The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 934: Unpredictable · Beheaded

Arianne used advancement as retreat. The three thousand people sent were not elite, but none of the three thousand returned. They fell into the surrounding of the other's 30,000 people, and were killed.

This shocked Arianne.

Her military action plan was secretive, but the other party seemed to be by his side and had insight into everything about her.

She thought of someone: Will!

Neither she nor her father have seen Will. This person was mysterious, and Arianne finally felt fear in her heart. Arianne ordered the Bachelor to fly the raven to the dark star Gerald Dane, asking him to save his strength first, quietly bring his talent, and find a way to cross the narrow sea, and then meet again.

The savage army wiped out Arianne's 3,000 people without harming them, and she was able to test out the powerful force of the other side. The 3,000 people were already a medium-sized army. The soldiers of a powerful earl usually have two thousand men.

None of the three thousand people returned, this kind of killing can't be taken lightly by anyone.

Arianne realized that Will's army was well-deserved, and that the victory of King Tomb City and Elenwood City was not entirely based on luck and tricks. The savages did indeed have combat effectiveness.

Arianne has always believed that the Green Blood River was attacked at night, the Lemon Grove was forced to fall, the Starfall City was burned, the Salt Coast was robbed, and so on. The battles were just because there was no military protection in the local area. If there is military protection, it will be to the enemy. Head to head, the Dornite's combat power is very powerful among the Seven Kingdoms, but the temptation of the night raid made her see part of the savages' combat power.

When Arianne arranged for the elite soldiers to retreat from Yangji City into the sea, the dark star Jero Dyne also launched an attack on the savages in the west. Every raven released by Princess Arianne failed to pass the letter to the west. There are two absolute overlords in the sky, controlling all the movements of Yangji City.

Will knows how Arianne's people boarded the battleship and the supply ship and escaped overnight. The ravens that Arianne sent to the west were also intercepted one by one, and the contents of the letter were well known to Will.

The situation in the west is under control of Will. He was not worried about Jero Dane's attack on the Western Free Army. Ding Dongshan and Tormond's seven sons, each one is not easy to mess with. Will is very grateful to the old town Xuecheng for their help in this conquest of the south. The bachelors have used scientific knowledge to cultivate the ability of army soldiers to adapt to the hot southern climate, from living habits, eating habits, to The medicated diet reconciliation, after several months of help and adaptation, made the freedmen no worrisome discomfort after entering Dorn.

In the era of cold weapons, people who died in war were often not as many as those who died from disease and famine. When such northerners go to fight in the south, they actually take risks not just wars. The weather and water and soil are the current enemies.

Will has the foresight and asked the bachelors from the Old Town School City to help early. In this fantasy world, the power of scientific knowledge is also magical.


Since Jero Dane returned to the west quickly, he has never received any letters from Princess Arianne and Prince Daolang, nor from Prince Oberon. He also ignored Arianne because he was busy recruiting troops and buying horses. The contact between the princess and Prince Oberon and him was suddenly broken.

Jello recruits troops and buys horses very quickly, just like he rushes back to the west at lightning speed. His recruiting style is very simple, and those who don't serve will die. This allowed him to recruit five thousand soldiers in a short period of time. Together with the ten thousand soldiers left by Prince Oberon, he had fifteen thousand soldiers and launched a raid on the camp of the savages at night.

Unlike Arianne's raid, Jello personally led the raid against the savages, and all 15,000 attacked.

Dorn’s night is full of stars, blue sky, white clouds, stars, moon, and you can see it without lifting a torch. Jello led the three hundred guards to charge in the forefront, with a loud bang, the ground in front of him suddenly collapsed, swallowing him and his three hundred guards. Afterwards, countless arrows shot out from the camp on the opposite side, and the first round of arrows rained down among the enemy's army shouting to continue the charge.

The offensive momentum of Dorn's army 2 was immediately curbed. The soldiers fell one after another under the arrow rain.

And the pit into which Jello and his three hundred soldiers fell was filled with spikes, which pierced the belly of Jello's horse and blocked the deadly spikes for Jello Dane.

Many of the guards who fell into the pit were not so lucky. All the horses were stabbed to death by spikes, and many soldiers were pierced on the spikes and died.

When Jello Dane climbed up from the pit on the bodies of the guards, his army of 15,000 had collapsed. The other party’s camp lit up countless torches, and the shouts were earth-shaking, chasing the rout of Dorn soldiers everywhere.

