The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 205: Chainsaw and Angel

After getting rid of the liar, Farosa leisurely dreamed big dreams in the secret room.

In the past, the scenes she dreamed of were relatively monotonous, nothing more than the grand scenes of some gorgeous empires, but now they have added new flavors, including control chips that go deep into the human mind, the "Empress Farosa" giant helicarrier, and special designs for her. Producer of web content for personal services.

On the other side, in the office in the industrial park, Lila worked diligently to solve the accumulated business orders, and the export of iron ore expanded. During the war, Koge Kyushu sent a shuttle force to protect the safety of sea routes and ensure the safety of sea routes from Nisto Industry. The iron ore raw materials in the park can reach the coastline of the Xia region smoothly.

The current battle situation is grim. Kyoto Unlimited currently has 2 air carriers that can be used for homeland defense, while Tianshu and Gaoge Kyushu are fully fighting against Black Fire Innovation to prevent their disorderly expansion.

"The war has almost diverted most of the contradictions." Xu Yang flipped through the report, "The productivity that had nowhere to put came in handy, and the orders brought by the war brought the manufacturing industry and the real economy back to life."

"It can also consume a lot of people." Lila manipulated on the terminal, sorting out all the messy things in order, and dealing with all the things they had accumulated during the 6 days they left. She is a very attentive person. She consults everyone in the industrial park in detail to understand what they need now. If they can be solved with funds, they will order one by one; Adjust their treatment to ensure that their lives in the industrial park are fully guaranteed.

"Black Fire Innovation has used biological and chemical weapons on the front lines of the islands," Xu Yang saw the shocking news, "...they used poison gas on ordinary people."

"I've heard of this nerve gas," Lila looked at the photos and medical analysis on the report. On the outskirts of Shinmaru City, about 150 people were executed by the Black Fire Revolution's security forces. "Its predecessor was the previous The 'rat exterminator', which was developed to deal with the rat tide, is now supposed to be the third generation of its product, which will melt people into broth in 10 minutes."

"All the means that humans have used against the rat people will also be used on their compatriots." Xu Yang shuddered.

"Black Fire's soldiers are still approaching the capital infinitely." Lila warned, "You have to be prepared."

This is the biggest opponent at this stage.

Black Fire Innovation, the most violent and largest arms manufacturing company, has a robot army, an air carrier, a war witch and a reality manipulator, and its size is amazing.

And according to Ye Ye, Xisheng's attitude is obvious, that is, to support the Black Fire Innovation to sweep the islands. In this way, the Black Fire Innovation is even more invincible.

"The resources we can mobilize are limited," Xu Yang pondered, "and Xisheng Capital has already decided on its position."

"Unless you can get in touch with Reise Kirino." Lila made a precise analysis, "At present, the only person who wants Kyoto to live indefinitely is probably only her. If you want to establish a relationship with that 'Witch of Sakura' Reise Kirino Contact, this may be the best and last chance."

From the point of view of maximizing profits, it is not possible to let Kyoto die too fast indefinitely. Xu Yang thought to himself. It would not be in Nisto's interest for Kyoto to swiftly renounce resistance. After all, when the Black Fire Innovation is fully stationed in the northern archipelago, not only Kyoto Infinity will die, but the Nisto Company will also be completely wiped out.

The detonating black fire will burn up everything they have built so far, and the brutal black fire will consume people as slaves, and they will not even do superficial efforts.

According to the news, they have military controlled the cities of Shinmaru and Hosokawa, and selected 200,000 young people for the industrial expansion of the Black Fire. Most of them were sent back to the Taia Islands, and the remaining old and weak were excluded. They died, and countless looting and massacres broke out in these front-line cities. It is estimated that 130,000 people were subjected to varying degrees of violence.

Kyoto Infinite keeps shrinking the defense circle and wants to ensure the safety of the island. Even the president has died. Kirino Reiji is also silent now. It will probably wait for the new president to be elected, and she will complete the established ceremony with him. Restart the operation of the entire Kyoto infinitely.

"In order to replenish energy and ammunition, the Martinez is currently stationed in Shinmaru City, 550 kilometers away from Anku City." Lila analyzed, "Once they attack again, it is very likely that other air carriers will be deployed for deployment. A decisive battle to defeat Kyoto Infinity once and for all."

"Take your time." Xu Yang sighed inwardly, the situation is so dangerous, a little bit of carelessness will be irreversible.

Black Fire Innovation, Xisheng Group, and Kyoto Unlimited are actually difficult to deal with. Indeed, as Xu Yang initially expected, Nisto Company is currently in the cracks of the corporatist world, and can only expand a little bit.

