The night was heavy, the lights everywhere in Songhai Academy went out one after another, leaving only the students who lit the lights at night.

Chi Jingxi sat in the study for a long time, eyes tired. He closed the book and rubbed his eyes, planning to sleep.

The Moli standing beside him immediately opened the cotton curtain.

When Chi Jingxi stood at the entrance of the study, seeing the silence on the bed, he asked, "Is he asleep?"

"Back to Xiaohouye, Master Wen fell asleep half an hour ago, maybe it was a medicinal attack." Moli replied lowly.

Chi Jingxi picked up the Greatcloak and walked out, standing at the gate and calling the guard, "What did Mu Yang say?"

The guard replied, "Young Master Mu said that there is Fu's concubine in his house, and I am afraid there is no place for Xiaohou Master to sleep."

Chi Jingxi frowned and stepped out of the room, only to find that Xue didn't know when to stop.

He walked outside Mu Yang's room and made people knock on the door.

In the middle of the night, Mu Yang was still very energetic. He kept studying archery skills, dragging Fu Zixian, who was too sleepy, and refused to give up. He only let him go when he saw Chi Jingxi coming.

He came out and said, "Brother Xi, why are you here?"

Chi Jingxi asked, "Why is Fu's concubine in your room? Does he own a room?"

Mu Yang shrugged, "I wanted to ask him how to shoot the bullseye, so I called him. The charcoal fire in his bedroom was not enough to burn. In case the frostbite is bad, so I just let him live with me. ."

Chi Jingxi's lips moved, and he was about to refute how the charcoal fire was not enough to cause frostbite, but now he thought that there was still a sickly burning patient lying on his bed.

Only then did the conversation turn around and said, "Let him sleep in my room and I will sleep with you tonight."

Mu Yang asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? Wen Yantong made you angry again?"

"He has a cold." Chi Jingxi frowned. "Kicked the basin again and got wet and collapsed. Now he is asleep on the bed."

Mu Yang understood now. Chi Jingxi doesn't like sharing a bed with someone he doesn't know, so he would rather come and squeeze a room with him.

Mu Yanggang wanted to agree, but as if suddenly remembering something, he looked back at Fu Zixian who was dozing off, and then said, "Look, Brother Xi, the snow has stopped."

Unknown Chi Jingxi looked back, "So what?"

"As soon as the snow stops, someone will start cleaning the snow on the street early in the morning. We can go back to the house. Tonight is the last night of our stay." Mu Yang laughed, "Just bear with me again."

Chi Jingxi looked at him incredulously.

Mu Yang said, "Brother Xi, Wen Yantong is actually quite funny. He can talk in sleep even when he sleeps. You can listen to it tonight."


"I'm not telling you! I'm still waiting to practice level shooting!" Mu Yang took a step back and hurriedly closed the door. A voice came from the room, "See you tomorrow morning!"

Chi Jingxi looked at the closed door in front of him, furious. The brothers who grew up as a kid, unexpectedly abandoned him for archery.

He secretly wrote down this pen, and returned to the house angrily.

Chi Jingxi ordered people to boil hot water, and after taking a bath, he was about to turn off the lights and go to sleep.

He left Anhuai Hou Mansion when he was ten years old and came to Chaoge not far away. He has always lived in the Xiaohou Mansion bestowed by the emperor, and he has never slept with anyone.

But fortunately, Wen Yantong was a commoner and the son of a wealthy businessman. This made Chi Jingxi's heart a lot smaller. In addition, it was considered to be an intersection with this person, and he did not resist to a completely unacceptable level.

Wen Yantong likes to sleep against the wall, and the bedding that rolls him up is very good, and a large part of the bed is vacant. Chi Jingxi lay in another bedding.

As soon as I was on the bed, my wrists suddenly heated up when I was finishing the quilt. Chi Jingxi looked sideways and saw that Yantong opened his eyes for some time.

His eyes were full of sleepiness, as if he was forced to prop up his eyelids, looking at Chi Jingxi in a misty manner. The temperature in her palm was so hot that even if Chi Jingxi was not cold, she could clearly perceive the heat.

