The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 1003: Cold God·Prophet·Night King·Will Jr

"Jon Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen," Will said. (Ps: In the TV series, Jon and Aegon are combined into one person, hereby explain.)

"Jon is afraid of fire."

"People can change, just as Will Jr. is not afraid of ghosts and ghouls."

"Do you think Jon will change because of some kind of opportunity?"


Melisandre was silent for a while, and she looked in the direction of Jr. Will: "My flame has no prophecy."

"Fire is not the only truth."

"Red God is the only true God."

"That is only for yourself. For Daenerys, the Dragon God is the only true God; for the people of the Seven Kingdoms, the Seven Gods are the only true God."

"Then what is your only true God?"

"Wisdom, the **** of time and space. Anything, truth or error, in time and space, will show its true colors."

"You already know where the Lightbringer is?" Melisandre asked suddenly and suddenly.

Will looked into Melisandre's eyes. Did she see anything in the flames? There is a human-like life in the sacred tree forest of Winterfell. In the entire northern territory, only that human-like life is the only true god, but that human-like life itself does not consider itself a god.

Maybe gods don't think of themselves as gods, only ordinary people will worship them as gods. God himself has many unknown things and many unsolvable problems. For example, the human-like life cannot solve the problem of walking by himself. He can only observe the north through the eyes of other objects, hear the north and understand the north, he himself can only stay there forever like a tree, at least, he can't solve his loneliness.

"I know where the Lightbringer is!" Will admitted.

"Take me." Melisandre stared at Will, head tilted slightly, her eyes gleaming like gems.

"I can't take you there."


"Because of the cold god."

"Are you afraid he will find the Lightbringer?"

"No, I'm afraid he will find Will Jr."

"You said Will Jr. is not necessarily the owner of the Lightbringer."

"If he is, Cold God will come to deal with him."

Melisandre's eyes were fixed on Will.

"If Will Jr is, we should take Will Jr to Dorne."

Will froze.

"Dorn belongs to fire, a place that Cold God fears."

Will was silent.

The south belongs to fire, and there has always been such a division of attributes in the crossing civilization. It is said that the crimson mountains of Dorn in the south are a symbol of flame.

When the north is as cold as ice, south Dorn is often as hot as fire. But that was the previous season.

"Dorn is also snowing."

"No matter how it snows, Donne belongs to fire. I know and understand this."

"So you want to take Will Jr. to Dorne?"

"I know that your battlefield is on the Great Wall of Extremis, but if the Great Wall of Dilemma cannot be defended, we should fight the Cold God in Dorn."

"Let the ghosts and ghouls kill all the way from the north to Dorne? The corpses are everywhere, so that the people of the Seven Kingdoms will become soldiers of the Night King? I can't do this."

"Then maybe we can find a solution acceptable to both parties."

"any solution?"

"Tempt the Night King to go to Dorne, wait in ambush, and then kill him."

"The Cold God will not let the Night King fool."

"Not always."

"I will not agree."

"The Green Prophet is not dead." Melisandre sneered.

"Blinden Riverman?"

Brinden Riverwen, the Green Prophet of the Son of the Forest, grew up with a Ten Thousand Years Heart Tree, just like a humanoid life in the sacred woods of Winterfell.

It just seems that the two green prophets are not in contact with each other, and the relationship is indifferent. They should be good neighbors. For the prophet and God, the relationship between each other felt very cold. Otherwise, why couldn't Han Shen and Hong Shen sit down to discuss the changes of the seasons and the division of forces, but let his men go to fight.

Perhaps the more God, the more indifferent, alienated, and hostile to each other.

It's like two rival countries.

Countries can also negotiate for peace, and between gods, each time they let their believers go to war, and they are irreconcilable.

Will suddenly felt that it was not ordinary people who were despicable, selfish and narrow, but God himself.

"We can use Will as the bait to set up traps in Dorn to ensnare the Night King." Melisandre said, "Dorn belongs to fire. If the Night King goes to Dorne, his strength is reduced by half. If we let the Green Prophet Surrender to the Night King."