Only more than twenty people gathered around Jelo Dyne. He issued an order to rush forward to kill the enemy. Over twenty people descended like tigers. As the soldiers around Dyne gathered more and more, Jelo Dyne and After the war retired, when the number was counted, there were only more than 500 people around.

The rest of the soldiers were either killed or dispersed. Most of the soldiers fled for their lives.

Obviously, the enemy knew his night raid plan, and easily defeated the vanguard army led by Jero himself with a pit, and then defeated the army with a rain of arrows. Finally, the Dornite defeated.

Dingdongshan and Tormund only besieged Braim City with 10,000 people, and the other 10,000 people were ready to fight against enemies from any direction at any time. It didn't take much effort for 10,000 freemen to defeat the 15,000 Donn army. Soon after the war began, three thousand soldiers from Wangzhong City and Irunwood City arrived in time and detoured back to the middle section of the Jero Army to flanks. This was an important reason for the rapid collapse of the Jero Army.

The front army was frustrated, the Chinese army was attacked by a knife, and the rear army turned around and fled without fighting. The entire army of 15,000 troops was defeated.

In the night sky, a griffin flapped its wings and appeared in the clouds.


Jero Dane returned to Gaoyin City and collected the remnants and defeated generals along the way, winning 3,000 soldiers. After returning to Gaoyin City, the scattered soldiers returned one after another. One day passed and more than 8,000 soldiers were won.

Approximately 7,000 fighters were scattered, escaped, killed, or captured. Of the five thousand newly recruited soldiers, fewer than five hundred returned soldiers. They were the first civilian soldiers to escape.

Thousands of soldiers in Bremen heard that Jello came to attack the enemy and opened the gates to attack the battle. As a result, Tormund's three sons led the army to attack, defeated, and fled back to the city. The freedmen soldiers did not pursue them either, re-arranged, leaving half of the soldiers to defend, and the other half of the soldiers abandoned their armor to rest to ensure sufficient energy the next day.

Jello Dyne was defeated, but he won the hearts of the soldiers who remained from Oberon. He took the lead in the battle, and was the first one to fall into a pit and almost died. The soldiers no longer doubted him. The rebellion of Edric Dane should not be the result of distrust by Jello Dane.

Jello Dyne proved his loyalty at the cost of almost losing his life and the deaths and injuries of nearly three hundred guards.


0934 Chapter 2

After Will led the Eastern Freedmen's Army to slaughter Princess Arianne’s Three Thousand Nights assault army, he was already not far from Yangji City and Shadow City. He only needed to march eastward, but in one day, he could attack the shadow. City and Yangji City, but he didn't. The news that Arianne and Prince Daolang received made the father and daughter stunned: the enemy army that had been marching towards Yangji City suddenly pulled out overnight, and the whole army marched hurriedly and headed west.

Princess Arianne and Prince Daolang are unbelievable!

Will won the victory, shouldn't he rush into Yangji City? When the city of Yangji was destroyed, Donne lost his master. At that time, he could fight whatever he wanted. Why would Will's eastern army suddenly march westward?

Did Jello Dyne kill the savage army in the West and lose his armor? Was there a major change in the Western Army of the Savage Army?

Arianne and Prince Daolang couldn't understand.

None of their ravens returned, nor did they receive any battle reports from Earl Jello. It didn't take much time for Prince Daolang to understand the truth: "Arianne, our communication was cut off by Will."

Arianne understood immediately.

"You have to go right away!" Prince Daolang said, "It shouldn't be too late. Get off by boat."

"Why did Will suddenly move westward?" Princess Arianne asked.

"I don't know, but I know that Jero Dane will definitely lose." Prince Daolang said.

Princess Arianne was silent.

Since fighting Will, Arianne has never won any battle. Her only victory was to lead a fishing boat and only dozens of warships on the Salt Coast and defeat Mans Reid's naval warships.

"My father, Will can kill all, why didn't he do it?" Arianne thought that Will suddenly turned to the west from a place close to Yangji City, and he understood it clearly, so he told his father In the same way, Will was unwilling to kill them all, and clearly set them aside from the Martell family. But why did he do this? For what purpose and what is the motivation?