Chi Jingxi shook her wrist, did not shake her hand off, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing?"

"Master Xiaohou." Wen Yantong's voice was so dumb, he said to him, "Heying didn't deliberately not add charcoal fire last night. She thought your little servant was guarding in the room, so she didn't come in to add."

The room was quite quiet, and the dim light was shining in Wen Yantong's half-open eyes. Chi Jingxi thought for a while and realized that the lotus she was talking about was the maid who watched last night.

By the way, "What?"

"Don't blame her." Wen Yantong said.

Chi Jingxi said, "Didn't you already stop people?"

Wen Yantong withdrew his hand when he heard it, his voice getting lower and lower, murmured, "It's good if you don't blame it, it's scary to be fierce."

She retracted her hand into the quilt, rolled herself into a silkworm chrysalis, closed her eyes comfortably and continued to sleep.

Chi Jingxi glanced at her with a low eye, spread the quilt beside her hand, and then lay down to sleep. When he closed his eyes, the sound of another person's breathing came from his ear, which inevitably made him feel strange.

It's just that compared to last night, the medicinal smell is stronger, and it almost entangles Chi Jingxi's whole body, and the fragrance of the medicine is filled with a light inhalation.

Just as Mu Yang said, wait until this night is over.

Chi Jingxi slowly fell asleep in the fragrance of the medicine, gradually becoming blurred. When I was about to fall asleep, I suddenly heard chattering in my ear.

He frowned slightly, turned his head and saw that Yantong was still sleeping soundly, but his lips were squirming slightly, as if calling someone.

He endured it and decided to ignore it.

But as soon as he turned his head back, he heard Yantong muttering something uninterrupted, as if he didn't mean to stop. With such noise, Chi Jingxi couldn't sleep at all. He turned his head and twisted Wen Yantong's face, "Wake up..."

Wen Yantong felt the pain, struggling for a while, broke free from Chi Jingxi's hands, then shrank down, and said, "Be careful when I beat you."

Chi Jingxi laughed angrily. He was lame and short. Who could beat him?

But it worked. Wen Yantong was quiet for a while, and when Chi Jingxi was about to fall asleep again, she began to mutter again.

Chi Jingxi thought of what he used to watch from a tree. If someone was talking in a dream, he would pinch the tiger's mouth between his hands, pinch it for a while and stop saying it again.

He reached out into Wen Yantong's bed and looked for her arm. With two hands on his side and the other on his neck, Chi Jingxi found both hot hands and pinched the tiger’s mouth.

Wen Yantong screamed immediately and woke up all of a sudden, staring at Chi Jingxi.

Seeing that she was awake, Chi Jingxi hurriedly threw her hand aside, coughed and warned, "Be honest, don't talk in sleep anymore."

Wen Yantong was unconscious, slumped his mouth and rubbed his hands, and mumbled something about turning his back to sleep, but nothing happened.

Since then, Wen Yantong has been very quiet, and nothing has happened.

She slept for a long time, almost softened the bones of her body, and when she woke up, she was confused.

Then her consciousness slowly became clear. She thought of Chi Jingxi's care after she fell ill yesterday, and she couldn't help but look sideways. Chi Jingxi was still asleep, and seemed to be exhausted, her handsome face surrounded by tranquility.

The long eyelashes are like ink-stained ones, which are obvious on fair skin. Wen Yantong took a serious look, and secretly said that Chi Jingxi really had a heart-wrenching face.

After a night's rest, her high fever has gone away, but it is inevitable that there will be some slight pain in some parts of her body because of lying down for too long. Wen Yantong wanted to lie down in the bed for a while, but didn't want Chi Jingxi to see her unhappy early in the morning, so she wanted to step over him to get out of bed.

It's just that Chi Jingxi's stature is very long. Wen Yantong underestimated his height, accidentally stepped on his lap, and fell off the bed immediately and fell into a butt.

Hearing Yantong wailed twice, rubbing his **** and about to stand up, Chi Jingxi was awake, frowned and sat up from the bed, her eyes still lingering sleepiness, and she was always lazy.

Wen Yantong got up, put on a thick cotton coat, and smiled at him, "Master Xiaohou is awake? How is he sleeping?"

