The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 365: The Night Attack of Ding Dong Shan and the Weeping Man (3): Disastrous defeat!

The weeping man’s huge sickle was aimed at the head of the bed and chopped off, with a puff, the animal skin blanket covering the head split, and underneath was a pillow wrapped in clothing.

The crying person secretly said that it was not good, the sickle tip lifted the animal skin blanket, the bed was empty and there was no one.

"Quit!" the cryer yelled, panic in his voice.

When he rushed out of the tent, the freedmen soldiers outside scurried like headless flies. Many people shouted: "No one here." "Neither do I here." "Empty tent, empty tent" and "Where are the crows?" Now?" "The crow is not there, the crow is not."

Panic began to spread invisibly, like snow and ice everywhere.

The weeper held up his sickle: "Quit, go the same way."

The eight guards around him also shouted: "Quit, go back the same way, hurry!"

"Are we in an ambush?"

"Where did the crow hide?"

"Go, go!"

"What a cunning crow."

Free people on the right flocked to the only exit. The exit was more than ten feet wide, and in the wind and snow, under the fire, the shadows of people swayed like a dog in the family.

The absence of queues and discipline is the greatest freedom of freedmen.

Congestion immediately formed on the narrow road. Some soldiers were pushed down by their own people, and countless feet stepped on them.

In the battle of tens of thousands of people, once it is broken, the people who are trampled to death will outnumber the people killed by the sword every time. When people are crowded, it is difficult to get up again as long as they fall.

The screams began to sound!

Because of greed, the cryer chose the largest tent and rushed in. Now when the situation was wrong, he was squeezed inside.


As soon as the left-wing Dingdongshan rushed into the camp, he chose the nearest first tent. He rushed in and found something wrong and immediately retreated. And the speed of Ye Ge Ruizhant next to him is no different, as soon as he enters and feels wrong, he immediately rushes out and robs him.

Yekotang and Dingdongshan grabbed out of the camp almost at the same time, and the guards around Dingdongshan also rushed out, while their soldiers continued to rush inside.

The soldiers are choosing their tents.

The tent that has been entered, the spoils are his.

The soldiers who arrived first entered the nearest tent, while the lagging soldiers plunged into the camp further away.

When Dingdongshan and Jekotang rushed out, the other two hundred soldiers were still swiftly entering. Only a small number of fighters realized something was wrong.

Then, Ding Dongshan and his guards roared: "Retreat, retreat, retreat!"

"The crow is deceiving, go quickly!"

"Go back, go back! Hurry up!"

Ye Geying was silent, and rushed out like a cat. A huge black shadow rushed towards him, as if a mountain was moving, but fast and incoherent.

A breath of death suddenly enveloped Jekozhant.


She shot an arrow and rolled on the spot, rolling to the side.

Beside, the huge mountain ran over like the wind, the ground trembled, and the footsteps crashed.

Then, Ye Gezhente heard the screams of golden iron and the scream of piercing the snowy night sky-ah ah ah ah! The screams of several people rose from the ground into the air, and they were beaten into the air by the black giant.


A crisp sound sounded, this is the sound of Ding Dongshan's sword being cut, followed by Ding Dongshan's muffled hum, like a heavy hammer!

Ye Geying stood up rolling, countless black shadows stood up in front of her, the swords in his hands flashed with cold silver light. Those figures can't see the side at a glance, they shouted and rushed to the only way to the left...

The bowstring sounded in Jegotang's hand, an arrow shot out, hitting the opponent's cheek, and a black shadow rushing toward him fell down...


On the right wing, the Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang bow string sounded continuously.

Someone was standing in the middle of the road and was sending out Liannu.

The few free men who rushed to the front fell down, and the free men behind rushed up and fell suddenly.

A tall figure wearing a dog helmet wielded a long sword to kill, and every time the sword pierced, there was a scream. His movements stretched like flowing water, and the freedmen who lacked armor and were squeezed to the ground were completely slaughtered lambs.

The first to rush up was the hound who wanted to die.

He has nothing to love!

A mace volleyed at the hound's head.

Although his dog helmet is made of stainless steel, the helmet will be dented by this mace, exploding his skull.

The hound swung his sword, and the mace flew out with his arm.

The screams were as sharp as a sword.

Turn around!

The two-handed giant sword cuts through the belly of several freemen who are not afraid of death, and the hundred-refined steel giant sword cuts through the thin leather of the freedmen soldiers like thin paper.

The warm intestines flowed out with the blood.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Darjeel's second round of the continuous crossbow shot, and several freedmen fell down with arrows.

Repeated crossbow shooting at close range has amazing penetrating power, even the plate armor is shot through, not to mention that most of the freedmen do not even have broken armor.


With a short muffled sound, a freedman who leaped up and slashed at the hounds suddenly flew upside down. A several-foot-long shot gun passed through his chest. It was so powerful that he flew out and smashed into it. Noisy in the ranks of freedmen.

The unruly free people were in chaos. Some turned around and ran deep into the camp.

The hound charged at the forefront, with a huge sword in his hand slashing horizontally and vertically, invincible, several swords slashed on him, but left deep scratches on his armor, and the next second, the hound's counterattack cut open. I cut the enemy’s neck, cut off the enemy’s arm, pierced the enemy’s stomach...backed the elbow, shattered the enemy’s jaw...

Chief Ranger Sauron led the veterans to follow the hounds. With the hounds as the tapered tip, they inserted into the freedmen's ranks. The freedmen's ranks began to disintegrate. More and more people turned around and rushed, and some were free. The civilian soldiers climbed over the array of wooden stakes facing outwards and jumped out of the trench...The densely upward spikes in the trench pierced their soles mercilessly, screaming one after another...


When Yegotang shot down the third person, she was rushed from the side and punched her in the face. Yegotang flew out, and the short knife that had just been pulled out of her hand also flew out. In her dizziness, a sword hilt hit her in the air, hitting her head, and a loud bang like thunder roared in her mind...


Ding Dongshan woke up from his faint and saw the whole world shaking. He had a splitting headache, and in front of him were countless freemen soldiers running wildly, flying stumps, blood spattering, and sword cries, and his ears were filled with the howls of freemen soldiers before they died. He concentrated his energy. It took a lot of energy to barely understand that he was being held in his hands. This is a giant like a giant. He is waving a sharp sword in one hand, and the sword is like a rainbow. Every time he swings, he connects the people in front of him. The sword led the man into two pieces, wherever he went, the residual limbs danced wildly...

The giant moves as fast as a shadow lynx. Ding Dongshan has never seen a man with such a huge body but with such agility. In the violent bumps, the friction of his broken bones made him faint again...


2 at 2 pm, 3 at 6 pm

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