The Void Lord’s Path To Planar Conquest

Chapter 36: Studying puppets and preparing for expedition (below)

At this time, Sartre has already started to study the madman mode. If the crown of thorns can have such a function, there must be a special magic pattern hidden in it.

Any item with special abilities in this universe must have a related magic pattern hidden inside it. The ability of the "creator" is to use these magic patterns and transform them.

This is why there are so many types of arms with complex capabilities.

At this time, Sartre is not yet capable of creating troop nests, and he can only create some puppets at present.

At best, he's just an "apprentice-level" creator.

Generally, when you can create a troop lair, it means that you have reached the "professional level".


PS: Divide creators into different levels by creating different levels of troop nests.

Levels 1, 2, and 3 are professional level

Levels 4 and 5 are proficient

Levels 6 and 7 are masters

Level 8 is Grandmaster

Level 9 is Grandmaster


However, the knowledge required by the troop lair is a bit huge, and it involves many special magic patterns and rules. Generally speaking, the weakest creators have the strength of level 6.

Because there are many rules involved in the troop nest, only enough to understand the rules. In order to know how to use various recruiting materials to convert into troops. Generally, only after reaching the sixth level can you be able to contact and perceive the rules.

Sartre put the crown in a special potion, which can reveal the magic pattern.

Soon, the crown showed extremely complex magic patterns, which Sartre immediately copied.

Then I started to study these magic patterns. Unexpectedly, such a small crown contains such complex magic patterns. These magic patterns are obviously a combination of multiple magic patterns.

Sartre observed carefully and recognized the two magic patterns "magic absorption" and "magic transmission". There are also a few magic patterns that are obviously used to convert magic attributes.


Unknowingly, Sartre stayed in the laboratory for nearly a year. During this time, the plane of the sun and the plane of Crewe had gathered in the plane of the wilderness, and were attached to the plane of the wilderness.

Now, the Wilderness Plane, which combines the other two planes, has more complete rules. And the plane origin of the two planes of Cang Ri and Kru has also become stronger.

At this time, from the outside of the plane, these two planes are like branches born from the wild plane. From the overall point of view of the Void Plane, it is like an extremely tiny branch with two small branches; but this subtle gap is like a small branch of human cells, which is not worth mentioning at all.

So, Sartre still has a long way to go.


After a long period of research, Sartre finally understood the magic pattern on the crown of thorns, and successfully created a batch of fusion angels.

These angels possess the curse of the dark angels, the spells of the blood angels, and the melee talents of the fallen angels.

None of the angels created by these fusions were lower than two levels. What satisfied Sartre most was the six-level and thirty-six-winged angel puppet in front of Sartre at this time.

Sartre transformed the bodies of the king of black angels and the king of flame angels into the body of the king of white angels "Demir", and connected the three angel hearts of the king of angels with magic patterns, and placed them on the body of "Demir". The body serves as an energy supply.

As Sartre expected, this angel successfully reached the sixth level, and the shape is basically the same as the fusion of the previous three angel kings. Except for the dull eyes, after all, it is just a puppet now. Although this puppet has the fighting instinct of its predecessor, it does not have the previous wisdom.

However, Sartre used the source of life he obtained before on this angel puppet. Now, in the puppet of the King of Angels, Sartre has already felt that a trace of soul is constantly being nurtured.

Sartre printed his own emblem on each puppet he created.

This kind of emblem is similar to the signature of the dwarves after building the equipment. It can be regarded as a publicity mark, and it is also an anti-counterfeiting mark. If Sartre wants to sell puppets in the future, it will be regarded as his trademark.


After so much time research, Sartre decided to go out, and Fenrir, who got the information, was already waiting outside.

At this time, Sartre came out of the laboratory with a group of strange angels.

There are a total of: one sixth-level angel, three fifth-level angels, twenty-six fourth-level angels, and more than 150 angels of the third, second and first levels.

Outside, Fenrir was waiting outside with five sixth-level yellow corundum giant spirits and a large group of troops of all levels.

The other four yellow corundum giant spirits were recruited by exchanging the three light element essences for the four earth element essences.

Most is still conquering the planes of Arin and the planes of Pug and has not returned.

Sartre has waited for so long, one is to study the puppet, the other is to wait for the recruitment time of the troops and gather enough troops.

Going to the sea of ​​planes is not so easy, you must be fully prepared.

Sutter bought a lot of magic cannons this time, all of which have been transformed by the "creator". When they are not activated, they are similar to a small pendant in his hand.

Now, Sartre is ready.

