The Witch of the Cyberpunk Era

Chapter 153: Butterfly

Xu Yang and Lila listened to the results of the Witch Division's battle plan.

Farosa changed her attire specially for company activities. At this time, she was wearing professional attire and formal trousers. She stood in the center of the office and greeted Xu Yang and Lila's gaze.

"...There are a lot of omissions in the action." After listening, Xu Yang said, "You have to be careful about the presence of enemies, prepare 2-3 sets of backup plans in advance, avoid cameras, and at the same time pay attention to the role of the rat-man communicator, which is very important to the surrounding situation. Be aware."

"Strength can cover up a lack of planning," Farosa said calmly. "Sometimes a simple decision is better than a complicated strategy."

"My opinion is that you must cultivate your own planning ability." Xu Yang said, "You can't rely too much on your subordinates to advise you. You have more information and intelligence than them. If you rely too much on them, it will weaken their confidence in you. Acknowledgment. Understand?"

"Yes." Farosa said that she really liked the feeling of being tortured, and at this time, she imagined herself as a humble company person who was threatened and persecuted, with a cowardly expression, "...I understand. So, what's the president's opinion?" She turned in Lila's direction.

"I have no opinion." Lila's attitude became more calm.

"Then, I'll retire first." Farosa turned and left.

After Farosa left, Xu Yang leaned back in the chair.

"It's okay," Xu Yang turned his head, but saw Lila feeling sad, "Lila... what's the matter?"

"She's right." Lila avoided Xu Yang's gaze, "Witches are very powerful, sometimes they can ignore the restrictions and don't need to bother planning... No, they can do amazing things at any time."

"You are also a witch." Xu Yang said hurriedly, "Your magic power is not weak at all."

"But... it's over." Lila's tone was quite sad, "I can detect changes in 101, she is growing, she has grown too much, and I..."

After prosthetics, the mind is transcribed onto the chip. Farosa therefore removed Lila from the ranks of witches, and the fact is that Lila could not obtain any kind of magic upgrade, which made her regret for the rest of her life.

She looked at her old head in dismay, which was extremely ugly and outdated.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yang knew it was time.

"I don't have any magic power yet, isn't it okay now?" Xu Yang got up.

"The master is different." Lila sighed, "Hey... don't worry about Lila."

"A surprise for you." Xu Yang took her hand.

"Is that the 'big box' with the encryption coating?" Lila thought of the mysterious cargo that was sent to the industrial park. No matter what, the situation inside could not be detected. It was extremely miraculous.

In her opinion, the best gift is nothing more than a new gun, a best sniper rifle that outperforms the Cassandra Comet. Or a suit of witch armor, pretending she's still alive.

Of course, these things won't calm Lila's frustration, but she knows it's the master's intention, she's willing to accept it, and she'll make a happy expression at that time.

When he arrived at the warehouse in the industrial park, Xu Yang had already cleaned up the environment in advance, leaving the huge cargo box behind. Its appearance is quite simple, sturdy, shock-resistant, and equipped with multiple layers of protection. It was transported from the Great Northern Region thousands of kilometers away without the slightest wear and tear.

This thing will bring Lila back to life, a real new body.

"The gift I gave you is 'Lila'." Xu Yang entered the password.

The cargo box opened with a humming sound, the lid was removed, and underneath was a special low-temperature chamber, shaped like an oval transparent chrysalis, specially used to store artificial bodies.

Through the glass of the cabin, you can see the perfectly carved "Lila", with an unobstructed view of the whole body, which is lifelike in the package of inert gas.

Gorgeous Lila Nisto.

According to Lila's original image, especially the surviving head, according to Xu Yang's calculations, it was made in a high-end private custom factory.

Using the "painting" technology, Lila's new body is infinitely realistic, with long golden hair scattered, closed eyes, rosy lips, white skin, and beautiful body contours. From the collarbone to the ankles, it is made of top-grade synthetic materials, similar to human skin. The degree of precision is as high as 99%, every texture and hair are clearly identifiable, and every part is also restored to achieve perfect reality.

According to the report of the designers of the S-17 Research Institute, they exhausted themselves in the process of forging Lila, and the completion level exceeded all the finished products in the history of their research institute.

"I—myself—" Lila saw "self" lying in the cabin, trembling and took a step back, and countless empty signals returned to the consciousness chip.

Xu Yang quickly supported her.

