The dumpling skin and dumpling stuffing are very reasonable.

The happiness that Xu Ci wanted was very simple. Xu Youyou gave it. Why not do it?

Give him a passionate kiss, give him a warm, spring-like hug, give him soft and silent care, and soft love words will only be heard by him.

Give him the love he wants.

Then it so happened that that was what she wanted.

Perhaps because it was very comfortable with Xu Ci, Xu Youyou was very forgiving and allowed Xu Ci to sleep for five more minutes, and then wake up Xu Ci after 25 minutes.

Xu Ci got up from the bed and saw Xu Youyou getting out of bed to arrange his clothes. From his perspective, he could see Xu Youyou's white neck and small, thin earlobe.

Xu Youyou's skin is very good. The white and tender skin shows a sharp contrast with the red sweater, which looks like a visual beauty.

He could see itching in his heart, quickly reached the bed, reached out and pulled Xu Youyou into his arms, hugged tightly, and then took a bite on her back neck.

Xu Youyou was bitten a bit, startled, and quickly broke away, stood up again and stared at Xu Ci: "What are you doing?"

"I just follow the instinct of the original instinct, as if I fell in love with you at first sight, and started chasing you, completely without going through the brain. And I want to kiss you after being specially taken care of in school, just a kind of By instinct. "

"So what." For the first time, she saw someone speak the rogue so fresh and refined.

"So when I saw it, I wanted to take a sip. I couldn't help it, my heart was itching."

"Are you dog?" Xu Youyou couldn't help asking, raised his hand and wiped his neck, and walked out of the room. "Come over to eat."

Xu Ci quickly followed and did not go directly to the restaurant, but went to the bathroom to wash.

Xu Youyou went into the kitchen, found a plate for dumplings, and brought it to the table. She returned to the kitchen to find chopsticks, rinsed it, and put it on the table.

Xu Ci finished washing after a while, walked out of the bathroom, and took off his shirt while walking.

He was wearing a pullover pajamas. After being torn off from the head, he was thrown on the sofa, and then found the pile of clothes on the sofa to find what he was going to wear.

Xu Youyou's eyes made a turn on his body.

I have seen Xu Ci's pectoral and abdominal muscles in the photo before, and I think it looks good. Now ... she suddenly has the original instinct and wants to touch it.

No one is better than this.

"You just change in front of me?" Xu Youyou asked.

"How? A big bite for you." Xu Ci said, found the clothes to wear, quickly put on, walked in front of Xu Youyou and asked, "Dumplings? Auntie made it?"

"Well, I helped with the package."

"It must be eating. Come on, feed me one."

Xu Youyou immediately clipped and fed Xu Ci, took a bite, and chewed for a while. "Maybe it is the power of love, which makes me feel pretty delicious."

"I made the dumpling stuffing." Xu Youyou sat on the chair and continued to eat dumplings. He looked at Xu Ci and saw Xu Ci turned over a pair of pants and went into the bedroom without changing outside.

She was a little disappointed.

After Xu changed his clothes, sitting at the table, eating dumplings with Xu Youyou, today ’s performance, Yang Ergou talk show: "I thought about it all night yesterday, and summarized all these years I wanted Things to do after being in love. "

"Well, let's talk."

"I'm going to take you to eat the Ma Ma of the 'Shrimp Soldier and Crab General', and the QQ chicken rack in the 'Ma Jia Chicken Rack', and the steak and pasta with 'Ma Ma Q' ..." Xu Ci ate while eating Speaking to Xu Youyou with your fingers.

"Eat all?"

"Uh ... it really looks like ..."

"Your world is really simple."

"Well, love came too suddenly, and I wasn't ready to talk about it. For the past ten years, I was obsessed with eating and eating. The best thing that comes to my mind is to take my girlfriend to eat Eat. You really want me to say that I am willing to accompany you to buy and buy later. "

Xu Youyou followed her thoughts and began to suffer.

On the first day of the year, Xu Youyou began to worry about how to talk about this love.

Two people who have never been in love sitting together sadly thinking that Xu Youyou, the school bull, soon lost.

Love is much more difficult than studying.

"Ah, right!" Xu Ci suddenly stood up, ran into the bedroom, took out a box from the bedroom, and gave Xu Youyou, "New Year gifts, couple models, in fact, they are not couple models, they are the two of us. It ’s the same. I bought it a while ago, and I plan to give it to you as soon as possible, but it ’s like this. ”

Xu Youyou visually checked the size of the box, and already guessed some. Open the box and you see a pair of coconut shoes with black and white zebra pattern and red letters printed on the side.

