The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 843: Child Carter Heart Tree and the Green Prophet

Carter is a bear kid who crosses the black castle.

His father was Carter Pike, commander of Tokaiwang, who died in the blood gate tragedy in the valley.

When he was sensible, his mother got along with a fur business merchant from the south. At that time, his father Carter Parker was happily going to Mole Village to tell his mother that Lord Will abolished the law that night watchmen were not allowed to marry, and then saw his mother sleeping with a southern businessman.

Then, Carter Parker let go of his mother and took away three children. The mother and the merchant left the Mole Village. From now on, they were on separate sides without any news. Carter Pike was also ambushed on the way back to the Black Castle. Three children were killed and two, leaving the last young son.

Carter Parker is Will's best brother in personal relationships. After the news of the Blood Gate tragedy reached the Great Wall, Carter's child who was living in Donghaiwang at that time became an orphan. So Da Jili stood up, adopted the child as an adopted child, and took the child to Mole Village to live with Da Jili's family, and named the child Carter.

With the same name as his father, this is also in memory of Carter Pike.

The bear child's naughty tricks are all used to his mother and aunts.

There are more than a dozen spear wives in Darjeel’s family. Darjeel has a lot of friendship with Lord Will, and the child is the last blood of Commander Carter Parker. The brothers of the night watchman are all pampered and cared for him. As a result, he has become lawless. character.

Except for the mother, Da Jili, the children are not afraid.


Arya recognizes Darjeel, who once participated in the archery competition in the Grand Collegiate Field of King’s Landing City. She defeated Theon Greyjoy and the archer Ange on the border of Dorn and won the national archery championship. And famous for the Seven Kingdoms.

"I am Arya Stark, Mrs. Gilly, and your son snowballs against anyone, which is not good."

"Miss Arya, you also said that he used snowballs, not swords." Da Jili said coldly.

Arya shrugged her shoulders. She didn't think that Da Jie was so unreasonable to protect her son. When she was a child, she made mistakes and naughty. As long as someone complained or was known by her mother, whether right or wrong, her mother would teach Arya first. Say it again.

"Well, I was wrong. Mrs. Gilly."

"You shouldn't hit your child in the snow and kick him in the chest with your foot."

"I was well-measured and didn't hurt the child. I just frightened him."

"It's just that you scare people too much. The generals, centurions, and soldiers of the Black Castle know that Carter is a good boy. He is just joking and not malicious. He is very kind."

Carter rolled his eyes at Arya triumphantly, and then stretched out his tongue to make a grimace. When the mother felt something to look at him, the child immediately behaved and looked melancholy. His left hand touched the unharmed right arm, and his face showed pain.

Children are suitable for performing comedy art in a comedy class.

The soldiers, centurions and generals who watched the excitement around them were all smiling.

They are very familiar with Carter.

As long as this kid doesn't appear in the black castle for a day to make trouble, everyone is happy to celebrate and will drink two more glasses at night. But as long as you don't see your child for more than three days, everyone will miss him.

This little guy is both love and hate, adding a lot of fun and pain to the soldiers of the black castle.

Arya said: "Mrs. Gilly, I have already apologized. Although I kicked the child in the chest, I only used my toes to pick him out, not really kicking him out."

Darjeel snorted and slowly put down her bow and arrow: "Even if you are using skill, it is too dangerous. All the soldiers in the Black Castle, no one is willing to bully Carter, only you from Stark are here and I can't understand me. My son wants to teach him? I don't care about you today, I came to see Lord Will."

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Gilly, Lord Will and Lord Jon have left the Great Wall together."

Darjeely felt a little pain in her heart.

The Mole Village is not far from the Black Castle, and Will has been back for many days without even seeing her. The two have been separated for at least two years. They have never seen each other, and the son can walk down the ground.

"Miss Arya, what will Master Will do outside of the Great Wall?"

"Military secrets, I can't tell you." Arya played into an official tone. Arya was aggressive towards Darjeel's protector.

Dajili snorted coldly, she saw the window on the second floor, Daenerys's beautiful face had been looking at herself.

