The Wandering Planet

Chapter 649 World Destroyer Snap Finger

The moment Qiao Lv snapped his fingers, time seemed to stop passing, and everything stood still, like a freeze frame in a movie.

The shadow from the dark dimension is still rushing towards him with teeth and claws, and Dormammu's face in the universe is deformed due to distortion.

Everyone is still fighting bravely. In the still time, Qiao Lv can better see the situation on the battlefield.

The howling bullets froze in mid-air, the fleet's artillery fire has not subsided for a long time, and thick dust rises from the ground, as if it can be molded into various shapes like clay.

Qiao Lv was the only one who could still feel the passage of time, but he also felt exhausted and unable to move.

The consequences of the six infinity gems were even greater than he had imagined. Qiao Lv's right hand completely lost consciousness, and the burn marks from the energy of the infinity gems spread all the way to his face.

At the moment when all the power of the Infinity Gem was activated, Qiao Lv felt as if every cell in his body had been torn apart, then reorganized and recovered, and then immediately torn apart, and the cycle would stop without knowing when.

Even the gloves of the source of fire showed scorched marks, and it seemed that they were about to be blown to pieces.

Such a snap of the fingers is really not something everyone can do. If the body hadn't been strengthened many times, Qiao Li's life could be killed with a snap of the fingers!

Taking advantage of the still time, Qiao Lv couldn't stop panting, hoping to return to a normal state as soon as possible, no one knows what will happen next.

Suddenly, with a thunderous sound, time began to flow again, but at this time the situation has changed drastically.

The shadow from the dark dimension was still crazily rushing up, but before touching Qiao Li, it turned into scattered ashes and drifted away like dust.

Not only them, but also the dark elves, legions of death, and legions of ashes remaining in the nine kingdoms, all turned into ashes at this moment and scattered with the wind.

The power of the Infinity Gems has even affected the entire dark dimension. The colorful stars from the dark dimension are all withering and decomposing one by one, turning into fine dust.

Dormammu is still struggling, trying to maintain his dark universe.

But it's like grabbing a handful of sand with your hands and letting it slip away in your palm.

"No! It's impossible!"

Dormammu roared frantically, completely devoid of his original arrogance.

His body has long been integrated with the dark dimension, and when everything collapses, Dormammu will naturally not be spared.

Dormammu's face gradually turned into a mass of mud, a sticky dark substance, like a slime.

The huge body could no longer maintain its original state, and began to shrink continuously, as if it was about to be sucked into a black hole.

"I am...I am..."

At the last moment of his life, Dormammu continued to repeat himself like a murmur, until his voice was completely hoarse, and he couldn't hear what he wanted to say.

Dormammu was like a huge statue on the scale of a galaxy, collapsed at this moment, turned into countless elementary particles, and scattered in the vast universe.

People on the earth raised their heads in surprise, bathed in the ashes all over the sky, and were pleasantly surprised to find that everything was over.

Dormammu's body no longer exists, and his consciousness has completely disappeared. He felt the pain of being torn apart just before he died.

And the despair of being powerless to do anything about it.

The huge vortex of purple, red, and blue light flashing strangely, and the weird and bizarre stars like viruses all disappeared with Dormammu's death.

What the Infinity Stones wiped out was the entire Dark Dimension, and there would never be another Dormammu in the world.

At this time, Captain America also noticed Qiao Li's condition, and rushed over to ask:

"Are you okay? Doctor, come here!"

Everyone also gathered around one after another, worried that Qiao Lv would leave them.

After snapping his fingers with six infinity gems, Qiao Lv's condition was really not that good.

His right hand was scorched in a large area, the skin was cracked and the flesh and blood underneath could be seen, the scars extended all the way to his face, and his right eye was bloodshot.

Even so, he stood up with difficulty, gritted his teeth and said:

"I'm fine."

The medical soldiers on the wandering earth immediately put down the biological force field and used nano hormones to treat his injuries. Qiao Li himself also has a strong regenerative ability, at least he won't die because of it.

After confirming that Qiao Li is fine, people can finally cheer and celebrate the victory, excitedly announcing that it's over!

Dormammu and his dark dimension were wiped out, and the vision of the gathering of celestial bodies finally returned to normal after a period of time.

The sun shines on the earth again, and the survivors burst into tears with excitement.

Doctor Strange walked up, glanced at the Time Gem on Qiao Li's right hand, nodded in relief and said:

"You're right, you deserve it more than me."

Qiao Lv forced a smile, and said half-jokingly:

"I should use the other hand, at least it won't hurt so much."

After this snap of the fingers, the earth became the ground zero of cosmic-level energy surge, and the entire dark dimension was wiped out.

There is no threat from the multiverse, and he dares to come to the earth so blindly, unless he feels that he can withstand the energy of the six infinite gems.

It can be said that Doctor Strange's mission has also been completed. He no longer needs to hold the Time Stone, or even the Supreme Mage, because there are better ways to protect the world.

He silently put away the fragments of Agamotto's Eye, greeted Qiao Li and left.

Maybe he will still rebuild the three temples and pass on the skills he has mastered, but the next generation of supreme mages will not have to worry about the threat from the dark dimension.

The Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force further helped to pacify the chaos in the Nine Kingdoms. Although Asgard was destroyed by the flame giant Surtur, the people of Asgard were brought to safety by the keeper of the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall. The place.

They originally wanted to avoid Hela, the goddess of death, but they didn't expect it to end up like this.

Although only the people of Asgard survived, it was enough for Thor to feel comforted. At least he did not fail completely. From now on, he will replace the dead Odin and lead these people to start a new life.

Considering their contributions, rebuilding a home in the Nine Realms is not difficult, and humans are happy to help.

Qiao Lv has successfully completed his mission here, collected six infinity gems, and verified their power.

Although he was seriously injured because of this, it was not time to rest. He still had another timeline of the Marvel Universe to deal with.

Reversing the future of the final battle and saving half of the lives wiped out by Thanos, this is the real end!

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