The Dothraki began to retreat.

This is unique.

Zogo Kao is invincible, no matter whether it is a personal duel or a legionary war, he has never been defeated.

The two consuls of the Elephant Party, Neciso Visama and Dofas Penimion, ordered the shooting to stop, and their spearmen stopped killing the Dothraki in the pit.

Neciso was a partner in the slave business of Illyrio, Governor of Pantos. Illyrio was able to become Governor of Pantos and was supported by the power of Zogo Kao. These secret relationships are all underwater, and there is no relationship or friendship between Zogo Kao and Neciso.

The Archon of Dofas was an official who wanted to make peace. Even if the victory was won as the Grand Pastor Nebenro predicted, he still wanted to make peace.

The pit can indeed stop the Dothraki cavalry who charge at high speed, but it only takes half a day. When the Dothraki's army crossed the river, they reorganized the army, and it was easy to fill in this small cave. Even if the pit is not filled, the Dothraki cavalry and elephant archers lined up to shoot at each other, replacing one arrow with one arrow, and the Dothraki will eventually win because of more people.

They were able to win this time, and they won by surprise.


The chaotic and crowded Dothraki cavalry rolled over the mountain col and retreated like a tide.

On the opposite side of the sinkhole, the bodies and wounded of Dothraki were left everywhere.

Dothraki's 20,000 vanguard cavalry suffered heavy losses that they had never experienced before!

Under the protection of the elephant party guards, Neciso and Dofas came to the pit, and they looked condescendingly at the **** Zogo Kao in the pit.

The three blood ally guards around Zogo Kao were all wounded, all covered in blood, but they couldn't tell where their injuries were.

Neciso and Dofas squatted down, holding torches in their hands.

"Zogo Kao?" Neciso asked.

The spearmen and shield soldiers around him protected Neciso and Dofas very well.

Many Dothrakis in the pit did not die, and there were not many who were not seriously injured. Not many people fell into the pit and were stabbed to death by spikes, because the horse's body blocked most of the spikes. It's just because the sinkhole is too high, they can't climb up.

But the archery of the Dothraki is very taboo by Neciso and Dofas.

It only takes one arrow to take their lives, so they are very cautious.

"I am!" Drogo Cao said proudly.

He looked down on these two archons who looked like fat women.

"I'm Neciso of Valantis," Neciso said. "This is Dofas next to me."

"You caught me, but you haven't really won the war. I won't surrender!" Drogo Kao hit the nail on the head. His vitality is far superior to Valantis, and there are tens of thousands of cavalry capable of fighting. Their supplies and food will last for a few years, and they will pile up like mountains of gold and silver.

"Zogo Cao, please look at your feet." Neciso said.

Zogo Kao knew it was wrong when he fell into the sinkhole. The sinkhole was full of a strange smell, the smell of fire oil illuminated at night.

There is a thick layer of kerosene in the entire sinkhole.

"You are going to burn us to death, let go of the torch!" Drogo Kao said loudly.

There was a Dothraki cry from the pit: **** ho ho-ho **** ho-

Those who fell into the pit were the bravest and eloquent group of Dothraki people, and they rushed to the front of the team.

As soon as Neciso's torch is dropped, the entire sinkhole will become a fiercely burning fire dragon, and everyone and horses in the sinkhole will become ashes.

"No, Drogo Kao, we are here to ask you for peace." Dofas said in a pleasant tone, with a humble tone, "Drogo Kao, we all know that you are a great hero on the prairie, we respect You. But in order to protect our parents and children in the black city, we have to fight, as long as you agree to the peace talks, we will save you."

Peace talks?

Zogo Cao was taken aback.

The other party occupies an absolute advantage and proposes peace talks.

The blood alliance guards and the Dothrack generals in the trap turned their tragic expressions into confusion, and then their eyes lit up with hope.

No one wants to die, and Zogo Kao is no exception.

Dofas's statement respects the honor of Drogo Kao and his fellows, which is of vital importance.

"What are your terms of the peace talks?" Drogo Cao said in a deep voice. He chose to accept peace talks.

"It's very simple, Zogo Kao, first, don't abolish our slavery." Neciso said cautiously. What he worried most was that Daenerys entered Valantis, saw the slaves with shackles on their hands and feet, and announced the abolition of slavery. The slave business was a huge source of wealth for the nobles of Valantis.

Drogo Kao and his gangs were shocked again.

What kind of agreement is this?

They also initiated the slave trade through the war and made a lot of money from it. In the army, many bandits and generals had slaves.

Drogo Cao did not expect that Daenerys's ‘slave savior’ fame was so worrying to the nobles of free trade city-states, and it seemed that the rumors had expanded. Daenerys just took many young women captives into her cass tribe. She couldn’t bear those young women becoming slaves to the Dothraki warriors. If anyone fancy a female captive, they must marry the female captive, not Abolish slavery.

"I promise you this condition." Drogo Kao said.

Neciso and Dofas were both overjoyed.

They system Drogo Kao will do what he says and will not lie.

"Drogo Kao, we killed your Dothraki warrior, and during your lifetime, you must not take revenge on Valantis for this."

Drogo Cao looked at the brothers living and dead in the trap. Most of them were just injured. If they didn't agree, these brothers would be burned to death.

"I can promise you to keep peace with Valantis for the rest of your life, but you have to pay tribute to us every year." Drogo Cao said.

Neciso and Dofas glanced at each other, and the two figured it out. They were willing to pay tribute, because even if they did not pay tribute to Zogo Cao, other Cao would come to ask Valantis to pay tribute.

The only problem is the specific amount of tribute: food, fur, fine wine, gold and silver jewelry.

"We will do the best of Valantis to pay tribute to Zogo Cao." Neciso replied smoothly.

"Good!" Drogo Cao agreed.


Neciso and Dofas blew out the flame of the torch in their hands.

"Drogo Kao, we have to conclude a peace agreement in the temple of Valantis, do you agree?" Neciso said, and he threw the rope to Drogo Kao in the pit.

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