She hesitated, not knowing what to say.

This pair of shoes is not much better than the sweatpants of Xu Guangye.

"No ... like?" Xu Ci asked, observing Xu Youyou's expression.

"Actually ... it's okay," said, picking up a small ticket and glancing at it, with English characters on it, and a series of gorgeous numbers, "It's so expensive?"

Xu Ci listened for a moment and glanced at the small ticket: "Write the price? I thought it was a manual."

The essence of academic scum is thus reflected.

"There are Arabic numbers on it," Xu Youyou said, pointing at the numbers.

"But the price is not this number."

Xu Youyou really was a little skeptical of Xu Ci's IQ, forcing herself to answer: "The numbers above are in US dollars, you can calculate by multiplying the exchange rate."

"Ah ..." Xu Ci smiled a little embarrassed, and then asked, "Do you think the shoes look better as you know the price?"

"No, just want to blow your dog's head."

Xu Youyou didn't want to crack Xu's resignation, she wouldn't accept the first gift, but ... such an expensive pair of zebra print sneakers, she had no clothes to match.

Zebra pattern ...

Will she buy a striped dress?

Xu pointed to the shoe cabinet: "I still have a pair of dark gray coconuts."

"You seem to love this one?"

"Well, that's why I want to buy it for you."

"Okay ... thank you." Xu Youyou's heart was suddenly turbulent.

"Kiss me."

Xu Youyou closed the shoe box and took a deep breath before answering: "Let's eat."

Xu nodded and continued to eat dumplings.

Xu Youyou looked at Xu Ci with her chin and asked, "Are you going out to change clothes?"

"Well, I have to go to the New Year, and the last year will be a lunar new year. I will be an adult next year." Xu Ci laughed, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and glanced at the time.

"Well, I stay with relatives during the day and can't come back."

"Uh-huh, I see." Xu Ci finished, and continued to eat dumplings.

After Xu Ci had finished eating, Xu Youyou packed up the insulation box and was ready to leave. Xu Ci took out the elevator card to send her into the elevator, and then returned home.

Xu Youyou returned home, her parents were ready, and she seemed to be able to go out at any time. Xu Mei also said to her when she entered: "Why don't you bring a cell phone when you go out?"

"Forgot, I'll change clothes."

"How can I change it?"

Xu Youyou didn't answer, returned to the room, rummaged through the cabinet, and finally changed into a casual outfit, then went to the door and put on the shoes that Xu Ci gave her.

After I put it on, it really looks more and more pleasing to the eye, and the mouth is suspected of integrity, just like her.

After taking two steps, the size was quite suitable. Then, she went out happily wearing these shoes, and humming and singing while going out.


When Xu Youyou was at her grandma's house, she curled up on the sofa and held a mobile phone to chat with Xu Ci.

Xu Ci posted a picture with a pile of money in it.

Maybe my name: exploitation, that's all.

Xu Youyou zoomed in the picture, counted it, and found that Xu Ci's New Year's money can buy four pairs of zebra coconuts, and could not help but sigh, poverty limited her imagination, and New Year's money was more than ten times her.

As soon as I closed the picture, I saw Xu Ci sending news again.

Make my name: let's change the couple's portrait.

You: Yeah, that's fine.

Xu Ci did not return afterwards.

When Xu Youyou put on her jacket and was ready to go home, Xu Ci just replied, sending a row of couples' heads, with various styles.

She turned it over for a while, and finally chose the avatar of the illustration. She changed it quickly, and then replied: I'm done, I'm going home, and I'll say it later.

Xu Youyou returned home, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. As soon as she arrived at the door of the unit at home, she saw Xu Ci bounce back and forth at the door, subconsciously guilty.

I hadn't been with Xu Ci before. It was normal when I saw her. I didn't care about coming to her house.

Now it's not the same as Xu Ci. I'm afraid my parents will find it.

Seeing them, Xu Ci began to say hello by coincidence: "Aunt uncle just came back?"

"Well, it's New Year. Are you going out?"

"I came downstairs and my friend went to buy a lighter. If I don't come back for a long time, I can only wait here." Said to Xu Youyou, "Put it together?"

Xu Youyou hesitated, nodded, and still appeared unwilling.

