The War of Resistance

Chapter 1209 Is the old man stupid?

It was not just a group of soldiers who heard that the Japanese machine guns went silent, but all the soldiers in the guard company heard it.

This time Shang Zhen became the real commander of the guard company, which was different from the past. Tonight he was making combat arrangements for the entire company. Everyone knew that Shang Zhen led a group of people to "make trouble" with the Japanese army. Go.

First there was the explosion of grenades, then there was the sound of machine gunfire and rifle fire from the Japanese side, and then there was another explosion, and the machine gun, which was clucking like a hen that had just laid eggs, went silent.

Then anyone would deduce that it must be Shang Zhen and the others who blew up the Japanese light machine gun!

So different security groups in different positions in the darkness were doing the same thing, and that was to praise Shang Zhen!

The eyes of the masses were sharp, and the eyes of the soldiers were even more so. After Shang Zhen became their company commander, he achieved the result of killing dozens of Japanese soldiers in the first battle, while only a few of them were slightly injured.

It's rare to see such an officer who is capable of killing Japanese soldiers and yet shows compassion for his own people. So how could they not praise Shang Zhen?

Only then did the veterans talk about Shang Zhen's past.

Of course the veterans of the guard company remember Shang Zhen.

The 337th Brigade Guard Company has had several company commanders. Some died in the Anti-Japanese War and some were promoted. However, there are many old soldiers among the company commanders.

Some things that Shang Zhen did in the 337th Brigade still exist in the memories of the veterans.

At this time, the veterans mentioned the relationship between Shang Zhen and the 337th Brigade Guard Company. They talked about how Mr. Wang and his gang were ruthless in fighting with other companies. When they talked about Shang Zhen, they dared to be at the brigade headquarters. No, at that time It was the regiment headquarters, saying that Shang Zhen dared to deliberately open fire at the regiment headquarters and destroy the small windmill made of wood used by ordinary people to comfort their children.

By the way, we also mentioned that Shang Zhen and the others even beat up the brigade commander’s brother-in-law Wang Fatty Wang Qingfeng!

To be honest, Wang Qingfeng is also in the 337th Brigade. He is not just relying on his brother-in-law Liu Chengyi as the brigade commander, but he also has his own way of survival.

As a logistics officer, the way he treats other officers and soldiers is to decide who to choose based on the rank of the brigade officer!

Everyone knows the establishment of the brigade below the brigade commander, which is the chief of staff, regiment commander, battalion commander, company commander, and other officers. He will give corresponding treatment to the officers at all levels according to their ranks, but he will maintain all the officers. Living.

As for being in front of the soldiers below, he has a crazy expression every day, so awesome!

A soldier once said to him, "Sir, my mouth is open when I look at these shoes. Please get me a pair of shoes!"

How could Fatty Death King care about the soldiers? He didn't scold the soldier, but he walked away laughing and talking as if he didn't listen!

Northeastern people love face, and the greatest disrespect for others is not just when you scold someone, but the kind of contempt that treats you like a fart! The kind of contempt that treats you as nothing but air, as if you don’t exist!

There are many more cases like Fatty Wang. Big evils are not as constant as small evils. Which soldier will think of him well? And in the eyes of the soldiers, he was not good either!

Therefore, when some veterans mentioned that their current company commander once led someone to beat up Wang Qingfeng, the soldiers' favorable impression of Shang Zhen was not doubled, but it exploded!

But at this time, compared with the cheerful soldiers, near the Japanese camp, the Japanese guns were still firing randomly, but Shang Zhen, who was lying in the darkness, had become nervous.

"Be careful, something is wrong!" Shang Zhen whispered to Da Laobeng, Gu Man and Ma Erhuzi who came out with him.

"What's wrong?" Ma Erhuzi asked hurriedly.

"The kid didn't use flares." Shang Zhen replied in a low voice.

When Shang Zhen said this, the three people naturally understood.

