Yue Xiuzhi frowned and asked, "What happened?"

"Since you repelled Saint Xing, Master, they haven't come to Jiuhuaxiao again, but they have accelerated their plan to open the passage to the demon world." Pei Xiaoming replied.

"Jun Huachen said that there are two transcendent people in the Saint's Walk, but at the beginning, I don't know if there are any restrictions on the shots of these two transcendent realms, and they have never made a move. So the ones who fight us are always transcendent people below the border."

"In the beginning, we were quite comfortable. But during this period of time, for some reason, Saint Xing and Saint Xing rose faster and faster in the realm of the strong in the sect. Especially Saint Xing, there suddenly appeared several Guiyi At the peak of the realm, we almost failed to stop them several times."

What Pei Xiaoming didn't say was that they almost failed to stop them a few times later, and they narrowly won by relying on the assistance of "Junhuachen"'s Huaqing Pavilion at critical moments.

He wouldn't say such a thing that might win favor! (Turn head.jpg)

Yue Xiuzhi heard that Sheng Zhe Xing had made rapid progress recently, so he knew that it should be his fault. After the restriction of Heavenly Dao was broken, the upgrading of these high-end combat powers was indeed much faster, especially for sects with profound foundations like Saints, once there was no suppression, it was natural for them to make rapid progress.

Fortunately, he only walked for a month. If he walked for a year and a half, it is estimated that the sage will have a few more escapes, but these are all consuming the power of heaven.

However, he never expected that he had killed a large number of the envoys who had returned to the One Realm before, and even Bai Hengqi, the suzerain of the Saints, had been beaten to death by him. Hidden enough.

"Besides, I've heard some rumors recently that the Saints are going to take action on those transcendent realms." Pei Xiaoming added with a solemn expression.

Yue Xiuzhi frowned, feeling that this matter was indeed a bit tricky.

The remaining two Transcendence Realms of Saints' Walk are at least in the mid-transcendence stage and above, and they may have reached the late Transcendence Stage. No one is weaker than him, and he has lived thousands of years longer than him.

And Bai Hengqi has so many treasures on him, these two old monsters must have more treasures - otherwise, it would be Bai Hengqi's turn.

It's not that he can't beat them... Yue Xiuzhi is not afraid of the two of them now, but he fights twice, life and death are hard to say, and he is afraid of those two, one will hold him back, and the other will cause trouble.

Yue Xiuzhi was struggling when he saw another black figure passing by in the sky, and then a familiar face appeared in front of him.

Jun Huachen... No, Pei Ming.

Pei Xiaoming saw the face of the person who came, and suddenly became angry, and was about to fight him—although there was a high probability that he would not be able to beat him, but he saw "Jun Huachen" suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged his master.

Different from the action that he likes to bow into the arms of the master, he stretches out his hand to hold the master in his arms, as if he wants to integrate the person in his arms into his flesh and blood, revealing a kind of... the rest of his life, The meaning of lost and found.

Pei Xiaoming was taken aback by his own thoughts: How could I feel this way?

Little Huangjiu was originally standing on Yue Xiuzhi's shoulders, but after Pei Ming suddenly took Yue Xiuzhi into his arms, it flapped its wings and flew out in panic.

Yue Xiuzhi was also taken aback by Pei Ming's sudden movement, but he heard Pei Ming put his chin on his neck and muttered to himself, "It's a good thing you're fine..."

Yue Xiuzhi originally wanted to hate Pei Ming, a hands-on guy, but he heard Pei Ming's words.

He froze for a moment, and asked Pei Ming, "Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Although the words were very dissatisfied, there was no impatience in his tone.

He felt that Pei Ming was so nervous that something had really happened.

Pei Ming shook his head and said, "It's fine."

Under his seemingly calm words, there was great panic and joy hidden.

Yue Xiuzhi didn't know, but after Pei Ming watched him walk into the crack in the space, he suddenly noticed an undetectable vibration in the space.

It's really subtle. If Pei Ming didn't pay close attention to everything about Yue Xiuzhi, he would never notice this difference.

After he noticed it, he quickly used his spiritual sense to probe into the cracks in the space, only to find that the space showed signs of collapse!

Once the teleportation space collapses, the Yue Xiu Zhi inside will be instantly shattered by the power of space, not to mention corpses, not even remnants of souls will be left behind!

He was so frightened that his heartbeat almost stopped, and he continued to send divine power to try to maintain the stability of the space, because the incident happened suddenly, and if he was a step late, it might really be too late.

But even so, this space collapse is like a flood once it collapses, and it is difficult to stop. The whole space was on the verge of collapse, and a force joined in midway, maintaining this space, and only then did Yue Xiuzhi be saved.

Afterwards, his consciousness rushed into the depths of the mysterious world, and asked Tiandao: "What's going on?! Didn't you open this teleportation space? Why did it suddenly collapse?!"

The voice of Tiandao was still as calm as ever: "You also know that the space is inherently unstable. The transmission between the two worlds is even more so. It is not surprising that there are accidents."

"I have also been guarding the space. If it weren't for me, whether you can save that person is another matter."

Pei Ming knew that Tiandao was talking about the power added in the middle, and at the last moment, this power did play an important role.

"How does this venerable know if you want to get rid of him without anyone noticing, and in the end, I found out that you did it to remove the suspicion of yourself?" Pei Ming asked coldly.

"Although it is very important for you to take action... But I love him more than my own life. If it really comes to the last moment, I will protect him even if I give up my life!"