Xu Ci swiped the card with a smile, and sent Xu Youyou's parents into the door. Watching them enter the elevator, they held Xu Youyou's hand and took her to the small difference.

"You've been waiting?" Xu Youyou asked.

"No, I didn't go out until five or six minutes after you returned the message. I prepared firecrackers." Xu Ci said, and took Xu Youyou to the small gazebo in the landscape, where there was a cardboard box with many inside. firecracker.

Xu Youyou took out a box from the inside and took a glance at the light of the street lamp: "So are you going to take me to play artillery on the first day after we date?"

"I picked it for a long time, and I felt that this was the most exciting. I also bought two kicks, put one, and the whole community can echo that kind of sound."

Xu Youyou can't wait to drop a box of artillery cannons to Xu Ci's head, and finally bear it.

Xu Ci squatted in front of the box and looked at the shoes that Xu Youyou was wearing, but couldn't help but be happy, but said nothing, afraid that Xu Youyou was embarrassed.

From the bottom of the box, she took out two bundles of fairy sticks and handed them to Xu Youyou: "Hold."

Xu Youyou took it in his hand, saw Xu Ci taking out the cigarette case from his pocket, and after taking a sip, he ignited the firework with a cigarette butt, and the firework bloomed.

In the dark night, the fireworks are dazzling, and a little bit of star fire is like a star in the sky.

Xu Ci also ignited two, walked across from Xu Youyou, and drew a heart shape with a fairy stick. The light marks were still there, crooked but beautiful.

At the same time, behind the landscape garden, suddenly a few fireworks ascended to the sky and exploded in the sky. It was actually heart-shaped, pink, gold, and blue.

She looked at Xu Ci again. Xu Ci seemed to have expected it. She smiled sweetly at her. The light in his eyes was brighter than the fireworks.

She also saw luminous track pants between the gaps in the landscape garden, and couldn't help laughing.

Xu Ci always surprises her.

The fireworks lasted for nearly ten minutes. Xu Ci was still following it at the beginning. He did not take long to get to Xu Youyou, leaned down slightly, and seemed to be waiting for a reward.

Xu Youyou raised her hand with a smile, and touched the top of Xu Ci, whispered, "Why are you so great?"

Xu Ci bowed his head and waited for a while, and asked, "Gone?"

"Well, otherwise I would have to run into the desert again."

Xu Ci looked in the direction of setting off the fireworks, and also saw the luminous sports pants and legs, finally sighed helplessly, took Xu Youyou's hand to find Shen Qing and Deng Yiran.

In the past, I saw two people carrying a plastic bag and squatting behind the bushes to smoke. Seeing Xu Youyou was like seeing the class teacher looking in the back door of the class, quickly smashing the cigarettes, stepping out and smiling with a smile With Xu Youyou.

"You two fight him every day?" Xu Youyou asked.

"When I beat them both, you didn't see it." Xu Ci explained immediately.

"Yes, it's really hitting."

The three were immediately embarrassed and couldn't say a word.

Xu Youyou looked at the three of them, and then asked, "Do you want to play artillery together?"

"Uh ..." Xu Ci looked at Xu Youyou, and then he was happy. "Play, don't waste it."

Shen Qing and Deng Yiran looked at each other, and then watched Xu Ci carrying Xu Youyou like a fairy, playing a cannonball in the community.

Afraid of being hit by a cannon, the two also purposely stood on the platform of the landscape fountain and threw them one by one on the ground.

Shen Qing couldn't help but sigh: "This picture is really exciting."

"I'm going! I'm going! Throw it away, or you'll be pumped!" Deng Yiran started talking to Xu Ciyan, then went to the box, took the second kick heel firecrackers, and Shen Qing studied it.

The power of the second kick really resounded through the sky, Xu Ci helped Xu Youyou cover her ears, or echoed in Xu Youyou's ears.

Xu Ci was still a idiot. Firecrackers bought two hanging 10,000 rings. In the open space, they had to take apart the shape of a heart and ignite them together.

Xu Youyou hurried away from the distance, and the sleigh three silly shoved in front of the firecrackers for a long time, and finally, Xu Xin resigned and ignited when everyone was happy.

The firecrackers rang, crackling and echoing in the entire community.

Xu resigned to Xu Youyou and pushed her towards the door of the unit: "Walk around, there's so much smoke here."

Shen You and Deng Yi had to follow each other, sighing yin and yang strangely: "Ah, there is someone in the family."

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