The four of them came out to do more than just "make trouble" for the Japanese army. Shang Zhen was worried that the Japanese army would not be able to defeat the position they were holding during the day and would come to sneak attack at night, so they launched an active night attack.

Of course Shang Zhen knew that the Japanese army did not have the habit of attacking at night.

But not attacking at night is just a habit after all, not a golden rule that cannot be changed.

But now the defense line of the 337th Brigade is particularly afraid of Japanese troops infiltrating.

The defense line established by the 337th Brigade was only a nominal or psychological defense line. In some places, even the simplest trench could not be dug.

Once the Japanese army took advantage of the darkness to sneak in, even if they did not launch an attack on the hill that Shang Zhen and the others were guarding all night, but waited until daybreak to launch the attack, Shang Zhen's guard company would be extremely passive!

When the Japanese army fires again, if the enemy appears behind them, it will be impossible for them to hide on the reverse slope of the hill.

It is impossible to increase the guard strength. The strength of the 337th Brigade is already stretched thin.

Just imagine, if the strength of the 337th Brigade was not insufficient, how could the brigade commander Liu Chengyi send out all his guard companies to defend the position?

The battle line was very long and there were no troops to send. It would have been fine if they had been replaced by other officers. But how could Shang Zhen, who always paid attention to seizing the initiative in battle, be willing to defend where he was?

What he used was offensive and defensive tactics.

If it’s not easy to guard, then why should we guard it?

We went to the Japanese army at night to cause trouble and conduct a sneak attack. We didn't need to kill many Japanese soldiers. As long as the Japanese army thought they were being attacked, they would naturally not send any more troops to sneak attack the Chinese defenders.

So after Shang Zhen and the others came over, they threw grenades at the approximate location of the Japanese troops based on their observations of the Japanese troops during the day.

As the veteran speculated, shooting or using a grenade will always reveal one's position in the dark. The best sneak attack is of course to throw a grenade.

So, the three people Shang Zhen brought out were all capable of throwing grenades far away.

The ensuing battle unfolded as Shang Zhen expected. They didn't know whether the Japanese soldiers were killed or not. It was enough for the Japanese soldiers to shoot randomly. And then they were sure that the Japanese soldiers killed in the bombing were just like the soldiers in the distance. As I heard everywhere, they silenced a Japanese light machine gun.

Seeing that the Japanese army was in chaos, Shang Zhen had already led the three men back quietly in the dark.

The retreat route had been observed by Shang Zhen during the day.

Of course he had to choose a suitable place to walk, such as behind woods or low hills.

They chose this terrain to walk on the one hand to avoid the bullets fired indiscriminately by the Japanese army, and on the other hand they also wanted to find a hiding place, because under normal circumstances, if they were tossing around the Japanese army, the Japanese army would definitely be To use flares.

But now the flare has not been raised, which is contrary to common sense!

Shang Zhen didn't believe it, and neither did his three soldiers.

Da Laobeng, Gu Man, and Ma Erhuzi were not joking people. Naturally they knew the importance at this time, and they all wondered why the Japanese army did not use flares after being attacked.

But after just a moment, before Shang Zhen could figure it out, the old man said: "Isn't it that the little devil doesn't dare to use flares?"

Just this sentence, even in the dark night, Shang Zhen felt that his eyes lit up!

Others don't know, but Shang Zhen knows that the name of Big Old Stupid is just a nickname. Not only is Big Stupid not stupid, he can even be said to be very smart!

Shang Zhen directly understood the subtext of Big Old Stupid's words!

"Why don't you dare to use flares when you have so much firepower?" Ma Erhuzi was puzzled. Gu Man didn't say anything because he didn't want to understand.

But Shang Zhen had already said: "If you dare not use flares, it means that the little devils are as shady as us, and it only means that they also want to take advantage of the darkness to attack us.

It was just dark when we came out, so the little devil must have just come out.

But which direction is the little devil? Shang Zhen pondered, but it only took him a moment before he whispered, "I know!" Come with me!

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