The War of Resistance

Chapter 1229 Hou Kanshan repeats his old tricks

"Don't shoot blindly, we have people dressed as Japanese soldiers!" A shout came from the woods, and it was Ma Erhuzi's voice.

Just after hearing these words, Shang Zhen, who was running towards the sound, imagined such a scene in his mind.

Hou Kanshan, who was dressed as a Japanese soldier, waved to the Japanese soldiers on horseback at the edge of the woods. The Japanese cavalrymen were still hesitant at first, but then his gun fired at the right time.

So the Japanese army later understood that there were Chinese troops on the mountain next to them, and that "companion" Hou Kanshan was calling them to hide their guns? Then the Japanese army didn't rush over?

Even Shang Zhen could think of Hou Kanshan's usual tricks.

His already disfigured face was covered in blood, and his body was also covered in blood. It was as miserable as it was! Where did the blood come from? Didn't the Japanese soldiers who ran into the woods to hide from their guns have their throats cut by them?

In this case, which Japanese soldier would doubt Hou Kanshan?

So when the dozen or so Japanese soldiers rushed towards the woods, they were ambushed by Wang Laomao and the others.

It is true that the Japanese army's combat effectiveness is generally stronger than that of the Chinese army, but the Chinese army here does not include veterans like Shang Zhen and others.

Their combat quality is no worse than that of the Japanese army. Every time they attack the Japanese army, they are calculated mentally and unintentionally. They launch a fatal blow when the Japanese army is completely unprepared, so it is reasonable to eliminate the same number of Japanese soldiers.

Shang Zhen and the others continued to move forward.

In the gap in the woods, a Japanese soldier fell to the ground. The blood had already flowed into a large pool. It happened that half of the guy's face was soaked in blood, so half of his face was bloody, and half of his face looked like a normal person.

And next to a tree next to the Japanese soldier, there was a soldier who was shouting "Tiao'er Tiao'er" and "Ooh". That was Ma Tianfang, and he was pulling a Japanese war horse hard. .

It's just that the beast is also a bully. Even if Ma Tianfang pulls the reins hard, the horse will never move.

"What the hell, you Japanese beast also bullied me into having only one arm!" Ma Tianfang was so angry that he scolded me.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Laoshi hurriedly ran forward to help Ma Tian release the horse, and asked: "Are you going to catch this beast?"

"Escape for your life, sooner or later we have to run away!" Ma Tianfang replied.

Shang Zhen's original group of veterans looked strange to others. Since they had been away from the large army for a long time, their words were extremely irregular. To retreat or not was called fleeing for one's life, and they also said that fleeing for one's life was a matter of course!

When they are used to being unorganized, they are unwilling to be restrained. It is up to them to decide when to fight the Japanese, not by the mission. There are still a lot of killings to kill the Japanese, so how can they fight for something that is extremely meaningful but thankless? positional warfare?

Zheng Laoshi ran over to help Ma Tianfang lead the horse. Shang Zhen led the other soldiers and continued forward. After walking around a few trees, they saw another dead Japanese soldier.

This Japanese soldier's death was much more miserable than the previous one.

He fell to the ground on his back, but the "mian" or "face" could no longer be seen. His nose was missing, and his face was bloody and bloody. It was as if he had been scratched by a blind bear in the old forests of the Northeast. generally!

The soldiers behind Shang Zhen looked behind the Japanese soldier. There was a branch as thick as a bowl standing over a meter high. The twigs on it had been broken, and some were broken by the impact.

No need to guess, this Japanese soldier rushed into the woods too fast on horseback, hit a branch, and was knocked down directly.

"You rushed into the woods so fast, I really think you have a long life!" Wang Jinchuan said gloatingly.

But then he had doubts again. There were clearly woods in front of him, so why did the Japanese charge so hard? It shouldn't be.

Then he noticed a saber stuck diagonally on the ground a few meters next to the Japanese soldier.