"I want you to return to this world." Xu Yang murmured, "...In this way, you don't have to live on any robot, you can return to your body... forever and truly resurrect."

"But consciousness chip..." Lila's mental analysis system was running at a high load, and Xu Yang felt that the whole robot was starting to get hot, "It's too old..."

"I also bought a new one for you." Xu Yang opened another box in the corner of the box, which contained a beautiful black consciousness chip half the size of a palm. The wiring of the electronic components was neat and orderly, like a work of art, regardless of the built-in auxiliary programs. , processing performance, cooling effects, and mental simulation are better than what Lila is using now.

"This is..." Lila was at a loss for words, and the only messages she could create were joy and love.

"Consciousness chip technology has also changed rapidly in the past few decades," Xu Yang said with emotion, "the previous generation of consciousness data technology 'blurred' can only re-enact all your minds, and it has no ability to go further and continue to expand. The problem can only be solved with the thought patterns recorded in the past. Now it is more advanced, just like people can build new synapses, the technology used by the data mind is 'ascension'."

Lila snuggled quietly in Xu Yang's arms.

"You don't have to look to Farosa to become stronger." Xu Yang took Lila's hand, "A new body, a better consciousness chip, you are the perfect and unique Lila, and my love."

"How dare Lila..." She closed her eyes, "...Oh...Master..."

"Keep walking with me." Xu Yang kissed Lila deeply, "I still remember the words you told me, the secrets and little stories you told me... After you wake up, I will tell you another one. Say it to you word by word."

She trembled slightly in Xu Yang's arms, and her thousands of words turned into a sigh.

How... lucky to receive such meticulous care.

Lila executed the shutdown program on herself and fell asleep in Xu Yang's arms. She couldn't take the initiative to restart, and completely entered a dead silence.

Xu Yang knew how much she was doing, so he solemnly placed Lila on the ground.

Xu Yang took Lila's consciousness chip out of the empty crane robot, put it into the slot behind the new body's head, and then placed the new consciousness chip, placing the two chips side by side.

Afterwards, Xu Yang turned on the new body and used his digital mind to enter the built-in background interface of the guided mode, first fully transcribing the old consciousness onto the new consciousness chip.

Transform the source code of Lila's consciousness little by little.

This is a long process, and her digitized mind code will be completely upgraded.

The principle of "virtualization" technology is to read all the individual's mind, through digital calculation, and hand it over to the corresponding intelligent program for training. In any case, it will make decisions similar to the original mind, and it can also simulate emotions.

The new "flying" technology aims to further fully simulate the behavioral logic of biological consciousness. Relying on advanced lithography machines and experimental semiconductor processes, it integrates trillions of transistors and millions of AI cores on the chip. Lila's previous consciousness has been shaped by "blurred" technology, so it can be transformed by cheaper means. If "ascension" is directly performed on the organism, the price is astronomical.

Conscious transcription is similar to the creation of personality matrix, but personality matrix has no free emotion and does not produce any emotional response.

At the same time, once this transformation is accepted, the original mind will be broken, and the organism itself will be brain-dead, so transcribing consciousness onto the chip is usually a helpless move, and it also has great requirements on personal health conditions.

Xu Yang heard that Noriko Honma had tried to "fly" or "blind" her consciousness. Unfortunately, she was old and when the technology of consciousness chips appeared, her physical condition did not allow her to perform this transformation. .

The transcription process went smoothly.

After transferring consciousness from the old chip to the new chip, Xu Yang took out the old chip, debugged the new body, made it contact with the "Ascension" consciousness chip, the slot sank deep into the head, and Lila's mind began to connect to the body. control.

Lila Nisto...

Xu Yang looked at her cheeks with soft eyes, which was no different from what she looked like before her death. With the blessing of the brand-new consciousness chip, Lila's mind was even stronger than before, and her computing power and processing power had increased exponentially.

wake up...

Lila's eyelashes trembled slightly.

She opened her eyes, saw Xu Yang, and subconsciously reached out and stroked his cheek, that movement was a bit clumsy.

"I'm here." Xu Yang helped Lila up and carried her out of the cold mechanical cabin.

...cold...but soft and real.

She moves with a new attitude and leaves the cabin, like a butterfly reborn from its cocoon, no longer relying on a robot, but living in a perfect new body. Today's Lila looks better than ever before.

Lila hugged Xu Yang tightly, tears welling up in her eyes.

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