The Winter of Ice and Fire Is Coming

Chapter 350: Three Hundred Blacksmiths·Prepare to make Valyrian Steel Sword

"My lord, are you looking for me?!" A strong man stuck his head in the door.

"Yes, come in." Will sat behind a long table with pine knots.

He is the only one in the room.

It's late at night!

The brawny man walked in, his big belly defecated, and the wooden floor trembled slightly. He almost has the size of Blake and Will combined. His left hand sleeve is empty, only one right hand. The shoulders are as broad as a city wall.

"It's so late, is there something urgent?"

"Donald Noy, do you recognize this sword?" Will put a sword in one hand and a half on the long table. "Do you recognize this sword?"

Donna Noy smiled and said, "My lord, this is the claw of the clan sword of Commander Mormon. Who doesn't you know?"

A half-handed sword is shorter than a two-handed giant sword, but longer than a long sword, so it is called a half-handed sword.

Commander Mormon's long claw is the only Valyrian steel sword on the Great Wall of Impasse.

"What kind of steel is he made of?"

"Valyrian Steel!" Donna Noy stopped smiling and stared at Will in confusion. The questions Will asked were all well-known questions.

"The Valyrian Steel Sword is the nemesis of ghosts, Donner."

"Huh huh!" Donner hummed in his nostrils. Donald Noy’s chin is covered with black whiskers like steel needles. He is muscular, and although he has only one arm, he is very strong. He is the master blacksmith of the Black Castle, and he is skilled in ironing. Before joining the Night Watch, he was a subordinate of the Baratheon family, an extraordinary blacksmith, he built the warhammer of the king Robert Baratheon and the first one of Stannis Baratheon I sword.

Sixteen years ago, in the 283th year of Aegon’s calendar, after the siege of Wind’s Breath, his left arm was inflamed and ulcerated due to a very slight axe injury. In order to save his life, he had to amputate his left arm and then joined Night watchman.

His nose is flat and wide, which makes him look more like a foolish man.

"I want you to find me the best blacksmith in the Seven Kingdoms within three months, can you do it?"

"I am the best blacksmith, my lord."

"I need to build a thousand long swords, can you do it alone?"

"How long will it take?"

"After half a year, a thousand swords."

"Thirty people will do, sir."

"I want you to organize a team of three hundred blacksmiths." Will said.

"Not so many people, my lord."

"What I want you to build is the same sword as this sword." Will took the long claws and pulled them out. A brilliance illuminated the room.

"Valyrian Steel Sword?" Donna Noy said in surprise.


Donna Noy stammered suddenly, the blue veins on his neck appeared, and the dissatisfaction of being disturbed by the late night sleep disappeared. "My lord, you are in King's Landing and found the secret of making Valyrian steel sword?"

"found it."

"Then how to refine it?" Donna Noy said excitedly, a black face with red light, as if a fire was shining on his face, "I heard that a magic spell is needed, and a blacksmith is needed. My own blood is used to cool the first sword blank, and the black iron ore is also unique. It needs special ore under the volcano for smelting."

"Three hundred blacksmiths, in three months, made three hundred Valyrian steel swords, not a thousand. As for iron ore, the fine iron sword blanks in all the blacksmith weapons shops in the narrow sea free trade city-states, They are all made from the iron ore of the Valyria city-state. Although the city of Valyria was burned to ruins, the iron ore is still sold in the major free trade city-states. Two ships of Valyria iron ore, can It can be purchased on the blacksmith street of any free trade city-state. My news has been released. Please help from friends in the narrow sea free trade city-state to buy two ships of Valyria's ore sword blanks at high prices."

"What about the craftsmanship of refining the Valyrian steel sword? Those spells, refining secrets, how can you teach me?"

"When can you find three hundred skilled blacksmiths?"

"Two months, sir. Among my colleagues, there are many excellent blacksmiths. They are in the Iron Street of King's Landing, the River Flowing City, the Seagull Town in the valley, and the Baigang City in the north. As long as they know they are coming Refining the Valyrian Steel Sword, if you don’t eat, sleep, or pay, you’ll rush over immediately, my lord."

"I can only tell you the secret of refining the Valyrian Steel Sword alone, and you must first take an oath to join my Holy Tribunal."


Donald Noy knelt on one knee and punched his chest with his right hand: "My lord, I swear to join the Lord's Holy Tribunal in the name of the old and new gods. I will be loyal to the Lord and be loyal until death."

Will nodded: "Very well, in the eyes of the **** of time and space, every life is eternal, and facing the disputes and sins of the world, there is only the holy judge. Donald Noy, whether it is at my spring table Next to it is in the fire of the winter fireplace. From now on, you will always have your place. Get up, congratulations, you are now a member of my Holy Trinity Church."

"Master Xie!" Donna Noy turned black and flushed with excitement. He stood up and faced Will with a more respectful expression.

"I will teach you this blood spell first tonight. This is a Valyrian higher language. I will give you two months to learn it back and forth. At the same time, in these two months, I want you to find three hundred A skilled blacksmith, once these blacksmiths succeed in refining the first Valyrian steel sword, they will never leave our Blacksmith City again. They must swear to stay and no one can leave."

"Blacksmith City?" Donald Noy was surprised and delighted.

"Yes, I want to transform Long Night Castle into a blacksmith city."

The largest and oldest castle on the Great Wall is Changye Fort. It is now abandoned. It is to the west of the Black Castle, between the Long Night Castle and the Black Castle, and there are two castles, the Queen's Gate and the Deep Lake Ju. Today, these two castles are home to the infantry and cavalry of the Roaring Stonemen in the Wolfwood Mountains. The advance troops of the Four Kingdoms live in two castles east of the Black Castle-Oak Shield and Waterside Village.

When Will and Blake returned to the ground, Blake taught Will the first blood spell in Valyrian Steel Sword Refining. The Faceless are proficient in the higher language of Valyria, and their history is older than that of Braavos. The founder of the Black and White Academy is a Valyrian miner from the Valyrian volcano. Proficiency in the Valyrian language is a required course for the senior faceless.

Will and Blake the Faceless reached an unknown cooperation agreement. The conditions he put forward cannot be rejected by the faceless.

Until dawn, Donald Noy could barely remember this slurred pronunciation, and he didn't know what the formula meant.

In the Bachelor Tower, Blake the Faceless had already watched the entire "Valyrian Steel Sword Refining" before dawn. After reading it, it was easy to translate it and teach Will to teach it.

During the expedition, Will will memorize the entire book "Valyrian Steel Sword Refining", recite it in Valyrian's higher language, and learn the meaning of each sentence.

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