"Aaliyah, can I ask how many people Lord Will took out of the Ghost Forest?"

"Two people, two griffins," Arya said.

Darjeel secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

There are two griffins, at least the beasts of the ghost forest dare not approach them. As for ghosts and ghouls, he knows that Will and Jon have weapons and abilities that can kill ghosts and ghouls, and even if ghosts and ghouls encounter each other, they can ride griffins. When flying to the sky, ghosts and ghouls can't fly.

"About when will they be back?"

"I don't know." Arya remained polite, but obviously kept her distance from Darjeel.

Arya didn't know that Darjeel and Will spent a night of ecstasy in the tent of Ancestor Fist Peak. The black-haired boy on Da Jie's back is the evidence.

Da Jie snorted again, very dissatisfied with Arya's answer.

She is very familiar with all the soldiers here. According to word of mouth, the soldiers knew that Darjeel had given birth to a child for Will, but this matter was so wonderful. When everyone knew about it, the person did not know it.

There are many people who are close friends and generals of Will, but everyone has a tacit understanding. No one told Will about this.

Arya didn't even know about this.

According to the laws of the Seven Kingdoms, the children of Will and Darjeel are illegitimate children; but in the eyes of Darjeel and the freedmen, the children are equal, and there is no distinction between illegitimate and non-illegitimate children. Everyone has power and dignity. The status is exactly the same.

Darjeel was very uncomfortable with Arya, so he turned and left.

After my mother walked a few steps, the aunts followed. Carter grinned, and the two snowballs in his hand slapped Arya quickly and accurately.

Arya shot and punched two snowballs one after another.

This hand made Carter look silly.

He couldn't believe it so fast.

The two snowballs hit Arya's face almost indiscriminately. Arya just punched, but they hit them in order. She flew a snowball first, and then flew the second snowball.

Her movements are incredibly fast, but every movement is very clear, with clear intervals.

The onlookers burst into cheers: Good!

Da Jie didn't need to look back, knowing that the child was making trouble again.

But she also knows that the child uses snowballs. What harm can it do? If the child likes it, just let him play.

Just one thing, children can be naughty; but adults cannot bully children.

Whoever bullies a child, Da Jili will come to the door and talk to that person one, two, three, four.


0843 Chapter 2

Will and Jon rode griffins in the sky of the ghost forest.

Will remembered Melisandre’s warning and asked Daenerys to use the Dragon’s Horn to summon the three dragons back, and put the three dragons in the Wolfwood Mountains to search for food. The cold **** of the winter land.

Season, weather, and region are all related to God's rules.

It's like ghosts can't appear in Changxia, they must wait until Winter to attack.

Because Winter is a natural force of the season, unmatched.

With the help of natural power, magic blessings and icy cold abilities can be obtained, and if it is in the long summer season, the alien ghost cannot use any natural power, and the strength of the sword of frost and the power of the alien ghost itself will be greatly limited. Once the Great Wall is crossed, the support from the ice and cold will weaken sharply. The further south, the strange ghosts themselves will be restrained by the natural forces of the season without the hindrance of the human race.

Therefore, it is not until the winter, and the ghosts will not be able to launch a large-scale war.

But there are always exceptions. If the magic creature dragon, which represents the ability of fire magic, appears in the Great Wall in advance, it may cause a series of sudden changes. Among the many changes, it is most likely to attract the attention of Han Shen Launch a raid to show his power.

Will just let Daenerys put the dragon into the Wolfwood Mountains.

The Wolfwood Mountain Range is thousands of miles long, starting from the vicinity of Winterfell, and ending at the westernmost Grand Canyon of the Great Wall. The Thousand Miles Mountains are enough for dragons to forage inside.

The place Will and Jon went was the big tree where the Green Prophet Blinden River was living.

That is a heart tree that has grown for many years.

After Bunyan Stark was resurrected as an undead knight by the green prophet Blinden Riverman with a spell, Will also visited Blinden Rivervin.

Blinden the Blood Raven has grown up with the Heart Tree. People are both trees and trees as well.

When Blinden gained stronger prophecy and gained immortal life, he also paid the price. He lost the freedom of action as a person.

