The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 984: Queen of Thorns

No one stood up, and no one raised any objections. Everyone waited and looked at each other, everyone tended to be silent, so after a while, everyone was really silent.

Silence is also an attitude, an attitude of wait-and-see or resistance.

In the King’s Landing Red Fort, none of the nobles would be happy because Will cancelled the existence of the nobles. But Will did not say to abolish their noble status, he only said not to disobey the kingship.

Naturally, no one wants to disobey the king, unless you want to rebel or treason.

In fact, in successive years of civil war, no matter whether it is troops, iron, food or money, everyone has been violently consumed. No one still wants to fight treason, and the common people are eager to settle down.

Will scanned the audience and said, "Since everyone has no objections, they all agree with my statement and practice. I'll confirm it again. Who has objections?"

"Master Will, what if the Tyrell family refuses to give food?" a nobleman asked.

"Then we will come to pick it up."

"But our troops, food, weapons, and logistics are very..."

"I have troops." Will interrupted the nobleman. What this guy said was nothing but nonsense.

"Master Will, if there is an accident with Lord Mays, I believe the Seven Kingdoms will encounter another great chaos, and we can't afford it. Many places in Junlin City don't even have money for restoration and construction."

"Why don't you borrow money from the bank?" Will said in a strange tone. "The bank is open in King's Landing. If you want to borrow money, you can borrow from the bank. If you borrow money, you can buy bricks and hire workers. The bank manager is in ours. Finance Minister Petir's side. Now, the first person who dared to borrow money, I personally pledged for him. If he fails to pay, I will pay him back. Mr. Manager, do you have any questions?"

"No problem." The manager who is both an official of the government's finance department and a banker said immediately.

"Well, the first ten people who borrow money, I guarantee. The first ten people who deposit their money in the bank, I also guarantee it. If the money deposited in the bank cannot be withdrawn, come and ask me for the money. If the bank doesn’t give it when you go to withdraw it or if you can’t cash it for any other reason, I will pay you two gold dragons.”

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, I can deposit my money in the bank today. Can I withdraw my pocket money anytime?"

"Free access, more or less random." Will said.

He looked at little finger. Littlefinger stated: "I will deposit my daily income from the brothel in the bank from now on. Regardless of whether the people in Junlin City can't afford to eat, the number of people who go to the brothel has not decreased much. First, the mercenaries are rich. Just like spending it on women. Secondly, the port trade began to recover. In addition to eating, sailors like to go to brothels. Thirdly, my prices have always been fair."

"My money is also deposited in the bank. Although I don't have a lot of money, I support this project. For those who don't have money, I suggest that everyone borrow from the bank. Those who buy weapons should buy weapons, and those who build their own houses should build houses. Those who should buy food should buy food, so that everything in King's Landing City will work, otherwise it will be a dead water.” said Onion Earl Davis Seaworth, “My sons are paupers, I will call them Go to the bank to borrow money, borrow it today."

"I have been a Royal Forest Guard for decades. I usually don't go to a brothel or gambling. I only drink a little wine. I have some savings, so I put it in the bank." The Royal Forest Guard was moved by Davis's words and said.

He heard from Davis's words that if bank loans can bring King's Landing back to life, we must do our best to support it.

Bran Stark also said that he would deposit five golden dragons in the bank today. He also didn't understand the role of banks. When Earl Onion said, Bran Stark immediately supported him.

Littlefinger has not promoted the bank among the nobles. He is currently propaganda aimed at civilians. In Will's opinion, Littlefinger's steps are a bit shorter.

Next, those who were close to Will, wanted to join Will's power system, and some of the nobles who really agreed with Will, said that they would deposit or borrow money from the bank today.

This is a good start Will would like to see.

A city that is almost in ruins requires money for reconstruction, and the royal family also needs money. The Iron Treasury opened the bank to King's Landing, so just borrow it.

Will said: "Today, I will borrow one hundred thousand golden dragons from the bank on behalf of the royal family to pay for the King’s Landing garrison, buy armor and weapons for them, recruit new recruits and train them. Master Petir, the treasury has newly added one hundred thousand golden dragons, you You can buy food from Pantos City on the other side of the Narrow Sea, so that the people can have a bite of food first."