Chi Jingxi just woke up, with no attack power, full of innocence and harmlessness. He frowned slightly and whispered, "Headache."

Wen Yantong was stunned when he heard his voice. Why is it the same as her yesterday morning, with a dumb stuffy nose and a headache.

"Little Houye," Wen Yantong approached and reached out to probe his head, "Aren't you sick?"

If it were Chi Jingxi on weekdays, she would definitely not let her approach. But maybe he just woke up right now, or he was slow to react when he was ill, so that Wen Yantong touched his forehead.

"It's a bit hot, it should be cold." Wen Yantong said, "Who made you sleep well last night, and attacked me? I am infected now..."

Chi Jingxi glanced at her, subconsciously trying to explain, "That's because you talked in sleep."

"I'm talking in my dreams, you just wake me up, why pin me?" Wen Yantong sighed, pressing his shoulder, "You lie down first, cover it with a quilt, and I will tell you to cook medicine for you."

Chi Jingxi brushed her hand away, "No problem."

"No!" Wen Yantong said hard, "If you don't eat, you will be the same as I was yesterday, and you won't know the south, east, west, northwest."

She covered the quilt for Chi Jingxi, and went out and ordered Molijian two medicines to cure the wind and cold, and delivered two lighter salty porridges.

After entering the door, I saw Chi Jingxi closing his eyes, not knowing whether it was sleeping or resting because of a headache. She took the clothes to the screen and put them on, and then asked people to add charcoal fires again.

Just as hot water came in, the Moli filled the pot and poured some more into the basin for Wen Yantong to wash.

Wen Yantong first poured the water to give Chi Jingxi a drink.

When Chi Jingxi was sick, she had no temper, and she was full of laziness. It should be the best time to look at Wen Yantong's face. He drank two sips of boiling water and asked, "What time is it?"

"Yinshi." Wen Yantong said, "The snow has stopped outside."

Chi Jingxi asked again, "Is the road swept away?"

"Should be swept away." Wen Yantong said in a casual way, "Does Xiaohouye want to go home?"

Chi Jingxi lowered his eyes, drank the water in the cup, and sighed tiredly, "Well, I want to go home."

Wen Yantong took the cup and said, "Drink the medicine and come back, otherwise the cold wind will aggravate the illness on the road."

Chi Jingxi didn't say that he didn't want to, so Wen Yantong put the cup to wash. After washing her face, closing her eyes and groping for a towel, someone suddenly took the towel and handed it over. She wiped her face, and she opened her eyes and found that it was Chi Jingxi who was dressed.

"Why did you get up?" Wen Yantong asked in surprise.

Chi Jingxi's eyes sank and asked, "Who is Chi Shanli?"

Wen Yantong was frightened immediately, and almost exposed his emotions with a shake of his hand, and quickly covered his face with cotton cloth to cover his gaffe.

Chi Jingxi was also quite patient. He stood by the side and waited for a while, watching her dabblingly wiped her face.

Wen Yantong said haha, "I don't know, I haven't heard of it. Why are you asking me this suddenly? Is this man your cousin?"

"You talked in sleep last night and called this name several times." Chi Jingxi said.

"Have you heard me wrong?" Wen Yantong said, "I don't even know who this person is."

She threw the cotton cloth into the water basin, fearing that Chi Jingxi would ask further questions, she hurriedly shouted the Moli, "Bring some hot water in, and Master Xiaohou wants to wash."

Seeing her, Chi Jingxi didn't say anything, and did not continue to question. After bringing water in, he simply washed it, and it happened that the medicine and porridge were delivered together.

Two bowls of traditional Chinese medicine were placed on the table, and the taste was very strong, which made the eyes of smelling inkstone uncomfortable. She took one of the bowls and sighed, the medicine hasn't stopped since she came to this place.

After putting the Chinese medicine in the warmth, I heard Yantong twisted his nose and closed his eyes and drank it. As soon as I put the bowl down, I saw Chi Jingxi drank the medicine like drinking water.

After simply eating two mouthfuls of porridge, maybe it really didn't have any appetite, so I threw it aside.