It seems that this Japanese soldier discovered that there was an ambush and it was too late to raise his gun and stand on the horse, so he wanted to kill the ambusher with his saber. However, it was not God's luck. He probably only noticed the enemy in front but forgot about it. There were branches stretching out in mid-air.

The momentum of the man and horse uniting was not small. The branches of the tree were cracked by the impact. So what's the wonder that his face was smashed?

Wang Lao Mao's voice sounded in front, and Shang Zhen and the others moved forward again. At this time, the soldiers behind Shang Zhen were shocked when they saw the soldiers in front, and even the hand holding the gun tightened. Just because there was a Japanese soldier standing among the Chinese soldiers in front.

But when they saw Deputy Company Commander Wang Laomao talking to the "Japanese soldier", they thought about what Ma Erhuzi had shouted earlier that someone among us was pretending to be a Japanese soldier, and they felt relieved.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind them, Wang Laomao and the others naturally turned around. As for the others, the "Japanese soldier" turned around, which shocked Wang Wenxiao and Zhang Yuchun.

Who is that soldier? Of course it was Hou Kanshan.

The old soldiers of the guard company remembered Hou Kanshan, but they had never seen Hou Kanshan before. However, based on Hou Kanshan's "dog's sinister" appearance, when Shang Zhen and the others returned, Hou Kanshan also Remembered by the soldiers.

What kind of tragedy have you not seen when soldiers fight on the battlefield? But Hou Kanshan is the most unforgettable.

Just because Hou Kanshan was injured on the face. If Hou Kanshan is not a soldier but grew up like that since he was a child, how can I put it? It is like being messed up by the Creator before he was born in his mother's womb. After rubbing it, is it still a human face?

And if that's the case, then Hou Kanshan pretends to be a Japanese soldier and smeared blood on his own face!

It is unknown whether a person who has been like this for a long time will be psychologically different from ordinary people. But this time Hou Kanshan not only had blood on his face, but also grinned happily when he saw Shang Zhen bringing his people. The soldiers behind Shang Zhen saw Hou Look at Shan’s mouth, and his mouth is filled with blood!

Who knew whether his teeth were gold or silver? Now the soldiers saw that Hou Kanshan’s teeth were also blood red!

Didn't this guy smear blood on his mouth? Eating Hulu meat when hungry and drinking Xiongnu blood when thirsty sounds heroic, but can you actually try it?

The soldiers were shocked when they saw this situation, and Zhang Yuchun even trembled!

"What? Are you a veteran?" How could Hou Kanshan, who saw Zhang Yuchun trembling, not know why others reacted like this? He was not going to let Zhang Yuchun go.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuchun's psychological quality was also good. Among the soldiers selected by Shang Zhen, he had fought the most.

It's just that he is not usually the kind of person who seems to have a flamboyant personality. Shang Zhen also misjudged him, or else he can't judge a person by his appearance.

"Dead man!" Zhang Yuchun calmed down and deliberately pointed back at the Japanese soldier who was knocked off his horse by a tree branch. This meant that he was afraid of death.

"Fuck, are you afraid of death?" Hou Kanshan didn't believe Zhang Yuchun's words, "Are you afraid of me?"

"I'm afraid, you are much scarier than the dead, the living dead!" Zhang Yuchun said angrily.

"Huh?" Zhang Yuchun's words made the other veterans, Mr. Wang and others, take a second look at him.

Veterans have their own feeling of belonging to veterans. This Zhang Yuchun is a bit interesting. Veterans will not get angry because of other people's verbal offense. The other party is also a veteran and has seen the world. It is the most important thing to support each other at critical moments!

When Hou Kanshan heard what Zhang Yuchun said, he smiled instead, but his smile made the soldiers on the opposite side tremble again!

Of course, these soldiers did not include Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen's eyes met Mr. Wang's. Mr. Wang made a habitual "hum", and Shang Zhen smiled flatteringly.

But before the two men could say anything more, gunshots suddenly rang out from their left wing.

And this time the gunshots were messy, and it didn't sound like it was going to end anytime soon.

"It seems like Big Boss and the others are over there, right?" Shang Zhen said thoughtfully.

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