For this expedition, Sartre's forces were as follows:

Level 6 Arms (Puppets): Quantity 6

Level 5 Arms (Puppets): Number 10

Level 4 Arms (Puppets): 300

The sum of the first, second and third grades is five thousand.

Sartre still has more than 5,000 troops of various levels as backup in the Wilderness Plane.

The current Sartre puts all the arms and puppets in the hidden arms, while Fenrir, as a hero arm, follows directly behind Sartre. In addition, a large number of materials are prepared in case they are not needed.


Sartre's consciousness communicated with the void mark, and a teleportation aperture instantly appeared on the ground. Sartre took Fenrir and walked inside the aperture.

With a flash of light, the halo of the Wilderness Plane disappeared.

In the distant sea of ​​planes, on a certain continent, a sudden light circle appeared. Two figures slowly emerged inside.

It was Sartre and Fenrir, and then the aperture disappeared.


Looking around, Sartre found that he seemed to be on some small island.

At this time, the message from the void lord mark turned out to be the basic information of this continent. Unexpectedly, Void would still provide original information here. There is no need for Sartre to find a way to find the local natives to "ask" information.


Soon, Sartre knew what was going on here.

This fast continent is called the "Blue Ocean" continent. 99% of the entire continent is the sea, and the rest of the land is islands.

And this continent is mainly dominated by humans, and there are also some intelligent marine creatures such as mermaids. The most important thing is that there are still many sea gods in this continent, and their strength has reached the seventh level.

This continent is mainly divided into two factions, one is the "pirate union" organized by pirates, and the other is the navy organized by many countries.

The two factions are inherently opposed. Pirates advocate freedom and make a living by plundering; the navy advocates order and relies on the assistance of many countries to fight pirates at sea. As soon as the two sides meet, it is basically a life-and-death battle.

In this continent, there have always been legends of nine legendary pirate kings and three legendary pirate ships.

Each legendary pirate king dominates a vast ocean, and within their sphere of influence, the navies of many countries dare not compete with them.

Each of these legendary pirate kings has a level 6 strength; their exclusive pirate ships are magic ships, and the firepower of these ships can be counted as a level 6 combat power.

Moreover, in this continent, a powerful pirate and a captain of the navy can also have a special ability, that is, when he and his ship fit to a certain extent, there will be a mood similar to "the unity of man and ship", which can comprehend and Use special skills.

Moreover, different captains of the same ship generally have different skills.

For example, the famous ghost ship "Black Pearl" pirate ship at sea, this ship was owned by two legendary pirate kings.

One is "Barbossa", who "obtained" the "Black Pearl" pirate ship from the former captain and learned the undead skills, which can turn the crew into undead. With this characteristic, the legendary pirate king ran rampant in the Caribbean waters and became a recognized legendary pirate king.

Later, the Black Pearl was recaptured by the former captain "Jack Sparrow", who was also the legendary pirate king. What he realized was the unparalleled speed skill and the ability of the hull to heal itself.

The "Black Pearl" pirate ship he led was the fastest ship in the entire continent. He can throw off all the ships in the shortest time, or run to the enemy's side at super fast speed and crush them. Even if the hull is damaged sometimes, it will be repaired automatically in the shortest With the ability of the "Black Pearl" pirate ship, Jack Sparrow went to many legendary forbidden places and obtained countless 's treasure.

The Black Pearl pirate ship has also become one of the three legendary pirate ships at sea.

Equally famous are the "Flying Dutchman", which is specially designed to transport souls and can travel between the underworld and reality, and the "Queen Anne's Revenge", which is fully enchanted with the entire ship.

It can be said that the person who obtained the three pirate ships and was able to use the "unity of man and ship". The status of the legendary pirate king will be instantly attained, and your name will spread across the continent in no time.


Sartre already knew almost the information about this continent.

Of course, there were also many problems, that is, the role of Sartre's yellow corundum giant spirit became very small.

After all, giant spirits are not suitable for water warfare, and their tall bodies are not suitable for staying on ships.

Another problem is that Sartre doesn't have a boat and they are now placed on a small island several kilometers in size.

And this island is too small to build a city with the Heart of the Plane.

What Sartre wanted was to build a ship, then act as a pirate, and occupy a sea area as a base. Then build a city to slowly expand the territory. After all, the pirate is the one who is most in line with the satyr concept or the void lord concept.

Maybe some people don't know the benefits of building a city.

After the city is built, Satyr can communicate with the wilderness plane through the plane portal inside the city, and can go back to supply troops at any time.

If the city is not established, although it can be teleported back through the void, the location of the next appearance on this continent will become random again. If there is a city, coming and going will be directly teleported to the city.


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