The War of Resistance

Chapter 1245 Refutation

There are countless ethnic groups in the world.

There are pirate nations who go around plundering those who don’t have homes, such as the Norwegian Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons.

There are wandering ethnic groups that have never existed before, such as the Gypsies.

There are those who want to find a place to live but cannot find one until after World War II, such as the nation of Israel.

There were some indigenous people who originally had families but were later massacred and almost became extinct, such as the Indians.

And only the Chinese have a complex towards home that is not shared by other nations.

Rich people live in mansions, and poor people live in shabby houses, but who can leave home? Many people scrimped on food and clothing, and even people in later generations became house slaves. Wasn't that just to have a family for themselves?

It's just that this small village has been set on fire by the Japanese army for a while, and some houses have been burned to the ground. Although each house is a separate house and will not burn down the entire camp, it is no longer possible to put out the fire.

"My home!" An old lady was sitting not far from a house, crying loudly.

"What's the use of crying? What's the use of crying? The fire will burn you!" At this time, a strong man ran over from behind him and dragged the old lady back.

Apparently, the strong man should be the old lady's son, but the strong man was an honest man but didn't know what to say, so he could only try to persuade her stupidly.

The house was on fire and was very hot. The old lady was worried that her house had moved too close just now.

But the old lady was also very tight. His son dragged her back, but she refused to get up even though she said nothing.

As soon as her son dragged her shoulders, she heard a "chick" sound, and the clothes under the old lady's armpits were torn apart, and half of her lower back was exposed underneath.

Although the strong man was strong, his personality was not strong. When he saw his mother, he refused to leave and even tore his clothes. He hurriedly threw away his hands and said, "How can we do this? How can we do this?"

How to do this? But at this time, a person had already jumped up from behind, put his hands under the old lady's armpits, and dragged her back with all her strength.

The man's strength was really strong. After such a drag, the old lady couldn't even struggle. In a moment, she was dragged back more than ten meters amidst her screams.

When the person dragging her let go, the old lady turned around and saw that although the person dragging her had several triangular cuts in his clothes, he was clearly a National Army soldier, and there was someone standing next to him. He was looking at Xiao Jiu from their village, but Xiao Jiu had a rifle on his shoulder.

The old lady was afraid of the soldiers and finally did not dare to say anything.

And that soldier was Shang Zhen.

At this time, Shang Zhen no longer paid attention to the old lady. He was looking at everything in front of him with a complicated expression, the burning village, the crying people, and the corpse lying on the ground. This was such a familiar scene.

But who likes to see such a familiar situation?

It is undeniable that everyone likes happiness, and who is willing to see such a sad scene?

And the reason why Shang Zhen's expression at this time is complicated is because it is a combination of anger, sadness, helplessness, and happiness!

Under the guidance of Xiao Jiu, he got into the side wall of the big pit on the mountain.

Just behind the bush, there is a natural cave that is not very big. It was washed out by running water. Xiaojiu accidentally discovered it while chasing a rabbit.

Xiaojiu is the boy that Shang Zhen met. The reason why Xiaojiu is Xiaojiu is not that he is the ninth in the family, but that he is the ninth among his uncles and brothers, and that is the youngest.

It would be nice to be familiar with the terrain. With Xiaojiu's guidance, Shang Zhen and Xiaojiu hid in the cave.

Since this mountain is a mixture of sand and gravel, this is a hole that was washed out by running water leading to the mountainside.

In other words, the surrounding soil varies from hard to soft, so the soft sand is slowly hollowed out by the rain and a hole is created.

The hole is thick at the top and thin at the bottom. When it reaches the mountainside, it is only the size of a fist. No ordinary person would notice this.

Xiaojiu is a local and often goes to the mountains to dig wild vegetables and hunt rabbits.

Once when he was chasing a rabbit, he saw the hare got here, and then he discovered that there was a hole behind the bush.

The hole was very hidden. If Xiao Jiu hadn't happened to see a rabbit go in through the bushes outside and never come out, he wouldn't have discovered the hole.

When the Japanese troops arrived at the hill, they saw that the pit on the top of the hill was in full view and did not go down, thus making the mistake of being dark under the light.

But having said that, black under the lamp may seem legendary, but in fact it is extremely risky. In a sense, it is almost the same as gambling on one's life.

And why does Shang Zhen want to gamble his life? That wasn't because there was a village ahead of him in the direction of his escape. He was not a local, so how could he know?

Therefore, preventing that village from being massacred by the Japanese army was the original intention of Shang Zhen's adventure.