He made a trip to the Suzuki Spring to check the current situation.

The situation on the street was not bad, and the sun's hypothermia did not cause any major chaos in the few days. After all, it was an underground city, and the sun could not be seen at all. At the same time, Suzuki Spring is a big hot spring, and the energy facilities supporting Nisto Industrial Park are also geothermal power stations. It can be seen that Aizu Castle has sufficient geothermal energy and relatively abundant heating resources.

More unemployed people are pouring in, looking for jobs.

The economic crisis is spreading, the cold winter of the whole industry is coming, companies have issued a large number of layoff announcements, countless company people have been forced to graduate from the company, end their labor contracts, and have been expelled from the ground. Those glamorous companies, who have nowhere to invest, many of them go straight to Aizu He came from the city and was forced to find a place to live in the chaotic underground city.

At first, they thought that Aizu Castle was as chaotic as before, but when they arrived at the Katsuragi Gang's territory, they found that things were not as bad as they had been rumored.

In addition, due to the previous existence of Aizu Castle as the rear of similar companies, it has undertaken a large number of front-line industrial transfers, and the newly established factories have provided a considerable number of jobs.

Xu Yang stopped at the entrance of a newly opened factory. The bulletin board clearly stated that the monthly salary of ordinary workers was 2,000, the monthly salary of skilled workers was 3,000, and the monthly salary of management with 5 years of experience was 6,000. These numbers are not fair, they should have doubled, but people are still sharpening their heads and trying to squeeze in. Hundreds of people are piling up at the door, an eye-eye robot is floating over their heads, constantly checking their credit codes, these new The faces are basically driven down from Anjiu City, and there are complete records in the Century Pure Land.

Originally, it was synthetic laborers who worked instead of humans. Now, humans are desperately trying to prove that they are cheaper and more durable than synthetics. In order to seek survival rations, they quoted their own prices very low.

As far as Xu Yang is concerned, the current order is already the result of repeated games. The meager paychecks were made because people lost every round of the game.

Ordinary people must have thought about 30% to 50%, shooting down drones with guns, killing business owners' offices, and increasing their bargaining power over the value of their labor. The situation is different now. The number of combat robots is endless, and the business owner himself lives in a luxury high-rise in Anjiu City. When he enters the factory office, he can only see some automatic terminals.

To change the disadvantaged position in this game, people must be more united than ever before.

Nisto could provide a lot of jobs and better pay, at least to get through this economic crisis first. Xu Yang thought. Infrastructure construction can expand the scope of Aizu Castle. As long as you can get enough working capital from Ye Zi, it is completely feasible to open up a fourth area outside the existing three areas. At that time, you can completely follow his It means to shape the regional ecology.

The exploration of seabed resources is still the top priority, and it is a cheap and easy way to get rich on mineral resources. In Xu Yang's idea, this future "4th area" must be close to new seabed resource mines, and a new underground road network must be built between each area.

These large-scale projects can not only create new value, but also absorb the unemployed people who are currently pouring into Aizu City, and solve the current urgent need to ensure their jobs.

When he arrived at Suzuki Spring's office, Xu Yang asked Katsuragi about the situation.

I thought that the Chainsaw Angel Gang had been annihilated in the past few days, but I didn't expect that the work of Katsuragi and the others was hindered by the "angel" himself.

Baimeng Book

Ge Chengqian showed the battlefield video to Xu Yang.

On the screen, Xu Yang saw a young girl wearing a black tyrant T-shirt, with a light figure and dancing huge wings, shuttled through the battlefield. She organized members of the Chainsaw Angel Gang to fight back, moving quickly.

According to the video footage, the Chainsaw Angel's mobility is amazing, vibrating her wings can easily cross the sky, rampage with a chainsaw, destroying locomotives and vehicles, her diplomatic ability is also very good, and many other companies have established established a cooperative relationship, and continuously received their material support to oppose the Katsuragi Gang.

In addition, she also sang mysterious miracles loudly from time to time, creating an amazing encouraging effect. As long as she exists, the members of the Chainsaw Angel Gang will have a steady stream of fighting power. She is like the spiritual banner of the entire gang, making each gang All had the will to fight to the death.

Xu Yang frowned, this chainsaw angel moved very much like the evil enemy Dirnai who had attacked them before. He also fluttered and dominated the mysterious power.

"Originally, the progress was smooth, until the chain saw angel suddenly appeared. We were dereliction of duty." Katsuragi was very ashamed, "It has been delayed until now."

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yang quickly thought about his next plan. It was necessary to completely defeat the Chainsaw Angel Gang and unify the entire Aizu City.

If Farosa wakes up and sees the battle footage, she should be able to give more information. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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