The Japanese army obviously did not expect that the previous burst of artillery did not destroy the Chinese army's will to resist on that hill, so the dull sound of artillery sounded again, and the sound of artillery became louder and louder. But the pits are getting bigger and bigger.

Amidst the rumbling sound of the artillery, Shang Zhen and some soldiers huddled in a large pit, listening to the sound of the artillery, looking at the earth and trees rolling down from the mountain, and the earth exploding from not far away. .

Now it seems that the large and small pits dug by soldiers on the reverse slope with bayonets and hands are still very effective. The shells will not fall directly on the reverse slope, but the earth and rocks sometimes fly over when the explosion collapses. After crossing the big and small pits, there was an extra layer of protection, but this time even the head injury and bloodshed were avoided.

Seeing that the Japanese artillery could no longer cause damage to them, the soldiers relaxed. During the interval of the gunfire, some soldiers praised: "This is the best move of the company commander. If the fortifications were dug earlier, it would save my head." Got smashed!"

Originally, this soldier was wearing a hat, but during the previous shelling by the Japanese army, his forehead was hit by stones as big as an egg. Regardless of whether it hurt or not, at least he was wearing a hat before the swelling subsided. Not on.

"You can't fight a war just by being brave and not afraid of death. You also have to learn to use your brain. We are inferior to the Japanese in many aspects, but as long as we find the right way, we can fight more Japanese and get less injured ourselves." Shang Zhen concluded. .

Shang Zhen used his unique Northeastern language expression to make it very straightforward to use your brain to fight the Japanese, that is, to find the right way.

With a "boom", another artillery shell exploded on the top of the mountain. The soldiers hiding on the reverse slope subconsciously shrank into the pit again, but this time it was just an instinctive reaction, and they were no longer afraid in their hearts. .

Shang Zhen ignored the dust rolling down the mountain and glanced at the faces of the soldiers in the pit.

The faces of these soldiers were familiar yet unfamiliar to him.

Friendly, that's because everyone is originally from the Northeast Army. Every time they open their mouths, they always say "What's wrong" and "Gaha". They all speak the stale Northeastern dialect. I have been drifting away from the Northeast Army for many years. For Shang Zhen who is not in the main force, it is an authentic local accent.

Strange, that's because the soldiers in this pit are all guards, and he doesn't even know any of the original soldiers.

Shang Zhen led the veterans to fight back against the Japanese army on the mountain. The people from the guard company below dug several pits under the steep slope as fortifications.

Before the Japanese army started shelling again, Shang Zhen brought the veterans down, separated from them, and entered the fortifications of his new subordinates alone.

No matter what happens in the future, Shang Zhen is now also the commander of the security company.

He is a veteran, and of course his new subordinates are also veterans!

How many new soldiers can the Northeast Army recruit after entering the customs? The few that I can recruit are all by chance. If the Northeast Army recruits a large number of soldiers to catch strong men, it will definitely be counterattacked by the warlords in the original sphere of influence!

Although we are all veterans, veterans are different from each other. Shang Zhen thought to himself that he still has some experience in how to survive after being separated from the large army for a long time.

But it can't be like last time. Although I was not appointed as the company commander by the superiors, I brought those temporary subordinates, and in the end, only my brother was left!

Those soldiers were not from the Northeast. They could not be said to have sacrificed their lives for the country. This time, as the soldiers I led were all from the Northeast, I would be able to save their lives. However, in everyone's mind, these soldiers are different from others. .

This is like Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu, who committed suicide in Wujiang. There were only a few hundred soldiers left. Aren't they also Xiang Yu's disciples?

The history books said that Bing Shang Zhen really couldn't remember how many of Xiang Yu's disciples were left. In other words, he was not reading history books at all. Then he was just reading an idiom dictionary. He remembered the idiom "Farewell My Concubine". The story about Xiang Yu committing suicide in Wujiang River.

For the above reasons, Shang Zhen felt that he should still say something to his new subordinates.

"Besides, the 38 Gai we are using now is a good gun. It can hit far and the recoil is not strong, but the bullet is too thin. Let's blunt the tip of the bullet so that the bullet can't hit the distance. The accuracy is about the same, but the holes made when hitting the little devil are different. This is also a way to find the right way."

"For another example, regardless of whether the shoes we wear are made of rubber or cloth, they are not as strong as the big-toed shoes of little devils.

But put aside, if we really fight with the little devils on a rainy day, our shoes will not be as slippery as theirs, so this is the right way to go. "

"For another example, our guards have many guns. I see many brothers have both short guns and double guns.

We all know that short guns are not very accurate, but shooting quickly is good for close combat. So, can we ambush first, wait for the Japs to get close, and use our advantage in firepower to launch a surprise attack on the Japs? "

What Shang Zhen was going to say next was undoubtedly to "find the right way", but at this moment another artillery shell exploded over their heads, so they who were hiding in the anti-slope fortifications saw dust pouring from their heads again. Down.

When there was less dust, Shang Zhen was about to continue talking, but then a soldier asked first: "Company commander, what next?"

"What then?" Shang Zhen was stunned.

"You're not saying that we use our superior firepower to launch a surprise attack on the Japs, and what happens next?" the soldier asked.

"Then -" Shang Zhen paused for a moment and then replied matter-of-factly, "Then run away! If you take advantage, why don't you run away? Why don't you wait for the little Japanese reinforcements to come and fight back with us?"

Shang Zhen's answer made the soldiers laugh loudly. Yes, the enemy is strong and we are weak. So if you take advantage and don't run away immediately, do you have to wait for the little devil to come back and take revenge?

The laughter of the soldiers made the soldier who asked the question blush. He quickly defended: "I mean, don't we need to defend our position? Just like now."

"You are stupid. How can you retreat now that the brigade headquarters is behind you?" This time, Shang Zhen didn't need to say a word. A soldier answered for Shang Zhen.

"Then what if, I mean what if, what if there is no brigade headquarters behind us, but the superiors ask us to hold our position and we take advantage, then should we run or not?" the soldier asked again.

"It's a military order from above to hold the position. Even if you take advantage, you can't run away!" Another soldier answered.

Only this time, most of the soldiers did not smile, but showed thoughtful expressions.

Everyone joined the army before September 18th, and the Anti-Japanese War alone has been going on for eight years. They are all old and young. Which one has not grown a brain and which one cannot think?

Everyone focused their attention on Shang Zhen.

This is a paradox, even though the soldiers don't know the word "paradox".

Fighting to take advantage and run away violates military orders, so which one is more important? They didn't think Shang Zhen could come up with any good ideas.

But Shang Zhen's answer was much more cheerful.

"Didn't I just say that? If you win, you will take advantage. If you continue to fight, you will suffer losses. Then run away. Only by living can you have hope, can you kill more Japanese devils, and can you go home one day." Shang Zhen So said.

In the end, Shang Zhen chose "to keep the green hills without fear of running out of firewood" among the two options.

But when he said this, those soldiers who said they would stick to their positions could not refute it. Yes, only if you are alive can you one day go home. It has been eight years since we left our hometown in the Northeast!

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