But when he came out of the hiding place after taking risks and was safe, he discovered that the village had not escaped the Japanese army.

Yes, he dodged, but not far enough.

The Japanese army encountered the natural ravine in front and began to search back.

There are definitely a lot of Japanese troops. If they expand the search area, won't they still find that village?

So when Shang Zhen reached the top of the mountain and saw several streaks of black smoke in the distance, he immediately reacted, and he and the young man rushed to the village.

What makes him angry now is that the Japanese army burned the village again.

What makes him helpless is that he is only alone now, but even if he is not alone, he is with his veterans, or, more importantly, he is still with the guard company or even the 337th Brigade, so what?

This time we have returned to the main force. Aren’t we already with the main force? But so what? After all, the Japanese army was forced to run straight away. In the end, the 51st Army strategically retreated, and the 337th Brigade also retreated.

After all, the enemy is strong and I am weak!

What makes him feel fortunate so far is that although the Japanese army surrounded the village this time, only two people died. That was an old man from each of the two families.

It turned out that when the people in the village saw that the war was too close to their village, they ran to the mountains to hide first.

The two old men were old and in poor health, so they did not leave the village. As a result, the one who could not move was burned alive by the Japanese soldiers before he could leave the house, and the other one was picked to death by the Japanese soldiers with bayonets just after he left the house. .

This is also the reason why Shang Zhen didn't hear the gunfire.

Shang Zhen fought his way back from the battlefield with mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Although he was angry when the two old men were killed by the Japanese army, it was much more visible. Not to mention numb, at least he didn't have any big reaction.

Seeing that the old lady was fine, Shang Zhen wanted to walk away.

He just followed Xiaojiu here. Xiaojiu said that his family had a melon shed at the other end of the village. Xiaojiu was responsible for getting food for Shang Zhen, and Shang Zhen could rest in the melon shed.

Shang Zhen needed to rest. He didn't sleep all night yesterday. At the same time, when he ran down the mountain, the entire back of his body except the back of his head was scratched.

Although the injury was only a flesh wound and not life-threatening, you can imagine that if he escaped from the hillside, he would use the sand and stones on the hillside to draw a path behind him!

The clothes are not cut into strips, but the visible and invisible blood is also streaked. These are all flesh wounds, which are like fire. It hurts!

But at this time, Shang Zhen's appearance had already attracted the attention of the villagers.

Little did they expect that Xiao Jiu would come back with a rifle, and behind him was a miserable-looking National Army soldier!

The villagers watched in surprise as the two men, tall and one short, walked through the gap between the burning houses. However, Shang Zhen didn't care what the villagers thought, he just wanted to find a place to sleep first.

But at this time, a voice came from the villagers: "They were holding guns and pretending to be fighting. If it hadn't been for them, how could the Japanese have burned our village down!"

Um? These words - at least to Shang Zhen's ears, they were already harsh!

As a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War, Shang Zhen has certainly heard this. To put it more seriously, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is an act of traitor!

But after that voice said it, some villagers actually agreed: "That's right, if we don't fight the Japanese, the Japanese won't come. Our place was quite good. When they came, our house was burned down!" "

"that is."

"that is."

There were still echoes, if not more, but Shang Zhen heard at least four or five villagers say this.

Of course he would not think that these complaining villagers were traitors, nor would he call them traitors, but he also could not tolerate the villagers blaming the anti-Japanese warriors for the burning of the village and the killing of the villagers.

When the invaders come, they kill and set fire. We don’t want to fight the invaders but think that as long as we don’t resist, the invaders may not come to kill us. What kind of bullshit logic is this!

It's just that Shang Zhen is not a bookish person, but he understands, is it useful to talk logic to these villagers? I'm afraid they haven't even heard of the word "logic"!

But this doesn't mean that Shang Zhen will tolerate these villagers being confused here. He always has to say something to these fools.

What to say? It's definitely not okay to pretend to be evil and intimidate people. He doesn't have this habit.

However, I can't get into trouble with the villagers and explain a lot, so it's better not to say anything.

So what do you say? After a while, Shang Zhen had an idea.

He turned around and looked at those villagers who were still chewing their tongues, and glanced over.

So, at the next moment, the few villagers who were still talking about Shang Zhen shut their mouths. All the villagers looked at the miserable-looking Chinese soldier in front of them and said: "Every wrongdoer has his own debtor, you and I Why do we compare ourselves to others?

You may not resist, but you cannot prevent other Chinese people from resisting.

If you don't resist, you will be killed, roasted, stabbed, and skinned by the little devils one day.

Then when you die, people will step on you and say, look, these people are born to be cheap! "

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