The Urban Dao Child

Chapter 342: Punishments.

Yang Dao sensed the fire heating him on the inside and then he gradually calmed down. This was just the beginning. He needed to go to a place abundant in the fire to communicate with the element. With that thought in his mind, he opened his eyes and retracted from the state of meditation.

However, the excitement in his heart died down. He saw four figures bent to face him. He wanted to run away and never to face them earlier, but while talking to Dallia he found out that what happened was their fault but it was because they did not have complete control of their temperaments.

Dallia told him, "Yoru familiars will play a significant role in your growth. It is not that I have never received any aid, but the aid was short-lived. The spirits of the four ancient beasts are neutral. They make mistakes but that is because when the incarnation is born, it is tinted by the flaws of the world they are in.

I hope you try and look past it. Only with the spirits can the dao be balanced. Do you understand?"

In the time they were conversing, their bond has grown from strangers to acquaintances and then friends. They exchanged ideas to solve the troubles faced by the worlds they are in. They exchanged knowledge.

Yang Dao wanted to talk more but Dallia had to leave for some tasks at her hand. She had told him that they might be able to meet when he masters the laws again. The next set of laws he needed to master were creation and destruction. How these laws were different from life and death will be something he will find out later on his journey.

He gazed at the four people and could sense their shivering. They were in their mortal forms right now. Their bodies were already past their limits yet they insisted on prostrating to him. He cannot say that he did not feel anything. His heart was not made of stone. He could not change what has happened in the past but it still pained him.

The four have also sensed his gaze but they did not dare to raise their heads to look at him. The boy opened his dao eyes and said, "Raise your heads."

The four people shivered and raised their heads, however, the eyes were still staring at the floor. Yang Dao found that the two girls had violet arms. The clifftop was cold at night and for a mortal, it was indeed harsh. They also had swelling on their bodies. He sighed and waved his hands, directing a wave of earth source energy into the ladies. These two had no involvement in the crime committed by the two men.

The earth source energy healed their ailments and Yang Dao said, "Undo your seals. You have been punished enough. Also, Sister Yun, go easy on killing people, your spirit is too violent now."

His address was enough to make her heart of the phoenix fly up in the skies. However, she calmed down as well. She was not going to let this little thing get to her head now and serve him to the best of her abilities (not behind closed doors).

Yang Dao cast his gaze at laohu Bai and said, "Baibai, you too, calm your heart, the rage in your heart is not good."

Laohu Bai replied, "Yes, Master." she had completely surrendered herself to the identity of a servant of the Dao Child.

Yang Dao glanced at the two men and said, "I know that you two had control over your tainted temperament at that moment, however, you have done something that my heart will be burdened with for my whole life. I am the Dao Child, the incarnation of the great dao in a human form. This body of mine is a mortal and it carries over the burdens of morality. I cannot get rid of the relations and the debts incurred throughout my life.

The people you killed were responsible to bring me to this world. That debt can never be paid off. Similarly to me, you also have some debts over yourselves. The debt of life, the debt of my childhood. The debt of hericide. You will have to pay them off with sincere efforts. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." said the two people in unison. They did not have any arrogance or hesitation inside their hearts anymore.

Yang Dao nodded and continued speaking, "Ryu Jinshi for the act of killing two parents, you are to look after people and serve them till they pass away in an old age home. You must choose healthy old people if I am to discover that you slacked off in some way. I will kill you and have you incarnate again. Since you were impulsive back then, learn to be patient. Do you accept?"

The man replied, "Yes, Master."

Yang Dao said again, "Atsuji Krogame, your ignorance and slacking behavior led to a child suffering a childhood without parents, you are to adopt a child and teach him all your skills and nurture him with care and love. Since you used to be in control of everything, learn the spontaneity of a child. Do you accept?"

The old man nodded and said in a hoarse voice, "Yes, Master."

Yang Dao punished them in a constructive way. This was to make the flaws in their characters to be removed completely. They may have reflected on it by themselves but who knows when the flaws might resurface in the future?

Yang Dao waved his hand to undo the seals of the two people and said, "I will be going off to practice at the volcanic regions. Go do your jobs correctly. Baibai is to monitor you, she has the right and power to kill you the instant you exceed the limit of error. Laohu Bai, since you could not change what happened in the past, you have the chance to watch over things now and change them if something goes wrong, Do you accept?"

Laohu Bai nodded and said, "Yes, Master."

Yang dao looked at Feng Yun and said with a smile, "Sister Yun, you go back to deal with the business. Being away from the company might hinder future plans. You go back and get things done in accordance with the plans. Okay?"

Feng Yun asked, "Am I not to be punished?"

Yang Dao shook his head and said, "Who told you to cry because my clothes were dusty?"

He stood up and cleaned his clothes with a wave of his hand and said, "I will be back after mastering the fire element."

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