The Urban Dao Child

Chapter 344: Heat.

Yang Dao was diving deep in the ice-cold blue water. He had never imagined that cold can be this cruel. He had never felt the need to change his water temperature. The hot shower he took was something natural. The water had heated up according to his comfort level. This was just like how he had never been bothered by the cold or the heat.

The dao child can also be called the child of nature. He could tell that the blood in his body had frozen to the point of crystallization. Suddenly he opened his dao eyes and saw that he was getting closed to the blob of light. The blob of light that gave off a glimmering shine was only as big as a house when he was outside, but not it has been slowly getting bigger.

The human body had the property of buoyancy, diving with your weight applied to a certain distance. Despite the crystallization of his blood, the boy was able to dive using the source energy of earth elements.

His bones were denser and his weight has increased, allowing him to dive slowly. His limbs had stopped moving a long time ago. However, despite the cold, his brain was working at peak performance. He finally realized why this place was only for those who had learned fire element.

He began to focus on the heat inside his body. His blood has been frozen, his brain was being protected by the source energies. He was awake because the body was consuming the source energies at a fast pace. Yang Dao focused on the heat in his brain and began to accumulate it.

The heat slowly started to melt his blood vessels and capillaries. The heat began to circulate in his body, and slowly it started to make his blood melt. producing heat cost him all his source energy. It took him two hours to melt the blood in his heart and organs before he depleted his source energy resources.

He also began to swim faster. The blob of light was almost in his reach when his body lost the support of earth source energy. The buoyancy got the chance to act on his body. Yang Dao could not afford to be pushed back into the deep icy waters. He will surely die if he did this. He gathered a shred of wind energy in his body and cast a drill around him. The water diverted for a moment and that was all the time he needed.

The boy sunk deep and he touched the blob of light. A strong force sucked him inside. The next thing he knew was darkness and warmth. He never imagined how darkness can bring someone comfort. It was ironic how the light he yearned for, gave him pain while, after reaching the goal, he submerged into darkness.

He did not know for how long he was unconscious. However, it was very calm and soothing for him. When he woke up, he sat up alerted. The boy looked around and found himself in a dark alley. Suddenly, a strong stench made him realize that he was lying in the sewer. The OCD kicked in and he jumped up on his feet.

The sewer was open, unlike the ones in the city. The sewer was more like a ditch. He found a relatively clean corner and began to climb up. The speed was affected by occasion dregs of decomposing crap on the cliffside.

He navigated his way through the shit pile and came up to the normal surface. He heard a hoarse voice, "Hmm, someone can survive that shit hole? How depraved can you be, boy?"

The next moment, a knife was placed over Yang Dao's nape. The boy could sense that he had encountered a strong opponent, but he was not afraid. He had confidence in his abilities. A stinky breath collided with his face and the man said, "Where did you pretty boy come to this place? What did you achieve? Plunder or arson, or did you commit fleshy sin? Hahaha ha, teenagers do that right?"

Yang Dao suddenly reacted and his elbow hit the breast bone of the man behind him. The gap between them was thus an inch, but it was enough. The elbow shunned the man off a bit. In this place, people were fierce but they also feared for their lives. He did not expect Yang Dao to act so carelessly.

The Dao Child turned around and with a quick action took hold of the knife holding wrist of the man. His next step was not to snatch the knife away, but to hit the inside of the man's elbow with his palm. This made the hand bent, and the knife was lodged inside the man's throat before he could even react.

His wrinkled face had a horrified expression, his pupils were dilated into pinpoints. He did not expect that this boy will kill him. Elementalists were strong, but they were not immortals. Their bodies were mortal. And without a body, the soul will not live in this realm. The rule of the world will erase it.

The wrinkly man died, Yang Dao pulled out the knife from his throat and pushed the man over the cliff. Looking at the shit hole from this place, he realized that it was a mass graveyard. The place was filled with dead bodies of people who might have died in this place. The stench was not of rotten crap but flesh.

The dregs Yang Dao avoided on the way up to the cliff were pieces of flesh as well. This made him nauseous. However, he had not eaten anything for months, so he could only spit. The source of energy inside him was the fuel to his body, but now that it was exhausted, he would have to accumulate it again.

The boy sighed and looked at the sky, cursing Ryu Jinshi in his heart. Only now did he notice that the place was surrounded by a bubble of air that kept the water at bay. He mumbled, "Giants are also fragile."

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