"Yes, Your Prime Minister."

Will made a good start, giving the bank a fresh start, and at the same time, the nobles who were struggling with Lord Mays's case saw another hope.


The southern high court is located on a hill overlooking the Mande River below. Binhai Avenue and Rose Avenue converge here.

Binhai Avenue leads directly to Kaiyan City, the capital of the west, and Rose Avenue is an avenue in the river bay. It leads directly to the Bitter Bridge and connects to the King’s Avenue in Stormlands. Finally, it heads north to Junlin and east to Fengshibao.

The High Court is built of white marble, and many people believe that the High Court is the most beautiful castle in Westeros. Both the gardener and the Tyrell family love art, music, and culture. Only the High Court of the Seven Kingdoms has been praised by countless singers.

Under the balcony of the High Court Castle, a slightly old, silver-haired, short old woman is overlooking the scenery of the castle. Her name is Olena Redwin, who is known as the Queen of Thorns and Maes Tilly. The mother of Duke of Er, the widow of the late Duke of High Court Rose Tyrell.

The white high court castle is protected by three circular walls made of white stones. The bottom of the city wall surrounds the entire foot of the mountain, and between it and the second city wall is a well-organized labyrinth of plants for entertaining guests and for fun. In addition, it has defensive uses. Intruders who are not familiar with this maze can easily get lost, go to a dead end or get hurt by traps inside. Each city wall is taller and thicker than the previous one, and is guarded by a long and elegant round tower.

The Queen of Thorns looked at the beautiful scenery inside the city wall without a smile on her face, although the high courtyard was like a green paradise, with flowers blooming everywhere, and gardens, pools, and artificial waterfalls dotted the entire castle. The castle is full of stone sculptures, fountains and marble columns. Grapes and roses decorate the walls and sculptures. The ancient buildings are covered by vines.

Looking far away, the Queen of Thorns saw all the manors and fields within a few leagues, and the fields were full of flowers and golden roses.

In the high court, the old and new gods are both respected.

The flower windows of the High Court Church are as beautiful as the Belle Church in King’s Landing, which has been destroyed by the fire, and the Starry Church in the Old Town, depicting the seven gods in the sky. The luxuriant sacred tree forest in the high court is equally famous. There are three heart trees in the forest, which are collectively called the "three chanters". These three heart trees surround a pool with their branches intertwined. After growing for countless centuries, they now look like a giant heart tree with three trunks.

The Tyrell family is huge and rich, second only to the Lannister family in wealth, but can mobilize a stronger military force.

Margaret Tyrell stood beside the Queen of Thorns. She is the daughter of Metz Tyrell, the wife of the former Lanly Baratheon, and the widow of a virgin who has been a queen for a few days.

Although she had a wedding with Lan Li, Lan Li loved her deceased brother Loras Tyrell, the Knight of Hundred Flowers. The wedding night was an embarrassing night for both parties. As a result, Margaret Tyrell was still a virgin and single.

"Grandma, I think we should order the enlistment of our vassal Redwing family and the fleet of the Shield Islands, plus other navies loyal to the family on the coast, then our military power at sea far exceeds the royal fleet."

"Will has 50,000 troops attacking Dorne, and he has just left Dorne by boat." Queen of Thorns reminded Margaret.

"Fifty thousand soldiers, 40,000 of them are not navy. We will compete with them at sea and we will win."

"Don't forget the two hundred unicorns of Skagos Island. They are magical beasts that can go in and out of the sea freely. Piercing our battleship is like piercing a paper boat."

"Then we only have to hand over two thousand carts of food? We still can't get a good word. My father is also detained, and the Tyrell family will be disgraced."

"No, boy, Will wants food, in the name of kingship, then we will give him food." The Queen of Thorns said.

"Give him food and return safely for his father?" Marguerite said.

"Give him food. Of course, he has to change his father back safely, but we will also have our own conditions." The Queen of Thorns looked at her granddaughter sharply.

"What conditions?"

"You marry Will. This is the first condition. The Tyrell family can't marry the royal family. This is okay. It's like when I was fourteen years old, I was married to the prince of the Targaryen family. But later, the royal crocodile regretted the marriage. Margaret, your fate looks similar to mine, but with our status, you can’t marry the royal family. The one with the least trades will marry a duke or the prime minister.”