After a while, Mu Yang found him and stood and shouted outside the door.

Chi Jingxi put on the bigcloak and left the bedroom.

The three-day blizzard finally passed and the sky cleared. When the clock of Chaoge struck for the first time in Maoshi, someone took a broom to sweep the snow and cleaned the streets, and the government hired the civilians of Chaoge with remuneration to encourage everyone to go to the streets to clean up.

In about two hours, the streets and alleys were almost open, and the snow was transported out of the city by trucks and trucks and piled up, waiting for the sun to melt slowly after it came out.

The sons of the officials trapped in Songhai Academy were also able to return home.

Wen Yantong stood by the door and rushed to leave Chi Jingxi to say goodbye, "Master Xiaohou, don't forget to take medicine when you get home."

Chi Jingxi didn't respond much, but Mu Yang turned her head and gave her a big smile, saying goodbye to her.

On the second day, the academy held classes as usual. Wen Yantong inquired, Chi Jingxi did not come, I am afraid that he didn't listen to the instructions, and he didn't take any medicine to aggravate the condition.

At noon that day, Wen Yantong took Fu Zixian to the dining hall and stood in front of the dish that Chi Jingxi said.

That dish is called a multitude of threads. In fact, the grilled chicken is placed on a plate, and then the chicken is cut into strips with a blade, and the sauce is poured over it.

Wen Yantong didn't know how Chi Jingxi knew that this dish was here, so she leaned over and took a closer look, and suddenly found the clue.

This is actually a very easy problem to find. No wonder Chi Jingxi said that he could write a withdrawal application if he couldn't see it.

Because the students in Songhai Academy are all delicate and do not eat chicken heads and chicken necks. Therefore, the meat on the neck of these grilled chickens will not move when the shredded meat comes down.

Wen Yantong took a look at the shells that were left beside the chicken stand. The chicken neck was severed with a knife in the middle, and the aunt who sliced ​​the chicken took the chicken neck with her hand and used the knife skillfully.

Seeing this, she finally understood why Chi Jingxi had determined that the murderer was in the dining room.

Because of the inertia of the knife.

If a normal person kills a chicken, the position of the knife must be very random, at most cutting along the chicken head. But the murderer must be a chef who often cuts on the neck of the chicken, so he subconsciously cut off the head and neck of the chicken that the students don't eat.

So I saw no laziness that day, the chicken neck and the head were chopped from the chicken body, because the chef was too cold at night, and was afraid of being discovered, and he was nervous.

Wen Yantong was secretly happy, and realized that he was getting closer and closer to the truth.

She calmed down and ate this dish for several days, and Fu Zixian felt uncomfortable when she saw the chicken.

Finally, on the fifth day, she saw a chicken body without a neck appearing on the plate, exactly the same as a dead body.

The shredded aunt seemed to hate people who cut chicken necks like this, and she cursed in hatred, "It's this old Feng, who takes advantage of this every time. I really don't know how many chicken necks can be filled by eating more chicken necks. Belly!"

Wen Yantong asked kindly, "What's the matter, auntie, isn't this chicken cut beautifully?"

"What's so beautiful!" In the past few days, Wen Yantong often talked to her. The aunt knew her, and naturally said, "The other chefs in the dining room know to leave a section when they cut the chicken neck. It’s convenient to hold it when it’s time. There is only one who wants to take advantage of this, cut off the chicken neck by the root, hey..."

Wen Yantong echoed, "This is all cheap, it's not a thing..."

"Isn't it? No wonder I haven't married a wife when I get older..."

After hearing Yantong's heart, he ran to the dining room after having a quick dinner. I asked the old Feng who didn't ask for a wife, and learned that there was only one old Feng in the dining room. She assuredly asked Lao Feng's residence.

After taking the search to a corner of the courtyard, I learned that this old Feng had gone out to have fun.

Wen Yantong asked a few more words, "How can Feng Chef go out for fun?"

Others sighed, "Who knows, he has always been poor, and he eats, drinks, and has fun whenever he has a little bit of silver in his hand. Recently, I always talk about Xiaoyan in the Qinmo Tower, maybe I'm looking for it."

