The Wandering Planet

Chapter 105 Preparations for departure and surging undercurrents

After determining the course of action, Qiao Li should start preparing for this Marvel Earth landing operation.

In fact, compared with the previous two landing operations of Pandora and Cybertron, this time Marvel Earth is relatively safe.

After all, the planet as a whole is still in a relatively peaceful and stable state. As long as ordinary people don’t die, they still have a better chance of surviving.

As long as he is not knocked out by Thanos with a snap of his fingers, pulled up to the sky by Ultron, encounters some messed up aliens, gets caught by the villain for human experiments, etc...

Well, it's really a peaceful place.

All in all, at least for the wandering earth exploration team, this world is much safer than the first two worlds.

In order to better integrate into the human society on this planet, the members of the exploration team this time have all changed into civilian clothes, pretending to be ordinary passers-by and preparing to land on Marvel Earth.

Their main task is to gather intelligence, so they just need to behave like normal people.

Qiao Lu also put on a neat suit and brought the Falcon-style armor box that Luo Yun gave him, even if he was ready for landing.

There may be some diplomatic contact with S.H.I.E.L.D. this time, so try to dress as formal as possible.

In order to facilitate their infiltration, the coalition government also provided a considerable amount of gold as start-up capital.

Public funds to eat and drink, travel around the world, this time the treatment of the Wandering Earth Exploration Team couldn't have been better.

After all, not every alien landing operation requires the bloodshed and sacrifice of the team members to solve it. This time they only need to do the preliminary investigation work.

The real battle came after the Chitauri space fleet arrived.

I hope that at that time, the wandering earth has everything ready.

To Qiao Lu's surprise, Liu Peiqiang was the only one partnered with him this time, but Wang Lei, the Iron Triangle, didn't follow.

This is not his style.

Liu Peiqiang explained: "Actually, I asked him to participate in another mission - the space resource development project. They will set off with us, but the destination is different."

"Space resource development project?"

Qiao Lu immediately remembered the space engineering plan that Zhang Bin had mentioned to him before, using the deformed heavy-duty carrier vehicle to put it on other planets for resource mining, and then transport it back to the wandering earth through the Ark.

This kind of space engineering plan naturally needs to be escorted by the military, and Wang Lei should be responsible for this work.

"But what do you ask him for?" Qiao Lu just said the words, and then he reacted immediately.

"I see. Liu Qi also participated in this space engineering program, right?"

Liu Peiqiang shook his head helplessly and said, "Duoduo wants to sign up to study film and television, so Liu Qi hopes to make more money to support her. In fact, he just needs to tell me, but you know, that kid is stubborn. temper."

It seems that their father-son conflict has not been completely resolved.

However, to be able to participate in such a space engineering program, it seems that Liu Qi has indeed grown a lot, and is no longer the clumsy junior pilot.

"Then I hope their work can go smoothly." Qiao Lu said.

"hope so."

Whether it is the planetary exploration team or the space engineering team, the space battleship used is the same - the Ark.

The Ark will first send the space engineering team to a nearby asteroid to mine ore, and then send the planetary exploration team to Earth in the Marvel Universe.

After Qiao Lu and others complete the preliminary investigation work, the Ark will start to return, and it will pick up the space engineering team full of rare ores in the middle and return to the wandering earth together.

This is the initial action plan.

The transforming vehicle for both carrying and mining was designed for this space engineering program.

As I said before, the only ones who can drive the Ark at present are Transformers with the corresponding size.

Therefore, this time, it is necessary to have Autobots to join.

Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang came to the Transformers Autonomous Region on the ground, where the huge space battleship Ark was ready to set sail again.

The operation also involved a large number of Autobots, most of whom acted as the driving staff of the Ark, as well as the labor force and the space engineering team to carry out the asteroid development project.

After living together for a month, many of the Autobots have gotten along well with humans. You can see them chatting and laughing with humans while lining up to board the ship.

The personnel who can participate in this operation have also been carefully selected, and naturally they will not discriminate against these Autobots.

The memorable first human and Autobot mission to space together.

On the bridge of the Ark, Optimus Prime had been waiting for a long time.

"Nice to meet you, Qiao Lu." Optimus Prime turned to greet the two of them.

"I'm going to trouble you again this time."

In the hands of Optimus Prime, there are also Autobots such as Tin and Bumblebee, who also participated in this operation together.

As Transformers who can transform into earth vehicles, they can also integrate into human society with Qiao Lu, so they also participated in this exploration operation together.

"I hope this time, there will be something that will make me feel good."

Tin Tin fiddled with the two cannons on his shoulders and said that after more than three months of training by the Wandering Earth Force, he is now a faithful admirer of firepower.

"Don't worry, there will be a chance for you to make a scene." Qiao Lu said with a smile.

For the New York battle that could still happen, their advance landing force had to be fully prepared for battle.

Transformers, which have undergone a large-scale magical transformation by human beings using transforming body technology, are the main force of this pioneering force.

Bumblebee, who was standing in the back, also played music on the radio: "Oh, we are unstoppable~?"

Qiao Lu's car on this trip was decided to be a high-end and handsome Chevrolet Camaro sports car.

Of course, it still needs to be deformed.

With everyone else boarding the ship, Cybertron's flagship Ark is ready to set off.

After making all these preparations, Optimus Prime asked Qiao Lu for instructions:

"Please give an order."

The huge hull of the Ark has slowly risen on the ground, just like a continuous steel mountain range is suddenly rising up from the earth.

"The Ark, go forward!"

Carrying two different races of humans and transformers and the same belief, the Ark accelerated out of the atmosphere of the wandering earth and rushed to this mysterious and unknown Marvel universe.

At the same time, on the other side of the galaxy, another force is also surging undercurrents.

On the Dark Star, the space carrier of the Kree Empire, the alien civilization, Ronan the accuser received new instructions from the messenger:

"Ronan, take your starship to Earth, where your army is needed."

Ronan was obviously puzzled by such an arrangement. He questioned the other party: "This is not our original agreement. I already have clues about the cosmic spirit ball. Why should I change my mind at this time?"

"There is no need to question the will of my lord, you just need to do it, and he will satisfy your wishes. But if you let my lord down, you will pay the price!"

Ronan had to shut up to show his acquiescence.

So another large interstellar battleship in the universe, for a completely different purpose, drove at high speed towards the same destination as the Ark.

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