The Wandering Planet

Chapter 642 ? Infinite Power

Except for the singularity grenade, the dark elves' attack methods are lacking.

Especially after being approached, they dare not use grenades. Once they cannot dodge before detonating, they themselves will be involved.

Taking advantage of this, all members of the Avengers rushed forward to fight the dark elves. Even a shooter like Hawkeye turned into a melee archer, and hit the enemy's face with a bow and arrow.

The dark elves are not a muscular race that is good at hand-to-hand combat, let alone face a ruthless character like the Avenger.

The US team can easily knock them down even with only one arm left, Tony puts on the anti-Hulk armor directly, rushes into the crowd and smashes them at will.

As for the real Hulk, he rushed straight to the cursed warrior after transforming.

Although the cursed warrior also looks like a macho, but after all, the difference in size is here, and everyone thinks that Hulk can easily knock him away.

However, in the face of the menacing Hulk, the cursed warrior was not afraid at all. A dark red energy flowed in his body, gradually forming a black mist that enveloped his whole body.

Hulk's sandbag-sized fist went straight to his face, but the cursed warrior just raised his hand to block it. The two terrifying brute forces collided and formed a violent shock wave in the air, creating a large crack on the ground.

The cursed warrior was pushed back a few meters by Hulk's strange force, leaving two deep pits on the ground, but that was all, after that, Hulk could no longer push him back.

Seeing the black mist rising from the cursed warrior and the dark red energy flowing in the blood, Captain America reacted instantly:

"It's the effect of infinite gems!"

Before Hulk could punch again, the cursed warrior kicked him away in turn.

The Hulk, which weighed a ton, was kicked tens of meters away, and did not stop until it crashed into a tall building.

The tall building collapsed in an instant, and hundreds of tons of reinforced concrete were pressed down, burying Hulk in it.

This shot made the Avengers realize that the Cursed Warrior is different. He has the power of ether particles in him, so his strength far surpasses other dark elves.

Since you can't match your strength, let's try changing the speed.

Kuaiyin rushed forward with lightning speed, punched the cursed warrior a few times, and even pulled out the dragon blade that Qiao Lu gave him, trying to cut off the cursed warrior's head with one blow.

Unexpectedly, in the face of Kuaiyin's offensive, the cursed warrior did not dodge or evade at all, and endured all attacks with a blank face.

Kuaiyin's fist seemed to be innocuous to him. Even when the dragon blade was unsheathed at the end, it only cut into about a third of his neck, and then it was like Wu Gang cutting down a tree. Curse the life of the warrior.

It's just that Kuaiyin couldn't be caught at the speed of the cursed warrior. He turned his eyes to the other people who were fighting with his men, and ordered coldly:

"The main gun fires!"

Behind him, the dark elf mothership pierced into the ground like a sharp sword finally played a role.

An extremely dazzling light emanated from the dark matter reaction chamber at the top, and then a red beam of light blasted down, sweeping towards everyone in the Avengers, including the dark elves who were still entangled with them.

Even though the dark elves use dark matter in an extremely primitive way, this dark matter energy cannon still shows extremely terrifying power,

For example, the Starkiller base in Star Wars is powered by dark matter.

The Scarlet Witch tried to expand her shield to block the blow, but under the pouring of dark matter energy, her shield burst like a bubble in an instant, unable to withstand the bombardment of the dark elf mothership at all.

At this moment, a figure stood in front of her, slowly raised his right hand, and received the destructive energy.

It was Qiao Lv who stood in front of Wanda. On his right hand was the transformed Infinity Gauntlet of Fire Seed Source, inlaid with four infinity gems in yellow, orange, blue and purple.

The dark matter energy poured down like a waterfall, drowning everyone including Qiao Li in an instant.

However, the explosion that the curse warrior expected to destroy the entire city and even the entire earth did not happen, and even the floor did not shatter, as if what he saw was just a gorgeous special effect without any practical effect.

At this moment, even the cursed warrior, who was always paralyzed, couldn't help showing surprise. This dark matter engine mothership is the pride of the dark elves. It is fearless even in the face of Odin. How could it not even smash the floor?

At this time, a figure stepped out from the light pouring from the dark matter energy, and a purple gemstone emitted a dazzling iridescent light on his glove, which turned the gunfire of the dark elf mothership into flashy fireworks.

That's right, Qiao Lv used the Power Gem. After returning to the Marvel Universe, the Infinity Gem completely restored its original function. Even if it was a dark matter weapon, it couldn't hurt him at all.

Qiao Lv also decided not to pretend, he already got four infinity gems, let these dark elves see the power of other infinity gems!

Everyone present was stunned, even the avengers who had seen the power gem's effect, were shocked by Qiao Li's strength.

They've long been devoted to preventing the disaster caused by the Infinity Stones, and these powerful artifacts have basically made no good impression on them.

But this time, an existence as powerful as Thanos who holds four infinite gems is on his side.

For example, Qiao Li used the power gem to deal with a blow that even the Scarlet Witch could not resist.

Such is the power of the Infinity Stone, and when used in the right way, it is a most reliable weapon!

Qiao Lv absorbed all the energy of this round of shelling into the power gem, then released the energy with a fist, and returned it all to the dark elf mothership.

A purple beam of light burst out from the power gem, sweeping across the dark elf mothership under the control of Qiao Lv.

Suddenly, this huge mothership seemed to have been cut in half, cut in half by the returned energy, and collapsed.

After coming and going, without any effort, the dark elf mothership was eliminated by Qiao Li in a snap of his fingers.

The dark elves who were about to blast their main cannons into scum suddenly scattered at this moment.

They are not puppets without self-awareness, and they will be greedy for life and fear death just like humans. What's more, if they find that their mothership fires regardless of their own lives?

Only the cursed warrior still rushed to Qiao Lv faithfully, trying to take away the infinite gem on his fire source glove.

But how could Qiao Li let him succeed?

The Reality Stone altered his body to make the cursed warrior invulnerable, but another attack was inevitable.

An orange light flashed on Qiao Lv's right hand, and this time it was the soul gem's turn to play its role.

The cursed warrior fell to the ground like a puppet with broken strings. When he came back to his senses, he had turned into a spirit body and floated in mid-air.

No matter how strong a person is, the soul is still fragile. Qiao Li pulled the cursed warrior's soul out of his transformed body, so there was nothing to be afraid of anymore!

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