"Qin Mo Tower?" Wen Yantong wondered, "Where did he go?"

A cook, why go to Qinmo House? The name is not a place for rough people to go.

Who knows that person laughed and said, "What else can I go to, Qin Mo Tower is our famous gentle town in Chaoge!"

Wen Yantong can understand it as soon as he hears it, and secretly said that this song is really evil, a restaurant is named like a brothel, and the name of a brothel is so elegant.

But then she realized that this old Feng might have gone to destroy the evidence.

Where is the brothel? A typical selling gold cave! It is very possible that this old Feng got the silver ticket given by the black hand behind the scenes. He wanted to spend the silver ticket as soon as possible because he was afraid that his head would be exposed. If the denomination of the silver ticket is larger, it is the fastest to go to places like brothels!

Wen Yantong pulled Fu Zi to offer a hand, "Quickly, quickly, let's go!"

As long as you get the banknote in Old Feng's hand, you can find out who instigated him to kill the chicken. The banknote must have a surname, just like the banknote in Wen Yantong's hand, it will always be covered in the lower right corner. Wen's Deposit of Silver" chapter.

Only the silver notes with chapters will take effect in the silver house, so this is why Lao Feng is eager to sell the gold.

Fu Zixian was unclear. Therefore, the two walked all the way from the academy to the door. They used Fu Zixian's jade card to get out of the academy and got into the carriage.

Wen Yantong said anxiously, "Go to Qinmo Tower, the sooner the better!"

Fu Zixian added afterwards, "Don't go too fast, slip on the ground, and beware of accidents."

Hearing Yantong had no objection, the carriage set off and entered the Chaoge Road along the small road to the Qinmo Tower.

Fu Zixian said, "Why are we going to Qinmo Tower?"

"Go get a very important thing." Wen Yantong said, "I hope I can catch up."

When I arrived at Qin Mo Tower, the sky was completely dark. This three-story building is quite magnificent, with colorful printed lanterns hung under the eaves, and beautiful girls are standing at the door to solicit guests. Only in the cold winter and sleet weather, the girl's face and hands were flushed with cold.

Wen Yantong got out of the carriage and was about to go inside, but was stopped by Fu Zixian. His ears were red, and he didn't know if it was cold or something else. He squatted and said, "We, we can't go to this kind of place..."

"It's okay, I just get something, or you wait at the door for a while, and I'll come out in a while." Wen Yantong patted his hand and comforted.

"No, it's forbidden by the academy's express order." Fu Zixian said.

"I'll be out soon." Wen Yantong didn't listen at all, and went in while talking.

Fu Zixian was anxiously spinning around at the door, but in the end she was still worried that she would go in alone, but also bite the bullet and followed up.

On the other side of the street, Chi Jingxi, Mu Yang and others stood. Several people witnessed the carriage being used in front of them, and then heard Yantong and Fu Zixian come down from above, the two said a few words. Fu Zixian wanted to stop, but did not stop Wen Yantong, the two entered the Qinmo Tower one after another.

Mu Yang sighed blankly, "These two **** are so courageous..."

After Wen Yantong entered the brothel, the old bustard happened to meet guests at the door. When he saw her, he immediately approached with a smile, regardless of Wen Yantong's young age, pulling her into it.

Wen Yantong didn't have the time to wrestle with her, and immediately said, "Do you have a girl named Xiaoyan?"

The old bust said, "Yan'er, unfortunately, she was ordered today and she is picking up guests. Why don't you change the son? We have all kinds of girls in this building."

Wen Yantong was overjoyed, and said, "The person who ordered Xiaoyan, is the surname Feng?"

When the old bustard heard it, his face changed immediately. She could see that Wen Yantong was not for selling gold, but for inquiring about the news. The old bustard is a smart woman, naturally knowing that this kind of guest is most likely to cause trouble for her upper body.

Wen Yantong took out a large silver ticket from his sleeve without saying anything, "Is it Feng Feng?"

Seeing the money opened, the old bust smiled sweetly while accepting the cash receipt, "Yes, yes, it is said that he is the cook of Songhai Academy. He likes Xiaoyan in the building the most, and he said he wants to redeem her."

