The Wandering Planet

Chapter 312 The Flame of War Ignite

When Genji rushed to the village at the foot of the Sanctuary Mountain in Nepal, the villagers had already clashed with the outside invaders, and the situation was quite bad.

Faced with this group of invaders armed with live ammunition, the almost unarmed villagers could only be driven away like livestock.

The ancestral hall in the center of the village became the place where they imprisoned the villagers, surrounded by a large group of heavily armed soldiers.

As Zenyatta said, the village has basically been declared occupied, and energy should be concentrated on protecting the remaining two objective points, rather than fighting the enemy for control here.

Only then did Genji realize that the intruders were Black Claw's elite assault force, and most of them were already rushing to the altar on the mountain, while the rest were continuing to clean up the village and give all the villagers they captured to him. locked up.

A large number of villagers were all crowded in a small ancestral hall, squatting on the ground with their heads covered and shivering.

This group of Black Claw soldiers would lock up humans first, but they mercilessly killed the omnic monks they found on the spot.

The thinking of Zhitong and Black Claw can be said to be incompatible, and it is only natural that these omnic monks bear the brunt of their massacre.

As for how they will deal with the imprisoned villagers after killing all the omnic monks, it is impossible to know.

Just as the leader of the Black Claw squad led another group of villagers into the ancestral hall, a green figure suddenly passed by the window like lightning, and the two Black Claw soldiers fell down immediately, making the surrounding people instantly vigilant.

"what happened?"

Before they found each other's trace, three shurikens struck through the air from the shadows again, hitting the necks of the three Black Claw soldiers with precision, making them barely make a sound.

Then Genji's figure finally emerged from the shadows, and the mechanized figure made the tension of these Talon soldiers reach the extreme in an instant.

"Fire! Fire!"

In a blink of an eye, they all aimed their guns at Genji and spit out flames frantically, but this was their own death.

I saw Genji pulled out Wakizawa and swung it with extreme speed. Within two seconds, all the bullets shot at him were bounced back without leakage.

The crazy strafing shots of the Black Claw soldiers were all bounced back to their own people.

All of a sudden, another large piece fell.

It's just that other Talon members in the village were alarmed by the gunshots, and they were rushing here quickly. Genji wanted to take back the village, but it was not so easy.

When Winston, who was chasing up from behind, arrived, Genji was already fighting with the coming Talon troops.

It was still in a beastly state, and followed Genji into the battle without saying a word, jumped directly into the crowd of the coming Black Claw troops, and directly broke up the Black Claw formation by relying on wild fighting methods , to create an opportunity for Genji to complete the final harvest.

Even without verbal communication, the tacit understanding between them was still the same as before. With the concerted efforts of the two, they quickly repelled a group of Talon troops. At this time, Qiao Lv also rushed to the scene.

"Was Black Claw the first one to come?"

It was not Tianyan who took the first action, which surprised Qiao Lv a little. It's just that Tianyan may also use black claws to achieve its goals, so the difference is not very big.

Winston gradually regained his composure after venting his anger on these black claws.

It took out a spare pair of glasses and put them on again, and then persuaded Genji after returning to the posture of a scientist:

"You shouldn't have acted without authorization. Just because the three of us can't hold this place, let's retreat to the altar or sanctuary first."

However, at this time, Genji looked at the burning village ravaged by war without saying a word. Once here, his soul returned to peace, but as the flames of war burned, his heart became turbulent again.

"No, I want to keep here." He said.

Then Genji looked at the ancestral hall full of villagers, and begged Qiaolu and Winston who rushed over: "Can you help me take the villagers to a safe place?"

Knowing that it could not convince Genji, Winston shook his head helplessly and said;

"Okay, but don't force yourself too much."

Winston directly opened the gate of the ancestral hall with brute force, and said to the terrified villagers inside: "Don't be afraid, we are Overwatch, follow me."

"Are you going to eat us?" a little girl frightened by its terrifying orangutan appearance asked in terror.

Winston replied gently: "I only like peanut butter. Anyway, I will take you out of here first."

Just as Winston was about to lead the villagers to evacuate, more Talon troops rushed over.

Genji rushed to engage them right away, but predictably, he wasn't enough to stop them all by himself.

The Talon team, arriving from the other direction, had already raised their guns on the fleeing villagers, the same thing any terrorist group would do to an uncontrolled hostage.

Winston immediately hugged the little girl in his arms, reflexively wanting to block the bullets for the villagers.

It's just that the hail of bullets it expected didn't come. Only a crisp whistle sounded, and a golden whistle shot through the vital points of the entire Black Claw team in an instant. Before they could even pull the trigger, they fell down in unison.

The sentry arrow finally returned to Qiao Li's hands, and he said to Winston: "Okay, let's go, I will cover you."


With Qiao Lv's help, the work of evacuating the villagers became much smoother. ,

Qiao Lv once again released the sentry arrows to patrol the surroundings. The Black Claw soldiers who rushed over were often killed by the elusive sentry arrows before they could fire a shot. It can be said that offense is the best defense.

On the other hand, Genji was cleaning up the enemies occupying the village, relying on his powerful mobility and ingenious evasion ability to come and go freely among the enemies, ordinary Talon soldiers could not grasp his movements at all.

Although the efficiency is not high, Genji is indeed gradually regaining control of the village, and taking back this piece of land that belongs to his soul.

However, when he returned to his room in the village, an unexpected figure appeared in front of Genji.

It was a man with a high-tech mechanical bow and a dragon tattooed on his upper body. He was fascinated by the group photo of Genji on the table.

When he sensed Genji's return, he turned around slowly. He was the other person in the photo, Genji's brother, Shimada Hanzo.

It is thanks to him that Genji became what he is now. The brothers who had turned against each other met again after Hanamura said goodbye.

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