phantoms constructed by admirers. , like Sally, to become a servant-god bound by worshippers."

Speaking of which, Farosa took a deep breath.

Tough step.

The imagination of the witches constitutes the source of her divine power, but what she wants is the divine power itself, not the divine shell imagined by the witches. She refuses to give up her nature, nor her magic, nor her original looks, which she firmly believes are the most important self-representations that cannot be lost.

According to ancient records, Farosa must also reach a perfect state of telepathy. In that state, she develops her ideas, has a thorough concept, and has a complete understanding of her mentality. The history and the world can be seen at a glance, and the galaxy and the earth are at her feet.

When that moment comes, it will be the best time to perform the Seven Witch Ritual.

"You mentioned Sally, that's why I came to you." Xu Yang said, "A cat is devouring a large number of rat people, and Sally feels panicked about this."

Farosa frowned.

"Micah the liar," she said. "He's the most cunning and powerful cat in the world."

"But Sally said that the massacre happened very recently. I checked, and it was Shangjing that recently reported the death of rats." Xu Yang said.

"The last time it said it was coming to the Islands, I thought it was just a joke." Farosa pondered.

"Any more information?"

"It said that since the company's victory, it has been working as a reporter or something, and has spent more than 100 years in Taixi Continent." Farosa recalled, "Taixi Continent has the most mysteries distributed, along with the demigods. Awakening one after another, it was forced to flee overseas and wanted to ask for my asylum."

"You refused?"

"Of course I refused." Farosa disagreed, "It's just a mysterious cat."

"A polite refusal?"

"I satirized it."

"What would you do if you were treated like this by others? If you went to someone for help, you were mad at him."

"You'll think he's tired of living." Farosa sighed, "You mean, this rat eater will come to Anjiu City, but Lila is guarding Anjiu City."

"Lila guards the city, but she is too strict, and she will miss those flexible parts." Xu Yang nodded.

Lila cares too much about everything around her.

When they were on vacation a few days ago, Xu Yang and the little fool were staying in a corner of the city, but Pan Ruiyin found out at once. This is completely impossible for Pan Ruiyin herself. She must have been entrusted by Lila to secretly protect Xu Yang.

And Lila never mentioned it from beginning to end.

Xu Yang asked Lila, and Lila replied briefly, pointing out that the violent crime rate in Anjiu City had risen sharply, so she had to send someone to protect Xu Yang.

With large numbers of people roaming unemployed and the streets becoming very dangerous, these days, Lila has detected and stopped a large number of criminal plots that endanger society, while continuing to recruit and expand the security force.

"Sensing magic is good enough to efficiently discern the movement of large populations," Lila said. "All crimes and injuries are detected and assigned to mobile units."

Mayor Nobuhiko Ohara recognized Nisto's responsibility for the city's security very much. At present, Lila's magic is more efficient than any monitoring system, and people will have no objection, after all, they don't notice it.

"Lila is too smart and too powerful," Farosa sneered. "Micah may have entered Anjou and we don't know anything."

"Is it a cat?"

"The prototype is a silver gradient, white-haired fat cat. There are many human shapes, such as a cat-headed old man, a big girl, a flute and shepherd boy..." Farosa said, "It is difficult to understand, after all, its honorary title A liar."

Xu Yang leaned back on the armchair and thought.

Based on the information of Sally and Farosa, an ancient mystic known as the liar Michael, probably came to Anju City with some kind of hostility. It likes to eat mice, and has been mocked by Farosa, and the two sides have no basis for cooperation.

Then one party must first regard the other party as an imaginary enemy, search for and focus on monitoring.

how should I do it? Xu Yang calculated quickly.

Farosa is right, language is an unreliable tool, relying on her few words to describe her, she has no idea what this liar Mike looks like.

"You said it was a reporter?" Xu Yang asked.

"Yes," Farosa nodded, "it probably works at a newspaper in Taixizhou or something."

Xu Yang closed his eyes, used his digital mind to network, searched for relevant articles on the Internet, kept digging on the surface network and the deep anonymous network, and used different words to collect and capture relevant news.

Internet information is vast, like a treasure, as long as you make good use of it, you can get any kind of information. After 4 seconds of searching, Xu Yang sorted out 2,000 text records and audio-visual materials related to him.

The rest of the records were unreliable. After screening, Xu Yang found that the biggest source of the news was a 69-year-old woman who had died, named Amyra. A month ago, during the large-scale shutdown in Constantinier, Amela's newspaper was closed for impartial reporting of the incident. She fell during the conflict and tragically died.

The Amyra posted five stories about an amazing kitten on the Internet about how she struck up a friendship with a newspaper cat.

She started recording 50 years ago, and most of them have been archived. Xu Yang has to dig deep into the server. Every 10 years, the storage level of the archives will be downgraded. Finally, there are sporadic fragments of words, which are used to compress the scale.

He managed to find all 5 logs.

Journal 1: "One of the cutest kittens in Constantine! What a surprise on the way to work, I want to have it! […]"

Journal 2: "It's time to celebrate my 28th birthday! With kitty. Yesterday it took me to the eucalyptus site, faster than everyone else! This way, I […]"

Log 3: "I met some handsome guys at the bachelorette party, but the kitten was sick and I had to stay with him. Another year with Kitty, all these years have passed, it's a miracle that he hasn't gotten old at all. Yeah. Maybe it will stay with it in the future […]”

Journal 4: "The editorial department is so busy that I have time to celebrate my 49th birthday! Who needs a family with such a cute kitten? I spend most of my salary on it. It's not surprising at all, if you treat your cat as family it's fine. Everyone is asking how old it is and all I can say is it's a miracle it lived so long, look at it Amazingly supple […]”

Log 5: "Indeed, whenever I look at this cat, I feel strange, I don't think it has any extra needs, it's a very well fed cat, I just need to provide it with food and shelter. It Probably outlived me, which is quite unusual for a cat. In fact, I find it odd that the purpose of my life has been to provide it with cat food and shelter. Forgive my post In hindsight, I had to ask people for help."

Farosa observes Xu Yang.

"Have you found a clue?"

"I found the woman who was feeding Michael in the newspaper," Xu Yang said, "leaving a lot of logs, and the last one was posted a week before her death."

"One hundred secrets, liar Michael." Farosa murmured, "I didn't expect this trick. There must be a photo of Michael in it. We can block it according to the photo."

Xu Yang projected the only log 3 with a picture on the screen in the secret room, Farosa raised her eyes and was stunned for a moment.

In the photo, a cheerful middle-aged female reporter picked up the animal in her arms, and could reasonably see the appearance of Michael. But the whole picture was edited at some point, and the animal in her arms became a pure mosaic.

"The sticker is a hyperlink." Xu Yang clicked on the sticker, and it jumped to another webpage, showing a looping video.

In the video, a completely cartoon white cat sits on a table, making a meowing sound, with a piece of paper with text beside it.

"Are you looking for me? Sir/Madam, please read each word of the 5 journals together."

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