The Wandering Planet

Chapter 129 Liu Qi's Discovery

On the asteroid near the wandering earth, the space engineering team is mining rare ores.

Most of the people who participated in this engineering team were workers who had mined superconducting ore on the planet Pandora, so they finally had some experience in extraterrestrial mining operations.

But mining ore in asteroids without atmospheres is still a tough job.

The first is the limited living space. The workers can only eat, drink, and ladle in heavy-duty vehicles. Only in rare cases will they put on protective clothing and put on oxygen helmets to get out of the vehicles.

What's more, there is nothing to see even if you go outside. The environment on this asteroid is just like the surface of the moon. There are pits everywhere, except for stones or stones.

There may be a little freshness at the beginning, but after watching it for a long time, it will only feel dull and boring, and it is not as gorgeous as the Pandora jungle.

The absence of an atmosphere also means other dangers, such as micrometeorites, interference from solar storms, and falling space junk.

Here, a small fault may kill someone. From the moment they landed on the asteroid, the members of the space engineering team must work hard and not relax even for a moment.

As pioneers of asteroid mining by wandering Earth humans, they are destined to take a little more risk.

One small step for each of them, one giant leap for mankind.

Liu Qi hastily filled his stomach in the driver's seat, and restarted the heavy-duty truck, ready to continue today's mining operations.

The familiar voice broadcast resounded in the car again: "Intermediate driver Liu Qi, the Earth's Third District Transportation Committee reminds you: There are thousands of roads, safety first, irregular driving, and two lines of tears for relatives."

"I've all gone to outer space, can you change the slogan?"

When Liu Qi heard these words, he could almost hear the shadows, but every time the truck was started, he had to be brainwashed like this.

He didn't know if his relatives were crying, but he was about to cry.

However, complaining is complaining, and the work must continue to be done.

In order for Han Duoduo to go to the University of Film and Television, he had to work hard as a brother.

At the same time, it is also to prove to Liu Peiqiang that he has grown up,

No need for him to worry anymore.

Liu Qi is no longer the young boy he used to be.

He drove the carrier vehicle to the edge of a mine pit, activated the carrier vehicle's deformation ability, transformed it into a bipedal mecha and stepped into the mine pit.

Relying on the mining drill bit in the left hand of the carrier mecha, the multi-functional giant pliers in the right hand, and the vast storage space formed by the deformation of the rear compartment, Liu Qi excavated dozens of tons of minerals in this trip, and just came out of the mine. .

For the driver, it is also a very boring and tiring job.

Just when Liu Qi was about to turn the mecha back into a carrier vehicle and send the minerals to the unloading area, the accident happened suddenly.

I saw a hexagonal gap suddenly appeared in the air not far from him, and inside this gap was the scenery of another corner of the universe.

Before Liu Qi could realize what it was, a small spaceship braved the raging fire to pass through the gap and crashed onto the asteroid.

Then this magical hexagonal gap suddenly disappeared. If he hadn't seen the large swath of dust raised when the spaceship fell, Liu Qi would have wondered if this was a hallucination.

In any case, he reported the first time: "Captain Wang Lei, an unknown alien spaceship has crashed on our asteroid! Please send someone to investigate immediately!"

"Liu Qi, what did you find?"

Wang Lei never imagined that alien spaceships would appear in such a place.

What are they doing in a place like this? There is nothing but stones here.

Liu Qi further reported in detail: "The spaceship seemed to emerge from a mysterious space crack. When I saw it, it was crashing. It should have been chased by something and ran over."

"Is it a kind of jump technology?" Wang Lei couldn't help but think of this idea. This is a very valuable aerospace technology.

He hurriedly ordered Liu Qi: "Stay where you are and don't move! I'll rush over immediately!"

Under Wang Lei's instructions, Liu Qi just watched from a distance where the small spaceship was destroyed, and did not dare to approach the past rashly.

A few minutes later, Wang Lei drove a multifunctional infantry fighting vehicle over, got out of the car with a few wandering earth soldiers, and came to the vicinity of the crash site of the spacecraft.

Immediately after they disembarked, the multi-purpose infantry fighting vehicle transformed into a sensitive automatic missile turret aimed at the interior of the crashed ship.

Wang Lei stepped forward and said, "Liu Qi, leave it to us to deal with it, you should leave first."

Liu Qi shook his head and said, "No, you also need an engineering mecha to help with the investigation. Let me follow you."

It is true that in this case, having an engineering mecha can really play a lot of roles. Although Wang Lei wanted to maximize Liu Qi's safety, he also had to consider the needs of the mission.

"Okay, then you follow us carefully."

So the group approached the wrecked small spaceship cautiously. Wang Lei walked in front with several soldiers wearing powered exoskeleton equipment, while Liu Qi followed behind with his carrier mecha.

It's a variable-sweep-wing fighter that looks a bit like a stealth bomber, but is only big enough to hold a few people in space.

It seemed to have been hit by heavy artillery fire before it arrived here, and the rear half of the entire spaceship had been completely torn apart, revealing the untidy interior space inside.

Wang Lei and others planned to enter the small spaceship from here to see if there were any survivors inside.

In order to prevent accidents, several of them put on the matching protective masks on their helmets. This thing like an Iron Man helmet can protect their faces from fatal injuries, and of course, they also cover their faces.

Several flashlight beams hit the interior of the spacecraft, and no survivors were found in the first place.

Maybe the pilot died when the ship crashed, or maybe the small ship was unmanned at all, but they all need to investigate.

Just as Wang Lei and others cautiously continued to move inside the wrecked spaceship, a crisp whistle suddenly came from inside.

In an instant, a short golden guidance arrow dragged a red streamer out of the spacecraft, and Wang Lei, who was standing at the front, roared.

At this moment, everyone thought that Wang Lei was doomed, even himself.

But the strange thing is that this short golden arrow stopped at the critical moment, and it landed firmly on his throat, without going any further.

Then a man slowly walked out of the spaceship. He was wearing a red wallet and a strange silver helmet on his head. There was a strange device like a fish fin sticking out from the helmet. The golden short arrow in .

"I have to warn you, I stole this thing, and I'm not very proficient in using it now. If I'm even a little distracted, it'll pierce your throat immediately, understand?"

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