"He may not want to offend Daenerys Targaryen. After all, your aunt is Daenerys Targaryen’s sister-in-law, and we are related to Daenerys. Will wants to be with Dan who owns the dragon. Nellis became an ally, killing us all is not good for his future ally relationship with Daenerys."

Arianne smiled bitterly: "We didn't think we still have to be favored by Daenerys."

"It's not Daenerys, it's the Targaryen family." Prince Daolang said calmly, "The Martell family and the Targaryen family are in the blood relationship of several generations, and they are connected by blood."

Arianne laughed again and said, "Well, father, I decided to leave Dorne. In the future, if Westeros is really as you said, all the nobles rise up against Will, we will kill again. come back."

"Will wants to implement a new political system. He deprived all the nobles of Donne of the titles and territories. This behavior is a kind of fire and will inevitably ignite the anger of the nobles on the entire continent. He will undoubtedly lose, but this requires Time." Prince Daolang said affirmatively.


Arianne led the elite soldiers on board more than a dozen large merchant ships hired from the nearby ports of the Dorn Sea and Fortress of Wind. The captains and sailors of the merchant ships said that they had not seen any warships on the sea. I have never heard of merchant ships encountering warships in various sea areas, which has eliminated most of Arianne's worry.

She was afraid of the narrow road to her enemies, and encountered Mans Reid's battleship in the sea.

Because of the inconvenience of traffic and the inconvenience of information, Mans Reid's interception in the sea took a long time to reach some people's ears. Some merchant ships taking this waterway go by accident and will never even hear those rumors.

The big merchant ship that Arianne secretly paid for hired sails, and Will’s army quickly entered the middle of Dorn. Along the way, he no longer went to raid the small nobles and small wealthy merchants in the place, but just marched and turned around. To the southern city of Gaoyin City, the dark star must be a turtle in the urn.

On the sea, Arianne's mood gradually eased, and she realized that she did not miss or worry about her father. Because of Will's westward move, his father had to suffer from gout for a long time. As for her people, all of them will cross the narrow sea without risk and enter the free trade city-state. She can choose to establish a mercenary regiment, or she can choose to remain anonymous.

Tylosi, Mill, and Reese only had trade. Among them, Reese, who was slaughtered by King Aegon VI with three dragons, was the weakest. Arianne considered that he could occupy Reese City and rebuild Reese, and he could become the city lord of Reese. Or join Pantos and run for Governor of Pantos.

Daenerys Targaryen is the ruler of the free trade city-state. Arianne used her power to become the lord of the city-state of Ress. Rebuilding the city of Ress can also increase Daenerys’s taxes.

Arianne gradually got rid of his fear of Will in the sea, and more than a dozen merchant ships moved straight eastward, taking the nearest stone steps. Pirates in the Stone Step Islands are rampant and are the dens of the pirates, but for the Martell family in Dorn, they have a close relationship with the pirates of various organizations.

The lord of the city of Rees, the governor of Taloxi, the prince of Mill, the nobles and powerful people of these city-states all have something to do with powerful pirates. Pirates need to sell the stolen goods, and the powerful figures in these city-states also like the cheap and good-quality gold and silver jewelry robbed by the pirates. When necessary, the pirates are also mercenaries for these big men.

The big men need pirates to bring them benefits, they need to eradicate political enemies when necessary, and the pirates also need the secret backing of these big men and channels for the sale of stolen goods.

So when Arianne heard about a gang of very cruel pirates on the Stone Steps at sea, he didn’t panic. The pirates may have come from other sea areas, but they are all vocal with the local pirates. With the acquiescence of the local pirates, pirates from outside should not even want to make a fortune in this area.

Arianne is not afraid of encountering pirates.

The first is that they can fight, and the second is that they have a special relationship with many pirate leaders.

When more than a dozen pirate ships with black skull flags stopped Princess Arianne on her way, the princess did not rush and led more than a dozen generals and more than 20 centurions to stand on the bow of the ship. To deal with the sent boss to speak.

As a result, two people came out on the flagship battleship to deal with, also with many subordinates and centurions, these two people, one was Mans Reid and the other was Asha Greyjoy.

They received Will's secret letter and had been waiting for Arianne in this sea area for a long time.

If Will wants to destroy Dorne and set an example, he must return to the Red Fort with the most powerful prisoners. Arianne and Prince Daolang are the best prisoners.

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