The Wandering Planet

Chapter 262: Global Sensation

After leaving the Central Academy of Sciences, Qiao Lv once again returned to Hawaii Island in the Pacific Rim plane through the planetary engine. At this time, the long night had just passed, and there was a dim light in the sky.

"What a tossing all night." Qiao Lu couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After this night, earth-shaking changes have also taken place in the Pacific Rim plane.

The first thing that caused the biggest impact was that this magnificent planetary engine super fortress finally made its debut in front of the world.

At this time, there were already a large number of helicopters hovering around the Hawaiian Islands, watching this huge building that was two kilometers higher than the highest peak in the world from a distance.

The journalists who rushed to report at the first time were almost too scared to grab the microphone when they saw this metal mountain towering over the island of Hawaii and occupying half of the sky.

Compared with this huge man-made structure, the Kilauea and Mauna Loa volcanoes on the island of Hawaii look like a series of small mounds.

What kind of civilization is it that can build such an astonishing super project?

The reporter turned around and wanted to say something to the camera, but picked up the microphone but was speechless for a while.

In front of such a majestic building, all words are pale, and after witnessing all this with their own eyes, they are deeply aware of this.

Even the global audience who saw this scene through the TV screen could hardly believe that it was a real scene. If the host hadn't repeatedly emphasized, they would have thought it was the trailer of some movie.

Even if it is really a movie special effect, this is too shocking.

"These reporters are running so fast." Qiao Lu looked at the helicopter in the distance and said, "Could they all come from Hong Kong like me?"

Wang Lei stepped up and said, "There are journalists from all over the world, and we have warned them to keep their distance."

"Is this okay? After only one day, everyone knows about it." Qiao Li asked suspiciously.

Wang Lei replied: "This is also part of the plan. We need a certain deterrent force to allow them to discuss cooperation with us."

In terms of deterrence, the monster corpses all over the ground are definitely enough.

Not to mention the Kilauea volcano that was flattened by the Prism Tower,

As well as the island of Hawaii that was cut off by one-fifth, even if you don't know what weapon caused it, you can realize that the destructive power of this giant fortress is not simple.

In fact, apart from the long-aware partner Shaw Industries and the regime behind it, other countries in the Pacific Rim plane were quite frightened by the sudden appearance of this planetary engine.

What kind of scientific and technological strength and industrial technology is this to create such a huge building with a height of 12,000 meters?

However, this is not the scariest thing. The scariest thing is that they didn't realize when this huge building was completed.

In their view, the planetary engine seems to grow suddenly overnight, and it can be called a miracle of overnight city in the new era.

In the White House in Washington, the President of the United States slammed the document onto the table and cursed at the Secretary of Defense and others in front of him:

"Such a big fortress was built on our original land, and you didn't find it until today! Hundreds of billions of dollars in military expenditures have been eaten up? Are you blind to launch so many satellites?"

The Minister of Defense lowered his head and said: "Sir, we really don't know when it appeared there, until yesterday there was no abnormality in the satellite images, only a little interference was received when the monster invaded... Then, it's there."

The president refused to give up and asked: "Then tell me how such a giant fortress higher than Mount Everest was built? It can't grow out of the ground!"

In his cognition, it is more reliable to say that such a huge planetary engine came out of the ground than it fell from the sky. He can't imagine that such a huge building can be launched into the sky, so why don't you God.

The director of the Central Intelligence Agency said: "We are trying to infiltrate, but their organization is very strict, and our spies were discovered before they got close. The reconnaissance drone can only watch from a distance, and once it gets close, it will be interfered immediately. out of control."

"Then which organization do you think produced this?" the president asked angrily, "Which organization on earth can produce such a thing?"

"We only know that all this seems to be related to Shaw Industries..."

Just like what was discussed at the beginning, Shaw Industries has honorably become the "blame man" of this incident, falsely claiming that the island of Hawaii is actually a military base they secretly established, just to prevent the sudden invasion of large-scale monsters And built.

Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is impossible to build such a huge giant fortress with only a military enterprise, it does not prevent the people from having unparalleled support and trust in it.

After experiencing the half-assed Mecha Hunter project and the wall of life project like a joke, people finally saw the hope of defeating the alien invaders again.

Among other things, just the huge size of the planetary engine, which was as majestic as Mount Tai, and the corpses of alien monsters crawling at the foot of the mountain like ants, immediately made them feel unprecedented confidence.

It turns out that humans can do this kind of thing! These terrifying alien monsters are not invincible at all!

Last night they were still indignant at the deceit they had suffered and the incompetence of ppdc. Today they found new hope, and they were all excited about the great results of the Hawaiian War.

Speaking at the UN meeting, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry said:

"This is a great victory for human beings against alien invaders! It is also this victory that makes us realize that the alien invasion resistance plan led by the Pan Pacific Defense Corps, referred to as ppdc, is far from reaching its goal. The results that should be achieved. Therefore, our country hereby appeals that all countries in the world should once again put forward a new plan for reaching a deep cooperation and a closely linked community of shared future for mankind, and make unremitting efforts to enable all mankind to face the threat of alien aggression together·· "..."

From this moment on, the world structure of the Pacific Rim plane has entered a new stage.

This earth-shattering Hawaiian war, as well as the miraculous appearance of the planetary engine, is setting off a huge wave around the world.

A new world pattern is gradually taking shape!

( = )

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