Tiandao sighed: "How do I know your love? Whether you believe it or not, I have no reason to harm him."

Indeed, the more the vital points of the Dao of Heaven are cultivated, what good is it for it?

Moreover, the space is inherently unstable, and accidents are normal... But Pei Ming will never ignore the accident that nearly killed Yue Xiuzhi.

In the end, he just put down a sentence coldly: "Don't let me find out next time!"

Then he used his spiritual consciousness to weave a huge and fine net, which firmly sealed off the space where the consciousness of heaven lived.

In this way, no matter what happens to the Heavenly Dao, it cannot escape his surveillance... But the Heavenly Dao has great powers, so this can only be regarded as a preventive measure that is better than nothing.

"You and I are one body to maintain this world together. Why do you do this?" Tiandao sighed, showing nothing to the big net woven by Pei Ming's spiritual sense.

"I can't trust you." After Pei Ming finished speaking, he left the space.

He was already extremely cold, and he generally would rather kill something that was a potential threat to Yue Xiuzhi than let it go, but now, it's not time to tear his face with Tiandao.

This side is said to belong to the gods, but it is actually the way of heaven.

It is difficult for him to estimate the power of Tiandao, but one thing is certain - Tiandao is stronger than him.

He doesn't care about his own life or death, but if he loses, the way of heaven is really harmful to the heart of self-cultivation, then he can't protect the one he loves.

"Jun Huachen" who felt the same as him, naturally also panicked at the moment he sensed the accident, and later realized that Yue Xiuzhi had safely arrived at the original site of the Jiuxiao Mountains, so he went directly to him.

He didn't tell Yue Xiuzhi about it, because he felt that it had no effect except to worry Yue Xiuzhi.

If it was really an accident, then peace is everyone's happiness. If Tiandao really did it on purpose, then it's useless to tell Yue Xiu to fix it.

Tiandao's methods are unpredictable, and the more you practice it, the more difficult it is to guard against. Instead of telling him to make him frightened, it is better to pay attention to it all the time... Besides, this matter is my own guess. Tiandao's attitude is not wrong, and he has no motive. It's even worse to tell Yue Xiuzhi.

"Is it okay?" Yue Xiuzhi frowned and looked at Pei Ming with some doubts in his tone.

"I just miss you so much." Pei Ming said, rubbing Yue Xiuzhi's neck, "I haven't seen you for a month."

When Yue Xiuzhi heard this, he sent a voice transmission to Pei Ming: "What are you dreaming about? Don't we meet every day?"

He transmitted the sound mainly because he was worried that Xiao Ming would hear it.

Pei Ming also spoke confidently: "That's the main body, not me! He's bullied you for a month, and I've long since seen him unhappy!"

Yue Xiuzhi is also drunk, this person even eats his own jealousy.

In fact, if "Jun Huachen" is really a pure clone of Pei Ming, he will really be jealous of his main body. But he is a part of Pei Ming Yuanshen. They not only share the same feelings, but also transmit the thoughts in their hearts in real time. The thoughts of "Jun Hua Chen" here are the thoughts and thoughts of the main body.

It's just that the main body is more powerful, and he can multi-purpose. While concentrating on thinking about the affairs of "Jun Huachen", he was dealing with the affairs of the God Realm.

Seeing that the **** "Jun Huachen" was still holding on to him, Pei Xiaoming, who was on the side, was about to explode with anger.

Yue Xiuzhi also felt that it was not good for him to cuddle like this in front of his son... and he had always rejected being too close to Pei Ming, so he quickly pushed him away.

Pei Ming didn't stop him this time, but let Yue Xiuzhi leave his arms, still looking at Yue Xiuzhi with a smile on his face.

Seeing that the shameless **** finally let go of his master, Pei Xiaoming immediately pulled out Nishui and chopped out a thunderbolt!

Before, he was worried about accidentally hurting his master, but now that the two of them have finally separated, he naturally wants to beat this guy to death!

However, Pei Ming dodged quickly, and the thunder drew a deep mark on the ground.

In the thousands of miles of incomparably smooth ground, this deep mark is particularly conspicuous.

Seeing that Pei Ming hid far away, Pei Xiaoming was even less worried that he would accidentally injure his master, and he was about to cut down again when he raised Nishui.

But I heard the master sternly shouted: "A Ming, stop!"

Pei Xiaoming had never disobeyed his master's words, but he was really stimulated by the picture of "Jun Huachen" hugging his master. He gritted his teeth, poured all his spiritual power into the reverse water, and chopped down with all his strength!

He naturally knew that "Jun Huachen" had a high level of cultivation, so this action could not do anything to him, at most it would hurt him. Because although Pei Xiaoming was angry, he didn't use the five transcendent realm thunder tribulations left by his master.

But who would have thought that "Junhuachen" directly grabbed the thunderbolt, flung it casually, and a thousand meters away was another deep mark hundreds of meters away.

Yue Xiuzhi was also taken aback: it was the first time he had seen someone catch mines with bare hands.

But Pei Ming had too many things against the sky, so he was slightly surprised, and didn't delve into it further.

But he heard Pei Ming send him a voice transmission: "I have studied the laws of this world before. Although I haven't gone deep, I have grasped a little bit of the surface."

When Yue Xiuzhi heard this sentence, his first reaction was not to surprise Pei Ming's against the sky, but: So you said that I am an outsider, and your rules don't apply. I really lied to me! You even know the laws of this world!

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