He became part of the tree.

In order to be able to maintain freedom of action, Blinden River’s mental power controls a three-eyed crow. The three-eyed crow can appear freely wherever it wants to appear. With the three-eyed crow’s eyes, flying ability, Ability to act, Blinden Riverwen can experience the joy of acting as a free man.

Will and Jon decided to go to Blinden Riverwen.


Horan Reid from the Necklace went out of the Great Wall and entered the Ghost Forest. There was no news for many days. Jon Targaryen was really uneasy. He sent three teams into the Ghost Forest to search for no results. The arrival of Will and Daenerys gave Jon new ideas. Will knew where the Green Prophet Blinden River was tattooed, and Will had a griffon. Since Will later said that the dragon entered the ghost forest If you rely too much on the north, it will easily cause unnecessary trouble, so use Lord Will's Griffin.

Early in the morning, Will and Jon rode griffons out of the Great Wall, entered the sky above the ghost forest, and flew directly to the residence of Blinden River.

Green Prophet Blinden River was also a Targaryen. He belonged to a noble illegitimate son, obtained a legal status, and served as the prime minister of two consecutive terms in the Targaryen dynasty. Holland Li De went out of town to find his son Jiu Jian Li De. And Jiujian Li De left home and headed north alone. He came to see the Green Prophet Blinden Hewen.

When Bran’s fate was changed by Will and the chosen successor of the future Green Prophet became a young knight and was married to Shireen Baratheon, the Green Prophet had to change his mind and decided to cultivate another One of the talented successors: Jiu Jian Li De.

The child of the humanoid forest needs the guidance of the Green Prophet. The theological tradition of the Green Prophet also needs to find an heir. Blinden Hewen entered Jiujian Leide's dream through the three-eyed crow, and made the prophecy for Jiujian to come to the north to find him.

Jiujian Leide has no doubt about the situation and predictions he saw in his dream. When he woke up in his sleep, the first thing he saw was the mysterious three-eyed crow crouching on the bedside staring at him.

After Jiujian Li De left Huishuiwang, there was no more news, life or death was unknown.

Holland Reid also received a letter from Lord Will and needed him to come to the Great Wall to explain to Jon the identity of his true Targaryen bloodline, so he came. After completing the task assigned to him by Lord Will, he went out of the Great Wall of Impasse from the gate of the Black Castle to find his son Jiujian Li De.

Holland Reid believed in the power of his son's dream. He thought that as soon as he appeared in the ghost forest, Jiujian would know, and then the father and son would meet.

But too long time passed, and Holland Reid never came back.


When Will and Jon found the huge heart tree, Jon Targaryen was dumbfounded.

He had never seen such a huge heart tree.

A heart tree is like a small forest.

Countless branches keep forking, forming a huge dome-shaped tree top.

The blood-red heart tree leaves are like the palms of countless people's blood-stained hands, palms facing the sky, as if begging for something.

Xinshu's eyes are as big as two wheels, and tears are flowing like blood.

And Xinshu's mouth opened, like the entrance of a cave.

There are snow-capped mountains and rocks all around, but around the heart tree, there is no blood.

The marginal area covered by the heart tree is as dense as spring in the south, and the rotting leaves and broken branches under the tree are covered with thick layers, which may also provide nutrition for the heart tree itself.

Going down from the Griffon and standing under the Heart Tree, Jon and Will looked up at the Heart Tree, without seeing the edges of the branches of the Heart Tree.

The two griffins were a little uneasy when they fell. They flapped their wings and flew to the heart tree with its big mouth two meters above the ground and looked inside.

The griffon has a huge body and has limited space to enter the tree hole of the heart tree. Once in danger, it cannot escape, but the warning from the flames and aquamarine makes Will and Jon draw out their swords.

Jon's sword is a Valyrian steel sword, and Will's sword is a keel rapier.

Both swords are the nemesis of ghosts and ghouls.

As soon as they walked a few steps, they felt that their feet were wrong, and the sword opened the dead branches and leaves. Will and Jon saw a green-haired and green-skinned dwarf kid—the dead child of the forest.

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