Wen Yantong breathed a sigh of relief, and took out two silver notes, and raised up to the old bustard, "Give me the silver note that the surname Feng gave you today. These two are yours."

When the old bustard heard it, his face changed again.

Wen Yantong was puzzled, and wanted to ask if the old bustard was Li Boyuan's junior sister when he was young, and if the two went to Sichuan to learn to change their faces together.

She said, "If it doesn't happen, it won't happen, son, don't bring disaster to me. I'm just a small brothel and old bustard."

Wen Yantong took out another one, "I'll add another one."

"Adding two more won't make it."

"Three!" Wen Yantong took out all the silver slips, "There is no such shop after passing this village."

I don't know that the old bustard also knows that these things can't be messed up, even if his eyes are red, he bit his mouth and said, "My son, let's look at the other girls in our building..."

She said she was leaving, and winked secretly at the girl next to her.

How could Wen Yantong let her leave easily, busy to catch up.

As soon as she stepped her feet, she tripped over her feet by the girl next to her. Wen Yantong instinctively stretched out her hand in a panic. Who knew she grabbed the old bustard’s clothes, tore her coat torn apart, and fell completely. On the ground.

She got up from the ground in a hurry, and heard the old bustard shouting in a pointed voice, "Indecent!"

She stared and waved her hand, "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

The old bustard is obviously a veteran. As soon as he waved his hand, the nursing home of the brothel poured in from the back door. She shouted, "Catch me to this kid!"

Wen Yantong knew that the old bustard was greedy for her banknotes, and he was secretly misguided. Fu Zixian had only four attendants, and he couldn't beat these nursing homes at all, and if it really caused trouble, Fu Zixian's reputation would be unpleasant.

She didn't care, but she was the son of a wealthy businessman, but Fu Zixian couldn't do it. Although she was a bastard, she was also the son of a prime minister.

After thinking about it a little, he ran out after hearing Yantong, slipping first.

Seeing that she was going to slip away, the nursing home gathered one after another, pushed aside the guests in the building and speeded up to surround her. Fu Zixian, who was surrounded by several girls, also saw Wen Yantong's side, and hurriedly pushed away the girls beside him.

The only advantage is that Wen Yantong is not far from the door. Although he is lame, he is not satisfied with the running speed.

Fu Zixian turned pale with fright, and when he saw a piece of bright clothing in one hand and a banknote in the other, he asked loudly, "What happened?!"

"Don't ask! Run!" Wen Yantong got short and got out of the crowd.

She cursed secretly in her heart, and the words in it were all deceptive! Didn’t the old bustards in the brothel have their eyes open when they saw money? This old bustard is obviously jealous when seeing Qian, and wants to kill!

The section at the entrance of Qinmo Tower was extremely slippery with snow piled up. When Wen Yantong ran out, he made a big squeak and almost dropped the fork on the spot. Fortunately, it was stabilized.

Fu Zixian didn't know if he was too scared, or he couldn't stabilize his figure, he fell on all sides as soon as he went out, and slid down the three-story ladder.

Upon seeing this, Wen Yantong hurriedly turned his head to help him. After such a delay, the nursing home in the brothel had chased him out.

The four attendants guarding the carriage saw the master being chased, and immediately surrounded him, and immediately drew the knife from his waist and blocked it in front of Fu Zixian.

The guards of the brothel are crowded, and they are not afraid, and they surround the carriage with people.

The old bustard walked out of the crowd and stood on the three steps, and said to Wen Yantong condescendingly, "I want to leave if I'm ashamed of my old lady? Leave all the cash on your body today, otherwise your other leg is today. Lame too."

Wen Yantong's face was ugly.

Too much care, a loss of inexperience! I thought I could go if I asked for a silver ticket, but I didn't want this old bustard to be so difficult.

"Why is this, so lively?" Suddenly, there was a lively voice from the side.

When everyone looked back together, they saw Mu Yang who was holding hands.

Chi Jingxi was beside him, her handsome eyebrows were pale, as if she were a passing person.

But at this time he was standing not far away, quietly looking at the surrounded Wen Yantong.

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