"The Green Prophet will be turned into a member of the ghost by the Night King."

"Yes, but the Green Prophet has all the memories, the ghosts, the ghouls, the world, all the memories. He was turned into a ghost by the Night King, but his memory cannot be erased, all in his mind. Here, the Night King cannot make him surrender."

"The Night King will kill him." Will said lightly, "Melisandre, every time you plan is bold, but at the expense of other people's lives, such as fire sacrifices, such as bringing Will Go to the Seren Mountains. Although these things have achieved your goal, someone will die for it."

Melisandre stared at Will, her eyes narrowed slightly: "War, you want to die."

"Some people don't have to die in this way, such as the Green Prophet you said. If the Green Prophet is favored by the Cold God and becomes the new Night King, or one of the two Night Kings, have you ever thought about these risks?"

Melisandre was silent, she did not think of it.

"Also, did Cold God erase the memory of the Green Prophet? He killed the Green Prophet? Either alienated into another Night King, or erased part of his memory, so that there are no humans in his memory, only ghosts, How can you let the Red God save this situation?"

Melisandre said: "I admit I didn't think of these risks."

"This is what the flame can't tell you, this is wisdom."

Mei Li Shan Zhuo was silent.

"So, who is the green prophet of the children of the forest now?"

"Jiujian Li De."

Will knows Jiu Jian.

"I have fought side by side with him, and on his home territory, we have wiped out the main force of the Iron Islands together."

"He is now the Green Prophet of the Son of the Forest." Melisandre said.

"Where is he now?"

"He will soon enter the Great Wall of Impasse through the Heart Tree Gate under the Sword Fort, and take his current people and believers through the Great Wall."

"Have you met him before?"

"In the ghost forest, he led the children of the forest and saved me, Will, and Djolie."

"He saw your distress in the prophecy?"


"He has a three-eyed crow?"

"He has a three-eyed crow, but when necessary, he can have a thousand three-eyed crows."

A thousand?

There was once a song about the Seven Kingdoms: One Thousand and One Eyes. It means that Blinden River has one thousand and one eyes. He can observe every corner of the world with the eyes of any bird and beast. Through the three-eyed crow, go back to the past and fly into the future.

If there is a **** in the world, Will thinks the owner of the three-eyed crow is god. He is the same as the God of Time and Space, not only knowing the past completely, but also predicting the future.

The greatest ability of the God of Time and Space is to hide all the secrets of the world in his memory, and the same is true of the Green Prophet.

Will suddenly felt that he understood something.

"If there really is a **** in this world, there is a **** in reality, then there can only be one: the Green Prophet."

"The Green Prophet is a man, a knife and a small fire can kill him, and God can't kill him." Melisandre said.

"God can be killed, just like the Green Prophet. The Green Prophet knows everything." Will suddenly understood, "If the Cold God wants to kill anyone, it must not be Will, and Will doesn't know the Night King. The secret and the secret of the Cold God, but the Green Prophet knows."

Melisandre was shocked.

Will's reasoning out was something he had never thought of. Her flames are just some fragments that the Red God wants to tell her, not the whole truth.

"By the way, if Cold God wants to order the Night King to kill anyone, it won't be anyone else except the Green Prophet."

"Then what is the role of the light messenger?"

"Guardian and guardian of the Green Prophet."

Melisandre looked at Will in surprise: "The Night King is here to kill the Green Prophet, and the Lightbringer will kill the Night King."

"Yes!" Will said slowly, "this is the correct logic."

"What we should protect more is not Will Jr., but the Green Prophet, which is Jiu Jian Li De."

Will looked at Melisandre: "Our previous thoughts were all wrong. No matter how many people the Night King kills, it’s no use. Joining Jiu Jian is still alive, he will not be able to conquer the world, and he will remain unsafe. ."

"The Green Prophet knows his secret." Melisandre said.

"You must rely on the Messenger of Light to kill the Night King, but you must rely on the Green Prophet to save the world."

"We should go to build the sword fort now, he needs our protection." Melisandre said.