"Grandma, I heard that Lord Will and Arya Stark have been privately appointed for life." Margaret Tyrell said.

"In that case, we will propose the second condition." The Queen of Thorns said slowly.

"Grandma, what conditions?"

"We only recognize Shireen Baratheon's kingship, and we do not recognize Will's prime minister. The people and nobles of King's Landing need food, and we will give it too, but Shireen must exempt Will's prime minister. Position. The kingship has been seized by Will, and we want to call on the nobles to rise and remove Will."

"Her Majesty does not dare to dismiss Will."

"If she can't do it, our food will not be given. We respect the kingship, but we don't need to respect Will, because Will is not the kingship. He is the one who has seized the kingship and must be eliminated. We will take out ours. Food, wealth, weapons, and armor support Her Majesty the Queen. We can support Her Majesty in everything, but we need to remove Will from the position first."

"Will will definitely lead troops to attack the bay area." Margaret said, "we need to figure out how to deal with his two griffins."

"Bows and arrows are bows that can project spears. The academicians of the Old Town School have designed large crossbow arrows that can be fired by manpower."

Old Town School City, in the territory of the Tyrell family. Bachelors in the entire mainland come from the Old Town School City, and all the scientific knowledge of technology, breeding, medicine, construction, equipment, agriculture, and animal husbandry in the mainland comes from the Old Town School City.

Among the seven kingdoms, Tyrell is a family with a long history and a chivalry spirit. They often call themselves \'guardian of the frontier\' and \'the supreme commander of the river bay\'. Usually they also have the title of Guardian of the South. The family emblem is a golden rose blooming above the verdant green fields; the motto is: endless growth.

The Tyrell family is backed by the Old Town School City, whose power cannot be ignored. Any noble bachelor comes from Xuecheng.

Xuecheng is nominally in a neutral position, just like the night watchman of the Great Wall of Despair, not participating in politics and internal fighting, but this is not the case, as if the current night watchman participated in the Seven Civil Wars.

"For the royal courtiers, do you want food wealth and weapons and armor, or Will you be prime minister, choose one of the two?" Margaret asked the Queen of Thorns.

"Exactly!" said the Queen of Thorns. She beckoned the general manager Gals Tyrell, the Bachelor Loomis, the captain of the guard, Sir Aegon Lewell, the coach Sir Frederic Klien, and the jester, who were waiting outside the glass door of the balcony, to come in. balcony.

So, the general manager, bachelor, captain, coach and jester came together on the large balcony with flowers in full bloom.

"Master Gals, let Garland Tyrell lead an army to guard the Bitter Bridge."

"Yes, ma'am."

Garland Tyrell is Margaret Tyrell's elder brother, and he took the second place.

"Sir Aegon Leville, give my order to have Vilas Tyrell call his vassals immediately to guard the high court."

Vilas Tyrell is Margaret's eldest brother and a cripple.

"Yes, ma'am." The captain left quickly.

"Teacher Fotimo Klein, you are responsible for convening the coastal navy forces of Qingting Island, Shield Islands, etc., to form a fleet, and stand by at any time."

"Yes, ma'am."

The coach, Sir Frederic Klien, returned and left.

"Bachelor Lomis, please immediately release the raven to the Starry Church in the Old Town. We need their help. Ask them to make 30 large crossbow arrows for us first."

"Yes, madam, I will do it now!"

The bachelor turned and left.

The Queen of Thorns looked at Marguerite: "Marguerite, you are responsible for collecting two thousand carts of food and five hundred carts of weapons and armor from the entire territory, and then call the treasurer to prepare one hundred thousand golden dragons. We will send all these things to King's Landing, as long as Her Majesty Shireen relieved Will from the position of Prime Minister, and these things were immediately escorted to King's Landing."

"Yes, grandma. So, do you have to write to Her Majesty Shireen first."

"I will write directly to Her Majesty Shireen, Will, Captain Barristan of the Royal Forest Guard, Minister of Justice Alister, and Minister of Finance Petir Berishi. All courtiers and nobles of King's Landing will receive me The letter from me, the Stark family far to the north, will also receive my letter. The Tyrell family is loyal to the kingship and does not recognize the Prime Minister."

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