"Don't worry, since the Green Prophet knows all the secrets of the Night King, then he must know how to avoid the Night King's pursuit. He will come to Sword Fortress safely, but will the brothers in Sword Fortress accidentally hurt him? , It’s hard to tell."

"You should go to the Sword Fortress immediately. If the children of the forest suddenly drill out of the Sword Fortress underground, they will definitely frighten the blacksmiths. The Valyrian Steel Sword will go away, in case the Green Prophet falls on his head?"

"Maybe he can anticipate what happened in the Sword Fortress and avoid it in advance, but we must go quickly, we can't take this risk. It's just that the Night King and the strange ghost are fate, we can't avoid it, and we can't predict it."

"The unpredictable things depend on our wisdom." Melisandre said. This is what Will wants him to understand.

Will smiled slightly.

He finally opened up Melisandre a little bit.

When God refuses to tell us the real reason, people can infer and make decisions on their own with wisdom. Relying on God for everything is like relying on God for everything, but it is actually unreliable. God will not be so bored that he cares about every mood, every sigh, and every event.

Your own business has nothing to do with God. If God cares about everything about you, then he is not God, he is yourself.

"As for the Lightbringer, the Green Prophet will know who it is?" Melisandre asked Will.

"Yes, if he is willing to say it. At this point, the Green Prophet must know more about the world and secrets than the Night King and the Cold God. The Cold God only knows his own secrets, and the Green Prophet knows the secrets of the world. "

"It's just that the Green Prophet is too fragile and will die when touched."

"He is a prophet, not a true god. I think he is the memory incarnation of the **** of time and space." There is another sentence Will did not say. He himself is a sword of the **** of time and space.

One is the memory of the **** of time and space, and the other is a sword of the **** of time and space.

Sword needs memory, memory needs sword.

These are the two sides of the **** of time and space, and one is indispensable.

Without the memory of the sword, it is fragile and dead in one blow; the sword without the memory is just a piece of scrap iron.

And in this, the gods have cast an independent sword: the light messenger!

The light messenger fights the night ghost, the night king killer.

Will felt that the line became clear and the logic became clear.

So, what is the secret of the Night King? What is the secret of Han Shen? Why did the ghosts come again in eight thousand years?

The ghost is here to conquer the world? Or come to destroy the world, so that the world can only sleep in the winter and the long night?

What is the secret behind all these battles?

It seems that all these can only be counted on by the Green Prophet!


"What should we do now?"

"You take Will to Winterfell. Arya will accompany you. She knows where the Lightbringer is."

"it is good!"

"I'm going to build a sword fort, and meet Jiujian Li De and his children of the forest."

Melisandre stretched out her hand to Will, and Will hesitated and took her hand, which was warm, elastic and smooth.

In fact, Will has always hoped that Little Will is the master of the Lightbringer, and only the Lightbringer sword can kill the Night King. There is no doubt about this. But who is the master of the sword, Will has always thought it was Will little in his heart. He just released a lot of smoke bombs just to protect his son. He believes that in the north, the **** of cold is everywhere...then you can't divulge really useful information...

Suddenly, Will was terrified. If Cold God is everywhere in the north, and there is a humanoid life in the north, that humanoid life is in Winterfell...

Will suddenly froze, and everyone was cold!

"What's the matter with you?" Melisandre's eyes glowed strangely, red like gems.

"Cold God!" Will said.


"Cold God!"

"The Cold God is in the Land of Eternal Winter." Meili Shandro said affirmatively.

"Can't he be in the north?"

"Even if he is in the north, it is impossible for him to be his real body. Just like me, I am the priest of the Red God, but not the Red God himself."

A cold sweat broke out on Will's forehead: "God can't kill in the real world, right?"

"The Green Prophet is the closest to God, but he is not as good as the most ordinary warrior." Melisandre said, "A warrior can kill Jiujian Leide with a knife. God will not appear in this world. Above, the actor of Cold God is the Night King."

Will took a deep breath and said, "Okay, but I changed my mind. You and Will, you can't go to Winterfell to get your sword."

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